TH E Vol II. WOLVERINE ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1911. No. 2I. LEAGUE DOES GREAT WORK AMONG WOMEN Housing Problem Is Now on the Way to a Satisfactory Solution VAN TYNE TELLS OF DANUBE TRIP Describes Experiences as Canoeist on k Historic Stream a HALL WILL BE ERECTED SOON ONCE POSED AS AN ANARCHIST In less than three years the Women's Shooting the dreaded iron gates of the League has practically provideti for tihe Danube, getting arrested iy Servian po- sousing ted social welfare of tile wom- lice, andcth11r harrowing experienices arc en (If the uivtersity. Over $.T5,o0o for sitl on the day's programi when you spendu a residlental hall 11115been raised, and y'our ihoneymoono in a canole 011 tihe'is- general living eontditiontsihere h(IslenCC tIori ttEopsean riveCr, according tol Prof. immllenlsely ]setteredl. C.I..bai T ynie, 01111lectred Tuestday Thte movement nas set o foot its aftertooo(f tis bridal trill from the July, 19115, liy Clara As'ery' of Detrsit, Black Forest to tile lack Sca. Not- who gutvC $500 to the womenC o1111COlidli"51ithistlandongthese 11(1usual features elf I for womeii. Itn the fall of 'to, tite Wo011- tile11rottblc, says thte piofessorlotro ca's L~eagute at onice took op the work no1 othtet strim willthtIvragerCl Icct andti appoIitedIMyrtle Whtite to act as5 wihisctnetry 01oCe l 1 i 1or Ile iii r, f'ian~cial secretarey wss'tii( tonly succeed- dilse ed ill gettinig 10111y subscriptionsO, b11111 i ' 1 11(1 I I '1~, i 1 1511 aruilsinlg aIiesviperead intelrestand111(enI- ti 'atUl, l r is clcrs lpassedI Ite east, Miss Wite atid Mr. Zack Rice ihe II so 1 ~e iii cao'er euai.RtI ef Detroit, Itrelil(cet for ite 111111, visit-swfmosi .);al1