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August 11, 1959 - Image 1

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FUV1~ i


IX, No. 358





Castro Shuns Conference

Little Rock Feels Boycot


SANTIAGO, Chile YP) - Cuban
Premier Fidel Castro will not at-
tend the American Foreign Min-
isters Conference here on Carib-
bean tensions, the Cuban ambas-
sador to Chile said last night. '
Conflicts between Castro's gov-
ernment in Cuba and the Domin-
ican Republic regime of Rafael
Trujillo were a primefactor in'
etting up the conference.
Castro's decision means that
neither principalrprotagonist of
the Caribbean arena will, be on
hand. Trujillo never attends such
Latin American parleys.
Roa Gets News
A delegation headed by Cuba's
Foreign Minister Raul Paul Roa
left Havana last night by plane
for' Santiago.
Carlos Lechuga, Cuba's ambas-
sador here, said he had a phone
call from the foreign ministry in
Havana advising him that Castro
is not coming to the conference.
There had been an announce-
ment in Havana over the weekend
that Castro might attend some
sessions of the conference.,
The Cuban ambassador said Ar-
mando Hart, described as one of
the leaders of Castro's 26th- of
July movement, would come here
as Castro's personal representa-
To Discuss Plots
As Latin American diplomats
gathered here yesterday, few said
they expected more than calming
psychological' effects from the
Town Ca ught
In Strangfe
SAM NEUA, Laos (M)-Casualties
are slowly mounting in a' strange
war between Communist-led guer-
rillas and royal troops in the
mountains of northern Laos.
Brig. Gen. Amkha Soukhavong,
commander of the northern zone,
said yesterday his forces have
killed 90 Red soldiers,. captured 9
and wounded an undetermined
number in Sam Neua province,
which adjoins .Communist N6rth
Viet Nam.
Government forces of this Bud-
dhist kingdom have lost about 50
men-about half are listed as miss-
ing, Amkha said.
Hold 20 'Villages
The general said the guerrillas
hold more than 20 villages within
the province, and the situation is

The program for the Inter-
American Foreign Ministers Con-
ference, which opens tomorrow, is
discussion of the plots, invasions
and invasion threats, revolts and
counter -revolution that have
made the Caribbean a sea of un-
rest since Castro's forces took over
Cuba Jan. 1.
But Latin diplomats have a lot
of other subjects to discuss with
Christian A. Herter, who arrives
today for his first meeting with
them as United States Secretary
of State.
Up to now Herter had been tied
up with the Big Four Conference
at Geneva.
Talk on Aid
Topping the list for private
talks is United States aid for the
Latin republics. The talks will be
held outside the conference.
Y ,
SAW Head
Asks 'Open',


"But if the North Vietnamese do
not build up" reinforcements or
send in regulars we can manage,"
he added.
The government seems to have
the edge in manpower.
Reinforcements Brought In
Amkha said six guerrilla bat-
talions totaling about 3,600 men
are involved. There are 3,000 gov-
ernment troops and 1,900 civil
guards in the area, he said.
About 2,000 reinforcements, in-
cluding parachute troops and in-
fantrymen experienced in jungle
operations, have been brought in'
r since the border incidents started.
Everything appears calm in the
town of Sam Neua itself, a center
of 25,000 population 35 miles from
the North Viet Nam border.
Half Partisans
Amkha said half of the Red
forces are partisans-some indoc--
trinated for years by the Laotian
Communist Pathet Lao and some
who were consteripted for Red
t units - but all are equipped by
North Viet Nam.
About half of the infiltrators are
reported wearing the green uni-
form of the North Viet Nam Com-
The nearest action from Sam
Neua is a two-day march away
over mud roads that are impass-
able to vehicles because there are
no bridges over the rain-swollen
Russia Agrees
To Draft New
Test Controls
GENEVA ()-The Soviet Union
formally agreed at the nuclear test
ban talks yesterday to write into a
test suspension treaty a system to
control high altitude and. outer
space blasts.
ISviet deapte Semvnn K Ta-

