See Page 2,
Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
L. LXII, No. 328
Governors Close'
Annual Sessions
DISCUSS Federal-State Conflicts
At Conferences in Puerto Rico
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Thomas Turner, 1959-6O Dajly Editor, lives in Puerto
Rico, where the American Governors' Conference held its three-day sessions.)
SAN JUAN, P. R. - The nation's governors sat quietly while
two educators staged a spirited debate on state's rights at their final
session yesterday, but they debated, the subject in lively, fashion
while considering resolutions on the Federal highway program, na-
tional guard, and particularly on an intergovernmental 'commission.
In addition, a resolution expressing concern over the steel strike
produced vigorous criticism of the Eisenhower administration from
Democratic governors. The long-
US. Seeks Accuracy
I i
(EDITOR'S NOTE: John Scabi of
the Washington Associated Press
Bureau accompanied vice-President
Richard M. Nixon on his two-week
tour of Russia and Poland.)
President Richard M. Nixon's visit
to Russia served to confirm the
Eisenhower Administration's be-
lief that the cold war contest
with the Soviets may continue 25
to 50 years more.
Soviet Premier Nikita S.
United States next month is
Khrushchev's flying tour of the
viewed mainly as a dramatic ef-
fort to keep open the East-West
line of communications - not as
a serious move to settle Berlin's
Officials are not optimistic that
the bouncy, fast-talking Soviet
dictator will shed many of his
misconceptions -- as they see
them - about American policy
and power.
But President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower and Nixon are banking on
the hope that such visits will add
a bit more realism and accuracy
to the Soviet outlook as the years
go by.
This policy is a gamble. Some
key Administration figures favor
continuation of a policy of isola-
tion of Russia and its satellites.
But President Eisenhower ap-
pears to have swung over to the
idea of more contacts, partly be-
cause he feared collapse of the
Geneva foreign ministers confer-
ence would push the West into a
crisis summit meeting on Soviet
This is the same line that Brit-
ain's Prime Minister Harold Mac-
millan argued unsuccessfully with
President Eisenhower when they
met in this country in February.
President Eisenhower then re-
jected Macmillan's argument that
Khrushchev was the only Soviet
official worth talking to and that
foreign minister discussions were
a waste-of time.
Nixon's role in this was to gauge
the degree of Khrushchev's deter-
mination, particularly on the Ber-
lin crisis, and to make friends
with the Russian people in hope
they might eventually exert a re-
straining influence.
Nixon came home convinced
Khrushchev is a tough, well-in-
formed, hard-swinging foe who,
operates on the theory that the
best defense is a good dffense.
The Vice-President was im-
pressed with, what appeared to be
genuine friendship for Americans
on the part of the Russian people
-when they are allowed to dis-
play it.
A cold Soviet reception of
Nixon, however, could have killed
the invitation to Khrushchev.ahe
Soviet government gave Nixon a
polite, sometimes friendly wel-
There is no evidence that Nix-
on's talks with Khrushchev, in-
cluding their sharp public dd-
bates, did anything immediate to
influence the cold war.
Neither man changed his posi-
tion in frank discussions about
United States overseas bases, an
atomic test ban, Berlin's future,
trade and so on.
In private, Nixon is known to
have found Khrushchev less bel-
ligerent and boastful than when
he bragged publicly about Soviet
missiles, bombers and Soviet home'
construction techniques.
Khrushchev demonstrated thz
he's a shrewd trader who w
make no deals with the Unit
States or its allies unless he ge
something he wants in return.
Khrushchev gives every appew
ane to those who have talk
with him of being a fanatic b
liever in Communism.
In private as well as In publ
the 64-year-old Soviet boss seem
to be in good health, full of res
less, hurry-up drive. Toward t
end-of the day, he s o m e t i mn
seemed to tire because of his fa
Nixon's y mission to Warsa
hurriedly arranged after his tj
began, in many respects was mC
impressive than his 11-day te
of Russia,
His appearance touched
some moving, pro-American der
isenhower ,
Po Broadcast
abor Talk
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower will carry
his battle for stricter controls on
labor unions into the homes of the
nation tonight.
