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July 01, 1959 - Image 1

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom T,


LXIX No. 7&




Discusses Soviet Training

EDITOR'S NOTE: Following is
first in a series of five articles
University President Harlan
cher on his recent trip to the
vet Union as head' of a delega-
u which studied higher educa-
n. This series of articles origin-
appeared in The Detroit News.
original articles by President
cher are reprinted here in full.)
is almost impossible to. visit
Soviet Union and not come
r impressed, if not awed, by
support which /that nation is
ig to the field of education.
lis, I would say, was the dom-
t conclusion of our educa-
il mission to the ,Soviet
n. It is not a new conclusion:
)t every American group to
the USSR so far has re-
ed with this same observa-
is, however, a conclusion of
ralleled importance to the
rican public. Yet it is one the
significance of which still is

great disservice by trying to sugar
coat the facts.
I do not wish to imply that the
Soviet educational system, is not
without its weaknesses, nor that
it is a model which we should
follow. Far from it. In serving the
needs of our democratic society,
our educational system has done,
and is doing, a superb job. It
needs to do even better.
Describes Mission
But first let me say something
about the educational mission
which I was privileged to head.
We traveled nearly 15,000 miles in
the Soviet Union and visited edu-
cational institutions in such wide-
ly diverse areas as Siberia, Cen-
tral Asia, Southern Georgia, and
the Ukraine, as well as in Moscow
and Leningrad.
The delegation included Vice-
Chancellor F. Cyril James from
McGill, University in Montreal,
one of Canada's finest; President.
'Norman P. Auburn from the Uni-
versity of Akron in Ohio; Mr. Wil-
liam C. Pine, director of the
Scholarship Program for the Ford
Motor Company Fund; and Pro-
fessors William Dewey and Lyle
M. Nelson from the University of
Michigan. Mrs. Hatcher and Mrs.
Auburn were also members of the
Our mission, sponsored by the
United States Department of
State under the Cultural Ex-
change Agreement signed with
the Soviet government in 1958,
was particularly fortunate in two
Visit Timed Well
1) We were able to times our
visit to coincide with the height

on the status of higher education
in those countries.
Within the Soviet Union, the
delegation's visit was handled by
the Ministry of Higher Education,
whose top staff members were ex-
ceptionally helpful in providing
information on matters of special
interest to the group. The Minis-
try also gave an official luncheon
for the delegation at the close of
the tour.
Among the other official meet-
ings were a conference with Pres-
ident A. N. Nesmeyanov of the
Soviet Academy of Sciences and
members of his staff (the Acade-
my encompasses the social as well
as the natural sciences), inter-
views with the Rectors or Pro-
Rectors of Moscow, Leningrad,
Kiev, Tbilisi, Tashkent, Samar'-
kand, and Irkutsk Universities,
and visits to the Institute for For-
eign Languages and the Foreign
Language Publishing House.
Confer with Mikoyan
In addition, the party partici-
pated in a one-and-one-half hour
conference with First Deputy
Chairman Anastas Mikoyan on
matters of educational and cul-
tural exchange. A reception at the
home of the American ambassa-
dor and a luncheon by the Cana-
dian ambassador also were given
'for the group.
It is always dangerous to draw
conclusions from so short a visit
and the members of our party
stayed just Jong enough to become
aware of many important gaps in
the information we were seeking,
information which we needed for
a clear understanding of some of
the specific functions of the So-
viet system.
After some 10 or 15 days we
were confident that we could re-
turn home as experts on Soviet
higher education. At the end of a

month of conferences, inspections,
and informal meetings, we had
become convinced that we knew
little indeed and that any conclu-
sions should be left to long-time
scholars in the field of Soviet his-
tory and education.
Perhaps our feeling in this re-
gard was best summed up by a
Western diplomat who was tell-
ing of his long struggle to master
the Russian language. After years
of intensive study, his vocabulary
was excellent, but his pronuncia-
tion and grammar still, left some-
thing to be desired. In exaspera-
tion one day, his Russian teach-
er turned to him and said: "And
now you know everything, but you
know nothing."
Education Priority High
Nevertheless, it was clearly ap-
parent to everyone in the party--
and this was one of the few points
upon which agreement was un-
animous--that the Soviet Union
is placing the highest kind of pri-
ority on education in its national
planning. Evidence of this is
everywhere to be found in actions
as well as in words. Witness the
following facts:
1) The Soviet Union is putting
approximately 2.5 per cent of the
national budget into higher edu-
cation exclusive of medical edu-
cation. In the United States, the
figure is slightly less than one per
cent including medical education,
which is one of our areas of high-
est cost.
2) University professors and
teachers are among the highest
paid groups in the Soviet Union.
The average full professor, for ex-
ample, earns two or three times
the salary of a factory manager, a
doctor, or other professional per-
son. If he is a member of the So-
viet Academy of Sciences or writes
See HATCHER, Page 3

