Wqtr Lirl1lgau Bazil
Sixty-Ninth Year
uth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
AY. AUGUST 11, 1959
University expansion
Needs Careful Planning
E FACE of a University changes from year
year, usually imperceptibly. Occasion-
however,'the changes are great enough to
some awe and cause one to ponder.
various reasons, the University seems
ntly on the brink of such a change. Re-
ing nicely from faculty and financial
ems of this spring, it has the largest op-
ng budget in history. Although enroll-
s are being held for the coming year, ad-
trators admit a steady influx of students
each the 28,000 level in four or five years.
d although money for new .buildings has
een appropriated for two years, the Uni-
y's physical environment shows clear
of huge development. The mental health
ing will be ready for use shortly, and the
rinted Institute of Science and Technol-
nay be hurried, since educators and legis-
s both, seem to understand its potential
. In addition, plans are moving ahead for
itories, fraternities, schools of music, edu-
n, architecture, and engineering labora-
on North Campus. Finally, the Dearborn
,h is opening, if only on a shoestring basis.
SIGNS POINT to expansion and a radi-
I change in the University picture. This
s up eiormous difficulties in the area of
ling. Any university's need to move for-
is inestimable. An institution must keep
not only with developing fields of knowl-+
but it also has to keep up with other.
's, a highly competitive, business. Here
is a built-in danger: the University must
be free-wheeling and dynamic, yet its planning
must be kept tentative enough so that it may
adapt to inevitable future changes in education.
The decision to expand, then, does not indi-
cate an imperceptible change. Rather, it repre-
sents a tremendous committment. With part
of the University moving to North Campus,
part staying here, and with an overall increase
of at least five thousand students, a good deal
of disjointedness is bound to result.
WHILE IT IS difficult to estimate the ulti-
mate good or bad of such a move, one
thing is certain: the decision-makers must
exercise extreme care when considering future
expansion, for somewhere there ;does come a
point of "diminishing educational returns." If
it is to maintain its greatness, 'the University
cannot step beyond that vague but critical
In short, the University must grow only as-
its strength and resources dictate, not simply
becauseit must keep up with other schools.
The basic question should be -;are we doing
what is educationally best?-not, are we keep-
ing up with the University of California? Along
the same lines, the University should not eval-
uate itself wholly in terms of conditions at
other schools, but also should with an intro-
spective eye evaluate its program in terms of
some chosen "ideal."
Dynamic progress is necessary, but the dan-
ger of diluting the University's power by ex-
pansion should not be overlooked and cannot
be, underestimated.
"Hey-the Sands Are Running Out"
F r
. M
a F,
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
NOwHERE ELSE in the world is
there so much talk about econ-
omy in government.
Republicans and Democrats put
in many a glorious day in the ora-
torical salt mines bragging over
who does the better job at saving
our money.
But rarely has talk been more
Even the President not only has
been unable to keep down the
federal budget; he also has had
tr o u b l e holding down White
House *expenses.
offers, in terms we all can under-
stand, the best illustration of gov-
ernmental growth and expansion.
Abigail Adams, the first First
Lady to live there, complained
"We have not the least fence,
yard or other convenience with-
out, and, the great unfinished
audience-room I make a drawing
room of to hang up the clothes
Because of lack of conveniences,
she said, the place required about
30 persons to keep it going.
But as conveniences increased,
so did the staff. The White House
now has 72 employes
NATIONALLY, the expansion
has been even greater. On March
4, 1933, the federal government
was spending 'around 41/2 billions
ayear. That was when Sen. nHarry
F. Byrd (D-Va.), one of the Con-
gressmen who have built their ca-
reers around the theory that
what this government needs is
less costly government hit town.
Now 26 years and n'mnumerable
economy speeches later, Byrd can
survey glumly a federal budget of
77 millions.
So it's appropriate that we now
have what almost seems to be a
monument to the difficulties of
saving money in government.
It's the new Senate office build-
ing, which stands on Capitol Hill,
in the path of a steady economy
wind whipping in from the Sen-
ate and House. Ald yet, despite
all this vocal help, the, building
has been described by Senators
themselves as being embarras-
singly wasteful and extravagant.
man faces these problems:
The government, like the .indi-
vidual, is caught up in the infla-
tionary spiral.
