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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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ENTERS 117TH DAY-The tumultous Michigan Legislature, looking for an end to state tax problems,
set an all-time record for longevity yesterday.

At Geneva
Still Stalls
GENEVA (' - The West said
"no" yesterday to the Soviet plan
for a joint commission of East and
West Germans as part of a stopgap
Berlin agreement.
Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei
A. Gromyko responded that it was
not possible to reach an accord on
any other basis.
So it looked like a clear impasse
in Round II of the foreign min-
isters conference after only two
formal sessions.
But Gromyko and British For-
eign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd were
reported by Western sources to
have made progress in a side effort
to restore secret negotiations.
Gromyko invited.. Lloyd to a
luncheon today to discuss further
secret meetings.
The Soviet plan for an interim
agreement on Berlin provides for
an all-German commission to work
on German reunification and a
German peace treaty.
The Western powers, and West
Germany most of all, do not want
any such commission because they
believe it would lead to defacto
recognition of the East German
communist regime.
This regime they consider is no
representative of the East German
French Foreign Minister Maurice
Couve De Murville was selected to
lead the Western attack in the
session of almost two hours in the
Palace of Nations yesterday.
He concentrated on trying to get
Gromyko to break the tieup be-
tween the proposed commission
and a truce in Berlin, which the
Russians have proposed run for 18
In effect ne asked Gromyko to
ctit the price for an interim set-
But Gromyko said the two ques-
tions of an interim settlement and
an all-Germaa commission are in-
Andrew H. Berding, Assistant
Uniter States secretary of State,
summed up the session by saying
"there was no progress."
The ministers wvere summoned
to another semi-public session to-
morrow, however, to take up point
by point, the rival proposals ad-
vanced by both sides.
Advisory Post
For Bohlen
May Be Denied
WASHINGTON () - Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower yes-
terday jolted prospects that Am-
bassador Charles E. (Chip) Boh-
len may be given a top State De-
partment post as adviser on Rus-
sian affairs.
President Eisenhower told a
news conference that oral reports
he had received from Secertary
of State Christian A. Herter
about the possible elevation of
Bohlen had been "completely




While new worries rose over the
state's ability to meet month-end
payrolls to state agencies, includ-
ing universities, the Legislature
pushed last night towards possible
solutions to its tax worires.
A cash statement Tuesday
showed the state's general fund
to hold -$400,000 in addition to
$5.3 million already being with-
held in checks for vendors and
Bills to the Federal government
and for sales tax diversion total-
ing $15.8 million must be paid this
month, according to State Treas-
urer Sanford A. Brown.
Bills Outstanding
That leaves bills for the state
universities ($6.5 million), local
government ?($9 million) and the
July 30 payroll ($5.2 million).
Wayne State University and
Michigan State University have
both filed letters with the State
Admiinstrative Board, pleading for
both money owed and for prom-
ised month-end payrolls.
The University has not filed any
letter, but needs to meet its pay-
roll "just as in any other month,"
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont said
last night.
The University, along with MSU
and Wayne, has waited with con-
cern for its regular paycheck each
month since December, but the
state has continually met the pay-
The University has not received
any notice from Lansing that the
payroll will not be met, Pierpont
Wayne Threatened
There are, however, doubts as
to whether Wayne will receive its
$800,000 July 20 payroll.
Wayne Vice-President for Fi-
nance Oliver E. Thomas asked the
state to give Wayne "top priority"
'U' Announces
At Dearborn
Two positions at the University's
Dearborn Center-director of li-
brary services and coordinator of
the work study program- have
been filled, Vice - President and
Dearborn Center Director William
K. Stirton announced yesterday.
Donald E., Vincent, an assistant
librarian in the Wayne State Uni-
versity libraries, was named direc-
tor of the Dearborn library serv-
Robert E. A. Lillie, a retired
Marines Corps officer who earned
his engineering degree here at the
age of 50, was named to coodinate
the "work-study" training pro-
He will work with industry and
business in the assignment of stu-
dents in, engineering and business
administration to work assign-

-Daily-Allan Winder
who strives to marry off her niece in a respectable manner, and
who is almost-but not quite-frustrated in her efforts.
Sheridan's Play Brings
Return of Mrs. Malaprop.
Artificiality and consummate style are basic ingredients of "The
Rivals," Prof. Claribel Baird, of the speech department, commented
In Richard Brinsley Sheridan's classic 18th century comedy, the
current summer playbill production at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
"the playwright is having fun debunking both the members of the
social group and the servants and bumpkins."
Despite the emphasis on artificial elegance, the characters in this
type of play must be believable, she maintained, an aspect definitely
found in Sheridan's work. Prof.'

