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August 12, 1959 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1959-08-12

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Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Pr STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone, No 2-3241 .
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

FSDAY, AUGUST 12, 1959


Development Council AVoids
Realsm1 and Actual Purpose
NE OF THE least publicized, but potentially who limit themselves to occasional pious state-
most valuable groups associated with the ments about the ''responsibilities of students
versity is the so-called Development Coun- undergoing transition from carefree under-
an alumni group founded five years ago graduates to worthwhile alumni." It is a long
.ch attempts to plumb the depths of Uni- and unsightly trail from this attitude back to
sity-Alumni relations. the 1946 Student Legislature.
pecifically, this organization is designed to
nulate alumni interest in the University, NVITH THE ARRIVAL on the scene of the
st in public relations, and encourage finan- age of technology, where a college degree
support through gifts from alumni ana is the key to the door of progress, many stu-
nds of the University; a worthwhile task, dents have come to think of their college as an
be sure. "obstacle course," with the best jobs reserved
arly in the game, it was decided that stu- for those who make the best showing.
its currently enrolled die not somehow seem It seems unnecessary to observe that people
I enough acquaint4d with the vast problems do not usually send back gifts to their old
ed by their University, so a Student Rela- obstacle course, nor do they think kindly/of it.
is Committee was formed; a group which The answer to this problem is not bigger and
s supposed to coordinate and plan, what- better football teams, nor will newer and more
r that means. In this case, it was inter- elegant public relations programs help. So long
ted to mean that the student relations as this obstacle course orientation persists,
up would do its damndes; to make other the present studefit attitude will persist.
dents aware of t'he obligations they should Student Government Council has, in the
1 as alumni of the University of Michigan. past, made several attempts to modify this
orientation, but with little success. The type of
THE LIGHT of the present financial crisis, orientation best exemplified by the Michigan
he problems caused by the past expansion, Union-"Let's keep things like they were"--
,ire plans for still more expansion, no one prevails.
i deny that alumni interest and help will be
al for the maintenance of the high stand- THIS WRITER attempted to present the
s we presently enjoy. views expressed above to a recent meeting
nfortunately, the scene is far from ideal, of the Development Council, only to find that
imni activities have bec6me too closely asso- a letter of apology from the Alumni Office was
ted with football scores and athletic recruit- later sent to members of the Council to at-
nt, class reunions and fraternity home- tempt to lull them back to sleep.
cings. If fhe Development Council must be care-
n 1946 Student Legislature began a War Me- fully protected from unpleasant facts, if it is
rial project which eventually became the to eventually become a new campus alumni
oenix-Memorial program. The fund-raising club; with dinner and speeches for all, then we,
anization for this project eventyally became are in trouble.
Development Council. But the Development Students as well as alumni must adopt far
uncil has long since forgotten its begin- more realistic.. viewpoints before much will be
igs, and 'now; hears reports on the student accomplished in. this realm. If the "obstacle
ne with ill-concealed distaste: course" philosophy becomes a new Michigan
as a result of this attitude, and the irrespon- tradition, future Development Councils will
ility of some so-called student leaders, the find thmeselves facing a new obstacle course:
dent relations committee has deteriorated unalterable alumni indifference.
o a collection of vaguely well-meaning souls -DAVID KESSEL
For More Rays of Light

