Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
LXIX, No. 34S
W iliams
addle -Wheel
Elale Named
Fo Assume
Khrushchev May Get 'Realistic' View
New Position
John M. Hale, senior director of
men's residence halls, has been
appointed sixth assistant dean of
men, effective immediately.
The new position will involve
the "area of residence halls pro-
gramming and policy-making,"
Dean of Men Walter B. Rea ex-
plained yesterday in announcing
its creation and other changes in
the personnel of the Office of the
Dean of Men.
'Mark G. Noffsinger, resident
director of South Quadrangle for
the past three years, Will. move
into the post of senior director of
men's residence halls formerly
held by Hale.
Becomes Adviser
The position of resident director
of West Quadrangle will be taken
over by Daniel R. Van Eyck, resi-
dent adviser of Michigan House
for the past year and a half, with
John H. Taylor, former director
of admissions and counselor of
mdn at Kendall College, Evanston,
'Ill., assuming the equivalent post
in East Quadrangle.
Effective next Saturday, Louis
C. Rice will become assistant to
the dean of men and adviser to
fraternities, on a one-half time
William G. Cross, assistant dean
of men, has been transferred to
the off-campus housing depart-
ment, replacing Alvin M. Elders-
veld, resigned, but will continue
to deal with some areas concern-
ing iraternities and will aid in
handling University automobile
Creates Position
A new assistant dean position
dealing with the establishment of
S policies and programs for men's
residence halls was created, Rea
said, because the system "is such
an important and demanding por-
tion of our area of responsibility"
that it was felt someone should
coordinate such a program.
Hale will be developing admin-
Istrative policy, and educational
programs and activities as part of
his job, with, Noff singer carrying
out the "day-to-day implementa-
tion of them."
The duties of the new assistant
dean will also include responsi-
bility foi' the maintenance of staff
personnel, work with the business
office on residence halls budgets
and representation of the dean in
matters relating to the residence
halls system in general.
Hale and Noffsinger will "obvi-
ously combine their efforts in
many of these areas such as per-
sonnel, activities and educational
policies," Rea said.
Calling all of the men assigned
to new positions "well-qualified,"
Rea said the University has "a
very good coverage in men's resi-
dence halls."
May Support
Laos Revolt
VIENTIANE, Laos ()-The Lao-
tian defense secretary charged
yesterday Communist officers from
North Viet Nam are leading the
revolt in two isolated northeast
provinces of this jungle kingdom in
southeast Asia.
Col Phoumi Nosavan said the
Communist forces are composed
mainly of frontier tribesmen
trained, armed and led by .the
Reds, and have captured two
towns, Muong Son and Sopnao Sa-
This would put them about 50
miles west of the key city of Sam
Neua but not far from the border
of Communist Viet Nam. Nosavan
said the Communist headquarters
are just across the frontier at Dien
"fNikita Khrushchev's visit here,"
Prof. Harold K. Jacobson of the
political science department said
yesterday, "will give him a chance
to form arealistic impression of
United States strength and inten-
"The Soviet Premier has shown
himself to be relatively willing to
make changes in policy, for in-
stance in Western Europe; thus it
is important that he see how
... to be host.
Tax Battle
To.G-o On
LANSING RP-A new wave of
political recriminations echoed
through the Capitol yesterday as
legislative wrestling with the- tax'
problem hit a new low of futility.
Republicans and Democrats
blamed each other for the blowup
of latest compromise efforts. Both
sides appeared bankrupt in the
new idea department.
A sixth session of the Senate-
House Conference Committee set
up to reconcile Inter-chamber dif-
ferences broke up in utter hope-
A seventh meeting was set for
next Wednseday, when lawmakers
were due to return in force, but
neither House or Senate members
were able to suggest a promising
area for discussions.
With a one per cent use (sales)
tax agreed on, the focus was on
devising an acceptable method of
making business share in the im-
pact of new taxes.
Sen. Carlton H. Morris (R-
Kalamazoo), top Senate negotia-
tor,. repeated refusal to talk about
any proposal smacking of a busi-
ness tax based on the income
principle, however faintly.
Rep. T. John Lesinski (D-
Detroit), his opposite number in
the bargaining situation, would
consider no plan that failed to
take such a principle into account.
Meanwhile, acting Gov. John B.
Swainson fired a blast at the GOP
as the party that "demands pen-
nies from the people but coddles
the corporations."
strongly determined we are on the
Berlin issue."
