icago Presents Music, Art, Athletic Festivals
fidelity consultants in Chicago
eliminated this problem, and the
results were all that . the 17,000
and more fans who attended each
concert could desire.
Exhibit Problems
The art festival didn't have any
problems with acoustics, although
they had others. Since the exhibits
were outdoors, the artists had to
come out bright and early to get
their work up before the crowds
came, and then at night had to
carefully remove the unsold mas-
terpieces and pack them away for
the next day..
The Gold Coast is the Green-
with Village of Chicago, and one
can find the same number of
"Bohemian" artists and "beatniks"
there as one can in San Francisco
or New York. Perhaps, though, the
artists were merely dressing in aan
extra-colorful way for the "tour-
ists"-because the show was a
huge attraction, drawing many
people from the nearby fashion-
able Lake Shore residential dis-
trict, as well as many people from
out of town.
The show began Thursday
morning and continued 'daily
through Sunday, during which
time the artists who didn't want
to sit idly and wait for customers
busied themselves drinking wine
out of original ceramic mugs,
playing the bongos and other
unusual percussion instruments,
sketching the passers-by (just for
practice), or just chatting in the
sun, looking "arty."
Sketch for Profit
Some of the artists who sketched
the passers-by did it not for prac-
tice but for profit, turning 'their
ability at portraiture to good use.
A: surprisingly large number of
people wanted portraits either of
themselves or, more often, their
children, done either in pastels,
charcoal or oils, the price depend-
ing on the medium and the artist's
valuation of himself.
Also, for people who could stand
the bitter truth about themselves
-how others see them-a young
caricaturist was. doing land-office
business, with a waiting list of
dozens of people each hour. The
young plutocrat did his carica-
tures in pastels,. working each
night until past midnight and
subsisting on cups of coffee be-
tween and during customers.
The caricatures were also a
drawing-card for the audience of
spectators as well as prospective
subjects, since the artist was con-
stantly surrounded by amateur
critics who wanted to be sure he
caught the right expression on
the subject's face.
Entertainment Provided
For the children at the show,
there was an artist or two of
approximately 12 years of age,
who displayed their works with all
the aplomb and assurance of sea-
soned exhibitors. When they tired
of looking at art, the children
could attend a puppet show, also
put on by young children in a
building nearby.
For the adults, besides the vast
variety of art work (ceramics,
weaving, jewelry, stationery, lith-
ographs, leathercraft, sculpture,
et. al. in addition to ordinary
drawings and paintings), there
was music furnished by a Chicago
night club which most often fea-
tures folk-singers and guitarists.
Thfe entertainment provided by
visitors and native Chicagoans
in the two fields of music and -art
are only a preview, however, of
the third scheduled festival this
month in Chicago: 'the Pan-
American Games Festival, which
will start August 24 in and around
Communist China Lifts
Ban on Large Families
' (EDITOR'S NOTE: Red China re-
G o o d lU C K O c ont olined typil press" efr-
G ood. V /1. n /birth control, in a typical bewilder-
HngCommunireversal of policy.
finahHere, Dr. Sripati Chandrasekhar,
director of India's Institute for
yoePopulation inMadras, who'recently
r returned from extensive travel be-
hind the Bamboo Curtain, reports
n fon the strange state of birth con-
ouer l r trol in Red China.)
About five years ago, the Com-
munist government took the first
real census of China and came up
with figures that there were 583
JO B N L E IDY million Chinese then living on the
Phone NO 8-6779 0 601 East Liberty Now the figure is estimated at
650 million - about a quarter of
the world's population - and, at
. the present rate of increase it will
be about 700 million in 1963 and
800 million in 1968.
STARTING TODAY Can China feed, clothe, house
ALL TERRIFYINGLY and provide the necessary social
services for her increasing num-
.EWTbers? The answer is hidden in his-
NEAL NOW-3136 tory.
Ilfhmw-mimwbRWBut China" did embark upon a
O K - PHORRUvigorous and nationwide policy to
promote birth control in 1957.1
However, the campaign was sud-
HUMAN denly stopped in May, 1958.
MONSTER"The circumstances that led to
r the decision to launch a family
Scr63eplanning campaign and the fac-
by atoms tors that compelled its sudden
withdrawal make a fascinating
gone Wid story.
Debate Begins
It also. reveals the mental moor-
ings of Marxian theorists and the
inner contradictions of totalitar-
-, ian thinking.
The first session of the People's
Congress, held in Peking in Sep-
tember, 1954, witnessed the begin-
ning of the great debate on Chi-
~ BEVERLY SARL"na's population problems and the
BRCE BEMr need or otherwise for birth con-
LEu CNA.E trol.
grm ' W' S."6CEOrSE MACREAy It was Deputy Shao Li-Tzu who
° ,TP iENTURYFOX Ved LO00 first raised the issue before the
CiNEMA SCSc O E *roY a fDEjRTy Congress.
In his speech, Shao made it
__________________________________________________________________________I ____________________________.__.
quite clear that there was no pop-
ulation problem in China in the
conventional bourgeois, capital-
istic sense, and his plea for birth
control had nothing to do with
decadent, outmoded and reaction-
ary Malthusian doctrines.
His plea was based on the need
for protecting and improving the
health of hard-working Chinese
mothers and affording better op-
portunities for their children.
Control Official
In the summer of 1955, Premier
Chou En-Lai, speaking on behalf
of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party, pleaded for
"appropriate control in respect of
't'his declaration firmly put the
official seal on a nationwide cam-
paign for birth control.
Between September, 1957, and
May, 1958, when it was suddenly
called off, the country witnessed a
sustained campaign to popularize
birth control all over the country
and at all levels.
"An ideal family," pointed out
the newspapers, "should have
three or four children in a planned
manner; the first child should be
two or thrde years older than the
second, the second four to six
years older than the third, and
the third two or three years older
than the fourth."
Exhibitions Open
Family planning exhibitions and
family guidance centers were
opened in many Chinese towns
and villages to explain the offi-
cial policy of population control.
How was the movement received
by the public, especially the moth-
ers? I cannot do better than quote
what Dr. Chou: Ngo-Feu of the.
Bureau of Women's and Children's
Health at the Ministry of Public
Health says:
"All this has met with a warm
welcome from the public. The
Ministry of Public Health ran one
meeting on contraception which
they intended to be quite a small
affair and printed only 700 tickets,
and 2,000 people turned up."
It is not known who was pri-
marily responsible for calling off
the intensive campaign or at what
level the decision was reached.
Anyway, it was turned off just as
it was gathering momentum.
A week earlier it had been pat-
riotic for a comrade citizen to
limit the size of his family and by
the next week talk of overpopula-
tion had become bourgeois, Mal-
thusian and reactionary!
DIAL NO 8-6416
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