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August 12, 1959 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1959-08-12

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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom

LXIX, No. 368





Rock High Schools




Hint of New Arrests
In Cuba Crackdown
Government Officials Announce
Crushing of Rebel Conspiracy
HAVANA (P) - New arrests were reported in the Cuban country-
side yesterday in a drive against the first major conspiracy threat-
ening Fidel Castro's regime.
It was understood that government troops skirmished with coun-
ter-revolutionary forces in Las Villas Province, Cuba's agricultural
Communications Blackout
A communications blackout prevented confirmation.
But advices filtering through the military screen told of numer-
ous arrests in two Las Villas cities, Santa Clara and Cienfuegos. Gov-
ernment officials declared Mon-

O Be Use
y Resistors
Governor Warns
Federal Troops
Must Be Employed
:TTLE ROCK (P)-Gov. Orval
,aubus said last night he saw
iing to be gained by opposing
schools today with violence.-
high schools tomorrow with
aubus went on television to
se' the school board and police
f Gene .Smith ,of becoming
pets for the federal govern-
t but he urged citizens to fight
gration through the election of
lals who - would not betray

'No Victory Yet'
He warned integrationists that
"victory is not yet yours. Your
trouble is only beginning."
After his television appearance,
- Faubus told newsmen the main
:reason for his speech was to pre-'
vent, if he' Gould; any' possible dis-
order or violence today.
The governor said he had re-
ceived reports from over the state
of caravans heading for Little
Rock to protest the token integra-
tion of the schools.
Faubus said the reports were
similar to ones he received in the.'
fall of 1957 when mob violence
broke out at Central High School
over the integration of nine Ne-
groes there.
'Quieter, but Bitter
"It is quieter, now but more
x bitter," Faubus said in comparing
the feeling now with that in 1957.
Faubus said he would not be at
the atne capitol today fora seg-
,reg ationiist ;rally. He added he
would be in close touch with the
situation, however.
Faubus declined to comment on
reports he had called in a large
number of state police to stand by.
Earlier in' the day Faubus had
said, "If the Little Rock situation
is settled and if the schools are
integrated, it will be under the
compulsion of federal bayonets." -
Faubus Quiet
Faubus until yesterday had been
strangely quiet. He had been ex-
pected to call a special legislative
session. He called none.
But segregationists still rallied
around him. They planned to
gather on the Capitol lawn today
and ask him to "do something."
Faubus, speaking yesterday be-
fore a Farmers Union meeting,
gave no hint of any action he
might take to halt desegregation
of the schools.
The school board buttoned down
the details for integrating six
Negroes into two of the schools
under a state pupil placement law.
Closed Schools
Twice Faubus has stopped inte-
gration in Little Rock. In the fall
of 1957 he used the National
Guard to temporarily. turn back
nine Negroes at Central High
School. 5
Last year he closed the schools
under a quickly engcted state law
recently declared unconstitutional
by a federal court.
The governor implied federal
force was behind the integration
and referred to reports of troop
movements in the Pine Bluff area,
60 miles southeast of Little Rock.
At Pine Bluff, Col. R. W. Dodds,
commanding officer of the Pind
Bluff Arsenal, said 110 Army re-
servists are holding a two-week
training course there but it had
no connection with the Little Rock
To Attempt
Bueking Veto
On Housing
WASHINGTON () - Senate
Democrats decided yesterday to
+rv in n,.,v.ieia P,.t. 4-4 l-a+ *

MAN OR MOUSE?-These Little Rock teen-agers are asking passers-by this question, as they,
demonstrate for segregation on the lawn of one of their members. Previously students of private
all-white Raney High School, they staged the rally hoping to spark a ,fund drive which would allow
the school to stay open in deflance of public school integration orders.
Reds Slip War Supplies into Sector

