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July 11, 1959 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-11

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

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AXIX, No. 14S




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-Daily-Peter Anderson
TRUCTION CONTINUES-Buildings are rising on the University's Dearborn Center campus which will be ready to open this fall.:
far, enrollments in the junior-level programs in business administration and engineering are lagging behind expectations.
bo'ruCenter Lacks Students

While progress, in building and
affing the University's Dearborn
enter has been "very good," the
enter is still short on students.
Only about 80 have so far en-
illed for the fall opening of the
enter, but University Vice-Presi-
ent and Center Director William5
Stirton still hopes for 150 or
The Center is designed to even-
ally accommodate 2,700 students
a a "work-stidy" basis.
Blames Bxtdget Uncertainties,
Stirton explained y e s t e r d a y
at the low number of admis-
]ite Housing
s Problem

sions hinges largely on recent un-
certainties over the size of the
University's operating budget for
the present fiscal year, signed into
law two' days ago.
Funds for operating the Center
come from the lump appropriation
to the University, and "we were
much concerned". about receiving
a budget too small to allow for the
Center's operations, Stirton said.
Therefore, until the University
receptly was assured of a record
appropriation, admissions to the
Center had to be held up, Stirton
Students' Plans Completed
In the meantime, "the kind of
people we want at the Center
have already made their plans for
the fall," he added.
Difficulty in finding students is
increased because fall enrollment
will be limited to juniors in busi-
ness administration and engineers-

igan industrial complex" and is
centrally located for students and
job internships, Stirton said.
The Center was originally made
possible by a $6.5 million gift
from the Ford Motor Co. Fund.
When enough funds are ac-

quired, three programs will be
available on the junior, senior and
graduate level: cooperative pro-
grams in engineering and busi-
ness administration and a literary
college program similar to that
on the Ann Arbor campus.

Senate Group Rejects
Federal School Aid Plan
WASHINGTON M-) - A 4-3 vote in a Senate Judiciary subcom-
mittee yesterday rejected a plan to use federal money to encourage.
southern areas to integrate their schools.
Another 4-3 vote favored-extending the life of the Federal Civil'
Rights Commission another 15 months, to Jan. 31;1961.
In Voth cases the deciding vote was cast by Sen. Roman L. Bruska.
(R-Neb.), an Omaha lawyer formerly active in county government.
Opposed Grant Idea
Sen. Hruska, saying he had lined up with the three southerners

Test Ban
GENEVA ()-East-West scien-
tists urged the United States,
Britain and Russig yesterday to
provide in a nuclear test ban
treaty for a network of satellites
to deteet violations hundreds of
miles above the earth.
Western delegates said the sci-
entific report was a considerable
step forward in the three-natioi-
talks for a test ban treaty. It im-
plied Soviet agreement to parti-
cipate in a joint program to
launch the control satellites al-
though the report is not binding
on the three powers.
For three weeks United States,
British and Soviet scientists dis-
cussed how nuclear tests any-
where above 30 miles altitude
could be controlled.
Calls For Network
Their 3,000-word report called
for a satellite detection network,
supplemented by other devices op-
erating from fixed control posts
on the ground. The satellites
would radio information to the
control posts.
The scientists said the best con-
trol system would be to fire five
or six instrument-packed satel-
lites into orbit tens of thousands
of miles above the earth.
Such satellites would be ex-
tremely costly. They might remain
in orbit for centuries, and certain-
ly would outlast the effectiveness
of the instruments they con-
Lower Orbits Cheaper
As a cheaper alternative, the
scientists suggested a system ofi
lower level satellites, orbiting at
altitudes below 420 miles. Suchi
satellites might disintegrate afteri
one year and would have to be re-
placed by others: This would per-
mit keeping the ins t r u me n ts
abreast of technical developments.
The disadvantage of the low-
level network, the scientists said,
would be blind spots in certain
areas. The blind spots could be
easily calculated by a would-be
violator and would have to be
checked by other detection de-
Western sources were lavish in
their praise of the scientists, One
ranking Western official said Rus-
sia and the West have never be-
fore achieved such a complicated
agreement in such a short period.
Governments to Study Plan
The scientists opened their dis-
cussions June 22 and held many
sessions lasting.far into the night.
Their report - which does not
commit their governments to ac-
ceptance of the recommendations
-will be studied at government
level and is expected to be written
into the draft: test ban treaty
Participating s c i e n t i s t s dis-
agreed only on one point: The
American and British represen-
tatives wanted a more closely-knit
.detection system directed at al-
titudes below 100 miles.

