See Page 2
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
at i
LXiX, No. 16S
-Daily-Robert Dennis
IE GOOD OLD DAYS-Prof. Emeritus William P. Halstead shows off the picture of the cast of
chard Brinsley Sheridan's "The Rivals," production in 1909. The "nice group of youngsters" is
own in costume, on stage, and ready to present a play which has "possibilities unlimited."
livals' e-appears on Stage
Nearly 50 years after its first
appearance on campus, "'The Ri-t
vals" will go before audiences at 8
p.m, today in Lydia Mendelssohn
Th' eatre.,
Directed by Prof. William P. Hal-j
stead, of the speech department,,
Richard Brinsley Sheridan's -com-
edy of 'manners and mistaken)
idehtity is the third on the de-]
partment's summer playbill of
A "nice group of youngsters"
headed the cast of the 18th century
classic in its 1909 presentation,
Richard D. T. Hollister, professor-
emeritus of the speech department
Cuban Major
z ays Castro
Castro's former air force chief,
testifying in a cloak and dagger
atmosphere, swore yesterday that
the bearded rebel leader has
brought Cuba a Communist di-
tatorshipinsteadC f liberty and
Major Pedro Louis Diaz Lanz
described as Communists not only
Castro, but the Cuban prime min-
ister's brother, Raul, and others
high in the revolution-established
The 32-year-old major's testi-
mony before the Senate. Internal
' Security Subcommittee was inter-
rupted for about 30 minutes by a
dramatic bomb scare.
Cleared Room
Chairman James O. Eastland
' (D-Miss.) ordered the room
cleared of everybody while Army
experts combed it with bomb de-
tection equipment. They found
The abrupt interruption came
almost after Diaz took the witness
Neither Eastland nor the FBI
would discuss the bomb scare. In
ordering the room cleared, East-
land said he had received a tele-
phone call just after the hearing
started saying "an attempt would
be made to injure the witness."
Castro Denounces Diaz
However, it was reported that
FBI headquarters had received a
tip from a source it considered
reliable that an attempt would be'
made to injure Diaz.
Diaz's appearance before the
senator has brought angry de-
nunciations of the subcommittee
by Castro. The Cuban prime min-
ister, obviously stung by Diaz's
defection, calls Diaz a traitor and
deserter-"the Benedict Arnold of
Hubert H. "Humphrey formally
entered the race for the 1960
Democratic presidential nomina-
tion yesterday and announced he
Will nen hi amnign in Sentm-
reminisced yesterday. It also1
marked the first time he had
directed a play.
'A Dandy Play?',
"The Rivals" he feels, "ought to
be produced periodically, but not
for any historical purpose." De-
scribing it as "a dandy play," Prof.
Hollister said it is "a fine play to
produce if it is produced by col-
lege students who are not too much
obsessed by theatrical bunk."
He explained this idea by dem-
onstrating different interpreta-
tions that can be made of the char-:
acter of Sir Anthony Absolute, a
bluff, blustery "wonderful comedy;
part." One actor might use ges-
tures and intonations to produce
a stilted, farcical impression while
another would act spontaneously,
making him laughable, but lov-
Mrs. Malaprop, the famed word-
twister, is the type that "makes
life interesting,' he maintained.
but she, too, can be presented so
that her "malapropisms" seem
studied rather than natural.
Professional theatrical com-
panies, he noted, tend to treat
these characters theatrically, rath-
er than dramatically, utilizing too
many visual effects and artifi-
cialities for his taste.
Possibilities 'Unlimited'
"The possibilities for delightful
acting in- a play like 'The Rivals';
are unlimited," Prof. Hollister
commented. Such a comedy can
aid the audience and the actors
Senate Passes
$40 Billion
:defense :Bill
last night passed a 40 billion
dollar defense money bill for the
next 12 months.
It exceeds President Dwight D.
Eisenhower's budget request by
346 million dollars.
The measure, by far the largest
appropriation of the Congressional'
session, now goe's to a Senate-
House Conference to reconcile
differences with a House-passed
The House voted 746 million
dollars less than the Senate.
in "understanding life and getting t
close to it."
His motive for initially produc-
ing the play, and the other 100 or
more he directed in his long career
with the speech department is
that it be one which is "enjoyable
and into which you could get al
certain spontaneity, fun and en-I
thusiasm" found in comedy.
The wide diversity in character
interpretation results in "a new
play every time you produce 'The
Rivals' with a new director," Prof.+
Hollister maintained, for the di-f
rector and actor "have to create"1
a surely as the playwright did.
Reflecting on the qualities oft
this classic comedy, Prof. Hollister
predicted of the current presenta-
tion, "it'll be fun."
Gov. Lontg
Stops Rest,
Starts Work
FORT WORTH (M--Gov. Earl1
Long of Louisiana interrupted his
vacation yesterday to put in hours
of work on a possible special ses-
sion of the legislature he may con-
vene Aug. 10.