Experts Continue Searc

U.S. Feel s
New Strain
Of Strike
PITTSBURGH () -The sixth
major steel strike since World War
II yesterday choked off nearly 90
per cent of America's vast steel
industry and quickly spread to
allied fields.
A half million steelworkers were
idle with .widespread affects in
transportation, coal, maritime and
other industries.
The Pennsylvania Railroad fitr-
loughed 6,200 employes; Great
Lakes shippers started tying up
their boats; and steel-ownedcoal
mines close down.
A spokesman for the PRR said
the strike will cost the railroad
about 20 per cent of its freight
Seek Wage Boost
The steelworkers are seeking a
new contract embodying a wage
Latest government figures pegged
their average at $3.106 an hour.
In Washington, Sen. Lyndon B.
Johnson of Texas called for a re-
port on what the total economic
impact the steel strike will have in
lost wages, corporate income and
The answer will shock the aver-
age American, the Democratic
leader predicted.
Picketing began -promptly at
12:01 a.m. yesterday. It was peace-
ful and streets look comparatively
empty without the usual millbound
traffic. Bars along the mill strips
reported a big slump in business.
Many strikers took advantage of
the work stoppage to head for
fishing and vacation trips. Others
pitched into the job of' painting
and fixing their homes.
The strikers themselves have
their pay for the past two weeks
coming and also two weeks' vaca-
tion pay.
Provide Help'
The union does not pay sti'ike
benefits, but USW locals provide
help in emergency cases such as
paying for medical expenses.
At the Jones & Laughlin Steel
Corp. plant on Pittsburgh's south
side, thousands of steelworkers
showed up early today for their
Instead of stopping for a drink,
most of them. quietly picked up
their checks and departed. Pickets
carrying placards. were' removed
temporarily to avoid confusion.
The affects of the steel strike
also began spreading to Canada.
Montreal representatives of the
United Steelworkers of America
said the Northern Quebec and
Labrador mines of iron ore of Ca-
nada and Steel Rock Mines, west
of Lake Superior, will not be able
to deliver iron ore
In West Virginia, the steel-
owned coal mines were hit the
hardest. The northern mines of
the Bethlehem Mines, Corp., a
Bethlehem Steel subsidiary, failed
to reopen after the miners' vaca-
Steel Magazine estimates 56
companies with 13 per cent of the
steel industry's capacity are still
Another publication, Iron Age
Magazine, said steel mills made
good use of their two-week steel
labor contract extension to take
care of their customers. -

The federal government should
"shoulder its fair share of the
burden of financing public educa-
tion; Prof. Walter W. Heller, chair-
man of the economics department
at the University of Minnesota
said here yesterday.
Speaking at the University's
Summer Education Conference,
Prof. Heller called federal taxing
powers "vastly superior to those
of the states."
He added the "public schools
are an essential instrument for
achieving the higher productivity
technological advance, and broad
understanding which underlie
rapid economic growth and mili-
tary superiority."
He pointed out that state and
local governments operate under
"severe fiscal handicaps such as
limited tax jurisdiction, threats of
migration of industry and wealth,
inadequate tax enforcement staffs,
and marked disparities in taxable
capacity from one state to an-
States Too Weak
Even doing their utmost, he
maintained, "the states cannot
and should not be asked to shoul-
der the full burden of financing
public education."
In the light of the "strong eco-
nomic recovery" America is mak-
ing, he said it is "clear that the
federal government can readily
finance its obligations to public-
school systems."
He pointed out in the first quar-
ter of this year "corporate profits
alone were about 50 per cent
above in the first quarter of last
"Given our present recovery-
and assuming, as I do, that the
steel 'strikes will not interrupt
the upward trend-there is a fair
hope that corporate profits will be
$50 billion-plus, for the year as a
whole, rather than the $47 billion
the Treasury estimated.
Federal Funds Adequate
He said federal revenues, even
at present tax rates, will be ade-
quate to cover substantial federal
aid to education next year.
"Education is rightfully rising
in our social priority scale," he