Legislature Gives
'U' $33.4 Million
Increase of 3 Million to Be Used
Largely for Faculty Salary Boost
LANSING - The higher education bill failed to
make it out. of a conference committee in time for
passage early today, but will go to the Legislature for
final consideration this afternoon.
The University's budget appropriation is not in
jeopardy, however.
The House of Representatives yesterday tacked
on two amendments to the education bill, forcing
the bill back, to conference committee. Four of six
committee members recommended deletion of both
One would have in effect forced the University
and Michigan State University to end closed circuit
telecasts of their football games.
special to The Daily
LANSING -- The University welcomed a "return to nor-
malcy" yesterday as the House of Representatives slammed
through a record budget appropriation for higher education.
The University received an expected $33.4 million of a
total $101.5 million approved by the House as it hurried to
pass appropriations bills be- o
fore the end of the fiscal year "payless paydays" for the sixth
at midnight. straight month.
The $33.4 million appropriation "With a new budget, we should
is the largest sum ever earmarked be back in normal operation this
for University operating expenses, s u m m e r," Vice-President for
by more than two million dollars. Business and Finance Wilber K.
Provides Increase Pierpont reported.
The figure provides for 'an in- Legislative complications will
Thease ovgrteprvdesit'snbud- hold up immediate passage of the
crease over the University's bu-higher education bill, althougly
get of last year of $3,367,275, in- the University's $33.4 milion ap
cluding $500,000 for an InstitutethrUritys$3.murnd
of Science and Technology. ,propriatdon is assured.
More than two-and-one-half Two amendments tacked onto
million dollars will be used for the bill by the House-have been
faculty salary, raises.- referred to' a House-Senate con-
"Since (faculty salaries) is our ference committee for joint study.
area of greatest concern, 'and the The first amendment is a $25,-
onean which ge aefet cra h000 boost proposed for the State
one in which we have felt inereas- Lbrary
ing copettio-inthepas yer, The other is aimed at halting
we are naturally pleased to have closed" circuit, telecasting of sports
this support from the Legisla- events by state universities: Each
ture," University' President Har- school's appropriation would be
lan Hatcher said in Ann Arbor slashed by the amount they real-
yesterday. ized from the telecasts.
Aids Progress

Must Eliminate Flaws
For unless we take a long, hard,
critical look at our own educa-
tional system, unless we eliminate
some of 'the weaknesses which
have crept in over the years and,
even 'more important, unless we
'are willing to provide the kind of
support which is required by the
age in which we are living, then
surely we will be unequal to the
challenge which confronts. us.
And if we lose in the field of
education, then we, most surely
shall lose in every other field of
human endeavor.
These are unsettling words, IL
know. They are words which will
be criticized by those who would
prefer to do nothing. Unfortun-
ately, they happen to describe the'
situation as I see it and, I believe,
as the other members of our dele-
gation see it. We do ourselves a

HOME AGAIN-On his return from a six-week visit to Russia
in May, President Harlan Hatcher was greeted by his daughter,
Anne Linda, and University Vice-President Wilbur K. Pierpont.

to some areas, such as Irkutsk in
Siberia, which have not been pre-
viously open to United States edu-
ncational groups.
In preparation for the trip,
most of the members spent almost
a year in study concentrated in
our main fields of interest - the
humanities and social sciences.
While we were naturally alert to

guages, student life and response
to the curricula, the role of the
faculty in academic planning, and
the function of administration in
Soviet universities.
During the month which we
spent in the Soviet Union, our
delegation held 22 official confer-
ences with leading Soviet educa-
tors and scientists, supplemented
by innumerable informal meet-
ings with students and faculty
members. We also visited the Uni-
versities of Helsinki and Warsaw
to obtain first-hand information


of the academic year instead of a wide range of educational inter-
having to make it during the sum- ests, we were most concerned with
mer months when most Soviet the present place and function of
schools are not in operation, and literature, the humanities and the
2) We were permuted to travel arts, the study of foreign lan-

