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July 02, 1959 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-02

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Sixty-Ninth Year
rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editor. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Don't be Silly- .-We Never Need Money that Much"
5 CfL"

Senate House
Argue Politely
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
AN ACTIVE DEMOCRACY like ours often looks like a tug-of-war
at an octupus picnic.
Everyone seems to be tugging away in every direction.


Y, JULY 2 1959


Tw o VieWS

Of Governor Long

1 ault"

Persecuted '

NURSE in University Hospital was discuss-
ing the case of Gov. Earl Long vs. the world.
'You know," she pointed- out, "when Long
ant into the asylum in Texas, some of the
ctors there diagnosed him as paranoid schiz-
renic." (This, she explained, manifests it-
f partially through feelings of persecution.)
'As soon as he got out," she laughed, "the
t thing he said was 'everyone's against me'."
Such a statement may or may not be a symp-,
n of mental disorder. And Long himself may
may not be clinically insane. But recent
mnts in the sovereign state of Louisiana can
.y lead one to hope strongly for a mass shift
the governmental reins, away from the pack
it currently holds sway over Baton Rouge.
EMOVING a goveinor from his position is,
at best, sticky business. Mrs. $lanche Long,
parently with solid backing from a number
state officials, chose the most shameful and
trading method -- degrading to herself and
husband, to the state of Louisiana and the
ion as a whole.
Earl Long the man may belong in a mental
titution; Governor Earl Long does not. If,
feed, his actions in the state house have been
-h as to indicate insanity, surely they could
, have gone unnoticed. And certainly, if cir-
nstances grew severe, he could have been
peached. Impeachment is nasty work, but
current mess is many times worse.
But the events that followed Long's incarcer-
on - almost funny by their very disrepu-
leness - were nothing so much as fuel for
argument that, in American politics, it's
ry man for himself.
HE STRUGGLE for' Long's power began
almost before the governor was out of the
te. Petty officials - and important ones -
d with each other to speed his exit, insure
absence and grab what influence they
fnd then the governor obtained his release,
hed back to his beloved state, and began
ting rid of people right and left - including
t is impossible to feel sorry for any of them,
they have all admirably demonstrated their
ential worthlessness to a responsible gov-
n a way, Long has a point when he com-
ins that "everyone's against me," for in
feral they are. And yet, it is impossible to
I sorry for him, either, for all of this is his
rg -- these are his men, placed in their po-
ons by him, and supposedly subservient to
command. That they turned on him the
nent his power wavered - this is the his-,
ic pattern of any political machine. That:
ig in turn tried to solidify his position by
ss firings - this too is in the pattern. (Of
rse, the pattern also indicates that political,
ses, like prize-fighters, rarely make'a come-
k once they have lost their title.)
'he only possible object of sympathy in the
te of Louisiana is the people of that state -- -
i yet they, in the final analysis, are more
blame than anyone. They suffered Long
dly as governor; they must suffer now.

ONE OF THE real dangers of the American
political system has been realized during
the last few weeks. The American public exec-:
utive is not safe' when he has been elected;
he is subject to plots and schemes which rival
the coups-d'etats of South America or the
Middle East.
Gov. Earl Long of Louisiana was not always
the most subtlr tactful chief executive of the
democratic realm, but he ran the state com-
petently. In doing so, he made enemies, lost his
temper and "carried on." Long was a colorful
individual. Occasionally his color and his tem-
per tantrums coincided; making an unusual
spectacle for the constituents to observe.
Someone had the idea of trying to prove him
insane. His wife played her role and the good
governor was committed to a mental institu-
tion outside; the state. This was a convenient
way to:remove him from the controversial po-
litical sphere of Louisiana where he played the,
leading role.
THEN LONG won his freedom from the,
Texas hospital, only to be promptly plunked
into a similar'Louisiana institution. There he
was examined by a board of competent special-
ists, who decided he was not insane at all,
merely uffering from a nervous breakdown.
The story has a somewhat happy ending.
Long is ditching the wife who wanted to play
politics by conveniently having her husband
committed to a mental institution. One won-
ders whether she should not undergo similar
study. Long is back in control of one of the
biggest political machines in the country, and
one with which the people! of Louisiana are
apparently very pleased.
The danger to the individual, however, is
clearly shown in this case. Any politician with
strong views and a big mouth like Long is
liable to.similar treatment. Having a man com-
mitted to a mental institution when he is just
as sane as those committing him is one of the
shameful situations which still exist in Ameri-
can society, but using it as a device for politi-
.cal control is the added twist which makes
the Long case so interesting.
LONG COMPLETES the tragic cycle of the
family history which began with the assas-
sination of his brother Huey. As a state leader
Long has presented a positive program which
created many enemies. The fact that he is
the governor gives him the power to suggest
and fight for what he believes. It is sad com-
mentary when political opponents who can-
not beat a man at the polls decide to beat him
any way they can.
Long's purge of his "friends" was overdue.
Every great political figure is surrounded by
"climbers" and "leeches." In Long's case they,
happened to be less moral than most.
The case is still marked by charges and
counter-charges of doctors, wives and poli-
ticians. The confusion as to who is an authori-
ty on mental illness, Long's condition and the
rest continues unabated. The real story of Long
and his troubles will make fascinating reading
when all the facts of the case eventually come
to light.
Right now, Long looks like the persecuted

