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July 08, 1959 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-08

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Hatcher Discusses Soviet Reforms



(Continued from Page 1)
people to meet requirements for
the immediate future.
It also seemed clear from these
conversations that Soviet educa-
tional officials see in the plan cer-
tain desirable features in terms
of selecting those students who
will go on to universities and oth-
er institutions of higher educa-
tion. The selective process will be
strengthened, they explained, be-
cause only those students who
have the ability, the drive, and
the determination will do the two
years of work, supplemented by'
night work at school, to qualify
for admission to the universities
and institutes.
Opposition To Plans
We inquired, of course; how the.
students felt about these plans,
but could get no definite answer.
At one university, however, the
rector paused for a moment and
then added what might be a signi-
L ficant comment. He said:
"Well, the ones that already
have been admitted certainly are
We heard reports that there
was considerable opposition to
these plans in educational circles
as well as among some of the
wealthier families who do not
want their children's education
interrupted. However, we were
unable to verify any of these ex-
cept the fact that there had been
a great deal of discussion in the
r faculties and student bodies of
the universities and institutes.
As a result of these discussions,
a number of modifications appar-
DIAL NO 8-6416
Her treachery
stained every
. stone of the
Pyramid !

ently have been made in the ori-
ginal proposals. The most import-
ant of these, it seems to me, is the
recognition that in some areas
where maturity is reached at an
early age, it is more important to
have continuity of education than
work experience. For this reason,
apparently, the two-year work re-
quirement has been eliminated
for students entering such fields
as chemistry, mathematics, phys-
ics, nuclear science, and foreign
Basic Philosophy Prevails
In other fields, the basic phil-
osophy prevails: the student will
benefit from work and will be
more mature, serious, and indus-
trious, and thus a better student
after two years of such experi-
ence. Judging from the record of
our own GI's following World
War II, who is to say this assump-
tion is wrong?
Our visits to Poland and Fin-
land were far too brief for any-
thing other than the most general
kind of conclusions. In both in-
stances; however, we found rela-
tively poor nations making great
sacrifices so that the education of
their young people might go for-
In Poland, the university sys-
tem has been almost rebuilt from
the ground up during the postwar
years. The war's end found physi-
cal plants razed - almost 85 per
cent of Warsaw was destroyed -
libraries almost completely lost
and faculties reduced to a handful
of scholars.
700 Study for PhD's
Yet today there are seven flour-
ishing universities, ten academies
of medicine, and a number of
specialized institutes. In 1945 the
University of Warsaw gave six
doctors' degrees to candidates,
who had completed their work in
an underground university under
penalty of death if caught. Today
there are 700 students studying
for doctors' degrees at the Uni-
In contrast to some of the So-
viet universities where a high de-
gree of specialization is being
sought, particularly in science
fields, the University of Warsaw is
concentrating major attention on
broadening the students' back-
ground and understanding the
basic disciplines.
Members of the University ad-
ministration and staff told us
quite emphatically that they did
not think it was a good idea for
students to be specialized in one
field only, but felt that they

should know something about
other fields as well,
The University of Helsinki,
where we visited for a short time,
is truly one of the great universi-
ties of Europe. Its dedication to
scholarship, the quality of its fac-
ulty, its extensive library re-
sources, and the intelligence and
seriousness of its students left a
deep impression upon all of us.
Despite meager financial re-
sources, the government of Fin-
land has managed to support the
University and other units of the
educational system in a fashion
which can only reflect a great
national pride in the cultural at-
tainments of the Finnish people.
All of us felt some measure of
this same pride as we departed
from Helsinki after our visit
Returning to the USSR, no re-
port of this kind would be com-
plete without some comment on
the cordiality of the Russian
people and the hospitality shown
to members of our delegation. I
have been nowhere in the world
where I was received with greater
courtesy, attention, and friendli-
ness than I encountered during
our four weeks in the Soviet
Russians Eager To Know
The members of our delegation
found everywhere, but particular-
ly in the cities somewhat off the
normal tourist track, an almost
contagious eagerness to know
more about us, the country we
represent, andthehwhole field of
education in general.
This was shown in many ways
-the youngsters who stopped us
in the streets just to talk, the
dance band at our hotel in Kiev
which played "Yankee Doodle"
(in jazz time) as we entered the
restaurant, and the students who
lined the walks in front of the
universities in Tbilisi, Samarkand,
and Irkutsk to cheer and wave
Wherever we turned in this so-
ciety in these 15,000' miles of
travel, we could not escape the
sense of vigor, of the pioneering
spirit, and of friendliness which
seemed to emanate from the
people. We concluded that we
were seeing a society in such a
rapid stage of transition and de-
velopment that it would be diffi-
cult for anyone who had not been
here to realize what was going on
in the USSR.
Our only source of real disap-
pointment, in fact, was the to-
tally one-sided and distorted view
which most citizens seem to have
of the United States of America.
From the books which they read
-Dreiser, Hemingway, Faulkner,
etc. - to the things which are
printed in the official press, there
is a systematic attempt to paint
t Pe United States as a decadent,
cpitalistic, robber-baron type of
Lack Understanding
We found, as I have observed,
an impressive array of knowledge
on statistical and economic mat-
ters, but a total lack of under-
standing of what the.democratic
process is all about.
On the other side, we heard fre-
quent complaints from the Rus-
sians that we tended to think in
terms of some of the worst ex-
cesses of the Stalinist period -
slave labor camps, wholesale ar-
rests for political crimes, suppres-
sion of all individual rights, etc.
It' is time to realize, they said,
that the period of Stalin is over
and that economic development is
the number one goal of the Soviet
Whatever - the merits of these
arguments on either side, it is
clear that the cultural exchange
program is providing an avenue
for better understanding and for
strengthening relations between
the peoples of the Soviet Union