President.Dwight D. Eisenhower
has invited Khrushchev here, Prof.
Jacobson maintained, because he
wants to achieve a peaceful set-
tlement with the Soviet Union.
"The President is willing to take
any tack that seems useful toward
this end, and since Russia has
been pushing for a meeting of the
dual powers, Ike is willing to try.
Larger Implications'
"Nikita Khrushchev, the most
powerful figure in Russia, is the
man to convince," he continued,
"and in this way the implications
of his trip 'are necessarily different
from the visits of less important
Russian officials, such as Kozlov."
"We want to convince the Soviet
Premier that we want peace just as
much a he does," Prof. Horace W.
Dewey of the Slavic languages de-
partment commented, "that we are
a powerful and healthy nation, and
that we have a high standard of
living for almost everyone - not
just for a few privileged rich."
Khrushchev probably thinks that
there is more division of opinion in
this country on the Berlin issue
than is actually the case, Prof.
Jacobson maintained. "He assumes
there to be a division between
leaders and people in this country,
and seeing for himself that this
division does not exist here is
something he cannot gain at a
summit meeting - talking to the
leaders only.'
Doubt Decision
Both Prof. Jacobson and Prof.
Dewey expressed doubt that any-
thing will be decided on the Berlin
issue while Khrushchev is here.
"But should he get any agree-
ment favorable to Russia," Prof.
Dewey said, "it would be a great
triumph for him back home. If he
'can get something more than just
a warm welcome here, it will be a
political feather in his cap."
-Prof. Jacobson said that he was
no more optimistic about Khrush-
chev's visit here settling the na-
tions' differences than he is about
the accomplishments of summit
See No Basis for Change
"If Khrushchev decides to alter
his stand on the differences sepa-
rating Russia and the United
States, then this could be negoti-
ated as well in a summit meeting.
The decision to alter policy must
be made independently of what
may come in a meeting."
Prof. Jacobson pointed out sev-
eral possible motives for Khrush-
chev's coming here:
1) To spread good will just as
we are trying to do by sending
Nixon and Eisenhower to Russia;
2) Since the misunderstandings
over Yalta the. Soviet Union has
pressed for a dual meeting between
the two powers-United States and
Russia. Khrushchev may be think-
ing in these terms of negotiating;
3) Khrushchev feels that the two
super powers can talk realistically,
whereas the other two powers,
Britain and France, throw certain
obstacles into the solutions.
1 Wants Concessions
"The Soviet Premier probably
harbors hopes of gaining certain
concessions from us during his
visit," Prof. Dewey commented,
"such as trade agreements or a
stepped up exchange agreement."
"Khrushchev has a good public
personality," he continued, "and
he is certain to make a good ap-
pearance here. But' despite any-
thing Khrushchev can do, there
is bound to be some resentment
shown, especially by people who
have come here from the Baltic
"Every effort will be made to
keep them from staging demon-
strations with the President going
to Russia shortly following
Khrushchev's visit," Prof. Dewey
... to visit U.S.
PlI,. ans Trip
To Europe
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will go to
Europe about Aug. 28 for Allied
conferences leading up to his Sept.
15 meeting with Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev in Washington.
The White House announced
yesterday that President Eisen-
hower will go first to London for
several days of informal talks
with British Prime Minister Har-
old Macmillan.
Then on Sept. 2 he will go to
Paris to meet with French Presi-
dent Charles de Gaulle.
Arrangements also are under
discussion between Washington
'and Bonn for a meeting between
President Eisenhower and West
German Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer. White House Press Secre-
tary James C. Hagerty said he
would make an announcement on
this as soon as plans are settled.
Formal announcement of the
trip to London and Paris was an-
other step in the intricate inter-
national fabric being woven for
the Eisenhower-Khrushchevmeet-
ings which are now due to take
place in Washington next month
and in Moscow later this year.
In announcing last Monday that
he and the Soviet Premier would
exchange visits in an effort to
melt a little of the cold war ice,
President Eisenhower said he
would fly to Europe later this
month to confer with the heads
of West Europe's big three govern-
ments-Britain, France and West
Explorer V1
To Convert
Solar Power
U.S. Moon To Circle
For Year, Complete
Major Experiments
United States yesterday fired into
a wide-swinging orbit a 142-
pound paddlewheel satellite - a
miniature laboratory jammed full
of instruments to probe the mys-
teries of space.
The launching from this missile
test center went without a hitch.