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y The 'Graj
WASHINGTON-The approach- there are strong poten
ing 183rd anniversary of the forces.
Declaration of Independence finds Where does the alli
the ancient foes, the United stand, from the Amer
States and Britain, still forming point? We on this
the ultimate shield of all the free troubled by manife
society of men. England which we be
Much is'being said of national latently dangerous to
independence on this side of the mon cause. First andI
water. But something needs to be is widely believed her
said, and felt, on both Atlantic British are "unrealistic
shores of another concept: inter- problem of dealing wit
dependence. sians over Berlin an
The shield Is strong; but it will, cold war generally.
not necessarily remain so forever. o*rery
* S
It needs a hard, unsentimental ITSFETtaB
examination. For there is no law IT IS FELT that B
of life decreeing that the oldest policy tends to force us
of friends can never, never part. er concessions to the S
True, the theoretically unshak- than we should make
able alliance is yet the single therefore, an America
most important fact of power in tion to call names;F
the world. Winston Churchill said frustration with ar
during World War II that Ameri- leaves a bitter taste i,
can and British affairs would be- and in the mouth.
come so mingled that at last they Where does the alli
would flow like the Mississippi, in stand, from the British
a single mighty current. A British view, whic
* * * could b~e called authc
THIS confluence has largely this: If anybody is "s
occurred. We share our ultimate cold war issue, it isi
atomic secrets only with Britain. States, not Britain.
Our military chiefs and our in- If we really intend
telligence agents - "black chain- an inch over Berlin, sa
ber" and otherwise - work to- fish, then we must mea
gether under all but interchange- are prepared to accept
able hats. But if unity is a prac- bility of atomic-hydi
tical fact now,. there is no auto- with the destruction of
matic assurance that it will go on millions of lives.
through the next critical decade. But, continue the Bri
For while the two allies have is what American lea
drawn closer together in a sense, mean, then they ought

Ad A Iliance'

The courts may pull down the
Congress. Presidents may feud
with Congress and the Courts.
And Congress, good old Con-
gress, may struggle with Courts
and Presidents - and wind up
pulling against itself.
between the House and Senate
usually is conducted quietly be-
hind scenes, but occasionally it
breaks into the open.
That's how we learn Sen. Rus-
sell B. Long (D-La.) and 34 other
Senators are miffed. They think
the Senate, high, mighty and
proud, took a bad licking from the
House on the excise tax bill.
The dispute developed like this:
The House passed one version
of the bill, the Senate another.
The bill then went to conference
-that is, the Senators and Rep-
resentatives, having seniority on
the committees, involved met to
iron out the differences.
* * *
USUALLY whatever these con-
ferences produce is accepted by
both houses. Sen. Hubert H.
Humphrey (D-Minn.), who his
looked into this, says he can find
only 12 conference reports reject-
ed in 10 years.
But, Congressmen being Con-
gressmen, the grumbling goes on.
So here is Long, complaining
that the House members had de-
cided in advance that 'they
wouldn't give in on a thing.
"I think we lost for two rea-
sons," Long told the Senate. "The
House felt it could safely be ada-
mant and that the Senate was go-
ing to surrender. After fpur hours,
the Senate did surrender.
* * *
THE MAIN difficulty in any
dispute like this is something
called Congressional comity. A
Senator isn't supposed even to
mention a House member in de-
bate, lest friction develop. And it's
hard to work up a lather without
naming names and adjectives.
"Back in the old days," Long
explained, "if a Senator said
something derogatory about an-
other Senator or about his state,
it usually ended in a fist fight,
and that was the end of action in
the Senate for the time being. To
enable the Senate to legislate, one
Senator was forbidden to criticize
another Senator."
to the,
To the Editor:
TUESDAY'S movie reviews sug-
gest that a strange force has
invaded The Daily staff. These
excerpts will show you what I
Say One for Me: "The plot .
is grim."
Two-headed Spy: "Occasionally
grim language.",
Stranger in my Arms: "Grim
though it may sound."
Can it be that grimlins have
taken over The Daily?
Fred Steingold, '6L

