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July 20, 1911 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Wolverine, 1911-07-20

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LU C ES Ie Creama All nailer in lbis colunin oust be paid
for iinadvance. Office bours.: 1.30 to
338 S- State Street 3 P. I'
- ,oiiied-A yong mto heblp iwithi the
The'IYostt fti he -oe ltiioiii dis1esin ibeeening, fsr bis dii mtrs.
in ry-np stye._____________________
IWonlid-T'ho trn t o orksaternoos
Laces, Polishes, Etc. this iWeek. 2; cents anhoer. Appily
3 __________________________ WolverS i rne.ouitec, S eclii sdsy at
The University Shoe Shop
6113 East iiam ii Streeti _ Wiiiled-Studtet ntish is capabte of
toitgi, sign wr iting for Dept. stnce.
iplty at ontce to Mack & Co. 7-Il.

You nwil uiwasiliuuia, ttigelieof
The East University Pharmacy
]2it<. 'uiinrsity Ave.
0.r.-P.-ies aeRigt
U, of M. and
i iiCano is1nd 3B its Rted Io
P. G. TESSMER, Proprietor
Ilntii Smutons 656
Capital $00,000 Snurulus adP iufts$80,0ii
Rtesouries $1,300,000
101-103-105 S. Main St.. Ans Arbor, Mich.

Local Agents Wanted in every city and
cot mty in Michiga to iitroduce a nene
abor savitug device tbt positively
sclls itselwtierever nthownnsanoary
$6o tscr iiontti andotltberao mmiussnion
to ine urn. giS Ctiaiber oi Corn-
inecce, Detroit. 2-5.
Wteud-To nclt or rent a eciioe for tthe
nsummer sesion. Catt at 224 S. Tbov-
'Tutoring in Rtictoriecoand Engtistc
Pricen reasonabte. Adtcrens, tLown,
Press Duititing. Phone pbo. 4-6.
Wteuld-A good, retiablte persni to
rooman id hoarct ten or Inwetve Senior
Etngineers bselongiitg to a perumaneint,
retiable organiation. Schtoot year
iTt -12. Adtdress "F. M.," care of
G ioi~s orofcter, PrestBtdg. 6=1.
FPor Rent-tDesiraobie tront coons, onr
itockc froms ciiiitia, t1t1tfS. l.Uiver-
ity, cor. Cburcti.
lini Stile .\uioli towni icanse, fllytt
equippedi, ptrfcet c oniiitioin. BSgE.
ashol""Ito, ]lie ii y-J.
Thei'C niv(cr its Msloic tto.' s;ccies a
comoptete nstocofthe ticthigan Cotlege
.Mtsic. We nite voti to coltloiicd ie-
come faoiliirswitth it. 8-t15.
We bone on tlt law tabte at Waolker's,
336 S. Div iion St. 2.

