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August 12, 1959 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1959-08-12

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Summer Sports Editor
Special to The Daily
AST LANSING-Three mem-'
of Michigan's swimming team
idrday were narrowly edged out
qualifying berths in the Pan
ercan Games swimming and
ng trials which ended here
y Hopkins and Ron Clark, ace
higan breaststrokers, were
ben in the finals of the 220-
I event while diver Dick Kim-
placed out. of the running in
10-Iieter platform diving
Lpetition. '
lark, men's AAU breaststroke
holder, was expected to be a
ng contender in the event but
ee Related Pictures, Page 6
id only muster a 2:57.8 to place
in the finals. Fellow breast-
'ker Cy Hopkins, who had the
i best qualifying time, gar-
ed the fifth final place with a
e, of 2:50.0. Both men repre-'
ed the Detroit Athletic Club.
lark started slowly and by the
e he had finished his second
in Michigan State's new 55-
: pool it was evident that he-
ild be out of contention for the
e berths to the Pan American
nes which start Aug. 22 in

ne Trio
y Edged
Athletic Club (where most of the
Wolverines trained) were limited
to Detroit's Rouge Park pool
which was notaavailable to the
men as much as 'it should have
been," he said. "Many of those
who went to Japan (the U.S.-Jap-
anese swimming meet) regarded
the trials here as an anticlimax."
Wolverines Frank Legacki and
Ron Clark were among the Amer-
icans who traveled to Japan for
the meet last month.
Kimball Loses Twice
Kimball found himself in the
unfortunate position of not quali-
fying for the Games at all after
trying to qualify in two separate
sports. Kimball arrived Monday,
from New York and the gymnas-
tics trials for the Games where he
had been edged out of a qualify-
ing position in the trampoline
event by a slim two-point margin.
His efforts to get diving practice
in were to no avail as he took
fourth in the men's platform
event and lost out a second Games
berth by one position.
The men's platform event was
won by Gary Tobian, five times
national AAU platform champ
from Los Angeles and formerly of
the Army. Don Harper, former
Ohio.State star placed second to
Tobian and Dick Conner of Los
Angeles was third. ,

ipkins, on the other hand, Von Saltza Victorious'
slightly behind the leaders In the women's 440 free style
the beginning of the fourth Chris Von 'Saltza of Santa Clara,
final lap when he made his Calif., swept her way into the
eh effort. His clutch per- Games with her third win in the
ance proved, ineffective, how- meet. Earlier she .had placed first
as he lost out in a close in both the 110 and 220-yard free-''
-way battle for the third po- style events. Her 440 time of 4:59.4
a and a trip to the Games. bettered the American :record of
IU Swimmer First 5:08.5 set by Lorraine Crapp of
e three men who did qualify Australia and the American Citi-
he Games in the event were zens record of 5:08.7 set by Sylvia'
place winner Ken Nakasone Ruuska of Berkley, Calif.
:diana University, Bill Mul- George Breen of the Indianapo-'
of Miami University and lis Athletic Club won the 1,650-
Munsch of New York. Naka- yard freestyle with, a time of
s winning time was 2:45.6, a 18:00.2, bettering the American
American and American Oiti- Citizens Record of 18:22.5.
record. A total of thijee Michigan men
chigan swimminig coach Gus qualified for the Games to be held
er theorized that lack of de- at Soldier Field in Chicago. Bob
ination and, adequate train- Webster qualified in the men's
'acilities were responsible for three-meter springboard event
nability, of the Wolverines to and both Tony Tashnick and Dave
Smore men on the team. Gillanders qualified in the 220-
he facilities of the Detroit yard butterfly finals held Monday.'
"The Home of the Famous California Delux Burger"