best laid plans of a President or
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily 'assumes no di-
torial responsibility Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN fori to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 pan. the day preceding
publication. Notices for '.Sunday "
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, NO. 8-s
General Notices
Regents Meeting: Fri., July 24. Com-
munications for consideration at this -
meeting must be in the Presidet'sT
hands by July 14.
Univ. Libraries, including General Li-
brary, Undergraduate Librarynlid divi-
sional. libraries, will be closed Inde- '
pendence Day, Sat., July 4.
Preliminary exams for applicants for
the Ph.D. in 'English will be given .at
2 p.m. In 2443 M.H. on the follo Ung
da d s: July 17-English Literature, 550
186 July 20- English anid Ameria
Literature, 1680-1780; July 24-English
and American Literature, 17804-1870;
July 27-English and American Litera-
ture, 1870-1950. Applicants planning to
take these examinatiobs should leave
their names at the English office if they
have not already done so.
International Center Tea. Thurs.
July 2, 4:30 to 8:00 p.m,, at Internation-
al Center.
Forum Lecture, Linguistics Institutd.
"The Strategy of Lexicostatistics." Prof.
Dell H. Hymes, Harvard Univ. Thurs.,.
July 2. 7:30 p.m.- Raka Amiphi-.
Student Recital: Arthur Theodore
Hegvik, clarinetist, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree Master of -Music, Thurs., July 2,
8:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Elnorb
Louise Barber, Music; thesis: "Antoni,
de, Cabezon's Cantus-irmius ~omposi-
tions and Transcriptions," Fri. July 3
at the home of Prof. H. W. Hitchcock,
912 SunsetRd, at 1:30' pa.. Chairman,
H. T. David.
Placement Notices
The following schools have listed va-
cancies for the 1959-60 school year.
Blue Isid, Ill. - Girls FE; Eng./
German; Eng./Journalism; Librarian;
Ind. Arts (Woodworking, print).
Cocoa, Fla. -- Psychologist..
Copley, Ohio - 8th Gen. si.; En,
Math; Elementary.
Cottage Grove, Ore. -- 4th grade
Remedial Reading.
Detroti, Mich. (Redford Union).-
JHS Art.
Fontana, Calif.;- Elementary; JHg
Nurse; Girls PE; HS Librarian.
Ida, Mich. - vocal; First grade,.
Lorain, Ohio - Elementary; H :
Chem.; Eng.; Guidance; -Librarian
Slow Learning.
Lordsburg, New Mexico-Elementary;
HS: Girls PE; Spanish/Eng; Chem./
Phys./Gen. Sci.; Library/Eng..
Marinette, Wis. - Math (Adanced
math and algebra); 9th Eng.; Olchies-
tra; Kindergarten.
Mount Prospect, 1ll. - Early Elemnen.
North Branch, Mich. - Eng.; Art;
(Continued _on Page 3)



tial divisive
ance really
rican view-
side are
tations in
lieve to be
the com-
foremost, it
re that the
about the
h the Rus-
d over the
3ritish high.
into great-
oviet Union
There is,
an tempta-
a sense of
real friend
n the mind
ance really
ch actually
oritative, is
oft" on the
the United
not to give
y the Brit-
an that we
the possi-
rogen war
itish, if this
ders really
t to be do-