It must meet its huge civilian
employe payroll, 2,337,495 at last
It must fight the cold war, with
its fantastic weapons and costs.
(Did you ever stop to think that
with the money spent to launch
a couple of monkeys into space,
George Washington could have
fed and clothed his entire army
at Valley Forge?)
Then, too, the government
plays an expanding role in our
lives, with inevitable expanding
Grover Cleveland, recent enough
to be called a modern President,
once said:
Government Economy
An Elusive Shadow
"The lessons of paternalism
ought to be unlearned and the
better lesson taught that while
the people should patriotically
and cheerfully support their gov-
ernment, its functions do not in-.
elude the support of the people."
This doctrine is as out-of-date
as the surrey.
* * *
BOTH PARTIES now say it is
the government's business what
happens to people on their farms,
in their sckrooms, in their jobs
or laid off their jobs, in their
ventures into the stock market, in
their retirement..
h rSo a Congressman from a farm
state may be hellbent for econo-
my, but argue the desperate need
for higher crop supports.
Another from a coal mining
area may work for higher unem
ploynint benefits.
Another factor, rarely men-
tioned is that the government is
so vast, its programs so complex,
that anyone who sets out tQ
whack the budget must soon feel
like a man trying to cut down a
lush tropical forest with a dull
pocket knife. It grows faster than'
he can cut.
Consider Rep. Clare . Hoffman
(R-Mich.), a professional econ-
omizer. Why had HIoffmlan come
here in the first place?
"Because I thought I could do
something worthwhile - get. a
reduction in taxes and perhaps
some better laws."
And what, after 24 years, was
his conclusion?
"I have learned that I was
shooting at the moon."
The Daly Official Bulletin is a
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michbigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no so-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519, Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Attention August Graduates: Colle
of Literature, Science, and 'the Arts'
School of Education, School of Music.
School of Puglic Health, School of
Business Administration: $tuden , are'
advised not to request grades of or
,X in Aug. When such grades are ab-
solutely imperative, the work 'must be
made up in time to allow your intruo.,
tor t4ott'the make-up .grade Io
later than 11 a.m., Aug. 20. Grades re-
ceived after that time may defer the
student's graduation until a ater date.
Recommendations for Departmental.
Honors:'Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative Aug. graduates
from the College of Literature, Sience,
and the Arts. and the School of U-
cation for departmental honors (or
high honors in the College of L..&A.
should recommend such students in
a letter delivered to the Office of Regis-
tration and Records, Rm. 1513 Admu
a Elog., before Aug. 20.
(Continued ,on Page S)y
Immmossomm- mmoopopw,
G9'9 T~le t.Jai M&'czor~J icsco,
Cari6 6 ean CaTU u4el
-The U.S. on theSpot
Associated Press News Analyst
1E UNITED STATES, which helped ar-
ange the special session of Amerrcan for-.
ministers which opens at Santiago, Chile,
orrow, will find itself right in the middle,
n the start.
m1all rebellions, invasions and other poli-
. disturbances have kept the Caribbean
other areas of Latin America in an up-
ever since the success of the Castro revo-
n in Cuba last January.J
anama, Venezuela, the Dominican Repub-
Haiti, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Honduras
have been involved. The Castro govern-
t. has had to deny that it is deliberately
isoring some of the movements which have
Cuban bases.
Ee object of the United States in advocat-
the conference has been to quiet things in
Caribbean. But the whole issue of democ-
racy versus dictatorship has come to the fore,
directly involving Paraguay and the unstable-
situations of virtually every other Latin Ameri-
can country except Mexico.
IN THE CASE of the Dominican Republic -
which is probably less of a republic than any,
of the western hemisphere countries- assuming
the title - the United States is caught be-
tween demands that she do something about a
dictatorship which she has aided with consid-
erable sums of money for some years and the
old devil of being accused of intervention if
she .does.
There is also the complication that the Tru-
Jillo regime, however disregardful of civil Tights
and however cruel, has heavy internal support
because of popular economic gains.