WASHINGTON (P) - Walterc
Reuther, president of the United
Auto workers union, demandedo
yesterday that the Senate Racketsf
Committee open to the public thee
investigation of his union sched-
uled to start behind closed doorsa
The UAW president charged1
that the committee's RepublicanI
members want the public barred
so they can leak out allegations
which, lie said, would never stand
up in a public hearing.
Accuses Republicans
In a telegram to the committee
chairman, Sen. John L. McClellan
(D-Ark.), Reuther accused the Re-
publicans of "unprincipled and ir-
responsible" tactics.
,McClellan told a reporter the
committee could open the doors of
the hearing 'room by a majority
vote decision.
He said he would be reluctant tot
go on record as favoring such ai
step "until I know a little moreI
about it.".a
McClellan said the committee's
Republican members never have
told him the full story of the na-c
ture and scope of evidence they
plan to present in the inquiry. I
Opposes Demands. C
Sen. Karl E. Mundt (R-S.D.) In
a separate interview opposed Reu-t
ther's demand for a public hearing1
at this stage. Mundt said it is usual
to have some form of preliminary1
inquiry as a prelude to public hear-t
ings, and that he believed thet
closed session should go on as
Thedclosed hearings had been
billed as a preliminary inquiry to
determine whether evidence turned
up by the committee's Republican
members Js sufficient to justify
public hearings.
Union Leader,
Sends Others
Toa Negotiate
NEW YORK (A) - President1
David J. McDonald of the United
Steelworkers yesterday turned his
back on peace talks in the- 27-day
steel strike.
He put in a second-string team
of negotiators.
"I got sick of that show in New
York," McDonald told a group of
strikers in Pittsburgh. "I will talk
to people in authority. I refuse to
talk with liaisons. "
'Must Bargain'
R. Conrad Cooper, chief indus-
try negotiator, replied that Mc-
Donald's efforts to downgrade
company negotiators to messen-
ger status was' unfortunate and
"Sooner or later he must con-
front his responsibility to bargain
with this team."
WithMcDonald absent, peace
talks here moved along on a hlf-
hearted basis. Also absent was Jo-
seph F. Finnegan, chief federal
mediator, who was tied up with
other matters In Washington.
Deputy Talks
Finnegan's chief deputy, Robert
Moore, conducted the 'negotiations
and claimed a certain amount of
progress on contract details and
But he reported "no progress on
the question of the basic econom-
ic differences of the parties."

But they remain no less im-
portant to the Latins, who feel
hey are last in line for United
States help - far behind Europe
and Asia.
The importance of Herter's
presence to the sensitive Latins
was underlined by the wave of
dismay that followed news from
Washington that he might stay
only three days because of the
press of cold war business.
Plans To Stay
Herter dispelled this fear by an-
riouncing before his departure
from Washington yesterday that
he plans to remain in Santiago
for the whole meeting.
It will last six or seven days.
But in the interim, some diplo-
mats had expressed concern that
the conference might fail if Her-
ter did not stay around and dem-
onstrate United States interest.
OAS Calls Meeting
The United States had been
one of the most vocal in support-
ing the idea of the meeting, called
by the Organization of American
, The OAS Council had found it
was unable to deal with the May
31 invasion of Nicaragua and the
June 19 invasion of the Domini-4
can Republic.
Both those nations accuse Cuba
of backing the attacks and called
for a foreign ministers' confer-
ence to take action.
Castro, however, has demanded
a more "democratic" OAS, ex-
cluding all dictatorships. He aimed
his remarks at Nicaragua and the
Dominican Republic.
Herter Calls
For Candid
WASHINGTON (') - Secretary
of State Christian A. Herter yes-
terday called for a candid exam-
ination of Caribbean tensions by
Latin American foreign ministers
and agreement on measures to
deal with them.
As he left by jet plane on a two-
day, 5,000-mile flight to Santiago
Chile, Herter looked for helpful
results from the special meeting
of foreign ministers called by the
Organization of American States
in search of ways to calm the po-
litically seething Caribbean.
United States officials have
looked with concern on the con-
tagious unrest which has ruffled
the Caribbean area, particularly
since Fidel Castro took power in
Cuba Jan. 1.
The OAS called for the Santi-
ago parley after finding it could
not deal effectively with the May
31 invasion of Nicaragua and the
June 19 invasion of the Domini-
can Republic.
I an airport departure state-
ment, Herter praised the OAS and
what he called principles and re-
sponsibilities of international co-
operation toward peace and prog-
ress that have developed in the
American 'community over the
past half century.
But he took note of the political
tensions which have been devel-
oping in recent months.


