Sixty-Ninth Year
I Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, Mcii. * Phone NO 2-3241
>rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
AUGUST 8, 1959
Advantages and Otherwise
In the Exchange of Visits
THE FIRST FLJRRY over the announce-
nent of the Khrushchev-Eisenhower visits,
st politicos and other interested people were
too eager to jump in and say, "This is a
>d Thing," or, "This is a Bad Thing."
Iowever, most of them failed to recognize
t these token overtures of good will should
be looked upon as an unmixed blessing.
en Khrushchev comes over here, he is going
get the chance to spread a good deal of
paganda, and he will utilize every chance he
s. Our only means of retaliation will be Pres-
at Eisenhower's visit to the Soviet Union,
ich he will make after IKhrushchev returns to
home and can play host to Eisenhower.
nother factor which American citizens must
.sider soberly is the possibility of an "inci-
t" happening to Khrushchev while he is
ting this country. United Sttes Bureau of
Census figures estimate that there are two
lion people living in the United States who
e recently come from nations which
rushchev controls, directly or indirectly. It
lot hard to imagine the bitterness and hatred
ch any or all of these expatriates may feel
!ard this man. It is equally easy to.imagine
v such fervent hatrfd could persuade a man
risk performing such a dangerous act as
assinating one of the two major political
res in the world today,
IIS IS NOT overdramatizig the problem;
it is acknowledking a situation which the
ret Service and the State Department have
mady realized and which they are already
nmin to meet. They are going to enlist the'
of local police wherever Khrushchev and
happen to be, and hope that with the police
[ the government agents and Khrushchev's
a bodyguard, all will go well. But kings and
sidents have been assassinated before for
.cause, and all the government can do in
way of preventing such an ingident is to
aind residents (citizens and otherwise) of
United States what the consequences of
h a rash act would be in terms of interna-
ial feeling-our relations with the Soviet
on are not so relaxed yet that we can afford
ose their leader in our country.
'he same situation, however, does not exist
mny comparable degree with President Eisen-
rer. When he visits Russia, he will find no
igee Hungarians or Poles whom he has
ven out of their homes; aside from political
atics, there could be no person in the USSR
> could conceivably bear any real or long-
iding grudge against the United States
/or Eisenhower.
a the Soviet Union, it is probable that the.
sident will be able to publish his messages
freely as Khrushchev's will be published
e, although one cannot tell ahead of time
at whims the Soviet censors will fall prey
therefore, the effect of our counter-propa-
da, which the President will disseminate
n he gets to the USSR, could be consider-
ably mitigated with judicious editing on the
part of the Soviet government.
HOVWEVER, WE MUST trust that the powers-
that-be in Russia will be as liberal with
President Eisenhower's words as they were with
Vice-President Nixon's, whose speeches were
printed in full in Soviet papers. And consider-
ing that the President's words are more im-
portant than the Vice-President's - at least in
theory - the Soviet censors will probably re-
strain their scissors and blue pencils for the
duration of Eisenhower's visit, assuming that
any citizen of their country with an open mind
and ear will be able to get the unadulterated
American side of things.
And, of course, the United States must be
certain that there is no taint of the blue pencil
on its hands where Khrushchev's remarks, of-
ficial and off-the-cuff, are concerned, because
in the type of international diplomacy in which
we are engaged, the Soviets would riot hesitate
to retaliate in kind when Eisenhower came
over, and thereby destroy much of the effective-
ness of the trips.
One of the plus points on both sides is the
personality of the leader. Khrushchev is shrewd
-this is the way most observers characterize
him-but he can at the same time be most
genial, ebullient, and even charming. He is the
sort of person who can make the official So-
viet propaganda sound almost convincing.
Eisenhower is much the same sort of person
-genial, kindly, wise-leader and father-image;
he, too, can probably make the official United
States line sound almost convincing to the Rus-
sians. It is the men of charm, with a reservoir
of horse-trader sense behind the charm, who
will do the best job of convincing people in the
long run.
THE VISITS WILL, of course, not really
change many people's minds about any-
thing, although the mere fact that the Soviet
Union or the United States has finally agreed
" to attempt the friendly overtures indicates a
little defrosting in the cold war, and one which'
may yet lead to something much, much bigger
in the way of settling our differences-.
No one expects to convert Eisenhower from
democracy to Co unism, and no one expects
to convert Khrusnchev from the ardent ex-
ponent of Communism to our "decadent capi-
talism," but the opportunity for each of these
two most important political figures to see
first-hand the land of their opponents may
give each of them a much deeper insight into
the sort of problems he and his country faces
in this struggle. And knowing what you're up
against has never yet been a hindrance to the
solution of major conflicts, such as the United
States and Russia are engaged in today. In
this case, it may even help.