Polish Educator N(
Contrast in U.S. Ci
Akjunkt Janusz Reykowski, of the University of
visiting the campus, has observed a contrasting da
otherwise'prosperous picture in this land.
Reykowski, who has been in this country since 0c
United States a "tremendously rich country" with no
the others he has seen. But he was admittedly su
serve the slums of Detroit, Boston and Chicago, in th
general high standard of living. The Polish visitor,
psychology, also found the Americans to be "much
and friendlier" than he had anti-
To Talk on Americay
He plans to give speeches on his
impressions of: America when he
returns home to Communist-ruled '
Poland. The- Polish educator does
not anticipate any trouble for
himself in the way he may de-
scribe America.
The 1956 governmental shake-
up ousted the Stalinists, bringing
moderate Communists into powers
he explained, so that now Poland
is a relatively free country.
Whereas five years ago a Pole
visiting America was unheard of,
now, Reykowski said, such visits
are arranged quite frequently.
There is freedom of speech in
Poland, he continued, but public
criticism of Communism as a sys-
tem and foreign policy issues is
not voiced.
Observes Psychology Methods.
Reykowski has visited several FIDEL CA

tes Report Reds
ties Might Wait
Until 1961
Warsaw, now
rk side to the Macmillan's Speeches
ctober, calls the Hint Possible Summit
comparison to Within Two Months
xrprised to ob-
ie midst of the LONDON (-) - Britain got a
an educator in strong private indication from the
more cultured Kremlin yesterday that Russia is
ready to respect Western rights in
disputed Berlin at least until early
Competent sources said it was
the third assurance passed to the
West that the Soviet Union is pre-
pared to freeze the Berlin crisis if
various "improvements" can be
I agreed on to ease tensions in the
Scity and all Germany.
These hitherto-secret develop-
ments clearly lay behind the oft-
expressed confidence of Prime
Minister MacMillan's government
that an East-West summit con-
ference is a certainty.
Predict Summit Meeting
The best guess of knowledgeable
authorities here is that the first
of a series of summit meetings
will be held in Geneva in late
August or around mid-September.
Sandwiched between these sum-
mit parleys would be a series of
rolling negotiations by foreign
STRO ministers of the powers on the
penalty grave problems' of Europe.
Soviet intentions are due to be
tested next week when the Big
Four foreign ministers resume
their talks in Geneva.
'Will Ask Assurane
'ator s Then AmericanSecretary of
State Christian A. Herter, British
Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd
The govern- and French Foreign Minister
clared a maxi- Maurie' Couve de Murville will
ath for Cubsns press Russia's Andrei Gromyko to
icted of coun- spell out in precise terms the as-
ctivity. surances privately conveyed.
atigity. Russia's reported assurances
a long catalog center on the plan for a Berlin
tting, sabotage, compromise put ups by Gromyko
assaults on the to the West the day before the
ing of men on Geneva talks recessed June 20.
t the govern- In that plan Gromyko said if
of planes to East and West Germany could not
ent leaflets - agree within 18 months o na pro-
death before a gram to reunite their country,
then the Big Four should meet
y government again to review the situation.
kind of action
. Batista from T *..r, D
a 1 palace and sec upe
aro to power.a e
nment in the To Focus
Ten olagued by

is the main problem for racial and
minority groups in Michigan, the
State Advisory Committee on;
Civil Rights reported yesterday.
"Housing," Charles E. Wilson,
committee chairman said, "is the
toughest civil rights problem fac-
ing Michigan today."
"To the degree that the housing
problem is resolved," he said, "the
civil rights problems on other
areas such as education and un-
employment will be relieved."
Reports Problem
Dorothy S. McAllister, Grand
Rapids civic leader, presented the
report on the housing problem in
blunt and uncompromising lan-
"In the face of a Negro popu-
lation that is expanding more
rapidly than the white population,,
the lines of residential segregation
are drawn more tightly today,"
she said.
The modern trend, she said, has
been a moving of much of the
white population to the suburbs of
the larger cities an'd a concentra-
tion of non-whites to commercial
and industrial areas.
Sees Basic Pattern
"Thus," Mrs. McAllister said,
"there has been a basic pattern of
a growing non-white . population
concentrated in the oldest and
most rundown sections of the city
and a white population .moving
'" out to newer homes in the outly-
ing areas."
Mrs. McAllister said property,
owners, real estate brokers, build-
ers and bankers all discriminate
against the Negroes and other mi-
nority groups in the field of hous-
Steel Parley,
Raises~ Hopes,,,
NEW YORK (A)-The tempo of
steel negotiations rose consider-
ably yesterday leading to renewed
hopes that. a settlement could be
'reached before a Tuesday midnight
srike deadline.
Industry and Steelworkers Union
barainngteams admitted they
have been. "exchanging data," but
declined( to specify that thesehv