Carillon Reviewer
A nswers Questions
To the Editor:
HERE ARE my answers to two letters written to me in regard to
this summer's carillon concerts:
To Miss Miller:
The following explanation will, I hope, at least partially answer
the question which you addressed to me concerning the carillon concerts
played by Percival Price this summer.
You asked why it was that, when you heard Price perform, there
was no trace in his playing of the blurring and smudging of tone which
had always seemed to you to turn carillon music into a prolonged
When writing for the carillon one must understand the dynamic
properties of each bell, large and small; one must be familiar with
the sustaining power of each bell, and write for those bells which will
best express the tonal and rhythmic values of a melody. It is important
to use the fewest notes to express the melodies and harmonies, so that
the prominent overtones of each bell, which suggest notes o'f a chord
or harmony, do not clash with another note which is played before the
preceding note dies away.
Clarity in carillon music is the result of the composer's ability to
apply this,knowledge.
TO THE Interested Listener:
You say that, in your opinion, much of the music played at the
Carillon Concert of July 28, was written fort the high bells; that this
was disturbing to you because you have always thought of the Carillon
"as sending forth a cascade of rich, full-bodied sounds in proportion
to the magnificence of the tower's structure."
The tower structure has nothing to do with the type of music
which may or may not be played on the carillon. It is strong enodgh to
hold the heaviest bells, but .it also holds the lightest bell of an entire
scale of bells. The Burton Tower is not only a belltower; it is also a
building which has in it many class rooms.
The carillon is an instrument; each bell a tone with a certain
pitch, quality, and intensity. The composer writes for those bells which
will best express the musical thought he has in mind. The lower bells
are deep-toned, sonorous, and have more sustaining power; the bells of
the middle register are rich in color and can be played more rapidly;.
the higher bells are smaller, more brilliant in tone, have much less
sustaining power, and can be played very rapidly. Music which moves
rapidly is therefore written for the smaller bells; music which moves
slowly is written for the larger bells.
The two "Old Flemish Clock Chimes," played on July 21, obviously
would not contain music written for the large bells. In the "Tower
Concerto, No. 1," (Percival Price) which will be played on Wednesday,
August 12, you will hear large bells.
-Loretta Petrosky
Connecticut A bolishes
County Governments





-Daily-Allan Winder
THE RIVALS-In this scene from Sheridan's farce, Capt. Jack Absolute and, his beloved, Lydia
Languish, sit back to back in stony silence as Lydia's aunt, Mrs. Malaprop, stands in the background
in confusion. The scene comes about when Lydia disegvers that Jack is really in the good graces of her
aunt, and they must have an ordinary wedding.
Department Provided Fine Menu


THE STATE of Michigan may have many
things, but, one thing it is usually lacking
is nation-wide publicity of the favorable type--
the type that a state Chamber fo Commerce
could supply. Some of the industrial giants,
and we do have them, have evidently decided
this would be an excellent time .to apply pres-
sure for the reestablishment of one; hence
their closed session on the subject Monday An
It might just be significant that the would-
be organizers chose this summer for their
campaign and initiated it in that well-known
summer resort, Lansing, the scene of much
political introspection as to the state of the
state. One of the major problems of current
concern in a state torn by monetary troubles
is how to pad out the treasury and at the.
same time convince industries to quit pulling
up roots in favor of the supposedly greener
southlands; how to avoid raising corporation
and business taxes to the point where a mass
exodus. of Michigan's mainstays becomes a
possibility. Publicizing this situation and mak-
ing things look peaceful and profitable could
keep a chamber of commerce busy for quite a
WHEN ONE SPEAKS of industry and Michi-
gan in the same breath, automobiles in-
variably flit through the mind-tourists are
The Industr
THE ECONOMIC CRISIS of Michigan still
remains unsolved, but there may soon be a
situation to force it to a head. The answer lies
with industry and the effects of the strikes that
are now hitting the nation.
The steel industry is the main point in ques-
tion as far as Michigan is concerned. 'The steel
strikes have left the peninsula stranded with
only a two-month supply for automobile manu-,
facturers and other Michigan industries. If
management can prolong the negotiations for
three or four months, the labor force in Mich-
igan and other key industrial states will be
caught under the first waves of an economic
One of the most striking aspects, of the pres-
ent situation is that the National Labor Rela-
tions Board has more actual control over un-
ions than do the courts. If a company were to
seek an injunction against a union, the delay
would be forced out of business before it came
through. Only the largest and most powerful
organizations such as General Motors could
hope to out-wait a striking union.
HE PRESENT SITIJATION, however, is not