Science Institute To Be Set Up

The State Legislature in Lansing
granted the University half a mil-
lion dollars for the establishment
of the Institute of Science and
Technology, a project that the
Legislature failed to subsidize over.
a year ago when it was first ap-
proved by the Board of Regents.
Plans for the Institute began to'
evolve when a group of the Uni-
versity's scientists and scholars
formed a committee, following the
advent of Sputnik, to discuss the
implications of Russia's achieve-
Their unanimous conclusion was
that Russia was already ahead of
the United States in numerous
scientific and+ technological areas.
Educational Base'
The committee attributed Rus-
sia's achievements to her long time
and carefully maintained educa-
tional system.
For the United States to hold a
leading role in science and tech-
nology, the committee concluded,
will depend on our production of
scholars and research work of the
highest degree of competency.
The University proposed the
Science and Technological, Insti-
tute to carry out this objective.
The Institute aims at strength-
ening the University's instruction
to give its students th'e educa-
tional experience needed for rapid
scientific advances.
To Add Impetus
Added impetus will be given to
carefully selected areas of basic
and applied research to meet the
demands of our rapidly advancing
The Institute will establish a
center for scientific and tech-
nological instruction, research and
service at undergraduate and grad-
uate levels. It will be staffed by
University faculty members as well
as, new, outstanding young men
who will be attracted by the pro-
A system for administering
scholarships to students who will
teach or do research in science and

other colleges, universities, high
schools, and even elementary
schools to help stimulate interest
in careers in science.
The operation of the Institute
will be similar to the Phoenix Pro-
ject. It will work as far as possible
through the existing schools and
departments, giving them grants
for projects and activities.
These grants are to be extended
to other colleges and universities
of the state as well. Only where
its purposes cannot be carried out
by the present facilities and staff
will the Institute hire added man-
power and set up research and
educational programs to further
its objectives.
The Institute will be set uppin
the University's graduate school,
and it is to, be administered by a
director and a board of faculty.
This executive committee will be
aided by an advisory committee
of state-wide representation.
Besides the basic funds provided
by the state, financial aid for the
Institute is expected from business

and industry, foundations, private
individuals and the Federal gov-
It is contemplated that the In-
stitute will undertake creative re-
search in promising new fields,
thus attracting new types of in-
dustry to the state.
To Hold Faculty
Another benefit of the program
is that it will help recruit and re-
tain top faculty members at a time
when industry and other univer-
sities are drawing them away, it
has been noted.
Regent Roscoe Bonisteel called'
the Institute "a program to meet
an immediate educational need in
scientific fields of knowledge."
He went on to emphasize that
the University has no intention of
neglecting its non-scientific de-
partments. "In setting up this In-
stitute," he said, "I am sure that
we want it clearly understood that
we in'no, way expect to lessen our
progress and efforts in other edu-
cational fields such as the hu-

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
BERLIN-Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, ignoring angry Com-
munist outcries, flew to West Berlin in a United States Air Force
transport yesterday for today's West German presidential election.
He also ignored grumbling in his Christian Democratic Party
and the possibility some members might bolt his candidate on the
secret ballot. He predicted thee

election of the party candidate,
Heinrich Luebke, his agriculture
* * *
WASHINGTON - After seven
and one-half months on the job,
Lewis L. Strauss yesterday stepped
out of the cabinet post the Senate
refused to let him keep-Secretary
of Commerce.
The White House announced his
formal resignation, submitted a
week ago.
The President's letter of accept-
ance, dated last Saturday, praised
Strauss highly and expressed
Eisenhower's "personal sadness"
at his leaving.
* * *
MOSCOW - The Communist
Party's Central Committee has
been told the task of installing
modern equipment in Soviet in-
dustry is too big to be managed in
the current seven-year plan.
Accordingly, the Central Com-
mittee has ordered some shortcuts
and will concentrate in fields