ing, he pointed out. . on the committee in opposition to the federal grant idea, said he does
Although its 'share of the Uni- ,ot believe the federal govern-
versity's operating funds has not ment should get involved in edu-
yet been determined, the Center LOng To Scation in such a way.
will operate on a'minimum budget The idea was advanced by Sen.
next year. T Paul H. Douglas (D-Ill.), a chief
Postpone Program TWO Journals advocate of federal civil rights
Only two of the campus' four laws, but not a member of the
buildings will be open'ed. In addi- For lander judiciary committee. Sen. John
tion, the program in the liberal A. Carroll (D-Colo.), moved its
arts will not begin until a later. WINNFIELD, La. (P)-Louisiana adoption yesterday.
time. , Chairman Thomas C. Hennings
Although the Center faces these Governor Earl K. Long pulled the Jr. (D-Mo.), said he voted for
problems, acceptance by the com-, trigger on a two - million - dollar Carroll's motion. It seemed ob-
munity and business -is continual- suit against Time and Life maga- vious that the other vote for it
ly on the uprise, Stirton reported. zines yesterday for what he called came from Sen. William Langer
Variousemployers, community "slanderou articles and pictures" (R-N.D.), but Sen. Hennings
college leaders, newspapers, radio "lneosatce n itrs"Te6=erodgvro didn't say how individuals voted.
and television are publicizing the The 63-year-old governor, map- Claim Violation of Rights
Center, Stirton said, ping final plans for an extended Thaiheeioteneo n h
vacation through the Western The three southerners on the
Recruit Staff subcommittee are Sens. Sam J.
Recruitment of a 20-membernstates, Canada and Mexico, also Ervin Jr. (D-N.C.), John L. Mc-
teachin and 20memberindicated through a political fol- Celn(-r) n lnD
teaching and recruiting staff will lower that he plans to call the JoClellan (D-rk) Tnd haD
be completed by next week. Lgsauent pca sinJohnston (D-S.C.). They have
by ex wek. Legislature into special session consistently opposed such mea-
Stirton added equipment. build- early next month.
ing and installation is proceeding Gov. Long said he expects his sures as Sen. Douglas', on the
"very well." attorney, Joe Arthur Sims to file grounds they violate the consti-
The Center's future is even the suit against Time, Inc., in 19th tutional rights of states.
brighter, he predicted. Ds ainsCuTinc , n 19th Sen. Douglas proposed that the
An overabdance of studentDistrict Court in Baton Rouge Department of Health, Education
is expected to apply in the next There was no comment on what and Welfare be empowered to
year or two as the Center moves material in the magazines irked grant financial and technical aid
into normal operation. the Governor. But two of his to states and local school districts
Locatedr.Bt woo hs o moving from segregated to inte-
Centrally Located followers in the Legislature were grated eron of white
The Center is located in the upset last night when they read grated education of whites and
"heart of the .southeastern Mich- this week's issue of Life. egroe school districts which
complied with the S u p r e me
Court's anti-segregation holdings,
orkd News Roundup in the face of state laws resist-
ing integration, also would be eli-
gible for federal grants under the
Douglas bill.
By The Associated Press The vote to extend the life of
LONDON - Radio Moscow yesterday commended Prime Minister the Civil Rights Commission un-
Harold MacMillan for referring again to his earlier suggestions that til Jan. 31, 1961 was also on mo-
4 ,seriesof summit meetings be held. tion of Sen. Carroll. It is part of
Commenting on MacMilan's speech in the House of Commons a civil rights bill proposed by Sen.
Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas, the
Wednesday in which he made passing reference to his earlier pro- Senate Democratic leader. Presi-
posals for a series of meetings, the broadcast said the suggestion was dent Dwight D. Esenhower pro-
a sensible approach to the question as to methods most applicable posed an extension to Sept. 9, 1961.
for improving the international situation."