The spheroid-shaped satellite-
dubbed Explorer VI - blasted off
in the nose of a 90-foot, three-
stage Thor-Able rocket at 9:23 a.m.
Goes Into Orbit
Two hours and 37 minutes later,
the government space agency in
Washington announced it had
gone into orbit. In midafternoon
it wbas announced the orbit was
stable and that all the instru-
ments then tested were working
The elliptical orbit was calcu-
lated to carry the satellite to a
peak altitude of 23,000 miles and
a low point of 140 miles above
Explorer will take about 12%
hours to make a round trip. Both
the orbit and the orbital time
came very' close to advance ex-
To Stay Year
Scientists say Explorer VI will
stay up for more than a year.
It was described as the most
comprehensive scientific package
' sent aloft by the United States so
far-a forerunner of bigger, more
advanced research vehicles.
Packed into the spheroid were
instruments designed to carry out
15 major experiments, most of
them looking ahead to the day
when the United States sends its
first man into space.
To Study Radiation
Some of the devices will inves-
tigate the extent and density of
potentially deadly radiation belts
around the earth.
One unique feature is ansar-
rangement of four solar vanes,
each three feet long, designed to
spring out from the side of the
satellite. It is these paddle-like
vanes which give the Explorer its
unofficial nickname of paddle-
wheel satellite.
The purpose of the vanes is to
convert the sun's rays into elec-
trical energy to power radio bat-
teries and recharge them during
the satellite's lifetime. Scientists
said that if the solar generating
'system works as planned, future
space ships may be able to send
back radio messages from 20 mil-
lion to 50 million miles out.
'U' Choir Set
To Perform
The University Summer Ses-
sion Choir will give a concert in-
cluding the Bach "Komm,
Jesu, komm" at 4:15 p.m. tomor-
row in Hill Aud.
Also on the program are three
madrigals, pieces by Verdi, Pou-
lenc and Britten, three Baroque
anthems by Franck, Graun and
Vulpius and three songs by Paul
The choir is directed by Rob-
ert Fountain, associate professor
of singing at the Oberlin Conserv-
atory of Music and director of the
Oberlin College Choir. He is here
for the summer as visiting asso-
ciate professor in the music school.
Eleven members of the 86-mem-
ber choir will step out to do' the
madrigals:. Suzanne Kidd, Grad.,
will accompany on the organ, and
Janet Ast, Grad., will be soprano
soloist in the Britten "Festival Te
Special to The Daily
SAN JUAN, P. R. - A united
front in demands for continued
federal support for interstate
highways is the most valuable
contribution of this Year's Gov-
ernors' Conference, according to
Governor G. Mennen Williams.
In past years, he continued, the
area in which the governors have
focused their attention has seen
great progress. Mental health and
traffic safety are good examples,
he said.
"Awakening of interest in for-
eign affairs" has also marked
this year's conference. Wiliams
noted. Examples of this are the
decisions to send a group of gov-
ernors to Latin America and to
invite the heads of Soviet Repub-
lics to the United States.
Discusses Revenues
Williams said the discussion
group on revenue problems he
chaired did not discuss specific
solutions but decided the states
should make the "greatest pos-
sible effort" to service the de-
mands of the public before refer-
ence is made to the federal gov-
ernment. An exception to this
would be in areas where nation-
wide minimums are needed, he
continued, suggesting minimum
wage legislation as an example.
The discussion on civil defense
will have no immediate results,
the governor continued, until the
federal government supplies lead-
He charged the Eisenhower ad-
ministration with failing to pro-
vide such leadership, "making it
difficult for loyal governments to
maintain morale."
Need Interest
In Michigan, the governor said,
"we have a program" but are 'go-
ing to need "further evidence of
interest on the part of the federal
Williams said he "doesn't know"
what compromise will ultimately
solve Michigan's financial crisis..
He credited meetings in his of-
fice with heads of State educa-
tional institutions with dramatiz-
ing the needs of these institutions
and making possible the higher
appropriations this year.
Fail To Talk
Of Proposal
SAN JUAN, P. R. - Moving
its last busy session, the 51st
through a pile of resolutions in
Governors' Conference upheld the
decision of its resolutions com-
mittee not to hear a proposal from
Massachusetts Governor Foster
Furcolo told the governors he
thought the area of student-
teacher ratios should be ex-
He said research by Harvard
University economist S e y m o u r
Harris has shown the possibility
of saving mililons of dollars and
greatly easing the teacher short-
age by changing the ratio.