Gov. Long cancelled plans to
leave Fort Worth yesterday for El
Paso. Instead, he took a nap.
One source said he got only an1
hour's sleep last night. Later he
said he intends to head West to-
day, but gave no destination.
Sen. B. B. Rayburn, Gov. Long's
chief legislative aid, said the Gov-
ernor plans a press conference to-
Asked what the conference would
be about, Rayburn said:
"He's been busy figuring out
things he'd like to have in a special
session-if he has one."a
Sources close to Gov. Long said
there are indications the governor
will cut short his vacation, origi-
nally planned to extend to the
West coast and Canada, and re-
turn to Louisiana Sunday.
Conferring with him most of the
day in his 13th floor suite in Hotel
Texas were key legislative officers,
financial experts and personal ad-
Hoffa, almost jumping with rage,
shouted yesterday that he has no
connection with Communism.
The tough little labor leader,
who has shrugged off statements
that his teamsters union is a haven
for crooks and mobsters, blasted
off at a hearing of the Senate
rackets committee.
At the same time, he acknowl-
edged he is working on a pact be-
tween the Teamsters and Harry
Bridges' west coast Longshoremen,
who were bounced from the CIO
in 1950 on charges of Communist
Crum Testifies
Hoffa said the pact-that's what
he called it-would be an agree-
ment on jurisdictional and or-
ganizational problems growing 'out
of automation and other mechani-
zation of industry.
Bartley C. Crum, a New Yok
lawyer who has had dealings with
all three men concerned, testified
Monday that Hoffa was working
with' Bridges and Louis Goldblatt
of the Longshoremen to form a
single, giant transport union.
Such a merged operation could
have far-reaching effects on all
transportation in the country. The
two unions are already powerful,
Kennedy Irks Hoffa
What set Hoffa off on the Coi-
munism angle was a. remark by
Committee Counsel Robert F.
Kennedy during a discussion of
whether Bridges and Goldblatt
are Communists.
"There is no question about
Goldblatt," Kennedy said, "but
there may be a question about
Hoff a.
"Don't you say that!" Hoffa al-
most screamed. "Don't use this
committee for a sounding board.
Nobody's going to say that about
Hoffa . . . don't put me in their
Kennedy said he had misspoken,
that what he meant to say was
"there is no question about Gold-
blatt, but there may be a question
about Bridges."
Dislikes 'Tag'
The counsel asked, however, why
Hoffa would object to being put in
their class, if he was willing to
do business with them.
Hoffa explained that he meant
he didn't want to be "tagged" as
Bridges and Goldblatt have been
by the CIO. He added that the
Justice Department never had
proved the validity of the tags.
"Ridiculous," Hoffa said repeat-
edly of the CIO charges.
Sen. Karl .E. Mundt (R-S.D.)
also was interested in why Hoffa
would want to negotiate with
Bridges and Goldblatt. Mundt
noted, too, that they have been
accused of being Communists.
CLOSED FOR THE DURATION-Shown here is one of the many steel plants which will be shut
down for an indeterminate length of time due to the steel strike which began today. The strike has.
been called one of the worst disputes in history, and affects over a half-million steelworkers.
Shutdown Comes at Economic .Boom
eTwo Months
Of Talking
NEW YORK (R) - America's
giant steel industry, closed down3
early today in, one of the worst'
steel labor disputes in history.
It was the sixth major steelj
strike since World War II. ,
It came at a time when the,
nation's economy is booming
again after a crippling recession.
To Appear
In Ann Arbor
The University's political sci-
ence department, in conjunction
with the Democratic and Repub-
lican State Central Committees
and the Ford Foundation, will
sponsor a two-week partisan poli-
tics institute, beginning July 19.
Approximately 20 workers from
each party will come to the Uni-
versity, where they will hear talks
and participate in discussion
groups with such people as Reps.
Alvin M. Bentley (R-Mich.) and
Chester Bowles (D-Conn.), who
will appear separately to discuss
party views on foreign policy.
Democratic State Chairman
Neil Staebler and Republican
State Chairman Lawrence B.
Lindemer, and Prof. James K.
Pollock of the political science
department will open the work
program at 9:30 a.m. July 20 with
a discussion of American party
The objectives of the institute,
first of its kind in Michigan, are
to help build responsibility and
rleadership among both parties,
according to Institute director
Lynn W. Eley, supervisor of, the
University's Institute of Public
Administraiton Lansing office.
Other participants will include
college and university political
scientists, historians, sociologists
and group dynamic leaders.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
ordered the federal mediation
and conciliation service to step
into the deadlocked negotiations.
to keep them going and seek
settlement to end the strike as
quickly as possible.
At President Eisenhower's, in-
structions, mediation service di-
rector Joseph F. Finnegan ar-
ranged to meet here this after-
noon in separate meetingswith
the four-man bargaining teams
representing the industry and
President Eisenhower said in
Washington he was sure the pub-
lic shared his keen disappoint-
ment over the failure of the com-
panies and steelworkers ution to
reach a peaceful settlement.