universities in the United States
since his arrival, to observe the
American approach to personality
and motivation, which is his field.
Arriving on campus in the be-
ginning .of. June, 'he has been
working here with Prof.John W.
Atkinson, a specialist in motiva-
tion in the psychology department.
The Polish educator voiced his
interest in arranging contact be-
tween American and Polish psy-
chologists to exchange informa-
tion and publication.'
Now Study U.S. Approach
"Five years ago, American meth-
ods in humanistic sciences got a
bitter reception in Poland, but now
we are encouraged to study the
American approach," he continued.
Reykowski is one of the Polish
educators now touring the United
So Coon?
Maybe the smaller model sports
cars need better defensive
Thursday, the news was that
a snappy little convertible had
been run over by a horse near
Peoria, Ill. Yesterday, a diminu-
tive sedan came off no better
than evenwith a 20-pound ree-
The latest encounter came on
Highway 17 north of Rhine-
lander, when the sedan, driven
by John N. Welch, of Kenil-
worth, Ill., collided with the
raccoon and overturned.
The car was wrecked, but so
was the coon. Welch escaped
serious injury.

. . . stiffens

ment yesterday de
mum penalty of det
or foreigners convi
ter-revolutionary a
The decree lists
of activities - plot
bombing, invasion,
government, recruit
Cuban soil to figh
ment, and the use
drop anti-governmi
which could bringt
firing squad.
The revolutiongr
thus outlawed the'
that swept Fulgenci
the presid nti
brought Fidel Cas
The Castro goveri
past month has be
plotting and bom
on Batista supports
The same decreE
military tribunals
over cases involvij
men and civilian c
Batista and handed
civilian courts.
In extending the
citizens of foreign
government appear
lowing up Castro's
that enemies of1
were conspiring wi
Florida and the D
public. Batista fled
Dominican Republic

bings, blamed
e stripped the
of jurisdiction
ng ex-military
colaborators of
d them over to
law to cover
countries, the
ed to be fol-
recent charge
the revolution
ith Cubans in
)ominican Re-
to exile in the
. .


On Science


Visitors Gaze at Stars

Lloyd V. Berkner, president of
Associated Universities, Inc., will
speak on "The Impact of Science
Upon Society and Culture" at a
Summer Session lecture Monday.
The speech, part of a series on
"Modern Man Looks Forward," will
take place at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A,
Angell Hall.
At 8 p.m. also in Aud. A, a panel
made up of faculty members and
Berkner, will discuss the latter's
The following men, who have ex-
pressed interest in the topic, will
participate: Prof. E. Lowell Kelly,
chairman of the psychology de-
partment and director of the
Bureau of Psychological Services;
Prof. James G. Miller, director of
the Mental Health Research In-
stitute and professor of psychiatry
and psychology and Prof. Lawrence
B. Slobodkin of the zoology de-
Associated Uni.versities, Inc., is
an educational institution spon-
sored by nine universities in the
northeast, including Harvard, Yale,
Columbia, Princeton, Cornell, and
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
Its purpose is to establish and
operate research facilities such as
Brookhaven National Laboratory,
which is operated under contract
with the Atomic Energy Commis-
The organization has also pooled
facilities for joint scientific re-
searchtat the National Radio Ob-
servatory, which is operated under

BAGHDAD, Iraq - The Iraqi Communist Party said yesterday it
will continue to pursue its policy of demanding a popular front and
Communist participation in power.
A party statement asserted, however, that the Communists are
supporting' Prime Minister Abdel Karim Kassem in order to fight
what the Reds called imperialist traitors and suspicious elements.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The Atomic Energy Commission is planning
to set off some non-nuclear explosions in a Louisiana salt mine as

Rebels DisbandI
In Argentina
BUENOS .AIRES (A) - Rebels
who threatened cavil war to sup-
plant the constitutional govern-
ment of President Arturo Frondizi
by a military dictatorship dis-
banded in apparent de1fea.t uesti'-

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