day night the plot -- rumored to
have called for an armed upris-
ing today - had been crushed.
Unofficial sources said as many
as 1,500 persons were rounded up
and interned at military camps
for questioning. They expressed
belief most would be freed after
police sort them out.
Many Must Talk
Many, however, must do a lot
of talking.
One is ex-Sen. Arturo Hernan-
dez Tellaheche, named by the
newspaper La Calle. as the man
chosen by the conspirators to re-
place President Osvaldo Dorticas
if their plot succeeded.
He is a follower of Carlos Prio
Socarras, the former Cuban presi-
dent ousted by Fulgencio Batista
in 1952.
Castro Helps
Castro was reported by Jay
Mallin, Havana correspondent of
the Miami Daily News, to have
played a dramatic personal role
in smashing the plot. According
to this account:
Top leaders of the counter-
revolutionary movement, includ-
ing Hernandez Tellaheche, were
in session in a house near Ha-
vana when the bearded premier
stalked in.
With the aid of lieutenants who
had pretended to go along with
the plotters, Castro helped to herd
the group out of the house to
army headquarters at Camp Lib-
Havana was quiet after a night
of a dozen street. shootings. A po-
lice spokesman said the shootings
were staged by the conspirators in
a vain attempt to create panic. No
casualties were reported.

VIENTIANE, Laos (A?) - Com-
munist battalions' are using bi-
cycles to move arms and supplies
into Sam Neua Province from the
direction of North Viet Nam, a
Laotian official said yesterday.
Sisouk Na ,Champassak, Secre-
tary of. State for Information,
said the bike batallions are using
Jungle paths and generally imi-
tating tactics used by the Com-
munist Viet' Minh during the In-
dochinese war against the French.
He said the contingents were
composed of rebellious ill tribes-
men, former members. of, the
Communist Pathet Lao movement
and cadres'trained in Hanoi, capi-
tal of North Viet Nam.,
Women Conscripted .
Laotian women, and -children
have been conscripted to help the
operation, Sisouk added..
The. Laotian ,,government says
30 per cent of the population in
Sam Neua Province is inclined to
Communism because of indoctrin-
ation when Pathet Lao exercised
control over tie norther border
This control ended two years
ago, whereas the rest of Laos was
freed of CommunisW control by
the 1954 Geneva agreements end-
ing the French-Viet Minh fighting
in Indochina.
The army is scouring the prov-
ince for a fifth column and has
apprehended 100 operatives so far.
An additional .90 insurgents have
been killed and nine captured.
Laotian planes have spotted
Red 'concentrations around five
government outposts, Sisouk said,
but the army has not made con-
tact with the insurgenas in the
past 48 hours.


. The situation remains tense and
is kept inflamed by propaganda
broadcasts from Radio Hanoi, the
secretary said.
.Sisouk said Astrid Road leading
thr'ough North Viet Nam up to
the Laotian border is an import-
ant supply route for the rebels.
The road is named after Bel-
gium's late Queen Astrid.
The government estimates the
Red force at 3,600. Its own
strength totals 3,000 lightly armed
troops and 1,900 civil guards.
The secretary said eight leaders
of the Communist Neo Lao Haksat
party, ,including Prince Souphan-
ouvong, will be tried on charges of
collusion with a foreign power and

aiding in bringing foreign troops
into the country.
Trial Possible
Souphanouvong is the former
leader of the Pathet Lao. Sisouk
did not indicate when the trial
will be held or whether it will be
a court-martial. . .
Under the Geneva agreement,
France was permitted to maintain
a training mission here. But It
was recently announced a United
States mission has begun training
Laotian troops in the use of mili-
tary equipment.
North Vietnam has warned that
it would consider intervention by
a foreign army in Laotian affairs
a threat to its security.

State Sets
$3 Millioln"
The State Administrative Board
announced yesterday that the
University would receive a pay-
ment of $3,000,000, the amount
which was due Aug. 1.
By the end of this week State
Treasurer Sanford A. Brown stat-
ed that he would have $15,400,000,
including $8,400,000 in cash on
Michigan State will receive $2,-
300,000 and Wayne State Univer-
sity $1,200,000 on this payment.
The regular state payroll of $4,-
400,000 is due Thursday.
At the end of June, the state
paid off all its obligations to the
University for fiscal 1958-59. The
University, in turn, reimbursed
its creditors.
Because of a delay in payment
of the July appropriation by the
state, however, the University was
forced to borrow one million dol-
lars to meet its major payrolls at
the end of last month.
The July payment was received
Aug. 4. The August payment,
which was approved by the State
Administrative Board yesterday.
will be used to meet payrolls and
other normal operating expenses.
In normal times, the University
receives itscheck from the state
during the first 10 days of each
month. Receipt of the August'
check would thus restore a near
normal schedule of payments.
The state first missed' a pay-
ment to the University last:De-
cember which caused the. Univer-
sity to borrow $4 -million by the
end of January. The University
repaid these loans by- June.
- Throughout the spring, the
state managed to meet payments
to the -University, with checks.
reaching Ann Arbor just in time
to meet the faculty payrolls.
The University has not yet
missed a payroll, or paid one late.,