The White House announced his
decision to speak for 15 minutes
over major television and radio
networks at 73 p.m. (EDT). -
The President's subject: "The
Need of the Congress to Enact
This Year Effective Labor Reform
Sw' e Democrats.,'who disagree
with President Eisenhower on the
[or of such legislation immedi-
ately demanded equal air time.
Kennedy Mentioned
They mentioned Sen. John F.
Kennedy (D-Mass.), author of the
Senate-passed labor bill, as a pos-
sible spokesman.
Senate Democratic leader Lynn-.
danB Johnson of Texas suggested
"that-President ZisenhoWer leave
the problem "to the collective
judgment of Congress" which is
under Democratic control.
"I trust and pray that he will
be able to shed light instead of
heat," Sen. Johnson told the Sen-
. . ate.
Attacks Ike
Rep. John F. Shelley (D-Calif.),
sponsor of a bill backed by organ-
ized labor, accused President
Eisenhower .of supporting anti-
labor measures.
But *Senate Republican leader
Eyerett M. Dirksen of Illinois said
'he hopes President Eisenhower's
broadcast will assure that the
House "will stand up to it and do
an infinitely better job than the
Senate did" on labor control legis-
Dirksen and other Republicans
in Congress had urged President
Eisenhower to make such a broad-
r. Goldwater Supports
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz.),
said "it is high time for the
President to go before the people
and tell what's needed" in the
way of new laws to curb labor
President Eisenhower has made
no secret of his displeasure with
an anti-racketeering bill passed by
the Senate earlier this year, and
with a measure approved the
House labor committee.
He has termed both too weak
to deal with union abuses spot-
lighted by the Senate Rackets
I Among other things, he wants
Congress to ban what is called
blackmail picketing and to curb
secondary boycotts.
Until now, the President has
exerted indirect pressure for
stronger legislation.
In deciding to appeal to the
rf nation at large, he is putting his
undoubted prestige on the line.
And he is challenging directly
such powerful Democrats as Sen.
Johnson and House Speaker Sam
Rayburn (D-Tex.).
The present battleground in
Congress is the House Rules Com-
mittee, which has been considering
ground rules under which the
House will debate the hotly con-
tested issue, probably next week.
Senate Group
Attacks Hoff a
est debate of- all came when
youthful Gov. Ernest Hollings of
South Carolina staged a one-man
revolt against inviting Soviet pol-
iticians here.
Hear Political Scientist
Prof. William Carleton of the
University of Florida political sci-
ence department told the .govern-
ors the demand for services is ex-
panding and the states are not
capable of taking- up the slack.
He noted that a majority of legis-
latures are poorly apportioned.
People today look toward the}
congressman rather than the
legislator, he said.
Connecticut Gov. A b r a h a m
Ribicoff called the crisis in feder-
al highway funds the "number
one problem" facing the states.
Ask Highway. Support
*A resolution urging federal ac-
tion to restore the program passed,
Resolutions urging that states
push highway safety programs,'
setting up a national committee
on roads and highway safety also
Debating a resolution for a
commission to work out areas of,
state and federal conflict, Gov.'
William Stratton of Illinois said
federal officials shoulld stop their'
"i n d e c e n t and unauthorized"
drive into state areas.
New York Gov. Nelson Rocke-
feller suggested Stratton delete
the word "indecent." If the feder-
al 'government in, "it's because
the sttae's have been negligent in
filling " the people's needs," he
Finally came the resolution in-
viting the heads of all foreign'
countries here.
Hollings objected, saying there
"can be peaceful co-existence
physically, but not, morally or po-
He called "naive" the notion
that Soviet officials be converted
to democracy. by seeing it here.
After the session the governors
adjourned to nearby Luquillo
Beach for a Puerto Rican pig
Mediator Sees
No Progress
In Steel Talks
NEW YORK () - The United1
Steelworkers Union bargained for
a third day 'in a row yesterday
with the strikebound industry.
Neither side apparently gave
any ground.
In the midst of the deadlock
now going into its fourth week,
Chief Federal. Mediator Joseph F.
Finnegan reported "no indication
of any change by either party on
any economic issue."