ISLANDS FOR LIVING-This is one of the exhibits in the American Pavilion at the Brussels World's Fair in 1958, an international fair on the grandest scope ,ofall. The whole
"Islands" exhibit was a display of the variety of consumer goods for the American home, and consisted of a number of different rooms. The one pictured above is a children's
playroom, one of the rooms chosen to reflect the characteristic living habits of the American people. It consists of a popular-model playpen, a pairtof tough, lightweight plastic
chairs, a "walking chair" for toddlers, and a light aluminum highchair. Also displayed are a 'iumber of stuffed toys.
U NCLE SAM is becoming a global
Barnum, fighting one of the
strangest battles of the cold war
with circus hoopla and missionary
Taking up a Soviet challenge,
he is using a new set of ideological
weapons--official government ex-
hibits at international fairs and
expositions. Through these he tries
to sell the American way of life
and the products of American
agriculture and industry.
This ,role as international show-
man has been assumed bit by bit.
Uncle Sam still isn't sure the role
fits him well. He sticks with it be-
cause Russia is good at it and
shows no sign of letting up.
T he importance attached to this
tankbark struggle is illustrated by
the decision to have Vice-Presi-
dent Nixon open the American Na-
tional Exhibition in Moscow.
*** *
WITH RUSSIA operating a sim-
ilar show in New York, capitalism
and Communism now have pitched
their circus tents in each other's
front yard.
Uncle Sam has taken part in-
about 100 fairs since he edged into
the business late in 1954, spending
at least 351/2 million dollars in the
Private enterprise has contri-
A Task of Statesmanship
THE SUM spent by Uncle Sam
is extremely modest compared with
the cost of many cold war pro-
grams. Still, serious questions are
raised about the whole effort, and
the answers don't always come
Rep. John J. Rooney (D-N.Y.)
studied a survey made during last
year's big Brussels Fair and wanted
to know why the Russian exhibit
apparently made a better impres-
sion than the American pavilion.
Director George V. Allen of the
United States Information Agency
admitted before Rooney's appro-
priations subcommittee that the
Russians do put on better exhibits
and said:
"We don't seem to be so good in
* * *
THE MOSCOW fair, costing be-
tween 3%/2 and 4 million dollars, is
being handled by a special office..
At least three agencies have fingers
in the pie.
Brussels and Moscow are special
deals. The big, continuing fair pro-
gram is administered by the Com-
merce Department's Office of In-
ternational Trade Fairs. There
have been 73 such fairs since the
first one in December. 1954 and
new ones open at the rate of bet-
ter than one a month.
Each year, the State Depart-
ment and USIA decide where the
United States should be repre-
sented by an exhibit. A priority
list is drawn 'up and the Trade
Fair Office staff of 100 plans ex-
hibits for as many fairs as the
budget will allow.;
The United States this year was
ONCE A FAIR is decided on, the
agency picks a theme-solar en-
ergy in sunny Morocco, heavy in-
dustry in Milan, the building up
of reputable, advertised brand
names in Japan.
Private industry is asked to
supply products and exhibits.
About 60 firms take part in the
program each year and their reac-
tion has been good.
Despite the recurrent criticism
that Russia is doing a better job,
you can find evidence of American
There were the nuns who, re-
turned, day after day, to the
United States Atoms for Peace
exhibit in Italy, each time with a
different group of children. A gov-
ernment worker became curious,
made inquiries and was told:
"We are so impressed that this
wonderful new power associated
with death and destruction can be
used for mankind. Children should
see as much of it as possible."
Several years ago the United
States set up an American super-
market at the trade fair in Zagreb,
Yugoslavia. The equipment was
sold on the spot after the fair and
Yugoslavia now has nine operating
supermarkets and 60 more in the
planning 'tage.
JUST LAST month, a cigarette-
making assembly line was set up
in the United States pavilion at
the big iron curtain trade fair at
Poznan, Poland. The equipment
has been sold to the Polish gov-
ernment, which will use it to pro-
duce that country's first filter tip
cigarettes. American farmers hope
the Poles will buy some American
tobacco "to put in front of the
"There's no question the fair
program has whetted an appetite
for things American," says Walter
S. Shafer, director of the Trade
Fairs Agency.
Some exhibits misfire. Others
stir up more controversy in Con-
gress than they do overseas.
But all the foulups aren't on the
FRESH, GENIAL breeze sweeps Washing-
ton, true enough. But hope for a cold war
aw is accompanied by chill anxiety in many
inds as to what is to happen now to the
estern alliance which stood so stalwartly
th us in the years before the new summit
The task of statesmanship now, in the view
some of the best friends we ever had, is not
nfined simply to a wise. approach by this
untry in the forthcoming Eisenhower-
hrushchev conversations. A task no less
gent is to avoid even the appearance df
utting out the smaller Western allies who
ive stood so faithfully with us in the North.
lantic Treaty Organization.
