-ve a hobby in making
Fancy Creamfs and Ices
Special Occasions
Its the doteg the ine thin'-. the nicr
things, of a catrer's art thatswe so-
ploy. And, because we are not rushed
with the malinf of thousands of got-
tons, we oar sot the exqist
touches into our delroles.whichtooako
you gursts ast, "where diet you get
this rdelicious iee?"
Trubey's Place
116 South Mlain Street
BellI Phone 166
Tesa 00osr fu theSecond Floo
Make ouzr Store
Youzr Shoppizsg
Headquxarters U
MACK(ft Co.
LAW Brief Cases
tOrthoes of Boohs, tc.
NEWOlse seer thano Seconsd Hansd
Edwards Brothers
320 S.OrSte.OsOve belssss
Believe 111 Sigils
Let us nmake you a
Sketch and give you
a price on anything
in the Sign line
Weissigner Sign Co.
Phone 910-L
ICentired 0from Pare 1-. A aslt of 01seefforts of thse Awao ficif tsgasspo~iit is swece-
CIIt;aicoes tistss ITHte ssStusnts'Ysas.C. arousse ssing sver Cicag 'o,'osslit poseos to
Spasngostelneeesot is teGesstva-sCossfetssce, srisse the w siy esty ottJssly 22, wsens
Spekisg f lsephsosnetic ttschan ite ssl sets iisae altecatty ssiscfid ashst of Michitosansto 151ssst lt5
FePofessoe Biekisoff said, "By tostg pes heesslsts f csssthehesess osi stt ess it itlafstaldeh ass
tice thschciildt actquiees thec ability to s soher tetisen aef ated ing he e-fesossllatorn itFterfoeilaeslay's
asnd to peoduse e Otoussssssconstisuin isto.Xr T eesse:ti K theiCeltalkerh ossisnd s tavisenit tark orass lof s
the lasnguage, so thaot lboiihthselistlesses ge ree 1e .Clis ah uig neaoaepormo n
andth chldarecovinedhe aslean-essnePF Ksssss sitrtle TobiasI Eta L. Ie staimet leas seess arrassgedt hethe
ed te lnguge prfetly Buta Octg k cssHle tHasersAlice Casostbelleomtssteest itushare of tto affair ands
cnot nuciatigsaonpeftho.h twh it it octHeets Gihson asset Mls. C. .Daiss. tliss woislsstclue ai basebltsl msatchshe-
gsi mpertcettttibltttfito tat e itryear The conftees an ass alssmeetingtgwseesn Iwo iheavy btests, swhichs hase beesn
gsnssobt elous, foccoulsrs wiearoof alt tise Studet Y.NW.C. A.'s of ltse ofiillytitled, the"'ldtsees"astooOtt
sucsssesadiessanste gusslasriltytatsnoerts-est, andtsowitlObe h1ld at Laske "younsgsters." Thteforerelintetuissill
somoe slishtrisdffesenceeitwoseesn lhe ottO Gesneva' WisosisfeomtsAtugus tse o bitse eletdfeosts Micitgass geadss who
ands tlse sets geeraiosmstonsecessarily Sietee 4.Thse mrinttsgs swiltltoe de- hoast of a clssro r eleto spoo, ite lattee
he asstumoed. Itofasctltse dlifferetoehe- soled to Bible mi55s s ssty elasses, will he masde tsp of smessfeotm classes
tswes gerssdparsesst andsigerandchildlis faul oferescessssdstoesiusoatdres- gradusatisng intshie putsecade. A gent-
usosallyssufficien toseasted tolbe snotice- ses asnd disessossof ls tneedis of sir- eal1piesnic is ptosoisedlandotheOtoThtossas
abl; nd hedifernceina fw entr-denots, rod tse aftessoosns to receatioss. Oeechesters hastheessesngaged to pr-
Oes heeomtes apparenst to lte sosspee- Ott "College Bay,"eaceht isstitutionoreel- sitde stosie fore uctson.
fiia bsrvr eefomwitenmno esecoted wil rsn oesecial foest
msens.a of esstertainsmess. Summser School Books. New and
ass croclsionor ofessor Ostkhoff said Loase Gesseva is admalsssoit uated asnd second hued Dietionaries, Art Lisnes,
wsths rsc toso influecae of thocthseoryosse of thse otOestowsummssoer esrts etc. C. B. Baethell, 326 S. State St.,
of esvoltitonsoposs lhe stussy of lssg- iso the coonerysaddsi is expectesd that a scosod floor. Tel 761-L. n-tn.