"I am confident that with good
will on both sides of the bargain-
ing table agreement, can be
reached without undue delay,"
the President said.
Few close observers shared that
hopeful view. Both sides were far
from any semblance of agree-,
ment on the union's wage and
benefit increase demands, on one
hand, and the industry's man-
agement rights demands on the
Neither ' side has budged an
inch. Each bitterly accused the
other of being responsible for the
David J. McDonald, the union's
president, went to M rrisville,
Pa., to rally with strikers picket-
in gthe huge Fairless works of
United States Steel Corp.
The industry and union 'ac-
cuged each other of being re-
sponsible for the failure to reach
a peaceful solution of labor terms,
to replace those in the expiring
Meets Again
LANSING (W-Another gloomy
report on state finances appeared
yesterday as state lawmakers came
in for the 115th day of the 1959
legislative session.
It was an outgrowth of a state
administrative board meeting
marked by a decision to pay $5.2
million in legislative, judicial and
state payrolls due today and to-
Release of the money plunged
the feeble State Treasury general
fund balance to near the zero
The board indicated' that $5.3
million in month-end payments for
welfare purposes will go out on
schedule, but all other obligations,
were left up in the air.
Stop Major Facilities
In Advance; Effects
Felt in Other Fields
PITTSBURG (M') - A half-
million steelworkers, some reluc-
tant and some militant, yesterday
struck the basic steel industry-=
keystone of the United States
Thee strike started promptly at
12:01 am. (EDT) after more
than two months of fruitless con-
tract negotiations.
Workers streamed from mills
throughout the nation. Placard-
carrying pickets manned plant
,/Major steelmaking facilities
had 'been halted in advance, The
final closings came quickly -and
quietly, for the most .part.
Talks Collapse
Negotiations between the
United Steelworkers- Union and
90 per cent of the country's basic
steel industry collapsed in New
Fork Monday afternoon. The
talks never really got anywhere.
President Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er, who had succeeded in winning
a 2-week extension of the ori-
ginal July 1 strike deadline, had
appealed in vain for the union to
keep its members on the job past
astmidnight's second deadline.
He asked that negotiations be
Even a short strike will have
far-reaching effects on the na-
tion's economy, booming once
again after a crippling recession.
Other Workers Idled
Thousands of other workers,
principally in the coal and rail-
road industries, already have
been or will be idled soon.
This is the sixth major steel
shutdown since World War II. It
Key Issues
Western -Powers Seek
Soviet Pledges on Berlin
GENEVA P) - The Western Allies resolved last night to seek
stronger pledges that Russia will respect their rights in Berlin if the.
crisis in the disputed city is to be frozen.
At the same time the Western powers were reported split over
paying the price Russia isasking for a stopgap Berlin deal.
With the Big Four Conference of Foreign Ministers itself de-
layed, statesmen of the West analyzed Monday's assurance by Andrei
A. Gromyko that the Soviet
Union will do nothing to upset a
projected 18-monthfreeze of the
Berlin crisis.
All agreed that Gromyko's
D ow ns promise does not go far enough.
Assistant Secretary of State
Andrew H. Berding, spokesman
for the United States delegation,-
':; told reporters that the Russian's
t"statement actually "looks like a
Alpha Gains, Betas Have Their UpS 'n
These are the key issues in
the steel strike wage. and
Union: Seeks 15 cent per
hour raise in pay rates and
welfare benefits each year of
any new contract--an amount
similar to annual gains real-
ized in expiring contracts.
Industry: Says a flat "no"
to any further labor cost in-
creases on ground they would
spur inflation.
Work practices:
Union: Refuses to agree to
Industry plea for more leeway
In adjusting work practices
and altering job duties to real-
ize economies and obtain
maximum efficiency. Union
says present agreements per-
mit such disputes to be nego-
tiated and submitted to an
umpire fore decision.
Industry: Says loafing and
overtime practices result in an
undue cost burden, Says con-
tracts so worded that umpires
must decide such disputes on.
what has been past practice,
rather than on what is equi-
comes with running out of a
three-year contract signed in
1956 after a 34-day walkout.
The President ordered the Fed-
eral Mediation and C1nciliation
Service' to keep the negotiations
going and seek a quick .settle-
David J. McDonald, president
of the United Steelworkers, jour-
neyed from New York to join in
the midnight start 'of picketing at
United States Steel's Fairless
Works near Morrisville, Pa., 25
miles north of Philadelphia.
backward step" compared with a1
public declaration which Gromy-
ko had made in Moscow last
British officials, consistently
more hopeful than their col-3
leagues, took another view., Gro-
myko's assurance Monday to*
them was a step forward, but not
far enough,"
Differences among the foreign'
ministers of the United States,
Britain, France and West Ger-
many center around Russia's con-i
dition that the two Germanys
must be brought face to face into
private negotiation on the wider
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