These smaller governments have also been
ATO's most steadfast members. But it is
ecisely these remarkably loyal ones who need,
assurance that their own problems - and
eir hard-won prestige with their own peoples
are not cast to one side in the panoplied
mings and goings now being prepared be-'
reen Washington and Moscow. The vital
cessity is not to disillusion these smaller
[O DOUBT IT HAS all been for perfectly
good reasons. But the plain fact remains
at the United States had taken a 180-degree
rn in high policy in the decision for an ex-
ange of visits between President Eisenhower
d Soviet PL emier Nikita Khrushchev. This
atively abrupt switch toward conciliation
s not made it easier for the leaders of the
aller nations in the Western group.
For years they triumphed over their Com-
Now, the pre-conditions have been immensely
altered. There have been no good Russian
deeds; but there are going to be negotiations
all the same.
There is thus a danger that governments.
long allied with us will have to meet a revival
of pro-communism and neutralism. Certainly
this is true if it appears that we have given
these governments the status not of brothers
but of second cousins, no longer .so sorely
needed and no longer so highly regarded.
THIS IS WHY certain of the smaller NATO
powers, headed by Italy, have tried to ar-
range for a combined meeting in Paris of the
NATO Council, plus the heads-of-government
in the West - President Eisenhower, Prime
Minister Harold Macmillan of Britain, and all
the rest-prior to the Eisenhower-Khrushchev
talks. There was no thought of trying to in-
struct President Eisenhower in any way. The
intention was only to show all-Western unity,
to demonstrate that the smaller powers were
not being left out for a moment.
This proposal has failed - in its initial
form, at any rate. The United States reluc-
tantly opposed it, but not for lack of sympa-
thy. We simply feared that such a rally would
seem to bind Eisenhower to meet Khrushchev
in Washington as a formal spokesman for the
West rather than informally and only as head
of the United States. The point is that at this
stage the President is determined not to nego-
tiate, not even for one country alone, let alone
all the West, but only to explore the way with
Premier Khrushchev.
Now, however, an alternative is being con-
sidered, though only considered. This is the
possibility that the President might yet meet
Nixon Tour Opened Dikes
(EDITOR'S NOTE: George W. Healy
Jr., past President of the American
Society of Newspaper Editors, accom-
panied vice-President Richard M.
Nixon to Russia, Siberia and Poland.
Here, he sums up his impressions of
places visited, their people and effects
of the mission.)
Editor, the New Orleans Times-Picayune
WASHINGTON (P)-For all the
good he apparently did with
the Soviet political bosses, Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon might
just as well have stayed at home.
The good that he accomplished
with thousands, perhaps millions,
of plain people beyond the Iron
Curtain is so great that it is in-
Having traveled with the Vice-
President to Moscow, Leningrad,
Novosibirsk, Sverdlovsk, Moscow
again and Warsaw, I have some
positive impressions about this
First, I believe it was the most
remarkable good will mission ever
undertaken by a tireless high offi-
cial of the United States and his
tireless wife.
ist Party-Izvestia and Pravda--
grudgingly gave space to Nixon's
utterances. Several of his formal
speeches were printed in full.
THE HECKLING which these
newspapers gave him and the
polite abuse-if there can be such
a thing-which he received from
Nikita S. Khrushchev, in my opin-
ion, could not offset the effects of
having his direct statements pre-
sented to the Russian people by
the official newspapers and by
the electronic media.
Save in Moscow, where we were
either ignored or scorned, the men
and women in the streets of Rus-
sian cities and towns manifested
to us an intense interest in
America. On many occasions Rus-
sians literally went all out to
show our nation, through its Vice-
President, that they admire Amer-
icans and want to know more
about them.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan forwhich The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
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VOL. LXIX, NO. 34-S-
To All Students haiing Library Books
1. Students having in their possession
books borrowed from the General Li-
brary or its branches are notified that
such. books are, due Mon.,. Aug. 10.
2. Students aving special needs for
certain books between Aug. 10 and
Aug. 14 may retain.such books for that
period by renewing them.
3. The names of :all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Friday, Aug. 14 will be sent
to the Cashier's Office and their cred-
its and grades will be, withheld until
such time as said records are cleared in
compliance with the regulations of the
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative Aug. graduates
from the College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors (or
high honors in the College of L.S.&A.
should recommend such students in
a letter delivered to the Office of Regis-
tration and Records, Rm. 1513 Admin.
Bldg., before Aug. 20.
Forum Lecture, Linguistics Inst.
Tues., Aug. 11, 7:30 pam., Rackham Am-
Phitheatre. "Longuistics and'English
Prosody." Henry Lee Smith, Jr., Prof.
of Linguistics, Univ. of Buffalo.
Doctoral Recital: C. Nolan Huizenga,
pianist, Mon.,.Aug. 10, 8:30 p.m., Aud.
A, Angell Hall, presented in partial
fulfillment of the requirements -for the
degree Doctor of Musical. Arts, Horace
H. Rackham School of Graduate
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