is itolttttc t tcor Jose, 1t5 acit Ter-Iagernin, Ii 5i, 208 S. CUniversnity,
ice.Norithfiieldl, SMinn. 716;-J. 55 ~snas t. 1i213.
DIRECTORY OF SUMMER i'i tS~''e , i.iit thrJu,,S. e k-tI,
Garc ia, oseSe'trim, .37 li J. il Icc'er~, Jmshut. 0 Cuch .og
SCHOOL STUDENTS PleLna 'rt;.A 81-. oe,11d
Caloltanit, I,1lit IP, z- E. tilety, Daiy- 1 Iacs. irankic clii.i, mii2S. Slate,
ton, (). 1 too____________________ ii'iisichkhast, N. Y.
Csottt . Chl t ht., to, 102 'lthi, till, Robert, e, ;2,3 Mactk Rosi, S ortti-
Naioc n iithis tdirectory are tatkcti OcianiViesw, N.,J. t}21.imore, iPa. 17z53.
fromsithe recortsnilii the offitesn of the GCit on eogei).11j Sitg-, Sinni ii it ckSJitic aE, ne, 13t1tI111t, tIndtiant-
secrettrics of the varioutin departmts arbnr. 5 t . 21Mie) ax , Ind. 33t
tand consltint the samie iircorn. If to GCii cit I Lelandt(_.I, ii .SSti'itat hi.La i l t114E va i z teltctlt 'ins N. Stole,
tshosie niiumbeir its tieent slacct ottthe Aror 3I. 1miN.Yi 122
enrollmnttcard, n oe i.s tsituhr; scicI3S tt Oyo alol'llal lde ai111,Cee
bitt tha inties housct;ectittchter erina- 0 l 374 ii ii tot(37=iIt I)"it loi it Cee
plttite itt he toter; eilt eticiA.t-1I.,tu isitt IIcal ca, 1Is, l otre, 5W iim S Is itt St6I [iill, Cleve-
tor attdttell ser shtIhtttuse yotiwnt. GCiaind lRap itte l, 1. 37411374).
Cttrolltmett byitheIk e patrtctitmtsn is in clsc S iit 55 cy e 20 iliiirtt, Ibnut itit Iar 713 I.SUivsersity , K'e-
lo et tin follits:titerairy, totie fol- It~tttiti t St ' d.1 ,3 43 t ntt ISq ae P . 12 -L
loawcdt by ni ts teir; cnineitering, e exc~ s iMaiy 0i, 0718 S l, .stcm- I tietet, 5W Iii i ii t,e, Si ttitt.
loss, 1a iitedicail, Ii; ptttto e ,c p; Igrad- hst Peitit 1i7. laimis, S m elt.,g owood, St4111i.
clot' cltoti, 0. Et ic, litthel liza, lit.YSpsilantti. 1164 ti it t ii. Sit.Ypsilati.
Tcttloteitisbrltacatlcenoe itk.) Harrii int, I itiroulti, , 513 Elli, Aiii
fsr thceIhotte phone, others for thte
13 rg, ttsiLeIe. I, 4,39 S. iision, arbort. 807-,
Il . 5 ttCtgc' tVotorCtis p ss,tiiton, _Ea. .; > I,. IIa no" I iiJerry 1., (136 'In t fti, teti
It tgtiriis tappears.as itciy taddcress, miiioi -t
miay lie scuii to Toptiitolme, caire Ciologi- Pertlad, N_ Ye . 1Csttitt itot",ouisliTotedoti
cail station, or Campiis Bogairdusi, onsthe ill'tit N.'.14i, I',Ct t 'uetsP
cone itay ie. clc, iMatns, 1.31 \N5 ,tblc t Rosl-iituttitRaymo ticito, e, 421 IE. li-
neacN. J. 3111 acriiim 1etroi. 93I,
(GettyhoyditClark,1 1,InianaPPa. Har i tine,"07571SoTaer, 1Detrouit.
Alite, Ill. 726-J.1P it iac.i 1 1.Iarisoni 'i ii utol t Jr., 1, 220 5.
naives, Ielanditt "sit rdtiu 1,t631 S.it - i,tiit ITrlcyi auI nce Al Sale. 5Iga ls, lrksdlt, Miss. 1706-,.
-itls, Suitn Sirbor.i 1644-1t liluti .i i'55tllim, 1I 30, SN illi i t D r, thtir ini',tt e, t 13 1E. Hucro,
Far al \'llItmi 624 Pakadt au, 'nn '120-. las Citu. 1i150-I
(IceslyI, i IICo tli.i(A I.iGiblt ~S Rlt ii Ii tt e 12f) . U i Stilt Ste, i l o t s C ntoJ
tiru SlCit I L.st 1,102diC idg i, r t h'illi.Izool 1' 5 silthut Ii rtsigi '1Pi ci iRiedteC.121iSp t ltirt-
IRtoadll Porst ltlt S ibooI t rideyWilia 1)4 ii, itol. es uit, ritiro. j2J
illw,i cI ill s, oed ,t) illcShr istIlbe ts o1I. N1191 i ii Terli btti,iiC SmpisBogeard-c
itrbor. 1 413s3 tiJ. lsss G i,tieitt Frsts, am Bo'tutuHavey S rl hI 1410 tastn w
Stll. Gillett, Ro11ertMors70S.Ulv- aveRcharid Waiire11, itcBrkley,
tetil l iiii 10;,-J.N(Ttlls, I' ft It., 6311, I )I E 11-1,_~ a kn, rn ),e 3 .T efh

of the
Uuivcrsity of Mi"chigan
Complete information concerning seven departments:
Collegiate, Engineering, Medicine,
Law, Pharmacy, Homeopathy, Den=
tistry, and the Graduate School and
the Summer Session.
Special courses in Forestry, Newspaper Work, Landscape
Design, Higher Commercial Education incltuding Railway
Administration attd Insurantce, Architecture, Conservotiotn
Efngineerintg, Pedagogy (affiliated with Antt Arbor High
School for Observation Studyl), antd n new coutrse for those
preparing for the scientific admittistration of departutents
of sanitation and public htealtht.
For Copy of Catalogue, Special Announcement or
Individual Information address
Secretary University