Mob Cheers
As Nixons
End Travels
WASHINGTON (P)-Vice-Presi-
dent Richard M. Nixon 'fiew back
from his iron curtain mission yes-
terday to a roaring welcome and
official thanks for doing "a tre-
mendous job."
He brought with him the mes-
sage that "the people of the Soviet
Union ..-. have suffered a great
deal in war, and they desperately
want peace, just as the American
people want peace."
And, he told the enthusiastic
crowd that swarmed around him
and his wife, Pat, at Washington
national airport, much good may
come from the visit Soviet Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev will make
to America next month.
Sees No Change
What Khrushchev sees as he
journeys about the United States
will not make him any less an
advocate of Communism, the Vice-
President acknowledged.
But, he said, it would give the
No,1 man in the Kremlin an op-
portunity to see first hand the
vigor of the American economy,
the unity of its people and other
important parts of what makes up
Nixon went directly from the
airport to the White House, there
to report to President Dwight D.
Eisenhower on what he saw and
learned during his journey.
Crowds Meet Nixon
Crowds on Pennsylvania Avenue,
and about 150 members of the
White. House staff who lined the
driveway there, cheered lustily as
the limousine carrying Nixon drove
President Eisenhower, who will
go to Russia for a visit of his own
later this fall, was not at the air-
The welcoming delegation of
dignitaries there was headed by
Douglas Dillon, under secretary of
It was Dillon who praised Nixon
for doing a tremendous job of re-
presenting America, and of getting
across to the Russian and Polish
peoples that the American people
believe in friendship and peace.
Hard by Dilloh was the Soviet
ambassador, Mikhail Menshikov,
wreathed in smiles. .
The crowd, estimated by airport
police at 3,500 was enthusiastic.
It yelled and cheered for Nixon
much as though this was a poli-
tical rally.
Travel in
...'as Polish miner
Hint Senate Might
Adopt Business Tax
LANSING (A') - A Republican Senate spokesman said yesterday
a House-Senate tax compromise is being considered that would in-
volve a tax on corporation profits.
The possibility was listed as one of three by Sen. Carlton H.
Morris (R-Kalamazoo) after a legislative conference committee on
--a tax settlement for the third
Rigoletto' Continues
f _ I,
House Eyes
Rights Bill
WASHINGTON (A') - A civil
rights bill striking at school de-
segregation violence and conceal-
ment of election records, but
stripped of other key provisions
sought by President Dwight D.
Eisenhower and Northern Demo-
crats, headed today for House con-
The judiciary committee, which
had argued bitterly for more than
a week over measures to broaden
the existing civil rights law, ap-
proved the cut-down measure be-
hind closed doors by a reported
17-13 vote.
The bill as finally approved has
the following major provisions:
1) Interference through threats
of violence with United States
court orders requiring school de-
segregation is made a federal
crime. This strikes at disturbances
like those at Little Rock, Ark., and
Clinton, Tenn.
2) Flight to escape arrest or
prosecution for bombing is made a
federal crime.
3) Voting officials are required
to preserve and show to United
States authorities records of elec-
tions for Federal offices,
4) The life of the present civil
rights commission is extended for
two years from this fall.
Sen. Morris said sessions would
resume at 10:30 a.m. today.
It was the first time in months
that a ranking Senate Republi-
can has openly said the upper
chamber might accept a corpor-
ation profits levy as part of a
,Sen. Morris, who has been call-
ing the tax strategy- shots for the
GOP majority, repeatedly, often
and emphatically ruled it out.
Agree ,on Use Tax
House and Senate already have
agreed that the final tax package
will be. built around a one per
cent increase in the use- (sales)
The conference committee is
toiling at coming up with some
accompanying levy on business
that will raise the overall revenue
yield to a level satisfactory to
Sen. Morris did not refer to the
corporation profits levy proposal
either by that name or as a busi-
ness income tax.
Senate Changing
He spoke of a "surtax on ad-
justed net receipts of corpora-'
The revenue package passed by
the House, and now subject for
compromise, called for a two per
cent surtax on corporation profits.
The Senate immediately reject-
ed the surtax idea, but by Sen.