rare, six e sate teasrnesi to tool: tlo steumboestill add tirs sasses to ithe list
00r fieists foert csvelopmtst'o At least, of thsose soohsaie aleeatdy deeided to HOME TEA ROOM.K
toe reeognizee that ltediffeensces exist- attesnd sloe coferesse. The New IdIosne Tea Rooa tos where
insg asre sot duse to stsddgss Is atsfoessa- ichetigasn stusdesnts eat, scly don't yost?
bostt, hot resutrfsossagradssua loce cotter cPLseeTOHAS LGHTTROUBLE. Everythissgihonme-nmade. Opess front 8
cepilie lsssgs s~sehate Isatstenlto Deeto terakissg of 5aiboilte sca. 111. to 7 P. sos. otoE. Washingon,
tinki tihat language saseerad-spted lostlis tfesrtoontthOtoessnieesity tooweerusd floot of toagldsg. t1_I
thoc steeds of the seakercrueesde as loss" isasnt soesin sconvsensienccwsa expee-
ts man~ is ceeselioqusenst iasdl 1efsned sencesibyItshiose uingsselecteic ligloos
at sanassprogeesoas ess clturss o eSaveto co tisrotcet iytsh~e ttun oivesity tstom. atis teUse of
learedeito atue e verysssc so-ces BlToats ttincts uingss 0tissafteessooss,
pheoenoosnsso too somse aeu auascs- ltse otigtstwiltltoe sssnswoerkig ordeerho- Paying Four Dollars
cause. Bu st la stsgag s no an org n- ton iht.
siss. Iitohtstoo plysctIaal exseeands
W tIttE sill yoss spenistyouriSusonemeratiosn?5 Why sot enjoy tte
chrs sof or iladSioteasthe msot plesanrtuandeconomtical utingi
* in Amserica.
Al Athtsissspusantportsssn te setlakesareoreacthedtregaulhythse
excellet srfsscots 0 :tI.t ake Line..Tae ten large Steamersof thsis
flet are of moderns5 itt l t~r~in nd have riO theqsultissof speesd,
sfetyand couufurt.
ual "ts.. pertdbewe etroit andCleelssnt,tDetroitan
S Buffalo;lfour trips weekty hetween Toledo,Dtoiet, tsr e or etsitdrad wa
I ports; threetripsrwekyhbeso-entTleduollainds,andcPut-in-ttlay.
AClevtsad toMackinac specialoisteamerwiltsbeopeatdtwotrips
weokyfrot Jn s sthtotreptcsitsr Lothstoppitsgontyat Derot eerytrip
andoderich, Ont., eyottser trip.
Speciat Day Trtps Betweet Detrett and Ctevetand, During Juty and Augitstr
IRtLRODiTCKETS AVAtLABLE: -Tickets reading via aty rail lite between Detroit atd Buffalo
and Detroit atd Ceveetatd wilt be hotored for tratsportationton D. & C. lite Steamers it either
rSnd caet stamp fortIllustrated Pamsphlet anddGreeat akes flap.
Address: L. G. Lewis, G. P. A., Detroit, Mich.
Philip H. Mr. Milan, Pros. A. A. Schantz, Gen'lMe,.
W M~T7 J~IE"
061 .1-C~wlMU=TgydL+"WAV/r ;L!S
sonls- liyanalsogyosansitssislasaofsorgassic
natebea ppcIo iedlucto too s The wststdeptis-
ses assasysilsw ishteibrestshtshatutersit.
IEiersystossd is snets woessi isolatced,
aisiocstoos onnectedtwstllte sitio
totsltof lnag-tes-tonlys inth~e conoscisous-
ness of th0 seae Watoos tl twe call
lanustage s an assractio ;w ltee
utsy studreality it hs it ha ssintshtt
mtisod of the speaksee. Its lust tooystories
still soot he solv-ed unitil the humsasonominid
tics beoforestansiotiensbsooks. Thastslay
seessbut littlenae oisnw hatt
;t seas cesoturesso."
eoVessoos Lt' OtIR0vAoCATION.