... crushes 'revolution'

Cuba Halts
First Major
HAVANA (W) -- Officials of Pre-
mier Fidel Castro's government
claimed last night the first major
conspiracy against his eight-
month-old revolutionary regime.
has been crushed.;
Unconfirmed reports said thei
number of those arrested on sus-
picion of anti-Castro plotting has
reached 1,500.
But even as top-ranking Castro;
men said the conspiracy was
smashed, there were indications,
that cleanup operations were un-
der way in strategic Las Villas
province in mid-Cuba.
Telephones Cut
Telephone communications were
cut off with Las Villas but tele-
graph lines, were reported open.
Reliable sources in Havana said
the telephone blackout was or-
dered by the 'government while
arrests of counter-revolutionaries
in Las Villas proceeded.
Military camps in and around
Havana were sealed off. They were
reported holding hundreds of ci-
vilians and army men bagged in"
a, great military dragnet.
Castro To Talk
Entry and exit to the camps
were permitted only on the
authority of the commanders. The
bearded Castro is expected to go
on TV and radio today to give de-
tails of the secrecy-shrouded con-
spiracy to overthrow him.
The newspaper Revolucion, or-
gan of Castro's 26th of July move-
ment, said possibly more than 1,-
000 people have been detained as
a result of the discovery of the
counter-revolutionary conspiracy.
The newspaper La Calle, edited
by Castro's former interior min-
ister Luis Orland Rodriguez, said
1,500 are under arrest.
Hernandez Arrested
La Calle said one of those ar-
rested is Arturo Hernandez Tellae-
heche, a congressman under Car-
los Prio Socarras, the former
Cuban president ousted by ex-
dictator Fulgencio Batista in 1952.
The. newspaper said Hernandez
had been designated by the con-
spirators to be the new president
if their plot succeeded.
Castro's *president is Osvaldo
Dorticos, appointed after Castro
recently drove Manuel Urrutia
out of office.

New Bill
WASHINGTON (A') - Speaker
Sam Rayburn (D-Tex.) called last
night for a middle ground ap-
proach to labor reform, but spon-.
sors of opposing bills signalled no
Rayburn, in a nationwide radio
network talk, said the proposal
backed by President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower would do "a genuine in-
justice to the rights of honest, law-
abiding working men and women."
He appealed for passage of what
he called middle-of-the-road legis-
lation that "will correct the worst
abuses in labor management rela-
tions without trampling on the just
rights of anyone."
TV Debate
But in a television debate, the
sponsors of the Eisenhower-backed
bill, Reps. Phil M. Landrum (D-
Ga.) and Robert P. Griffin (R-
Mich.), labelled their legislation
"the minimum bill that a respon-
sible Congress could enact in this
Rep. John F. Shelley (D-Calif.),
who authored a milder bill 'than
the committee bill favored by Ray-
burn, promised a fight for his pro-
posal which he said would "get the,
crooks in the labor movement and
the crooks on management's side
who have been working hand in-
glove with them."
The radio-TV debate came on
the eve of a battle starting in the
House today over the three pro-
posals to curb labor-management
Right after Rayburn spoke, lead-
ers of the various contending fac-
tions in the House gave a televi-
sion audience a preview of the
heated debate expected in the
Udall Backs Rayburn
Rep. Stewart L. Udall (D-Ariz.)
urged passage of the House Labor
committee bill backed by Rayburn.
Udall contended a measure sup-
ported by organized labor would
meet a veto and that the Eisen-
hower-backed bill would be unac-
ceptable to the Senate.
"We've got to have compromise
of reasonable men if we're going
to get legislation," Udall said. He
praised the committee bill as sound
and strong.
But no compromise stands were
taken by Reps. Phil M. Landrum
(D-Ga.) and Robert P. Griffin (R-
Mich.), who introduced the bill
President Eisenhower favors, and
by Rep. John F. Shelley (D-Calif.),
who is chief sponsor of the version
supported by the AFL-CIO.
Shelley said his measure would
send the "scoundrels to jail" and
guarantee democratic processes for
union members without punishing
honest labor.

Still Going S

ai Street
Ignore Plan
Council Pledges Fig
On Any Integratioi
L I TT L E R O C K (P) -MF
Street, Little Rock, wad hit by
economic 'war yesterday of
schgol integration.
A boycott was declared by t
Capital Citizens .Council, pledi
to fight racial mixing in put
schools at all costs.
Its spokesman and attorri
Amis Guthridge,, accused dow
town merchants of backing
school board decision to reor
public high schools tomorrow
token integration.
Guthridge, in a hastily cal
news conference in a parkinig:
charged the merchants h
formed a coalition with the P
'Run by Merchants'

In Protest

'RECORD-BREAKER'-The crowds are still lining up to pay their
rubles so they can see the American exhibit in Sokolniki Park,
Moscow. Derogatory remarks and bad reviews by the critics in
Pravda and Izvestia have not quenched the curiosity of the aver-
age Russian, who still wants to see "American life first-hand."
Presgident at Gettysburg
T o Rest .before Tra-Vels
GETTYSBURG (A') - President Dwight D. Eisenhower, wearing
one golf shoe and one street shoe, went to the Hotel Gettysburg yes-
terday and set up a temporary White House.
Going directly to the hotel after playing 18 holes of golf, Presi-
dent Eisenhower didn't notice he still was wearing a golf shoe until
he walked into the lobby. A Secret Service agent hurried to the presi-.