Morris' statement appeared to be
moving toward its acceptance in
some form.,
-Daily-Allan winder
CIVEN CURSE-Rigoletto has a curse laid upon him by the old
Count in the speech department-School of Music production
which will continue through Monday at the Lydia Mendelssohn
ForignMinisters QUit
Parley after 10 Weeks
GENEVA (M)-The Big Four foreign ministers last night sus-
pended their 10-week search for a Berlin settlement.
They adjourned after narrowing their differences and deciding'
to try again some time.
The talks of President Dwight D. Eisenhower and Premier
Nikita S. Khrushchev in Washington next month could help the
Sees Press,
Talks Peace
Plans To Visit China,
Approves Ike's Trip
To Western Nations
MOSCOW .()-Nikita Khrush-
chev said yesterday he is going to
Washington as a man of peace
without any sabre-rattling.
He promised not to brag about
the power of Soviet rockets.
Bouncy, wisecracking and in
good humo', the Soviet premier
jousted with newsmen for an hour
and one-half in the Kremlin's
high-domed Sverdlov Hall.
It was his first meeting with the
press since Monday's announce-
ment of the forthcoming ex-
change .of visits with President
Dwight Eisenhower.
'Peaceful Man'
"I am going as a peaceful man,"
Khrushchev told about 300 So'viet
and foreign correspondents. "I
will turn out my pockets to show
I have no weapons."
The conference produced a
number of Khrusnchev comrnients
on the visit. They revealed no ma-
jor changes in Soviet policy.
In addition to plugging again
and again his theme that the
forthcoming talks between the
world's two most powerful na-
tions should p r o m o t e p e a ce,
Khrushchev took pains to allay
possible fears among America's
friends that the meeting might
try to divide the world in a secret
Other Countries Out
"It is not designed to discuss
matters relating to, other coun-
tries," he said. Khrushchev also:
1. Welcomed. President Eisen-
hower's -plans to consult the
Western allies beforeliand and.
said the Soviet Union probbaly
will do the same -with its allies.
2. Said his talks with President
Eisenhower will be ,informfal "con-
versations" and not diplomatic
negotiations in the formal sense.
Khrushchev said he does not
regard the form of the meetings
as important but left no doubt
that he does regard then as a
step toward a formal summit con-
Gives Berlin Assurance
3. Gave assurances that the So-
viet Union will take no steps to
change the present situtaion in
Germany or Berlin during the
meetings this fall.
But he also made it clear that
the Russians still want the West-
ern Allies out of Berlin and a sep-
arate peace treaty with East Ger-
Students Allowed To Retrieve Bicycles
Students whose bicycles have
been impounded by the Office of
Student Affairs will be able to pick
them up betweena 3 and 5 p.m.
They will be at the Bicycle
Reclamation Center in stalls 10-13
of University Storage Building 97,
located across East Washington
Street from the University Heating
Two members of the bicycle
safety committee will be on hand
to release impounded bicycles to
four-power negotiations to reach'
a standstill agreement.
it was recognized, without be-
ing stated, that the East-West
dispute over Red-encircled West
Berlin will stay frozen at least
pending the outcome of the
American-Soviet exchanges this
Two communiques issued by
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter, British Foreign Secretary
Selwyn Lloyd, French Foreign
Minister Maurice Couve de Mur-
ville and Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei A. Gromyko announced:
On Berlin and Germany-use-
ful discussions took place and the
East-West positions "on certain
points became clsoer." The date
and place for a new Big Four par-
ley will be fixed through diplo-
matic channels.
On disarmament - arrange-
Little Rock
Crisis Nears
LITTLE ROCK (A') -- Segrega-
tionists and Negro leaders were
quick yesterday to use a nove for
the early reopening of . Little
Rock's public high schools to blast;
anew at limited integration.'
The showdown in the long
squabble was almost at hand.
The school board, in a surprise
move Tuesday, advanced the start-
ing date for the fall term from
Sept. 8 to next Wednesday
Gov. Orval E. Faubus looked out
across his desk at a news -confer-,
ence, shook his head and said:
"It looks like they're trying to
et the N'poe in "
. . . ~