and the United States. Nowhere is
this more true, or more important,
than in the field of education.

(Continued from Page 2)

Placement Notices
Mueller Brass Co., Port Huron, Mich.,
Metallurgical Engrg.-Aluminum. Met.
Engrg. grad. or equivalent with sub-
stantial experience in aluminum metal
working operations. 28-38 yrs. of age.
Michigan Waterways Council of Girl
Scouts, Inc., Port Huron, Mich., Girl
Scout Executive Director, with some ex-
perience in the field.
Executive Manpower Corp., N.Y.C.:
Chief Industrial Engrg., and Executive
Assistant. Call Bureau for further in-
Alco Products. Thermal Products Div.,
Dunkirk, N.Y., Sr. Mathematician. Ma-
thematician and Asst. Mathematicion.
Hubbard & Co., Chicago, Ill., Sales
Engrgs., Electrical Engrgs., and Test
Anchor Hocking Glass Corp., Lancas-
ter, Ohio, Chemical Engrg. or Chemist
and a Machine Design Engrg.
Veterans { Administration Hospital,
Canadaigua, N.Y., Counseling Psycholo-
gy trainees. For complete information
and description, Call the Bureau.
Standard Oil Co., Ohio. The current
openings for Professional,= Technical
and Specialized Personnel are now
listed at the Bureau.
U.S. Civil Service Commission, Wash-
ington, D.C. jobs in Wash.. D. C. area
and nearby; Clerk, Communications
Cryptographic Coding Clerk, Electronic
Computer Operator, Electronic Tech..
Engrg. Aid, Federal Service Entrance
Exam., Flight Operations and Airwor-
thiness Inspector, Geologist, Med. Tech.
Asst., Translator, Offset Duplicating
Asst., Transportation Specialist, In-
formation and Editorial Positions, and

Vessel and Aircraft Sanitation Inspec-
U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Detroit
Ordnance District, Inspection Specialist
New York State Dept. of Civil Serv-
ice. The current list of job openings
and examinations is now on file at the
Bureau. Many openings and opportuni-
General Electric Co., Detroit, Mich.,
Technical Marketing Program. BSEE
or MSME degree.
Walker Mfg. Co., Racine, Wis.; Mech-
anical Engrgs., and Mech. & Chem
Kroger Co. Bakeries, Livonia, Mich.:
B.S. in Electrical for new or 'recent
Standard Oil Co., Cleveland, Ohio:
Process Engrg. (BS ChE), Jr. 'Chem. or
Chemist, Agricultural Sales Trainee (BS
or MS Agric., Eng. Agri., Econ. Agron-
omy. Soil Sdi.. etc.) Jr. Engrg. (BSME),
Jr. Engrg. and Jr. Chemr., Jr. Engrg,
(BEME & BSIE), Operations Analyst,
Operations Research Trainee (BS in
math, physics, stat. or some branch
of engrg. and strong in math.) and
For further information., concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.,
Ext. 3371.



Sailing Club, regular weekly meeting,
July 9, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering.'