(Continued from Page 4
Mon., Sept. 14, through Fri.. Sept. 18,
the Undergraduate Library will be open
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Both libraries
will resume regular schedules Mon.,
Sept. 21.
Divisional libraries likewise will be
closed Sat., Aug. 15. Hours for the in-
terim period will be posted on the door
of each library. Several divisional li-
brares will be closed during. part or
all of thistime, and will be serviced by
the circulation dept. of 'the General Li-
brary on days when no library hours
are scheduled. Information may be ob-
tained by telephoning University ex-
tension 3184.
Student Recital: Grady Wilson, or-
gan, Hil Aud., Wed., Aug. 12, 8:30 p.m.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Movses
Jeremy Kaldian, Civil Engineering;
thesis: "An Analytical and Experimen-
tal Study of the Prestressed Bowstring
Arch," Wed., Aug. 12, 307 W. Engrg.
Bldg., 3:155 p.m. Charman, L. C. Maugh.
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Lloyd Haan, 'History; thesis: "The
Treatment of England and English Af-
fairs in the Dutch Pamphlet Litera-
ture, 1640-1660", Wed., Aug. 12, 3609
Haven Hall, at 3:00 pm. Chairman, Al-
bert Hyma.
Doctoral Examination' for William'
Blauvelt Woolf, Math.; thesis: "Radial
Cluster Sets and the Distribution of
Values of Meromorphic Functions,"
Mon., Aug. 17, 1078 E. Engrg. Bldg.,
10:00 a.m. Charman, A. J. Lohwater.
Doctoral Examination for Thomas
Franklin Keller, Bus. Admin.; thesis:
"The Inter-Period Allocation of the
Corporate Income Tax," Fri.. Aug. 14,
516 Bus. Admin. School, 10:00 a.m.
Chairman, S. R. Hepworth.
Doctoral Examination for Wayne
Martin Grim, Pharmaceutical Chemis-
try; thesis: "Rheology of Pharmaceu-
tical Suspensions," Wed.. Aug. 12, 2525
SChem-Pharm. Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, A. M. Mattocks.
Doctoral Examination for Jerome
Rogers Byrd, Zoology; thesis: "The
Breeding System of Variety 3 Tetrahy-
mena pyriformis," Thurs., Aug. 13, 2089
Natural Science Bldg., 1:15 p.m. Chair-{
man, A. M. Elliott.
Doctoral Examination for John How-
ard Kunkel, Sociology; thesis: "Na-
tion and Peasant Communities in Mex-
ico," Wed., Aug. 12, 5609 Haven Hall,
at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, D. F. Aberle.
Doctoral Examination for Carol Wini-
fred Slater, Social Psychology; thesis:
"Some Factors Associated with Intern-
alzation of Motivation. towards Occu-
pational Role Performance," Wed., Aug.
12, 6625.Haven Hall at 1:00 p.m. Chair-
man. T. M. ewcomb.
Doctoral 'Examination for Herman
Lawrence Finkbeiner, Chemistry; the-
sis: '"An Exploratory Study of Chela-
tion as a Driving Force in Synthesis-
A New Route to a-Nitro and a-Amino
Acids," Wed., Aug. 12, 3003 Chem. Bldg.,
3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. M. Stiles.
D o c t o r a I Examination for James
Stewart Wilson, Botany; thesis: "Varia-
tion of Three Taxonomic Complexes of
the Genus Cornus in Eastern United
States," Thurs., Aug. 13, 1139 Nat. Sci,
Bldg., at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, W. H.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Lee
Sawyer, .Jr., Political Science; thesis:
"The Democratic State Central Com-
mittee in Michigan, 1949-1959; A Study
in the Rise of the,New Politics and the
New Political. Leadership," Wed., Aug.
12, 4609 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, S. J. Eldersveld.
Doctoral Examination for Stephen
Stegmann Hite, Speech; thesis: "A
Study of Massachusetts Election Ser-
mons with Special Reference to Select-
ed Sermons Delivered Between 1754 and
1775," Fri., Aug. 14, 2020 Frieze Bldg.,
10:00 am. Chairman, W. M..attler.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Fer-
ris Blasdell, Botany; thesis: "A Mono-
graphic Study of the Fern Genus Cys-
topteris," Thurs., Aug. 13, 1139 Nat. Sci.
Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. H. Wag-
Doctoral Examination .for Andrew E.
Hansson, Education; thesis: "Some
Factors Related to the Perseverance of
Teachers in' a Selected School System,"
Thurs., Aug. 13, 4019 Univ. High School,
10:00 a.m. Co-chairmen, H. C. Koch
and E. C. Roeber.