ing what they have never done:
enter upon a national all-out mo-
bilization, open joint war plan-
ning with Britain and the other
Western allies, and tell the people
of theWest the unvarnished story
that the apocalypse may be at
* * *
THE BRITISH, moreover, are:
deeply hurt at suggestions that
they -who took much more than,
their share of the risk and much
more than their share of the dy-
ing in the last war -.are some-
how "appeasers" now. They, are
far less than pleased, too, at in-
nuendos that West Germany,
which was a part of the Germany
that killed so many Britons not
long ago, is perhaps a more reli-
able or wiser partner than Britain
And for a final point of real
but rarely advertised friction:
The British are all but aghast at
what, they consider to be anti-
British American world trade pol-
icies. Britain lives at best on the
thinnest of economic margins.
Britain must have far greater
world trade opportuinities than
American policies now allow if she
is to find any kind of permanent
These are the sub-surface facts
of life atbout this old alliance.
They are far less cheerful than
the trans-Atlantic salutes of this
season. But they are for more real.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Features Syndicate, Inc.)'




Fred Steingold, 'COL



- i


Russia's Berlin Bluff Called

Committee To Probe Selections for Exhibition

Associated Press News Analyst,
THE ELECTION of a German president in
West Berlin has passed off, like the May 27
deadline originally set by Khrushchev for
Western evacuation of the city, without the re-
prisals threatened by the Communists.
The winner, Heinrich Luebke, a former pris-
oner of Adolf Hitler, is Konrad Adenauer's
The event helps to point up three situations
which have been subject to speculation in re-
cent ,months.
First, it is added evidence that the Commu-
nists have been set -back on their heels by
Western determination to maintain the posi-
tion of West Berlin as an enclave inside the
Iron Curtain, and eventually to reestablish the
city as the capital of all German.
IT INCREASES the belief that the Kremlin
has been conducting a limited offensive
rather than an all-out attack - for control of
the whole city.
Editorial Staff
Co-editor Co-editor
PETER ANDERSON .................. Sports Editor
THOMAS HAYDEN....... .......Night Editor'

When Khrushchev brought up the matter
of Western withdrawal from West Berlin he
may have been judging their position by his'
own. Knowing the celebration which would ac-
company Communist withdrawal from German
territory, he could have hoped to stir up a
German nationalist movement against the
Western Allies.a
Instead, there is every evidence that West
Germans are now more than ever aware of
their integration with Western European and
American interests, and no sign has developed
of a "Yankee go home" spirit.
convocation of the Electoral College in Ber-
lin as a ,possible provocation to the Reds dur-'
ing the Geneva Conference interim, is proved
to have been overly cautious. The outcome,
however, represents a political victory which
the Western powers will welcome for him.
The political squabble resulting from reversal
of his decision to quit his job for the less active
one of president appeared in the West as a
threat to German unity at a time of crisis.
Now it appears to have been less serious than
it seemed. His party, though undoubtedly di-
vided over his actions, was able to present an
overwhelming front against its principal chal-
lengers, the Socialists.
Every time the Communists have reached
out for new territory in the past few years -
ini the Middle East, Europe, Quemoy -- they

WASHINGTON ()-An intense
dispute over the art works
selected for the American Na.
tional Exhibition in Moscow began
an airing in Congress yesterday,
before the House Committee on
Un-American Activities.
Critics allege many of the
paintings and sculptures were
executed by United States artists
who have been associated with
Communist causes and say they
do not portray this country's true
The four-man jury of art ex-
perts who picked the 70 paintings
and sculptures by 67 artists for
the exhibition says they were
selected on artistic merit alone
and with no regard to political
backgrounds of the artists.
** *
SOME OTHER art experts, how-
ever, have criticized the selections
and asked that they be recalled.
Government officials - the
United States Information Agency
and State and CommercehDepart-
ments are sponsoring the exhibi-
tion-say the art works are al-
ready in Moscow and there has
been no thought of changing
plans to show them.
The exhibition, showing many
other products of American in-
genuity besides art objects, opens
in Moscow's Sokolniki Park July

