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July 14, 1959 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-14

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C ~ 4r1$igatn Date
Sixty-Ninth Year
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints:

"Those Guys Have Funny Ideas about Americanism-
They Hit You from the Front"
+* e
- .--.--- - .---

'Anatomy of a Murder'
Will Be Seen A nyway
THE MUCH-HERALDED "Anatomy of a Murder" has finally made
its appearance on the local scene, and everyone will probably see
it regardless of whether or not it gets a good review. They will and it
The film has certain very strong points. The dialogue is open,
natural and frank, frank to the point where censors are fighting for
the chance to hack it to pieces. It is not a cheap or startling dialogue,
It fits naturally into the courtroom background and is hardly notice-
Joseph Welch as Judge Weaver is superb. In his first film role (I
would have said acting role but there were the McCarthy hearings)
he presents the good judge right out of the pages of Robert Traver's
novel. He is warm, strong, naturally amusing but not funny, a line

)AY, JULY 14, 1959



THE RAINS CAME twice in Charlottesville,
Va., recently.
First, they were used in an analogy by Col.
Francis Pickens Miller, one of the outstanding
citizens of the community. He was stressing the
importance of gradual desegregation in public
schools when he said, "There is such a thing as
organic growth. You plant a seed, manure it,
tend it and then the rains come."
Col. Miller further explained that if this
method of integration is utilized and if there
is no further litigation, he expects orderly com-
pliance with the city school board assignment
plan when schools open in September.
The other local residents favor separate but
equal schools. Aylett Willis' brother attends a
Negro country school and three of George Bar-
bour's six children are enrolled in all-Negro
HOWEVER, BOTH indicated willingness to
comply with the law. And neither bear any
similarity to the "type" of Negro that Southern
white people tend to set up in their minds.
Willis was cleanly dressed, polite and co-
operative. After the interview, I asked him
where the nearest Negro neighborhood was
Willis not only gave me directions, but walked
me to the area so I wouldn't get lost. A white
,girl,'and a Negro' walking along several main
streets was quite a shock fort car drivers: they;
stared inquisitively, unbelievingly, accusingly.
When we reached the neighborhood, Wilhis
was, somewhat hesitant to leave me. He was
afraid that I might encounter difficulties.
WE PARTED COMPANY, but he continued
staring after me to make sure I was all.
As I walked up to the porch of- an old house,.
I was at first regarded with stares but after
explaining my purpose, was invited to sit down
on the front steps anCi "chat a while." First I

talked to Barbour, the owner of the house, and
therl one of his neighbors.
This was not just a snappy and guarded give-
and-take series of questions and answers, such
as I had previously exchanged with several
white residents. Barbour and his friends were
eager to discuss desegregation with me.
Suddenly, it began to rain. I was offered the
shelter of the Barbour's home. There was
neither hesitation in their offer or my accept-
FOR THE NEXT half hour the rain continued
and so did the. discussion. Five men, four
women and I sat in a small room.
It was tiny; it had three different kinds of
wallpaper on one wall. There was the scraping
of the few pieces of\ furniture as I walked in
and sat down, the smell of dinner cooking and
the noise of the four children running around
the room.
But the aura of friendliness was unmis-
The rain continued. We talked about it, the
weather, lima beans growing and the children.
We discussed integration and the attitude of
"white folks" towards the Negroes.
IT WAS GETTING LATE - time for me to
leave-and since the Barbours didn't have a
phone, they couldn't call a cab for me.
They insisted on driving me to the station so
I could catch my bus, but all they would ac-
cept for their graciousness was my thanks.
Once inside the bus terminal, I sat and
thought about the Aylett Willises, the Col.
Millers, and the Mr. and Mrs. Barbours. And,
then I thought about the Gov. Faubuses, the
Sen. Byrds and the John Caspers.
Evidently, the rain had done nothing for the
There were two waiting rooms and two soda
fountains there-one for the Negroes and one.
for the whites.

-4 LE


Castro Pressuring Opponents

FIDEL CASTRO and company appear ,to be
playing it safe down Cuba way.
The government of the newly-"freed" Carib-
bean country hasp just passed an edict, declar-
ing a maximum penalty of death for either
Cubans or foreigners convicted of counter-
revolutionary activity.
Counter-revolutionary activity, by their defi-
nition, is any activity of the sort which helped
to get the Castro regime in in the first place-
"plottng, sabotage, bombing, invasion, assaults
on the government, recruiting of men on Cuban
soil to fight the government, and the use of
planes to drop anti-government leaflets."
ANY ONE OF THESE methods of "letting off
steam" or expressing dislike of the existing
government is likely to bring the unlucky
counter-revolutionary death 'before a. firing
squad. It is very curious that Castro and Co.,
who employed. every one of these tactics only
a very short time ago to sweep Fulgencio Batis-
ta from power, have suddenly decided that
they are taboo and not good for the country
as a whole.
Of course, the plottings and bombings which
have occurred in the past month and which
were directed at the Castro regime may have
annoyed the powers-that-be, and may have
prompte their decision to make this sort of
activity 4tighly illegal. The Castro government