Cuba, where the American .business inter-
efts acutely complicate political relations at
this time, is the scene of new disruptions on
the very eve of the conference.
SAN JUAN, P.R.-A woman with
a big family whose husband is
sick and can't pay the rent.
A man whose sister in Arecibo
is in trouble.
A woman who wants to buy
some posters the 'city is taking
A woman who wants to rent a
A boy who is being evicted from
his room.
A woman who cannot afford a
decent funeral forher aged moth-
, An old woman whose slum
home almost fell down recently,
and threatens to go for good un-
less braced.
A man whose son has been in
prison two years, and now seeks
D'mHocrati 'Hih Noon
THESE ARE a few of the peo-
ple seeking the aid of Dona Felisa
Rincon de Gautier, mayoress of
San Juan.
Dona.Felisa is a gray-haired
woman who looks and talks like
the descendant of Spain's aris-
tocracy she is. But the dignity,
doesn't' getin her way -on St.
John's Day all the people of San
Juan go swimming. for good luck,
and the mayoress was no excep-
tion. The newsreels showed her
splashing happily with her con-,
She is constantly on the go,
carrying out the duties of her
office (an appointee, she holds
little actual power): giving keys
to visiting dignitaries, giving shoes
to the city's poor. i
Every Wednesday morning,
though, she stays in the Municipio
(City Hall), and invites the peo-
ple to come to her with their
She sits at a table, attended by
two secretaries, the visitors facing
her in rows of chairs.
ONE BY ONE, and two by two,
they come up, sit beside her and
explain what's on their minds.
Dona Felisa listens carefully,
then dashes off a note in blue
pencil, telling the visitor what to
do or whom to see.
Sometimestshe carries on three
conversations simultaneuosly,
with, for example, a woman who
is Minister of Education for Costa
Rica, a woman who needs a job,
and a reporter. But it doesn't seem
to b'other her.
To the man whose sister is in
trouble Dona Felisa gave a letter
of introduction to the mayor of
The woman whose husband is
sick was assured the social service.
would investigate the case.
The woman who wanted to buy.
posters was told the city plans to
use them on another plaza.
s * *
THE WOMAN who needs a
house and the boy who needs a
room were sent to responsible real-
The woman whose mother was
dying was given the name of the
agency which handles charity
The woman with the collapsible
house was told where toget braces.
And the man whose son is in
prison was sent to a judge, bear-
ing a letter from the mayoress
recommending parole.
"I know him," Dona Felisa said
when the fellow had gone. "He is
very poor but he is a good man."
Then San Juan's indefagitable
mayoress turned to her next visi-
: ,
U.S. Seventh Army Well Prepared
JACK AND HUBERT" are forcing 'so fast a.
pace in the wide-open race for the 1960
Democratic Presidential nomination that the
ery next month may bring a fateful showdown
etween them.
"Jack" is Senator John Fitzgerald Kennedy
f Massachusetts, and "Hubert" is Senator
iubert Horatio Humphrey of Minnesota. They
re turning westward for a confrontation at
he end of September. This will find them
rossing trails in Wisconsin: In Western hoss
pera terms, it may bee a kind of High Noon
There the two.leading characters meet in the
lusty street and gun it out.
The risks, however, will be far from even.
Hubert" has everything to lose and "Jack"
nly some things. Humphrey's whole strategy
s one of shooting the worksi He has long been
,ware that his candidacy cannot even get off
he ground unless he can first show great
trength in his home region of the upper Mid-
Specifically, this means Wisconsin, for Wis-
onsin next April will have a'n early and a
ritical Presidential primai'y. This Humphrey
imply must carry impressively or, in the cruel
hrase of the pros, "he is dead." A Kennedy
)ss of that primary would leave him only,
[ ENNEDY may or may not enter that pri-
mary, for it is not clearly so vital to him as
; is to Humphrey. And this coming month may
etermine whether he really needs to enter
nyhow. For even apart from the fact that
:ennedy now appears to be the front-runner
mnong the Democrats, Humphrey has just been
it a hard blow in his own Midwest bailiwick.