ecutive Secretary to manage and carry
out the functions of AAAE's national
office. BA in Bus. Ad., Govt. or Politi-
cal Science or Econ.
Maremont Automotive Products, Inc.,
Chicago. Several recent graduates eith-
er technical or non-tech., to enter sales
training program.
Ohio Northern University, Ada. Ohio.
Food Service Director. Prefer a man
with training in Hotel and Institution-
al Mgt.
Nat'l Life Insurance Co., Montpelier,
Vt. Young men for insurance work in
sales department.
The Garlock Packing Co., Palmyra,
N.Y. Men, with good training in the
Mechanical and Industrial Engrg. fields,
Chemistry, Physics, and non-tech. Per-
The Aetna Casualty and Surety Co.,
Detroit. Mich. Field Representative
Trainee, Underwriter Trainee, and Con-
troller Trainee.
Modine Mfg. Co. Racine, Wis. Two
positions in Cost Acctg. Dept. as Cost
,City of Rockford, Ill, announces exam
to fill the position of Sanitary Engr.
Filing deadline is Aug. 28.' Further re-
quirements are on file at the Bureal.
Fox. Samelson & Co., Denver, Col-
orado. C.P.A. with a partnership po-
tential. Must have extensive knowledge
of Federal income tax, and have abil-
ity to organize and administer tax
American Creosoting Corp., Louisville,!
Ky. An aggressive man under 32 with
a, degree in Industrial Engrg., Mech.
Engrg., or Civil Engrg. Will work under
the General Supt. seeing to conclusion
specific assignments at any of their
R.C.A., Camden, N.J. Middle Manage-
ment Personnel Trainees. B.S. in Bus.
Ad., or B.A. in Psych, or Economics
and successful completion of courses
in Math.. Stat., Econ., Psych, and Soc.
Should have 3-4 yrs. of successful exp.
in personnel admin. and/or labor re-
Convair Astronautics, San Diegt,
Calif. Mech. Design, Liaison, Compon-
ent Test, Systems Test, and many
more. They are placing the Atlac ICBM
on Operational Status, also the Project
Centaur and the Vega.-
Company in Detroit Area. Secretary
for Scholarship Dept. Woman with typ-
ing and shorthand. Prefer experience
in admissions, registrars office or place-
ment work.
Naval Research Lab., Wash. D.C. Re-
search in Optics, Electronics, Radia-
tion; Mechanics, Sound, Surface Chem-
istry, and Metallurgy. Men with B.S.,
M.S., or Ph.D. in Engrg., Math.,. Chem.
or Physics.
Gene Schickel, Jr., Site Planner and
Landscape Architect, Arlington, Texas.
One employee for small office in Fort
Worth-Dallas area.
Ann Arbor Family. Woman to do
housework, cooking and taking care of
one child.
P. R. Mallory & Co., Inc., Indianapo-
lis, Ind. Financial Dept. Major in Acctg.
with a high average grade.
Thermo-Fax Sales, Inc., Detroit,
Mich. Men for sales work. Offers se-.
curity and opportunities. Call Bureau
of Appts. for further information.
* State of Connecticut' Civil Service.
list of jdb opportunities is now on file
at the Bureau..
New York State Civil Service list of
examinations is now on file at the Bu-
"Beni. Allen & Co., Inc., Chicago, III.
Sales Representative for the Ill, area.
Man with B.A. Would *prefer veteran
that has been out of school for several
yrs. Must have an interest in sales and
promotion work - some exp. helpful.
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Admin.,
Ext 3371.
To all Bureau of Appointments Reg-
istrants: Please notify the Bureau 'if
you have accepted a position or are
still active. Also, please notify the Bu-
reau of your curent address, if you are
still active. If ,vour school address is
changed, also let us know. We must be
able to get in touch with you on short
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the 1959-60
school year.
Adrian, Mich. - Commercial, Span-
ish, Ind. Arts, Vocal Music, and Instru-
mental Music.
Fox Lake, 111. (Grant Community
High School) - Mathematics.
Harper Woods, Mich. -'Elementary
Holly, Mich. - Government, Econom-
ics, and World History.
Kalamazoo, Mich. - JHS Gen. Music,
JHS Gen. Science, Girls' Swimming,
Later Elem., Early Elem., Elem. Art
Consultant, Mentally Handicapped, Par-
tially Seeing, and Orthopedically Han-
Montclair, N. J. - HS Mathematics.
River Forest, HIl.-Elem. Vocal Music.
Sayville, Long Island, New York -
Mathematics or Science.
Torrance, Calif. - Elem., World Heri-
tage, American Heritage, Mathematics,
Home Economics, Mentally Retarded,
Visiting Home Teacher, and School
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, "Ext. 489.

I Notices
Graduate Outing Club, swimming
and games, Aug. 16, 2 p.m. Meet in back
of Rackham (N.W. entrance).

Good prices for used, tires on
trade-ins. Complete Tune-up Serv-
ice available.