Communist Party In Jam' in Kerala


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Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
One of the few electorally suc-
cessful Communist parties outside
the Iron Curtain is in a jam in
the little state of\ Kerala on the
tropical southwest coast of India.
Kerala's ruling Reds, in power
two years, are faced with what
amounts to open rebellion from an
unusual union of two strong re-
ligious communities and three op-
position political parties.
The religious communities are
the Roman Catholic Church, sur-
prisingly influential in Hindu Ker-
ala, and the Nairs, a group of
upper caste Hindus. Both main-
tain their own school systems.
Catholics and Nairs have
watched in dismay as the Com-
munists revised state - specified
textbooks and moved through leg-
islation to gain control of teacher
appointments and school opera-
Political Opposition
The opposition political parties
are the local branch of Prime
-Minister Nehru's powerful Con-
gress Party, the Praja (People's)
'U' Museum
Two Exhiblts
"Young British Painters," and
exhibition of work by eight of
Britain's leading young painters,
is currently showing at the Uni-
versity Museum of Art in Alumni
Memorial Hall,
The exhibition, which will ex-
tend through Aug. 8 is being cir-
culated by the Smithsonian Insti-
tution Traveling Exhibition Serv-
ice. In it are included 41 oil paint-
ings and drawings by Sandra
Blow, Robyn Denny, Donald Ham-
ilton Fraser, Peter Lanyon, Louis
Le Brocquy, Ceri Richards, Wil-
liam Scott, and Bryan Wynter.
Concurrently being shownat
the Museum of Art is an exhibi-
tion, "Ceramics of Japan," which
is being shown for the same length
of time as the British paintings.
This exhibition falls roughly
into three parts: the works of
individual ceramic artists, rural
or traditional pottery and earth-
enware or china for everyday use.
A set of 16 display photographs
showing steps in the manufacture
of pottery, the kilns at Mashiko,
and Hamada Shoji at work ac-
company the exhibit.
" See Our Window
for the Latest Styles.
near Michigan Theatre

Socialist Party and the Moslem
League. The political opposition
has charged that the Communist
Party seeks to perpetuate itself in
power by getting rid of opposition.
Nehru himself has expressed hor-
ror at "brutal political murders"
in Kerala.
The anti-Red campaign is one
of Ghandi-like passive resistance
aimed at forcing the government
to resign or creating such chaos
that Nehru's national government
will have to take over state ad-
Kerala has been , a state only
since 1956 when the old state of
Travancore-Cochin and parts of
Madras were joined under the new
name. It's India's smallest at 15,-
000 square miles.
Communist Majority
Elections in the winter of 1957
gave the Communists 60 seats and
Red-backed independents five in
the 126 - seat Kerala state as-
sembly, a controlling majority of
fuor seats. The Congress Party,
outpolling the Communists by
nearly 200,000 popular votes, won
43 seats; the Socialists 9; the Mos-
lem League 8. One seat went to a
non-Communist independent.
The school issue erupted not
long after the Communists as-
sumed power.
There are about 7,000 schools in
Kerala. Some 4,000 are privately
operated, most of them by the
Catholic Church. Private schools
receive state subsidies. Teacher
salaries are paid by the state,
which prescribes the textbooks.
Private school leaders were
alarmed when they found the
Communists had revised the re-
quired textbooks to include such
passages as this, from a social
studies book:
World Astounded
"The world was astounded when
it saw Russia, almost in its po-
litical infancy, bringing into suc-
cessful operation this many sided
scheme which was impossible even
for the advanced countries of the
Alarm blossomed into open re-

sistance when, last September, the
state assembly passed a "school
control bill," described by its op-
ponents as aimed at indoctrinating
school children in communism.
The most controversial provision
are those which 1) require private
schools to appoint teachers only
from a state-approved list, and
2) enable the state to take over
any private school which it con-
siders poorly managed.
Schools Picketed
When new school terms began
early this month, many private
schools remained closed and public
schools were picketed. Political
foes of the government picketed
tax collecting offices. Some were
killed and others injured in out-
breaks of rioting. Resistance
threatens to go on until one side
wins a clear-cut victory.
Ironically, the private schools
have helped give the Communists
a selling point. The schools have
raised the literacy rate in Kerala
to 40 per cent, highest in India.
But the state also has a chronic
unemployment problem.
"When was the last time you
could afford a book?" Communist
candidates asked college gradu-
ates who were working for 20 cents
a day as laundrymen. The ques-
tion may have helped the Reds to
their majority in the state as-
sembly-a hot seat, as it turned
Gets Fulbright
Ilene T. Olken, Grad., has re-
ceived a Fulbright grant for a
year of research in Italy, where
she will study contemporary liter-
to The
Michigan Daily


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