A neighboring Senator from Wisconsin it-
lf, William Proxmire, has done a most un-
neighborly act. He has released a Wisconsin
poll which, he says, gave Kennedy 42.5 per cent
of the Democratic vote against a mere 17.3 for
Humphrey. Close examination of the Proxmire
figures makes things look far less bad fer
Humphrey.- For Adlai E. Stevenson-who has
no intention of getting into the Wisconsin ac-
tion and probably no intention to contest for
nomination openly anywhere - got 29.5 per
cent in the Proxmire poll
Though Humphrey is vastly more liberal
than Stevenson, it is generally accepted that
many of the poll votes that went to Stevenson
would have gone to Humphrey had those who
voted known for sure that Stevenson would
never be in the Wisconsin picture. Thus,. as a
practical matter, Humphrey can be said to
have done considerably better than the figure
of 17.3 per cent would suggest.
ALL THE SAME,'the Proxmire data has badly
shaken the Humphrey candidacy. "Hubert"
is more popular with the Democratic profes-
sionals in Wisconsin than is "Jack." But."Jack,"
on the Proxmire showing at any rate, is more
popular with the people. And this is a poll-
happy country. No one doubts that the Demo-
cratic National Convention next year will be
strongly influenced by "what :the polls say."
So, the Humphrey people are moving quickly
to repair the prestige damage-while in private
they make comments about Proxmire which
his loved ones would not like. They have set for..
September 19 in Milwaukee a "statewide or-
ganization convention for Humphrey." They
have arranged for Humphrey himself to arrive
in the state on September 25 for one of those
tireless dawn-to-dusk, whirlwind speaking and
handshaking tours at which he is a master.
The Humphrey people hope that with all this
they will be able to demonstrate that their man
has much more strength in, Wisconsin than
Proxmire's poll would indicate. They hope, too,
tha b tstUm 1t,-nnn il'a _a --
... but help is there
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
STUTTGART, Germany - The
greatest peacetime fibld army
in United States history is stand-
ing watch east of the Rhine River.
This is no cream puff army. It
is lean, hard and able to fight at
the sound of a hostile bolt click.
Further, the United Statse Sev-
enth Army-five full. divisions and
three beefed-up armored cavalry
regiments - is the only effective
ground force extant today for the
defense of central Europe in an
atomic war.
Nevertheless, a four-week tour
of United States military posts in
Europe and consideration of the
present state of Europe's defenses
suggests that the presence of the
7th Army is more political than
* * *
THE 7TH ARMY represents a
visible reminder to the Europeans
that the United States will not
abandon the continent to Soviet
There are 150,000:men in the
'7th Army, equipped. and trained,
to fight an atomic war. They face
at least 20 Russian divisions (400,-
000 men) similarly trained and
equipped and 14 Czechoslovakian
divisions (170,000 men).
But if United States policy is
one of massive atomic retaliation
for any act, of aggression on the
part of the Soviets, then the 7th
Army is too large. It wouldn't be
And if the United States an-
ticipated a war in which only
tactical weapons would be used,
then the conclusion seems equally
inescapable that the 7th Army is
too small.
tuted, there is scant doubt that it
could ' put up a. terrific battle,
atomic or otherwise. An enemy
ground force might go around this
army, but it won't go through it.
The 7th acts precisely like a
front-line army during .a lull in
the fighting.
All along the 455 miles of
Czechoslovakian and East German
border the 7th n' aintains a con-
stant alert.
* * .*
NO MORE THAN 15 per cent of
the men are permitted on leave
at any one time. Thirty minutes
after an alert sounds, the 7th can
muster 50 per cent of its total
strength, 85 per cent in two hours.
The 7th Army is a very real
thing. At Murth-Im-Wald, 260
miles east of here, five Ampericans
man a concrete observation post
overlooking the Czech border
hamlet of Folmava. They keep a
round-the-clock vigil.
From the Austrian border
northwards for 150 miles, this is
the only pass through which
enemy tanks can be deployed from
Czechoslovakia. A light machine
gun pokes through the post's fire
port toward a Czech border police
compound 500 yards away.
compound 500 yards away.
Willie's Words e.*
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