has also blamed the plotting on Batista sup-
porters, of whom there still are a few in Cuba.
THE NEW DECREE, however, is aimed at
getting rid of everyone who can be remote-
ly classed as a Batista supporter, which means
that anyone. Indulging in anti-Castro activity,
whether or not he is really pro-Batista, can
be so labeled and done away with. And by ex-
tending the prohibition to foreigners, they
hope to do away with the scourge of the Cuban
expatriates in Florida and ,the Dominican Re-
public who are allegedly conspiring with the
anti-Castro Cubans in Cuba proper.
Fidel and his followers are merely experienc-
ing the post-battle jitters of any government
which comes to power by force and violence -
the feeling that, in spite of their success in
gaining control of the country, they are not
really in complete control of it. The Castro
crowd will not feel entirely secure until they
have succeeded in wiping out all expressions of
anti-government sentiment - but wi thel
anti-Castro group let them stay in long enough
to do it? If the number and frequency of the
plots is any indication, the present govern-
ment is not entirely welcome in the confused
land of Cuba; perhaps Batista will have com-
pany soon in his Dominican Republic exile.

Ike's .Lead
PRESIDENT Eisenhower's pro- President is more nea
gressively strengthening na- of his job and more a
tional and party leadership has the problems within hi
now become so evident that few tration than he used
seriously dispute the change any this is reflected in a
more. improved personal ma
True, there is much disagree- - much more relaxed tl
ment as to whether he is, even ago and it appears1
yet, aggressive enough. And there enjoying his work. Phy
is much disagreement as to he looks much better
whether he has giot waited too sometimes used tobalter
long, at any rate, to make the ly between a cherry-re
traditional use of the powers of one of chalk-white, bo
his office. to those concerned
In short, to attempt any un- health.
qualified estimate of the Presi-*
dent's present posture and effec- NOW, JUDGING fr
tiveness is pointless. For any ab- pearance on two or t
solutely fiat judgment sets off. ent kinds of recent oc
even among the detached, an in- ordinary faintly ruddy
soluble argument - insoluble in that had been his bef
that it- is one which nobody can illness has returned to
entirely win or entirely lose, dent.
whichever side he is on. If, as this corresp
* * * lieve4, the President
WITHIN THESE limits, how- entered a new phase
ever, there is this central and un- dent and seemingly fi
doubted reality: Whether or not what are the underly
he has gone far enough, or started for this comparativ
going there soon. enough, the Eisenhower so late in
President is now going much Oddly, some of his
farther than ever before to give in the Cabinet are n
personal direction to the Repub- apart from his criticsi
lican party and to the country. timates of the why. Th
This rise in Presidential firm- runs about as follows:
ness is being illustrated in many 1. In taking, last
ways. There is, for example the determined and consi
frequent use of the veto over a for budget-balancing
Democratic Congress by a Presi- any cost the Preside:
dent who as recently as a year of the few times in
ago seemed to stand almost in Administration, sudde
awe of the men on Capitol Hill- the spokesman for a u
in both parties. * * *
Again, there are almost daily THE OLD GUARDI
smaller demonstrations that the in Congress, who havei

ersh hip Firm

arly on top
aware of all
is Adminis-
to be. And
n obviously
orale. He is
han a year
that he is
ysically, too,
r. His face
onate quick-
ed tone and
th alarming
about his
om his ap-
hree differ-
casions, the
y coloration
ore his first
o the Presi-
ondent be-
really has
as a confi-
.t executive,
ing reasons
vely "new"
his tenure?
s associates
not too far
in their es-
heir analysis
January, a
stent stand.
at nearly
nt, for one
his whole
nly became
nified GOP.
never really

been pro-Eisenhower, were thus
brought into a spiritual kinship
with him they had never known
before. Often in the past, the
President had actually depended
on Democratic rather than Re-
publican Congresisonal support
when the going was really rough.
But in the "anti-spending"
campaign he became the authen-
tic leader of all the Old Guard
as well as the Eisenhower, or
"modern" Republicans. Here he
spoke a common GOP language
and slogan. And here he was able
to find the first true comradship
with all in his own party, while
together they found a truly com-
mon enemy, the Democratic party.
2. The departure from the
White House of Sherman Adams,
the erstwhile "Assistant Presi-
dent," was slow in throwing up
visible effects. But these effects
are now becoming plain, and they
greatly help to explain the "new"
Eisenhower. In the old days he
depended to an extraordinary de-
gree on Mr. Adams. In the post-
Adams era the President by neces-.
sity began to do some of the
things, and make some of the
decisions, he had once rather air-
ily left to "Sherm."
The process of "letting Sherm
do it" has long since ended. The
President's do-it-yourself cam-
paign is now fully in motion.
Whether he is doing it "better"
is still arguable; but the fact that
he himself is really doing it is
not arguable at all.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