Offers No Support
Furcolo said little if anything
to support this curious theory,
but the Governors weren't asked
to evaluate it for themselves.
When Chairman Abraham Ribi-
coff of the Resolutions Commit-
tee said his group had felt the
question "too complex" to be con-
sidered at the time, Furcolo said
he just wanted the conference to
recommend that an (unnamed)
educational conference in Octo-
ber consider the question. With-
out the resolution they might
conclude the governors aren't in-
terested, he pointed out.
-Daily-Allan winder
LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE-Gov..G. Mennen Williams discusses
some of the considerations debated+ at the recent Governors'
Conference held in Puerto Rico. A drive for federal support for
interstate highways leads his list of worthwhile topics brought
up at the meetings.
'Hapy'Scores flit
At AntnualMeeting
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Thomas Turner, 1959-60 Daily editor, lives in Puerto
Rico where the American Governors Conference met early this week.)
SAN JUAN, P.R.-Sentimental favorite' of Wednesday's final
Governors' Conference session was Kentucky's A. C. ("Happy")
Chandler didn't even arrive in San Juan until Monday night.
While all his fellow governors flew in, he chose to come by ship.
He put on his tuxedo while on board, and arrived at the State
Dinner just as the first course was being served.
Delays in Addressing Group
He first spoke up Wednesday after Gov. S. E. Vandiver of
Georgia had roasted the Defense Department for attempting to
cut National Guard strength below 400,000.
The genial Chandler, once Commissioner of Baseball, told his
colleagues he was "mighty happy" to be with them, that this was
his last conference because Kentucky 'law forbids him to seek
He was disturbed to hear so much criticism of the Administration
and the armed forces, Chandler said, because for the most part' a
good job is being done.
Defends Dulles Against Publicity
Until John Foster Dulles was near death, Chandler continued,
the newspapers made him sound' "like a ,bum, who was traveling
around to all these places."
Chandler then commented on Gov. Orville ,Freeman of Minne-
sota's declaration that the governors qught to call for legislation
setting down auto safety device requirements.
Characterizing himself as "old-fashioned," the Kentucky governor
said, "I'm concerned about automobiles too, Gov. Freeman.
Jokes of Accident Decrease
"But if they keep making them so you can't get into 'em the
accident rate'll go down."
Chandler agreed with Illinois' Gov. Stratton that in many cases
the federal government "usurps" state functions.
Federal officials come to Kentucky with money, he said, and it
does no good to tell them he doesn't want it.
Supports Soviet Visits 1
But he disagreed with the stand against inviting Soviet officials
taken by Gov. Hollings of South Carolina.
The President has endorsed such exchanges, Chandler pointed
out, by inviting Nikita Khrushchev here. And the President sets the
country's foreign policy.
He himself has already written Khrushchev to invite him to
Kentucky, Chandler said.
To Show 'Pigs, Tobacco'
"I'm going to show him pigs, chickens, cows, children, tobacco
.. .and ice cream," he declared. The San Juan Intercontinental's
Isla Verde Room fairly shook with laughter.
But the indefatigable Chandler wasn't through.
In a more serious vein, he told the conference how as senator
he had supported the bill for the United Nations.
"I wanted 'em to talk and talk ,d talk and talk," he explained,
"because as long as they're talking they ain't shooting." No one but
Chandler could convince you material like that was funny.
Adjourn to Vacations
Well, the Governors' Conference is all over but the vacationing.
Some of the Conferees will be taking Virgin Islands Gov. John D.
Merwin up on his invitation to visit nearby St. Thomas,
La Barranquitas, Puerto Rican mountain resort, is also filled for
the weekend by governors and their families.
World NewsRoundup
By The Associated Press.
LONDON - Queen Elizabeth II
will have a third baby early next
year-the first to be born to a
reigning British monarch in more
than a century.
Her health is fine, her doctors
said. She was off in the Scottish
highlands for a holiday at Bal-
moral Castle with her husband,
Prince Philip, and their two chil-
He said in a statement:3
"Upon the arrival of the hang-
man of Ukraine in this country,
our groups will join with other
,:,- . 1
Americans, churches, veterans in
peaceful demonstrations of protest
and righteous condemnation
against the hangman. The tolling
of church bells, and wearing of
black bands in mourning of the
millions the hangman has sent to
their graves will be urged . , ."
*' * *
Long of Louisiana was billed for
$4,251 yesterday for unauthorized
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