1959 RENAULT $1,595
Mich. European Car Corp.
Liberty at Ashley NO 5-5800


601 Packard

NO 8-9429

Frlendly service is our business. '
Atlas tires, batteries and accessor-
ies. Warranted & guaranteed. See
us for the best price on new &
used tires. Road service-mechanic -
on duty.
"You expect more from Standard
and you get it!"
1220 S. University at Forest
NO 8-9168

One shrewd discerning person, in-
terested in purchasing a good used
car. 1951 Chevrolet sedan in perfect
condition that must be sold by
August 15. $175 or best offer. You
have nothing to lose and all to
gain. Call NO 5-7356. N35
Complete line of HiFi componentsj
including kits; complete service on
radio, phonographs and HiFi equip-
1317 South University
1 block east at Campus Theatre
Phone NO 8-7942
Rent A Car
514 E. Washington St.
NO 3-4156
Fords and Other Fine Cars
Rented by Hour, Day, or Week

Bumping and Painting
South State NO 2-3350


GET SET for hot, fall days with 2
month old, 2 speed portable fan.
NO 3-6520 or 3-6916. B16
MOUTON COAT, 3 length, size 14. Like
new, half price, Call NO 3-8392 after
6 P.M. B17
1956 ROZCRAFT trailer, 41' by 8', car-
peted. 2 bedroom, complete bath, gas
heated. 24' white aluminum awning.
Call GEneva 7-2239. B18
DISPOSING of part of a large library
at private sale. There are books on
every subject among 'thousands of
books collected for 65 years. Show-
ings at 617 Packard St. from 11 a.m.
to 4 p.m. every day except Sunday.
Reasonable prices. B11

2 .80 2.00 2.96
3 .96 2.40 3.55
4 1.12 2.80 4.14
Figure 5 average words to a line. 4
Classified deadline, 3 P.M. daily
Phone NO 2-4786f
VISITING scholar engaged in research
wishes modest furnished apartment
or large bed-living room with kit-
chen privileges, Sept. 1-Dec. 20. Will
be in Ann Arbor between August 12-
15 ,to complete arrangements. Write
Box 65, Michigan Daily. , L3
STUDENT COUPLE: Wife to take
charge of large home in campus
area, meal planning, some cooking,
direction of cleaning woman and
four children, in return for salary
plus room and board for self-and
husband. Write Box 64, Michigan
Daily. H30
Ah, but for a nice, thick steak
smothered in mushrooms.
Bill 733
Sept. 26, Saturday, 8:30 P.M. Tickets
on sale at Bob Marshall's Book Store.
BEST SUMMER BUYS: Men's skip-dent
short sleeve sport shirts, 97c. Assorted
colors, sanforized, washable. Sam's
Store, 122 E. Washington. W2
TYPING: Thesis. Term papers, reason-
able rates. Prompt service. NO 8-7590.
Most framnes replaced
while you wait.
Broken lenses duplicated.
FAST service on all repairs.

Located west of Northville-This bei
tiful mobile home park has terrac
extra-large sites on rolling terrain a
is exquisitely landscaped. Rates are
markably low and all facilities are m
modern and ample.
For a limited time only. Country Esta
will pay for moving your mobile hor
if within 50 miles and make no hook-
See this park today.
58220 Eight Mile road west of Wori
ville. Mich. (1 mile east . of Pont
Trail). 15 min. from Ann Arbor.
' Phone Geneva 7-9401
NICE sleeping room for working is
or student. Quiet street, reasona
rent. Linens furnished. NO 2-6540.
FOR FACULTY or older graduate co
ple. Lovely large four-room furnisi
apartment for school year. Kitch
includes electric dishwasher and d
posal. Garage. Price $125. Also t
very nice two-room apartments
couples. $95 and $90. Phone NO
1937. C
TWO ROOM furnished apartment, clo
to campus and downtown, laund
facilities, off street parking, T.V. a
tenna, carpeted, hida-bed, Just
decorated, utilities except electrici
$85.00 per month. Phone NO 3-5
after 86P.M. C
ATTRACTIVELY furnished, front new
decorated, one bedroom apartme
neaR Rackham and Frieze Buildinv
Automatic heat - quiet house. P
feet for graduate couple or matu
woman. NO 2-0741. C
WANTED immediately. Girl to sh;
attractive basement apartment
E. University. 19O 5-5524. C
ROOMS FOR MEN: Quiet, near camp
Linens furnished. Reasonable.
ON CAMPUS: Neat 2 room, furnish
utilities, private bath. NO 8-7234.
tive furnished apartments for one
four students, available Sept. $80-$1
NO 3-2800. ,4
DELUXE 3 room furnis ed apartmi
Includes'heat and water. Semi-privy
bath facilities. $90 a month.
2-9020. C
ROOMS FOR RENT for girls. % b1
from campus., 1218 Waashtenaw. N
8-7942 for arrangements. 4
ONE BLOCK from campus, modern ap
514 So. Forest. Call Mr. Pearl,N