essential to the role which many
could not tread.
EVE ARDEN is a natural for
Maida; she is her witty, sparking
self, which is all anyone could ask.
Ben Gazzara as Lieutenant Man-
ion offers another sharply drawn
characterization, cold, shrewd and
Here end the plaudits. The oth-,
er leading roles are mishandled
or miscast, or both, which is no
mean trick. James Stewart, when.
you can understand him, is un-
satisfying as Paul Biegler, the
lawyer with wit and charm and
poverty. He seems removed from/
his role, and a detached perform-
ance is not what the part needs.
Lee Remick has no talent, and
even playing an oversexed tramp
like Laura Manion she needs a
little. That is also Kathryn
Grant's problem, while Arthur
O'Connell was just mediocre.
. . .*
exception of Lansing's Mr. Dan-
cer, were generally Upper Penin-
sula folksy, which means not well
The chief problem with the
film, aside from the fact that
color would have improved it
enormously, was the script. Most
of the lines came directly from
the book; and if you read that,
it should have been enough.
Traver, who is John V o e l k e r,
seemingly the only judge with
enough time to write a novel,
wrote a fairly dullish book, with .
little suspense, little humor and
many words.
The film takes the same plot,
the same words and as a result
gets the same unsatisfying re-
sults. But Otto Preminger did a
few things to the novel. He cut
much of the courtroom action,
which was the book's strong point,
right out of the movie. The law-
yers' closing arguments, which
were almost powerful in the novel,
are not even presented in the film.
Thus any suspense or climax is
ALSO, good as Duke Ellington
may once have seemed, his music
blaring over much of the film's
early dialogue is no great artistic
feat either; in fact, it obscures the
already pretty obscure Mr. Stew-
art right out of the speaking busi-
And why did Preminger insist
on changing sexy but pure Laura
Manion of the novel into the
tramp of the film version? Why
did virtue perish? Not only is this
a moral question but the change
in character obscures some -of the
real strength of Biegler's case to
the point where any sensible jury
would have convicted Manion.
Except this one, that is.
Totalling the results: Most of
the time one must complain be-
cause a novel has been changed
too much when put on the screen.
Here one must complain because
they didn't change it enough.-
-Robert Junker

HE SIX Brandenburg Concer-
tos seem to be developing into
a happy summer tradition.
Sunday some of Ann Arbor's
finest musicians, under the direc-
tion of Josef Blatt, gave Nos. 1, 3
and 5 in the afternoon and 6, 4,
and 2 in the evening. These per-
formances were a delight for nu-
merous reasons.
First. Prof. Blatt paced. the
works more satisfactorily than
one hears in even the best profes-
sional performances or recordings.
Particularly successful in this re-
spect were the brisk tempos used
in the Polacca and repeated Min-
uetto sections of the First Con-
certo Finale. The' entire Concerto
was better balanced because of it,
were Benning Dexter's stunning
performance of the solo keyboard
part of the Fifth Concerto, and
Paul Willwerth's performance of
the deamon solo trumpet part of
the Second Concerto.
The gradual increase of tension
which Prof. Dexter imparted, to
the cadenza of the Fifth Concerto
was almost sadistic. It was
achieved wi'thout distortion of
tempo, dynamics or articulation.
One of the serious gaps in Ann
Arbor's musical culture is not
hearing this man play two or
three recitals a year.
Only one instrument per part
was used for the ripieno sections,
As a result, all the voices were
clearer, and the whole effect was
far more exciting than that
achieved by the traditional string
orchestra. However, the use of
small ripieno forces' created new
problems of balance between ri
pieno and concertante passages
which were left unsolved.
FLUTES WERE used in the
Fourth Concerto in place of tle
recorders (there must be recorder
players in Ann Arbor who could
handle the parts), and cellos were
used in the Sixth Concerto in
place of the violas da gamba.
Among Bach and Baroque, per-
formers the seemingly ancient
problems of ritard at the end of
a movement is still at large.
Sometimes this was disastrous on
Sunday's performances. No 'one
agreed how much, where, and
when the ritard shouldbe. Emin-
ently successful were the rare oc-
casions when the ritards were left
out altogether.
Intonation was a problem, par-
ticularly in the First and Sixth
Concertos. Sunday being such a
nice day, it was hard to place the
blame on the weathr. Now and
then some entrances were missed,
entire lines- left out, or beats or
measures skipped.
* * *
HYPERCRITICISM is'not really
in order; the Brandenburg Col-
certos, as delightful as they are
for the listener, are phenomenally
difficult for the performer. The
concertante soloists spend most of
their time in extreme high regis-
ters with little relief to preserve
their endurance. The number of
notes per measure in some of the
violin solo parts approaches the
The musical and dramatic im-
pact of the Brandenburg Concer-
tos, the exceptional musicianship
and technical capacities of the
performers (who, after all, spend
most of their lives teaching rath-
er than performing), and the fes-
tive receptivity of the audience
far outweigh the relatively minor