also a big thing, but just don't seem to gain
the spotlight they way cars do. The auto-
mobile industry suggests labor,-labor leads to
thoughts of strikes and strikes to unemploy-
ment-an unfortunate chain of events that
seems to dog the state. At the present time,
the steel strike threatens to set off the chain
reaction anew.
Perhaps a group that "truly represents Mich-
igan business and industry" is capable of shed-
ding a little sunshine into the dark shadows
surrounding this picture of illustrious Michi-
gan, Perhaps not, but trying certainly won't
make matters any worse.
The possibility for all-out publicity are infi-
nite. A beautiful state with plenty of resorts
for swimming, fishing, hunting, skiing; with
entrance into the realm of world commerce
upon us since the opening of the St. Lawrence
Seaway; with entangled monetary and indis-
trial issues keeping legislators busy-this is
truly a section of the country worth national
and international notice.
Notice we have, but not exactly favorable,
a body of interested citizens doing what they
can toI make this more on the order of rave
notices we haven't. Just to add a little bright
color to the picture of Michigan as others see
it, the palette of a chamber of commerce may
be in order.
'ial Squeeze
ing both labor and industry making effective
action almost impossible.
Since the cash crisis struck, there has been
no compromise and no efficient steps have been
taken to end Michigan's impending financial
disaster. Many workers, particularly those who
came to Michigan from the South, have moved
out; there simply are not any jobs to spare.
This is not because the country as a whole is
in a serious financial condition but because
many large industries have left for healthier
The Daisy Air Rifle Co., the DeSoto plant in
Detroit, and several of the state's small woolen
mills have either moved out or shut down.
Many businesses have found that the property
Consequently, they have sold and left Michi-
gan. This has stranded many workers without
jobs and they have had to turn to unemploy-
ment insurance for an answer.
SOME MICHIGAN legislators are contending
that although many large companies have
left, small businesses have taken their place.
businessman of today is faced with the same
problems of taxes, labor, transportation, and

FROM raucous romp to stately
tragedy, the' speech depart-
ment summer playbill was - de-
licious fare for the culture starved
Variety being thesspice oflife,
the dish was well seasone with
flapperish musicomedy, angry An-
glo-maniacs, French "tragic-non-,
sense," 18th Century English man-
nerisms, and Verdi.
To add zest, the bill of fare was
served up by competent casts,
probably so because of deep devo-
tion to their art. Only the truly
dedicated would sweat out the
summer in the suffocating Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
When summing up there is a
temptation to rank the produc-
tions according to quality.Be-
lieving in yielding to temptation
whenever possible, we shall rank
the offerings on a point system: 5
points for the choice of the work,
5 points for the cast, 5 points for
incidentals like custumes and sets,
and 5 points for audience reac-
full 20 points as tastiest morsel
of all was the final "spectacular,"
"Rigoletto." Although an eminent
campus critic has termed'Verdi's
opera "common," rather on a par
with a TV musical, it was none-
the-less appealing.
Alternately tender and terrible
the musical effects performed by
a highly talented group of ama-
teurs were impressive, from time
to time thrilling. Millard Cates
who took over the role of the
IDuke for the ailing tenor per-
formed admirably on short notice
in a demanding" role.
Running a close second was
"Waltz of the Toreadors," losing
a little in the translation but
The Daily official Bulletin is an
officiai publication of The Univer-
sity of- Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
VOL. LXIX, NO. 36-S ,
General Notices
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health, School of
Business Administration: Students are
advised not to request grades of I or
X in Aug. When such graes are ab-
solutelyimperative, the work mustrbe
made up in time to allow your instru-
tor to report the make-up grade not
later than 11 a.m., Aug. 20. Grades re-
ceived after that time may defer the
student's graduation until a later date
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative Aug. graduates
from the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors (or
high honors in the College of L.S.&A.
should recommend such students in
a letter delivered to the Office of Regis-
tration and Records, Rm. 1513 Admin.
Bldg., before Aug. 20.
Applications for The University of
Michigan Research Institute Fellow-
ships to be awarded for the fall semes-
ter, 1959-60, are now being accepted in
the office of the Graduate School. The
stipend is $1,175 per semester. Applica-
tion forms are available from the

-Daly-Allan Winder
TENSE MOMENT-The chief protagonist of John Osborne's
"Look Back in Anger," Jimmy, taunts his wife for beig impassive
to the things which move him. His wife, though she suffers under"
his tormenting, tries to show no signs of it and continues her