For Direct Classified Ad Service,
PhoneNO 2-4786
from 1:00 to 3:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday, and Sa turday 9:30 til 11:30 A

from Friday 5 P.M. till.
Monday 9 A.-M.
$10.00 plus $.08 per mile
Gas, oil and insurance included



SIAMESE kittens, male and female,
about 4 months old. Also stud service.
Phone NO 2-9020. 'B12

RIDERS to Frisco. Leave about Aug. 14.
NO 3-5119 or 3-7955. G1G
LEAVING Aug. 29 from Muskegon for
San Diego, California. Need rider
(male or female) to share petro cost.
Call NO 2-4875 after 5 P.M.-' 09
RIDERS to Boston or N.H. Leave August
15. NO 5-7092. G8
RIDE WANTED to Frisco. Leave about
Sept. 1. Alice, NO 3-6526 after 5 P.M.

LOST-Sat. night at "Rigoletto", black'
purse and blue sweater. Please return
to Sally Cross. NO 3-0191. A6,

Electronic Curb Service

Men: Earn $10.00 for two 4 hour sessions of
behavioral tests. You can schedule your sessions
for anytime during August. Phone NO 3-1531,
Ext. 387, or go to Personnel Office, Rm. 1020,
Administration Bldg.
Psychological experiments at the Mental Health
Research Institute. Several experiments will be
run during August and Sept. $1.00-$1.25 per
hour. Applications are available in Rm. 1020 of
Ad. Bldg., or call NO 3-1531, Ext. 387.

NO 2-9116

NO 8-6019


Near Wrigley's

NO 5-5864

You can shop at Ralph's 'till 12
midnight for all grocery supplies.
709 Packard NO 2-3175
"Just two doors from the Blue Front"
704 PROGRAMMING. NO.2-4138.
FAST, accurate typing at reasonable
rates. NO 3-9104. J22

t ...




August 12 1959
Dear Summer Students:
We will pack and ship your record
player and' records for you to guaran-
tee their safe shipment.
We ship records anywhere except to
outer space.
Pronpt attention paid to all mail or-
ders for records, dia nond needles or
phonograph parts.
join our record club before you leave
town and save 12 Y

Enjoy your vacation!

NO 2.478

Placement Notices
Personnel Requests:
Rossford Ordnance Depot, Toledo,
Ohio. Three Mech. Engrs. and two
Electrical Engrs. Must have two yrs.
professional engrg. experience, which
must include at least one yr. in the
field of engrg. in which interest is in-
dicated. 'Two yrs. grad, study may be
substituted for the two yrs. profession-
al exp. Also need Training Officer (Pres.
& Pkg.) Degree and experience.
Diamond Crystal Salt Co., St. Clair,
Mich. Asst. Plant Personnel Mgr. for
this company which mfgs. evaporated
and ro'ck salt for food and industrial
uses. Man with B.B.A. with major in
Personnel Ad.
Hospital in Ann Arbor Area. Phar-
macist. Full time from Sept. to March.
Bank in Flint, Mich. Bank Trainee.
Man with B.A. in Bus. Admin. or Lib-
eral Arts. Prefer a new or recent grad.
-not more :than two yrs. experience.
Veteran preferred, if not a vet., must
be married.
Wyman Fiske, Consultant on Mgt.
Problems, Regional Sales Manager -
Textile Chemicals, with Hdqs. in North
Carolina; Industrial Chemical Sales
Engrg, - Rubber Specialist, in New
York area.
County of Westchester, White Plains,
N.Y. Case Workers, under N. Y. Civil
Service. Requirements are on file at the
Executive Manpower Corp., Consult-
ing firm in N.Y.C. Project Engrg. - Cir-
cuit Design; Intangible Sales.
American Assoc. of Airport Execu-
tives. Mason City, Iowa..Full time Ex-


Yours truly,
C. H. Dick

smoothest i de!o
One of the 7 big bests Chevrolet gives you over any other car in Its field


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NO 2-2500


Anyone who's ever taken a Chevy
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Full Coil suspension handles rough
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squeak, never need grease! Try
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the leading low-priced three.
BEST ENGINE-Chevrolet en-
gines have long won expert praise
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cient V-type engines."

low-priced ears in a test of re-
peated stops from highway speeds.
BEST STYLE-It's the only ear
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unmistakably, modern in every line.
"In its price class," says POPU-
LAR SCIENCE magazine, "a new
high in daring styling."
N.A.D.A4t Guide Book can give
you the figures on Chevy's extra
value. You'll find that Chevrolet




~A nA.*I . A ..




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