errors in performances.
-Gordon Mumma






Space Age Takes Giant Strides in Short Time


Associated Press News Analyst
NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV has said the words
which, if Soviet Russia showed only the
slightest signs of living by them, could end
the cold war.
"Soviet Russia has no desire to export Com-
munism and no desire for expansion."
In a mood strongly contrasting from the one
he displayed when talking to Averell Harriman
recently, the Soviet Dictator told visiting Amer-
ican governors that if a disarmament agree-
ment could be reached his government would
cooperate with the United States in helping
underdeveloped countries.
That would be acceptance of President Ei-
senhower's - expression of one of the world's
oldest ideas, about devoting the money spent
on war budgets to world economic development
--beating swords into plowshares.
THE INITIATIVE is up to Khrushchev. He
boasts 1f his great power. If he really has
it he could demonstrate it by changing the
-. W .

whole course of Russian foreign policy, which
is not only a Communist policy, but which
has been basic in Russian conduct for 350
years. Communism has.merely been fashioned
into a weapon for expansionism. Changing it
would be real demonstration of power, and
Nikita could go down in 'history as far more
than just another Russian Czar.
The answer to whether Khrushchev was ex-
pressing his real thoughts when talking to
Harriman about Berlin and the possibilities
of war, or when he was talking to the governors,
is only too evident.
It will be demonstrated again when he sends
Gromyko back to Geneva. Gromyko says only
what he is told, and if he didn't he would be
fired, says Khrushchev. And what Gromyko
says is "nyet," when he says anything.
THAT'S WHAT he will say when Secretary
Herter asks him again if his country is lay-
ing down ultimata about Berlin. And then he
will proceed by every action to deny his own
The British still say they have hopes of
enough agreement at Geneva to lay the ground-
work for a Summit Conference. It's a good bet

Associated Press Science Reporter
THE SPACE AGE is barely a
year and nine months old-
yet in silent order four man-made
moons circle the Earth and two
metal planets are in eternal orbit
around the sun.
These are the vanguard of man
Ironically two of the artificial
moons and the two planets will
outlive present and future genera-
tions of man.
The tiny Vanguard I satellite
will follow its charted course at
least 200 years and perhaps 2,000
years before it crashes into the
earth's atmosphere.
* * *
VANGUARD II, a basketball-
sized sphere, will have space life-
time measured in centuries.
The two planets, one Russian
and one American, may live as
long as the solar system itself.
It is difficult to believe now
that this all began less than two
years ago, on Oct. 4, 1957.
It was then that the Soviet
Union surprised the world by put-
ting a 184-1b. mon-Sputnik I-
into orbit around the earth. A
month later the Soviets launched
Sputnik II with its dog passenger,
Laika, into a similar orbit.

Russia put the mammoth Sput-
nik III into orbit after the first
two Sputniks had fallen back to
earth. But no Russian moon is
circling the earth at present.
Both the United States and Rus-
sia have small metal spheres cir-
cling the sun.

IN ALL ELEVEN man-made
moons have been put into orbit
around the earth, all but three of
them made in the United States.
Of the eleven, only four United
States moons still soar.
Vanguard II, up since Feb. 17
bal lthat was the second United

Willie's Words ..

States satellite, is the farthest-
flung and will be the longest-
* * *
LAUNCHED March 17 of last
year, Vanguard I-a mere six-
inch sphere - has been photo-
graphed in its orbit that reaches
out some 2,500 miles. A special
telescopic camera did the job.
The man-made planets are the
Soviet Mechta, launched Jan. 2
this year, and the United States
Pioneer IV launched this March 3.
HERE IS A table of the satellite
and planet ups and downs to
Sputnik I, launched Oct. 4, 1957,
downed Jan. 4, 1958;
Sputnik II, launched Nov. 3,
1957, downed April 13, 1958;
Explorer I, launched Jan. 31,
1958, five years' life expectancy.
Vanguard launched March 17,
1958, 200 years or more life ex-
Explorer III, launched March 26,
1958, downed June 27, 1958;
Sputnik III, launched May 15,
1958, downed Dec. 3, 1958;
Explorer IV, launched July 26,
1958, one year, two months life
Atlas-Score. launched Dec. 18.





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