House Split over Labor Legislation

Herter's arrival, He left almost im-
mediately by car for the United
States Embassy h inSantiago ac-
companied by Chilean~ Foreign
Minister German Vergara anid
United States Ambassador Walter
At the airport he read a brief
statement saying "the peoples of
America are determined to develop
political and economic institutions
which will meet the deep aspira-
tions of all our people for a better,
more fruitful life without at the
same time sacrificing our cherished
principles of individual freedom
and dignity.
"We are convinced that the Or-
ganization of American States of-
fers effective means of achieving
these ends through rational and
fruitful international cooperation."

waded yesterday into a bare-
knuckle fight over labor control
legislation, with the issue very
much in doubt.
Immediately, a bloc of Republi-
cans and Southern Democrats
went on the offensive for a bill
supported by President Dwight D.
Northern Democrats counter-
attacked in behalf of a rival bill
backed by the AFL-CIO and other.
segments of organized labor.
A third force-led by Speaker
Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.)-appealed
for an end to emotion and for
passage of. a bill fashioned by the
..House Labor Committee. A bill
described as a middle-of-the-road
The air crackled with tension.

World News RoundupI
CAPE CANAVERAL (P) -,The Air Force fired its third success-
ful Atlas in four weeks yesterday, moving the ocean-spanning mis-
sile closer to operational status.
The Air Force announced shortly after the launching:
"Preliminary instrumentation .data indicates that the Atlas op-
erational prototype launched at the Atlantic missile range achieved
most of its test objectives."
The 85-foot intercontinental range war rocket belched a tail of
flame as it shot to the sky and headed for a watery target off Ascen-
sion Island 5,500 miles away.
The Air Force and Convair Astronautics, which builds the Atlas,
hopes for a third straight success in their drive to make the missile
operational by Sept. 1.
If all went right, recovery ships would try to retrieve a data
capsule set to pop out of the missile's nose cone near Ascension.
MOSCOW (P) - The Tass News Agency reported last night that
Mahmoud Bagir Ogli Eivasov is dead at age 150.
He was described as one of the best known old men in the Soviet
He lived in the Caucasian mountain village of Pirassura in So-
viet Azerbaijan.
The :agency said Eivasov worked on a collective farm and was
feeling fine until a few days ago.

Most members were in their seats
and the galleries were packed with
observers from labor and industry
For months, the pressure has
been building toward this climax
-toward what shapes up as the
most bitter floor struggle over
labor matters since the Taft-
Hartley Law was enacted 12 years
Before the House met, Republi-
can Congressional leaders went to
the White House and told Presi-
dent Eisenhower the bill he wants
will win out. It calls for stricter
controls on unions than the two
other proposals in contention.
All three versions are 'modeled
after an anti-corruption bill
passed by the Senate last April.
But they differ in the stringency
of their provisions.
Accuses Hoffa
GOP House Leader Charles M.
Halleck of Indiana accused agents
of Teamsters Union President
James R. Hoffa of using "all sorts
of threats" in an effort to win
passage for the labor-backed bill
introduced by Rep. John F. Shel-
ley (D-Calif.). -
Halleck made clear to newsmen
he, didn't mean physical threats
but "political recriminations, de-
feat at the polls" and things like
As debate got under Xvay in the
House, the rival forces maneuvered
back of the scenes for every pos-
sible vote when -the acid test
coimes. After perhaps two days of
general discussion, the voting is
expected to begin perhaps late
Leading the attack of the
Republican-Southern Democratic
faction was Rep. Howard W-.
Smith (D-Va.). He said the Eisen-
hower-endorsed bill _would satisfy
public demand for an end to
racketeering and other labor union
abuses spotlighted by the Senate
Rackets committee, headed by

one supported by Rayburn-- "is
worse than no bill; it weakens
existing law." He noted that only
five of the labor group's 30 mem-1
bers endorsed the committee's bill.
In his slow Virginia drawl,
Smith said the committee's report
setting out the many-sided views
of its members reminded him of a
tiny mountain railroad "that wig-
gled in and wiggled out and left
all the people in doubt." -
Rep. Leo Allen of Illinois, senior
Republican on the Rules Com-
mittee. seconded Smith's argu-
When the time comes to vote,
Allen told his fellow members, the
House will have to answer this
question: "Will racketeering,
gangsterism and corruption in
labor unions be allowed to go un-