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (R)-A'pol-
autical upheaval and a Jesting
taunt at a dinner party led to
abolishment of Connecticut's 290-
year-old system of county govern-
They set the stage for this year's
Legislature to follow Rhode Is-
land's lead in scrapping the coun-
ties. Officials of the eight county
governments have until Sept. 30,
1960, to wind up their affairs.
The upheaval was Gov. Abra-
ham Ribicoff's record-breaking re-
election victory last November that
swept Democrats into control of
both houses of the Legislature for
the first time in 83 years. The'
Democrats had pledged for 25
years to abolish county govern-
ment, arguing that it had long
outlived its usefulness.
* * *
BUT BY THE TIME the aboli-
tion bill came up for House action,
the paper-thin Democratic ma-
jority which had given the gover-
nor everything he asked was be-
ginning to waver.
John M. Bailey, veteran Demo-
cratic state chairman, .admitted
privately that the Democrats could
not be held together on the issue.
There were too many freshmen
Democrats from normally Repub-
lican small towns, traditionally


the heavy supporters of county
On the eve of debate, Bailey
was seated at a banquet table with
Edwin H. May, Jr., who was
named state Republican chairman
after his defeat for reelection to
Congress last November.
May, it is reported on good au-
thority,' jestingly hurled a taunt
at Bailey. He said the Republicans
would give Bailey a good whipping
on the county issue.
Bailey smiled and shrugged it
off, but the next day he made a
hard personal fight for passage of
the county bill.
THE FINAL VOTE after more
than four hours of debate was
144-129 in favor of the Demo-
Students of government, indi-
viduals, groups, ;private research
organizations, had urged reform
or outright abolition of county
government for years. Ribicoff put
the issue plainly in his second
inaugural message.
"County government," he said,
"has outlived its usefulness. The
limited functions it now performs
can be done more efficiently and
economically by concentration of
the work in the agencies better
suited to do it by professional
training and experience."


nothing in the performance. The
choice of this play gave a rare
opportunity to some rare per-
formers for exercising all the
nuances of high comedy, low farce,
bitter satire, and incredible venge-
"Toreadors" lost a point of two
on slightly decrepit furnishings in
the sets and one or two awkward
moments in interpretation. But
for the scene-stealing, show-stop-
ping melodrama that was Sally.
Ayn . Rosenheimer's "moment" on
stage, add at least three points.
somewhat of a tie. Angry young
nmpn are rather painfully over-
anguished and ridiculous Rivals
are rather age-worn. In both cases,
the performances were generally
sound but built on the founda-
tion of sand that were the plays
It is much easier to criticize a
contemporary work than one
which has survived a century or
two of theater-goers, and worse
yet, critics. Say no ill of the dead
and all ,that seems to be the rule
of the day,
Attempts to understand the in-
activity of frustration in British
dialect are just about as difficult
as those to comprehend the over-
abundance of manners in 18th
Century Malapropese. Contrast be-
tween the two plays and the kind
of society they mirror is the real
value of the presentation.
IN A SENSE this very contrast
is a justification of the choice of
"The Rivals" and of "Look Back
in Anger" for the playbill. Very
eloquent comment on the way of
the world was made in the mere
juxtaposition of these works, one
artfully frivolous, the other ago-
nizingly soul-searching.
Finishing in a bouncy, but un-
even last place, was "The Boy
Friend." Inexhaustable energy and
sheer vigor by some very sprightly
performers gave a rather second-
rate musical tremendous audience

could have been a smashing open-
ing tidbit.
* * *
LOOKING back in delight, we
found the summer drama series
well worth the .price of admis-
sion. "Rigoletto" was even worth
two stifling sessions in the League
Summing up: the appetizer
("The Boy Friend") was zesty but
lacked substance, the British salad
was a little stale and a little bit-
ter, Sheridan's main course was
spicy enough but not quite nour-
ishing, the dessert was a charming
French eclair, and Verdi was vin-
tage wine.

Fact for Today



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