"itasaii JlhniD.) 736 8Si inteSaiultl
1isit, Robit iDlunicani2to S.Thauser St.,
FischerCa rl NVill suit cl645S. sIngalls,
-I. jilt'C. 23-1,.
Iithr t lra itarlsi13 Church
StiJihns.cc Slit sb
Fletcer, Ms. ilt ICC.,tot) SStutte,
I t uluursi II.1 1. 4 9((84 Wh itle)
I'etciher, 55 lliu t l, I)., "2(' S. Stole,
EliursutI 111.3314(654 55 ile).
tlic liii I Carllt e537S. Divsinu,
Ia\tl liiO1)143J
Flowe, A.D., , 73 C Uivsersity,
IBtiltvue. 13621,1
ilvtn lilt .1 i 1 C arles 111, 821 C.
FoI m ti Chtung, 6i0t1".'Uiterisity, Cont
11111,1Mslum l. 1i3434
Cote s Acltet Asae 1 S ttTru-
mnsurym N. 5.0134.
1ootleS, Grahm Merrill, cuS S.tDivi-
ion,1ong11" el,tCalI15I1.
11111,Sinna, 1, is35Wlnutit Sasaitetis.
lrI TiSwarWsley, c,15 E . Uni
vcSit, lP 6tfi N .I51
1.ills, P .Stilt',
iIIltl, O. ("1144.
I i~mnullu lRobertiWrSgtiJr.m1, 126 N.
Forsthe Waren It.m,35s5.sFifth
iostrChalesS. g 1oN.Inals
KantasCiii, A10. 94-1,.
uwlr Ittt ii Clharles, c,615 C.Ciii-
versitiSMishawakai, int. 1;;5
Freciiin, Otis \55,e,/7o2D haltey C'omt,
CGrand I lilt . 144h-I.
F~reund',I.:!'--!-, e. 422 5W. Maisoni~1, 1De-
rink rut ,, r5 ', e,207 S. Ii glls, POIk
foN .3117 (sle).
iitF,1I.,1, 2 M1rsfWiks
F it e, Pa. ill" o-Jtti
Shna (711 11amu )
1'uller'liTliitas US, 46 1ackai-n,
I tuties 05 Idv-tto110 1itmeli DBrocks-
sirt, N. Y.31)1
GabhimliEithl C hristine, 604 SaIthsn,
Puson, 7091,I
GareIa riiat 6o04 Sisniss 11,
(411 ii 78-,,

clel, . , 3197 5(3971.
Glove, Conlin, liltrd, phl.,320
11111,11Aim 111boilt :ri120-J.
Godmn h Jhmu cobiiii 1 u9o6 Il.II tur lul, Ann
5, ldit5 riii John Phiii i ilip.(tu6 I.. Catht'r-
ine hil lohe,().2RSI,. '11h i
Gosrdos, i55lii ii1I.S Yushlmt, Slich
Gorse, Ciii , 1 us-. haer, .Ainn
Arbour, i1i389
Sielller, Phlipu Eimaul,612 "ili, Ceve-
landu, (5. 1037-J3
G~raulte, tRoy Sc umhi917/ Oliiva, Wa~uke-
galm. Sm.
Greapniler, I"redhic.it S ii ie,315 C. Jef-
feessit, .AmtuArbr. ii los ,
Gratzle xander 11.,u I e,1408 55 tuulteiiatv,
Cras-, ECre Pice, e, 3'6S F. Liberty=,
Blackt Rimer, N.Y.498-I.
GrtamnillRbt, 211 . Illts,
Sainaw~ui. 436.
(Sean, Nanniic Rebeccs, 6s2 1',.SNasng-
1111, ChatlesPttn Iil 3J
Gretusi Luit1e. , ,713 S.,
Tinsfchl, \55 intti'lIi).C. 934-C.
Gren, BestieRaCtseIvsdaslehtIll.
Grectiiim,11) N.STuhaeDouwatgiac.
('.eceic, 3otut'.St., c, CatmipCBsgaurdus,
Cureetit Sic 'lexunde,1,432 Thoimup-
son, llwYor i 879-I
Cuenan ecuAlen 1iiThuyeruci 110N. Thiaye,
Crc.. suGerg 1?wadc, 14 S. tng-
Grl,e , Jotuult3 ,ttu , 7''2 Mourose,Smnn
luffn 1Stuarici 16 illtJcksoni.
C'riffithL itan lusgow, 1,645 5. lug
Groff, Arthuri.' (51:iN. Thae, (Getand
fGm ii ics Citrls, 1i1, 103 1' SVTistuiig-
Grseor 1ie tmettui ,,ii408 N. Di-
viin 5iy . 134 (63.
GCiii, Charlecs Cha tlirti1, 8S. Tihay-in,
C uppiuu, Chlute s ALmmtheauful , S. C.
Cutichae1 em g, ftstephuClhaite, 407 F.
Tlascc . I a r .,lo .S tut,(Sat-
litzin.FPi. 344 (314).
Ittey h~s Laurecccg, 116 P.SWashinig-