Peof. Caeyo LHull, of the fotrestry
epoartmoent, left AAsosirbor yat aeeday
foe the iBiolsogitcal satniatBooglas
Lake. He stilt spendsthlistrest of Ithe
summsoer sessiono there ifter swhichs te
still go os-er he fSte-atricen rsegiono,
and st-at viegino forests itt left inthc
storthserno part of tse state.
Beast Mortimooer F.Cooley tush leave
for Fesch Ricer, Caiada, sext Suns-
doe, where toescull spensutht~e rest of
tto summsner.
Pennants, fancy work ansd curios; hest
prieso. Palais Royal, tag E. Liherty.
Oting trorsers, flassnels and tropical
Woorsteds. Alien's Good Cloths Stres
Main So. t-tr.
H-at-c yost tried spesidisng your weeks-
encd vacatioo at Whiitmsore ? It is Olirts-
censsisthe rousnds trip. Thoe Cliftons Itus
unsder the manssageumentt of Met. Stork
gives promopt service. She osakes a
splecialty servinug ciensoss, lft, asnd frog
leg dinsners. S-to.
Likse a drinik of frosts, cool botteentilk,
thsicks frost the cliuon's Ask foe it at-
stoe. Wurster Bros., Cor, Del. and
CatheriseSts. Bell 423; Hlonme040.
The latest English shoapes in plain
colors and ceks. Allenu's Good Clothes
Store, Ma/in Si. u-to.
tooLts. T 1S A R tout us host stu usY.
To elate toe sengineering" lc depatmsent
andu tto loss depstartenthiseorganized
summ~oser- schsoostbsalltamsi. Tle
tsubject is, lhowseecr scootngagitateio n i
sheloe ry aor ndss medsoiscol departets
ansds it sissopedtsatthere t stwi )tto
sorees assorgansizedi ttinsthe couse
of thuesent fossits Thitsirst itter-
departental ontest tioltak laice
Sauordays-at 3:r5 stwosentoe55n555eors asse
laws a-ill cirott hto s.
SENIORs nscostisatSt]=oatoi'rATINa.
Harsold I. H/askinosst eItsjoist hoots
released frs to thlohoe Isitaslswhoee
tie recenttlyundoserwenit a setvee opera-
tions ott a numtobersf elefecelitetesis its
lois tog. FHaskinshstfigsred proumi-
testIly isogesnesritcamus activities dusr-
tug tilt collegeeorse, hoistschiefly 10
univisersity o- litis.5 Ito silt returnstoI
lis hsomesie tin the weetk,.andc will re-
turnssto resumesorkonin list fall.
A comoplete stocks of Classic asnd Pop-
ular Muntieandsi'Musical Supplies at ltse
Usniversity Music ouose. S-to.
A week for board 'when you can
get good home cooking at
ty paying four weeks in advance.,
336 S. Division Street
Phone 212-J
C.apitasl - - $300,000.00
Surplus sod Profits - $100,000.00
5'coources - - $2.800,000,00
A getneat baninsg businss transaeted
-N. W. CornerlMtsitsandsuit n s t.
1 r
The Ann Arbor Dye Work
Frenecs Dry ansd Steams
Hihest 01asos ofOWori. 04 0.tWaslintonsSt
Bel Phone 620
Rowve's Laundry
4061 Detrolt St.
Worki Neatly ansd Prompety Donse
THOMAS ROWE, Prop. Bell Phone 45i
a The'Ger oyle
One Btock from Campus
t 209 South State Street
Rates, $4.00 Per Week
AssiAutbors r os l
sn i nest s olduso
I. N OWLIN, Proprn
W;. C. NOWLIN, Mngr.
UGranger's Academy of Dancing
Summer School Massse forLadiessndGetleenesssedayssandtter.
begins Tuesday, July tt115..
Far Parnkaulars call at Academy er Phone 246 Office Sears 10 to 12 a. m.
The Ann Arbor
Swimming o
Will be Open
Every Day Except Sunday
9 A.Mll. to 9 P. M.
It is refreshing to take a hath in nice cool spring wafer.
713 S. FIFTH AVE. Phone 996 2 Rings
Wser Bros. tell
chesee, tho lit falions
Betroit asse Catherisne
liomeio 4.
ott kisd. Cor.
St. Bell 423;
I ule a '11ne Steam and lFrencsh
A' tL~er~. 'p~.4 nner Dry Cleaners
619 E. Wllian- St. Suzita Preased 25c Trousers D0c