"Little Rock is being run politi-
cally. by Main: Street merchants
and the Negroes," he said, adding
that it was- time the Negroes
shared in the "suffering.
What effect, if any, the boycott
would have remained to be seen.
Business seemed to be going on
as usual.
Shoppers were coming and go-
ing with no outward appearance
they were aware of the segrega-
tionists' economic war.
Houston-Buford,'president of
downtown Little Rock Unlimited,
Inc., ignored Guthridge's declara
tion. So did the president of -the
Chamber ofCp nmetr, E. Grain-
ger Willipas.
Students Rally
On the student front, 50 Con-
federate-flag-waving teen-agers
gathered on the campus of the
now-closed all-white private Raney
High. School.
Some carried white banners let-
tered in red. They were aimed at
parents and other grown-ups.
One read, "Should your chil-
dren call you Daddy or coward?"
Another: "Have cowards, will in-
One girl, Sandra Jackson, called
on the former students of Raney
High to mass at the. state capitol
tomorrow fort another anti-inte-
g r a t i o n r ally. Sandra is the
daughter of Mrs. Margaret Jack-
son, president of the segregation-
ist Mother's League of Central

dhentialcar to fe~tch the ot)hera

street shoe.
President Eisenhower's arrival
at the hotel caught Gettysburg by
surprise. Only a handful of people
saw him enter.
The word that he was there
spread quickly and a large crowd,
including many tourists, gathered
outside. When he left 30 minutes
later he got a big cheer.
President Eisenhower's arrival
at the hotel was the first indica-
tion he planned to set up an office
outside his farm for his stay here.
He hopes to get in as much golf
and rest as official business per-
mits before leaving Aug. 26 for a.
series of conferences in Europe
with' fellow leaders of the, West-
ern allies.
These conferences are a prelude
to the Sept. 15 visit to Washing-
ton of Soviet Premier Nikita S.


House Group'
Vetoes Hikei,
In* GasTax c
Ways and Means committee yes-
terday refused again to vote for
an increase in the federal gasolinel
tax to finance the nation's high-
way construction program.
The committee also put aside its
previously voted plan to slow downl
construction' of the 41,000-mile
network, thus wiping the slate
clean and leaving efforts to solvel
the highway financing program
right back where they started.
Another meeting is scheduled1
for today in a search for, a way
to keep the program from coming"
to a halt for lack of money.
Asks Tax Raise
President Dwight D. Eisenhower;
has asked for a one and one-half
cents-a-gallon increase in the
three-cent federal gasoline tax to
keep highway building on a pay-
as-you-go basis, but the committee
has refused to go along.
It defeated a motion .for such
an increase two weeks ago and
yesterday it knocked down a pro-
posaf to add a penny to the tax.
The reported vote on the mo-
tion, offered by Rep. John W.
Byrnes (R-Wis.), was 15-8 with
three Republicans joining :12
Democrats to make up the ma-
jority. Two Democrats voted for
the motion.
To Continue Work
Byrnes's motion would have

of Interatioi

Jazz Festival Presents Kenton, Others

Adults 'Don't Care' '
Integration came to Little Rock
in 1957-58 at Central High School.
It exploded into mob violence and
federal troops were called out to.
police "integrated' attendance for
the remainder of the term.
Twenty to 30 adults watched
the demonstration at Raney from
their cars parked across the street.
A police car cruised by but did not
"We are being forced to attend
integrated schools simply because
grown-ups don't care," one of the
students, 16-year-old Johnnie Es-
kew, -said.
Tighten Controls
The school board moved to
tighten ,its controls over public
high school discipline, It warned
any infraction of rules would be
dealt with firmly.
Identification cards were being
issued 'to students and teachers to
keep down traffic around the
Police Chief Gene Smith has or-
dered all available patrolmen to
be on duty tomorrow. He has kept
his own counsel on his plans but
he said whatever measures neces-
sary to enforce the law would be
Six Negroes have been assigned
to two once-white schools, Cen-
tral and Hall, under a state pupil
placement law which the board is
using to limit integration.

made the one-cent increase in the
fuel tax effective over the next
two fiscal years.
He estimated it would enable
the federal government to appor-
tion $1 billion to the states during
the current fiscal year and $1
billion in fiscal 1961.
The House Public Works com-
mittee, which fixes the amount to
be spent on the program, has


Try To Start
New Chamber



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