Grant To Talk
On Soviet Aid
James P. Grant, deputy director
for program and planning of the
International Cooperation Admin-
istration, will open the summer
lecture series on "The Challenge
of Soviet Expansion" at 4:15 p.m.
The speech, which will be given.
in Aud. A, Angell Hall, will be
"The Impact of Soviet Foreign Aid
on United States Policy." The Rus-
sian lecture series, which is open
to the public, is jointly sponsored
by the Summer Session and the
Committee on the Program on
Russian Studies of the literary

Three Bills
LANSING - The Senate ap-
proved mental health and pub-
lic health appropriation bills
early today, upon the recom-
mnendation +df a conference
committee of both houses.
LANSING (P)-Working against'
the clock, lawmakers sent three
more spending bills to Gov. G.
Mennen .Williams for signing yes-
terday, but there was no chance
the 1959 - 60 budget could be
wrapped up before the midnight1
State government thus will em-
bark on the new fiscal year without
spending authorizations for many
of its agencies and departments.
Other bills dealing with higher
education, health, mental health
and state safety and defense were
destined for negotiation 'by House
and Senate conference commit-
teese appointed to resolve inter-
chamber difficulties.

As rogress
"While the appropriation does
not provide for all of the Univer-
sity's critical needs, it will permit
us to make urgently needed prog-
ress" ' in this area, President
Hatcher continued.
He called the Legislature's ac-
tion "gratifying indeed," and said,
it "should help to demonstrate to
the nation that the State of 'Mich-
igan still highly values. its great
educational system. It couldn't
have come at a more appropriate
President Hatcher added that
"the University is pleased with
the Governor and the Legislature
in recognizing the need for an In-
stitute of Science and Technoolgy
.. (it) could well mark the be-
ginning of a period of substantial
economic growth for the state of
The University's last payroll
check under its expired 1958-59
budget was received froth the
state yesterday, thus keeping the
University on an even financial
keel and escaping the threat of

Slap at .Up
In effect, the amendment is a
slap at the University and Michi-
gan State University who chtan-
neled telebasts, of their football
games on closed circuits, forcing
the viewing public to pay.
Lansing observers indicate both
amendments will be killed in com-
mittee, thus pushing the bill to
Gov.. G. Mennen Williams for
final 'approval.
A third amendment--to increase
the appropriations to smaller col-
leges-touched off' lively speeches
by B'ouse members, some opposing
the "monster" universities-Wayne
State, Michigan State anct the
Against 'Monsters'
Rep. E. D. O'Brien (D-Deroit(
asked support of the smaller col-
leges, "not the monster univer-
He said the public is "getting
poor value for its tax dollars."
All three major universities could
be handled more efficiently and
with better educational achieve-
ment if they were smaller, O'Brien
"There are some creditable ac-
tivities, I would assume, which
could be done without," he argued.
He declared himself against any
budget increases except for salary
Blasts Big Schools
O'Brien blasted the large uni-
versities for not supplying adequate,
information to the Legislature, and
hiding behind their constitutional
status when asked where state-ap-
propriated monies are spent.
"They supply information only
when faced with the' threat of re-
duced appropriations," he said.
Rep. John Lesinski (D-Detroit)
acknowledged that "over the years
we've created these monsters -
now we must sustain them or de-
stroy them. I'm not in favor of
destroying them."
However, he continued, "we can
best serve the public in the area of

Quartet To Perform

ROTC Rifle Range Comes Dowen

where quick results may be ex- Th fl f the Re
pected in the race with the United Office ri Terainge orpse eserve
States for world industrial leader- quick extrainng Corps is ue for
The Committee has just con- Demolition of the building di-
cluded a five-day meeting to size rectly behind the West Engineer-
up Soviet industry at which Pre- ing Building and across from the
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev was Undergraduate Library began this
the main speaker. The results week with completion of the pro-
filled more than three pages in ject expected within 30 days.
two Soviet newspapers. The ROTC will move its rifles to
the North University Building,
formerly the Plant Department
Long Suffers Building, where room has been al-
lotted for 20 to 22 firing lanes in
the north portion of the building.
M ore Trouble The range is scheduled for com-
pletion by the end of the summer
COVINGTON, La. (IP) - Two in order to accommodate ROTC
new kinds of trouble hit Gov. Earl sessions during the fall semester. |
Long of Louisiana yesterday-his A ndgn ..%n in - .b

-e s


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