Williams Attacks Those"
Upposing Corporate Taxes
LANSING (P)-Gov. G. Mennen Williams yesterday assailed a,
"few" Michigan business leaders for what he said was a "scare cam-
paign" to state off new taxes on business.
He declined to say exactly who he meant but clearly referred to
a front page spead in a Detroit newspaper detailing objections of
-corporation executives to a higher

Report Sets
City Byass
A report to the Ann Arbor City
Council showed that the contro-
versial US-23 Eastbelt Bypass is
scheduled to be completed in the
first half of 1962.
It was also stated that the
hopes for an alternate US-23
route through the, city to divert
heavy traffic in the meantime.
The report was given by Mayor
Cecil 0. Creal on the discussions
he and other city representatives
had. in Lansing last Friday with,
S t a t e Highway Commissioner
John C. Mackie and members of
Mackie's staff.
Creal said, "The Eastbelt plans
are definitely made. Right-of-way
plans should be completed by Oct.
1. Work will start in June, 1960,
and construction time would be
18-24 months, or a tentative com-
pletion date from Jan. 1 to June
1, 1962."
The proposed bypass would be-
gin at an intersection with the
US-12 Southbelt Bypass' south-
east of the city, running parallel
to the existing US-23' on the west
to -ha pointnorth of Washtenaw
Swinging east to cross the
Huron River a quarter-mile west
of the Geddes dam at Dixboro
Rd., the bypass would then run
east of North Campus and con-
tinue north to the Dhu Varren Rd.
area. From there it would go west
to US-23 north of Ann Arbor.
Bus Operation
Will Resumne
In Setebr
Ann Arbor will restore its bus
service in early September.
City Council Monday authorized
execution of a lease - agreement
with Arvin Marshall, who will do,
business as City Bus Co. of Ann
Marshall has already signed the
The city has been without bus
service since last June 12, when
Ann Arbor Transit, Inc. dropped
it- ann-- 1 ac.4-,-.a. af.in-- a Ma.-

Louisiana's Long Jokes
Over Income Tax Charge
BATON ROUGE P-Gov. Earl K. Long said yesterday he doesn't
intend to return to a hospital to rest but he joked, "Maybe they might
catch me on the street with a net."
Long gave that answer to one of two piercing questions a battery
of newsmen put to him in a news conference.
The other key question asked the Louisiana governor was whether
he was worried about a federal investigation into his income tax.
"If you are as worried about going to heaven as I am about the
income tax, then you're not worried at all."
Long glared at the newsman who asked the question. At first he
said, "I certainly am." Then he changed his stand to "not worried in
the least." Long also said "I'm>
slowing down some, but I'm. not
even thinking about" returning to
a hospital to rest. '
"I'm going to make six speeches
this weekend instead of seven," he=

tax load.
"They are again raising the cry
that if they are required to pay a
single penny of the additional
taxes needed to support the state,
Michigan's 'business climate' will
be ruined," Williams said.
To Meet Today
He said two years ago a similar
campaign defeated his recommen-
dation for a corporation profits
tax but predicted the outcome this
time would be different.
The legislature, deadlocked for
seven months, will meet again to-
day to try to round out a tax pack-
age based on a one per cent in-
crease in the use (sales) tax.
The House has demanded some
of the additional burden be placed
on business in such a way as to
avoid injury to low ineone or pro-
fitless concerns. The Senate is
against this.
Executives Object
Executives of. the National Bank
of Detroit, the Bohn Aluminum
and Brass Corp., J. L. Hudson Co.
department store, the Brower Fur-(
nitur Co.no ChemicC. n

ILong insisted he would slow
down as his doctors ordered, then
listed 13 speeches he plans to make

m mm mn

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