ists and Communist Frontiers our
cause is lost," Walter said.
Walter says his committee will
call as witnesses Government offi-
cials and some of the artists.
The Committee, he adds, has
prepared complete , background
records on the artists to whom he
SINCE WALTER'S speech on
the house floor, the USIA has
received a flood- of clippings and
editorials, commenting on the ex-
hibit. Many editorials have been
highly critical of the art selec-
tions, but one USIA spokesman
estimated a majority of them
expressed approval.
At the time of Walter's speech,
the USIA said government offi-
cials decided to place the selection
of the art in the hands of a four-
man jury of distinguished art ex-
perts outside the government
without any attempt at guidance.
"The jury felt," the USIA said,
"thatithe judging of works of
creative art should be solely on
the merit of the paintings and
sculptures rather than the politi-
cal views of the artists. The gov-
ernment authorities concerned
concurred in this view."
The ' jury was chosen by 22
cultural advisers of the State De-
partment and USIA, with the ap-
proval of the White House, the
USIA spokesman said.

were chosen "solely on merit.;. .
to show a wide range and variety
. ,. if any of the artists are, as
Congressman Walter says, on any
subversive list, it is not known
to me. I know some of the artists.
personally but have not engaged,
in political discussions with
Goodrich, another jury member,
said: "the committee selected this
exhibition on the basis of artistic
quality and importance, and not
of the alleged personal back-
grounds of the artists.
* * *
statements are of course not new.
Their substance has been re-
peated by other Congressmen for
at least 10 years whenever such
international exhibitions were
Fortunately for our cultural re-
lations with other nations, such
political attacks on artists have
become less and less effective."'
Goodrich was asked by a re-
porter what he thought of an edi-
torial in the Richmond Times-
Dispatch which said in part:
"There -was a time. when one
might have argued, under the 'art
for art's sake' doctrine, that po-
litical opinions are not germane
in choosing paintings and statues
for an international exhibit.
"But all that has changed, with'

Sculptor Williams of the Artists.
Professional League took a differ-
ent view. He told a reporter he
regarded it as most unfortunate
that any American artists with
Communist affiliation should be
selected to have his work ex-
hibited in Moscow.
exhibit has been Sen. Philip A.
Hart (D-Mich.). He told the Sen-
ate he had hoped "that we had
grown beyond the point where a
political litmus test would be ap-
plied to our judgment of art."
"All= that this hullabaloo would
do," Hart said, "would be to take
the Russians off the hook of world
opinion on which they find them-
selves with the Pasternak case,
and putpus right on it."
Hart referred to the uproar
among Russian Communists last
year over Boris IPasternak's best-
selling novel "Dr. Zhivago' de-
scribing how freedom suffered un-
der Bolshevism. Under Red pres-
sure, Pasternak refused to, accept!
the Nobel Prize.
Artists whose work was selected
for the Moscow exhibit and whom
Walter named in his June 3
speech were Jack Levine, Ben
Shahn, Max Weber, and Philip
Walter said his Committee rec-
ords indicate Levine "has been
affiliated with at least 21 Com-

way they would like to be able to
do but can't. It's a good picture."
Walter said Shahn, whose 1958
painting "Parable" was chosen
"has been affiliated with over two
dozen Communist fronts and
causes" and has been "repeatedly
described in the Communist press
as a 'people's artist'."
Max Weber, whose 1940 oil
painting' "Music" was selected,
was said by Walter to have been
"connected with some 70' Com-
munist fronts and causes."
WALTER SAID Evergood "has
been connected with over 75
Communist fronts' and causes"
and has contributed articles to
Communist newspapers. Ever-
good's' 1936 painting "Street Cor-
ner" is in the exhibit.
Informed of Walter's statement
that he had been connected with
70 Communist fronts and causes
artist Weber said:
"That is as untrue as it is to
say it is dark outside, and it is
now daylight."
Weber, who said he was nation-
al chairman of Artists' Congress
of theWPA (Works Progress Ad-
ministration) in 1936 for one year,
attributed the critical use of his
name to "jealousy and enmity."
Artist Shahn limited his com-
ment to a statement that he re-
garded Sen. Hart's statenient
about leaving politics out of art





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