Predicts Victory
Rep. Joseph K. Kowalski (D-
Detroit), Democratic floor leader,
predicted he would muster at least
50 or 51 of his 55-member force
for the fiat rate income plan.
It would levy a two per cent
tax on personal income, five per,
cent on corporations and seven
per cent on banks.
Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R-Tip-
ton), the sponsor and chairman of
the House taxation committee,
estimated it would yield $142 mil-
lion the first year and $147 mil-
lion the second after sharply re-
ducing other business taxes.
Governor G. Mennen Williams
has endorsed Rep. Conlin's plan,
as have four Republicans who had
joined Democrats in voting for
other tax measures.

Baird's role in the speech depart-
ment presentation is that of the
famed Mrs. Malaprop, a "pre-
tender," to some extent.
The plot concerns the love af-
fair of Mrs. Malaprop's niece,
Lydia Languish, and Captain
Jack Absolute, a match promoted
by the aunt and Jack's father,
Sir Anthony Absolute.
A "sentimental heroine who
will have none of a conventional
match," Lydia has never seen
Jack so he woos her in the guise
of a "penniless but dashing young
man," Prof. Baird explained.
Bob Acres, a country boy, also
figures as a suitor and the rival-
ries and plot complexities begin to
The word-twisting Mrs. Mala-
prop seems to be "an incredible
character" at first glance, Prof.
Baird noted, but it has been
"rather easy for me to believe in
One reason is an acquaintance
who "out-malaproped Mrs. Mala-
prop." She once told club mem-
bers that if an idea should occur
to them during the week to
"make a little innuendo of it,"
Prof. Baird recalled.
Another of the characteristics
Prof. Baird sees in Mrs. Malaprop
is her tendency to "always over-
dress, adding an extra bit of
feather or a jewel" ruining an
otherwise smart costume.
The precision of articulation
and the extravagance of move-
ment of the 18th century charac-
ter preesnt the "chief hazards for
the young actor," she pointed out.

Civil Rigvhts
Bill -Moes
judiciary subcommittee yesterday
approved a bob-tailed civil rights
bill in an effort to get at least
some token legislation moving
toward the Senate floor.
The bill, which now goes to an
uncertain fate in the full judi-
ciary committee, contains only
two points.
Both are of a less controversial
nature than most civil rights pro-
posals put forth this year.
The life of the civil rights com-
mission, now due to expire Sept.
9, would be extended until Jan.
31, 1961.
The other point would require
election officials to preserve vot-
ing records for three years and
to make them available for in-
spection by the attorney general
or his representative.
Willful violations would be sub-
ject to up to a $5,000 fine, or im-
prisonment for no more than five
years, or both.
Proponents of civil rights legis-
lation want the law extended to
other fields.
Particularly, they want a mea-
sure that endorses the supreme
sions and gives the government
coutr's school integration deci-
some' legal force to implement