PHtilse, I t, em 70oSChurchm, lGeand
Rai(c~iIs. I i4s-J
I Itaets IFrintisJutseill 1, 514 E. Cibs-
erty, inuitArl or.
titusy itIrmaI914 I',.lumuciut, Shioh~.
Itefilt mu sit hi semi1ICite 5' ... ,
Heiderce, Iliit133 6 Gedlilts, 11tufftlo, N.
Y. 165-L
ttcinzeliall,.tutu d hi gt ' C ihrlte, 81o C.
1S tslinttt hutrochit.l
I ie, Jo C, 3115g,91.1;C. 'iWashintonu,
I itmdersttitJohT aylor, uu mm, 7o8 Churcehl,
I ttiuiersosmtS iaICtllan, 3t1I Thocmtp-
toil, tad Mnn 198-J.
ttdemuu,iuu stti'tslec So C. Hturons,
theritt Spimngs.
Htendtrick sJohnut 5Wesley, SoS Cathuerinue,
jPhuiiltelhia, Pa. 1963-L.
I eicuuuug, Hlecu, 319 S. Fifth Ave., Annl
Aerbor. 1031.
Hennuuing,Juliai Catharotp, 319 5. Fiflb
Avne.', SimuuArbousr. 1031.
H~etons, fJshnmottuury, 1706 Cambmiridge
totad, MStonu, 1ll. 5892-L.
DHetdino, Maury Fraetiis, it, Cinicinntii,
P. I173r3.
Hterold, L~ambhue tih, in, Toledo, 0.
Hecrshmanu, Joseptuh lbrt, 1, Colummmbums,
lculet, Cleel candu, t, 607 5. State, De-
troit. 131.
Dic'is, tHarolhut suutsd, e, 810 Chutrchu,
GrsatthRapiuds. IseS3
ticks, IRis Casri, 1,503 C. Hucron, De-
tritiS 1028.
I itleaut Paul 55iteymm, 408IHill,
SeenSArbor. l77Whiute).
Htildnr Getz, ucl106 GCeenood, Stn
tlileman, ecCaumpitBo'arus,Phiadel-
illh, Mtiuray 5'.,1317 5. Unuiversily,
C-wresertu, Itot -1657-.
111ll, T.AN., 1, 22015 iInl, SBtaumonti,
HitdSct Darcy . 5.es , ,11uS N. tugalls,
Petoskey. 1i599-L.
ilippeh, G(aeticFtosece, g, 415 C. Jeffer-
ee, Cuu. hiu, SOh io. t565-C.
tihiethii iJ3osep~ih lbit, 1, 9u8 F,. tAnnu,
Cohumu i, \Miss.
Htoag, I tics 'sL., 715 S. Twelth, Port
Iluiron. 9.:4-1,-2e.
'toaggu.ieeK., e, 910 Cuornwell, 5De-
Iroit. 396.
ftbs thi'. tua C., 621 S. Ingaltls, iDecker-
sule. 403-C.-
d5c Per Francis L.IRiurdtanManagig dito
WarernCrane, Buuiness Manager

Htadley, CRullint, ii, 418
Bradcfosrd, Pta. 154.

N. Dii isiout,

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