Calls Talks
on Mediation
Rules Out Immanent
Use of Taft-Hartley
Emergency Measure
NEW YORK (AP)-Federal labor
peace experts stepped into the
steel strike yesterday to seek a
quick solution to the, crippling
Joseph F. Finnegan, director of
the Federal Mediation and Con-
ciliation Service, flew here with
aides from Washington dn orders
from President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower for separate conferences
with industry and union negotia-
President, Eisenhower at his
news conference in Washington
ruled out any immanent use of the
Taft-Hartley law's emergency pro-
cedure, which would permit a court
order to end any woi'k stoppage
which the President. finds is a
threat to national security.
The walkout started this morn-
ing after the complete collapse of
industry-union talks.
Walkout Starts
The union, on the first day of
the strike, submitted a proposal'
to the industry to turn strike issues
over to a fact-finding board for
investigation and a recommended
David J. McDonald, steelwork-'
ers' president, said the fact group
could be composed of one man each
representing the industry and
uniion and. an impartial chairman'
to be selected by Supreme Court
Chief Justice Earl Warren.
No Reply
There was no immediate in.
dustry reply to this proposal.
But it was expected the steel
companies would turn down the
fact-finding procedure for deal-
ing with the stalemate.
Before the strike began, Presi-
dent Eisenhower rejected a similar
union proposal that the govern-
mnt name such a fact-finding
He said he did not know how
long it would be before steel stock-
piles dwindle to the point it would
threaten national defense produc-'
Court Backs
Dixon -Yates
United States Court of Claims
yesterday upheld the controver-
sial Dixon-Yates power contract,
once a pet project of the Eisen-
hower Administration but later
repudiated by it.
Dividing 3-2, the court rejected
the government's contention that
investment banker Adolphe H.
Wenzell played a conflict-of-In-
terest role and thereby invalidat-
ed the contract.
He served the Administration
faithfully in the tasks assigned
to him," Judge J.'Warren Madden
write in the majority opinion.
He added: "There is, it seems to
us, something essentially cynical
about the government's Wenzell
Judge Don Laramore of the
Court of Claims and United
States District Judge Bert V. Bry-
an of Alexandria, Va., joined

Madden in holding the govern-
ment must reimburse the Dixon-
Tates combine for out-of-pocket
expenses incurred before the con-
tract was. cancelled in the sum-
mer of 1955.
Chief Judge Marvin Jones of
the Court of Claims and retired
Supreme Court Justice Stanley F.
Reed dissented.
The Dixon-Yates contract had
set off a great hue and cry on
Capitol Hill and became a major
issue in the running debate over
public vs. private power.
Red Challe nge

Wilson Discusses Future
Of Educational Systenm
American education and the American people face huge chal-
lenges, Dean Howard E. Wilson of the University of California at
Los Angeles education school said yesterday.
Addressing the University's Summer Education Conference, Prof.
Wilson argued that "science has moved from the periphery to the
center of liberal education."
"Today no individual can claim to understand his times without
a fairly keen understanding of the nature of science," he declared.
At the same time, he suggestedi

the renaissance in the arts crafts
as a possible antidote to an in-'
creasingly technological society.
"The renaissance shows itself
in 'a great number of ways - in
the do-it-yourself movement, in
the fact that little theaters spring
up all over the country, in ama-
teur musical groups, and paint-
It is significant, he said, that
for the first time in American his-
tory it is politically safe for the
President to admit that he paints
-"this is symbolic of an import-
ant change in the arts and
But there still needs to be much
more emphasis in the fields in
which creative activity can be
expressed in a technological age,
he said.

'Student Leaders' Drop Academics in Germany

The German "student leader"
can forget his studies and
immerse himself completely in
activities, observes International
Center Director James M. Davis.
Recently returned from a tour
of the Federal Republic of Ger-
many, Prof. Davis was struck by
the opportunity offered students
to "take a vacation from academic
Under the Germanhsystem, a
student may take what courses

leaders "quite impressive and with Discussing athletic activities,
a good deal of ability." Prof. Davis called "big. intercol-
Student activities in the country legiate sports" non-existent, but a
center around the "Studenten- large all-student sports program
werk," the equivalent of a union is conducted on a "club" basis,
in an American school, and the ...
"AStA," or student government.
The "Studentenwerk" provides
for student welfare through -sub-
sidized meals, club rooms, a li-
brary, bookstore, and health in-
surance, he said.
"AStA" is made up of a legis-
lative branch (parliament) and :.
exeutive ,, nh (setriat <<<> ."

supervised by physical education
Prof. Davis found an unusual
intellectual problem in the uni-
versities he visited: the history of
Germany is not taught beyond
1914, thus eliminating study of
the two world wars.
"Germans I talked with are not
really much . interested in the
modern period, perhaps because
of guilty feelings," he surmised.
Germans also seem "uncomfort-
able" with their modern decen-
tralized education system, which

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