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August 05, 1959 - Image 3

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1959-08-05

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est Gains
y Potential

Steelworkers Bide Free Time



(EDITOR'S NOTE: James Bow,
Daily Associate City Editor for
195960, is currently working on a
newspaper in Salt Laker City.)
o u n t a i n s, in their innocent
andeur, are essential to the
est's three major industries -
urists, mining and agriculture.{
Tourists enjoy the views, the skii
opes and trout streams; mining
'mpanies dig below the surface
r copper, iron, silver, lead, gold
id uranium. And agriculture de-
nds on melting snows for irri-
,tion of crops and cattle.
Mining and agriculture, likej
urism, have become big busi-
,ss. Iron and copper are replac-.
g the more luxurious gold and
Iver as the West's leading min-
als. I
The world's largest open pit!
pper mine; supplying 20 per
nt of the nation's copper, is
ar Salt Lake City. And 40 miles
uth of town, on Utah Lake, U.S.
feel's Geneva mills have turned
iet Mormon villages into mini-
ure Garys and Pittsburghs.
What has this new industrial
ontier meant to the West? It
as brought wealth, along with a
ealth of new problems.
The present steel strike has left
out 5,000 Utah workers unem-,
oyed. Strikes, often with just
,use, have delayed work on two
ajor dams in Utah and Arizona.
Unique features -of the moun-
in states' economy are the;
ually valuable commodities,
anium and stored water. Per-
,ps water has the edge, since'
ithout it not only industry but
e itself shuts down.
Denver, Salt Lake City and even
e nuclear-powered city at Arco,
aho, depend on strictly-enforced
Ater rationing.
Dams at Flaming. Gorge in'
D-thern Utah and at Glen Can-
in, Ariz., will supply additional
ater for irrigation and will add
the store.

does a striking steelworker do to
while away the idle hours?
He pickets, of course.
But this occasional four-hour
stint is little more than a diver-
sion in the long days of enforced
leisure for a restless, active man.
He paints and putters about the
house. He frets about mounting
bills. And he disrupts his wife's
household schedule.
Fairless Plant
Howard R. Park is a husky 38-
year-old millwright on the open
hearth furnaces at the giant Fair-
less works of United States Steel
He is onle of the 500,000 steel-
workers across th. country who
have been on strike since July 15.
Because he is still recovering
from a collapsed lung he suffered
last year he has not sought odd
jobs to tide him over during the
The union estimates about 30
per cent of the membership is em-
ployed in some temporary capa-
Painting Takes Time
.Relaxing on the lawn pf his
modest home in nearby Fairless
Hills, Park can see half a dozen
of his fellow workers painting
their homes-
"That's the number one occu-
pation for" a striker," Park said,
adding wryly, "I painted my place
last year. I guess I should have,
After a leisurely breakfast, Park
gets on the telephone for a spell.
As picket captain. at the plant's
gate No. 2, it's. his job to make. a
roster and see that other strikers
are notified when their turns are
Sanding Table
With his two sons, Howard, Jr.,
15 years old, and Joseph, 12 years
old, he has.been sanding and re-
finishing the maple dining room
table and chairs. Then there's the
lawn. to cut and a few minor re-
pairs about the house.
But time hangs heavy on an
enforced vacation - . especially
when there's no money to spend
for such normal entertainment as
drive-in movies or trips to nearby
Park estimates that with a
tight budget, he can keep his
family of five - his youngest is a
little girl - for another month.
If the strike should last longer
than that, there's a. credit union

Asia 'Stdy
In Intensity
High schools, colleges and jun-
ior colleges are showing the in-.
fluence of the University's area
and language program on Asia.
Now in its third summer, the
program has resulted in the in-
stitution of additional courses in
the field on the college level and
increased emphasis on Asia in a
number of high schools.
Prof. Ronald S. Anderson, of
the education school and co-
director of this summer's pro-
gram, recently expressed these
views on the influence of the
Asian studies. Donald G. Gillian,
of the history department, is the
other co-director on this sum-
mer's team.
Study Six Weeks
The Asia program entails a spe-
cial six-week study session for
high school and college teachers
under the sponsorship of the Uni-
versity's Asian Studies Commit-
tee assisted by the Asia Founda-
tion in San Francisco and the
Asia and Japan societies in New
Contemporary cultures of Asia
-Japan, China, Southeast Asia,
India and the Middle East - are
discussed in the course with teach-
ers becoming acquainted in this
way with practical, current infor-
mation that can be integrated
into their own courses.
Discussions and film presenta-
tions supplement the classroom
work assigned to the students en-
Emphasizes Humanities
"The course emphasizes hu-
manities as well as social studies,"
Prof. Anderson pointed out. This
summer, he explained, "we spent
a considerable , time enjoying the
services of an eminent Buddhist
priest, the Venerable U Thittila of
"Literature and art have also
been stressed," be added, "with
three art exhibits being displayed
on the campus in connection with
the course."
A series of documentary teach-
ing films on the countries under
discussion is shown during class

THIRD WEEK-Striking steelworkers are finding their free time
and their money dwindling as they continue their bid for higher

to which most of the strikers be-
long and from which he can bor-
row money at a reasonable rate.
But like most of his fellow work-
ers, Park would prefer to steer
clear of debt.
His average wage before the
strike was $125 a week. He pays
$86 a month on his mortgage, has
some medical and dental bills and
the upkeep on a second hand car
he bought last year.
Having their father at home all
day is a unique experience and a
pleasant one for the children.
His wife, Margaret, 36 years old,
likes it too, pointing out that it's
a mixed blessing in that the rest
will help his lung ailment.
Complications Arise
"But there are complications,"
she confessed, with a smile.
"It's hard to gets used to having
your man about all day. I have a
regular schedule for housework.

But if I sit around and talk all
day, well, I guess I'd just never
get my washing done."
Much of the economizing .is in
her 'department. The occasional
steak dinner is off the menu "for
the duration." She shops for the
cheaper cuts of meat and keeps
an eye out for less expensive sea-
sonal vegetables.
Bakes Own Cakes
Trips to the bakery are out, too.
She makes her own cakes and
"Home mades are tastier, any-
way, and the children- approve of
this change in the routine."
Park is a strong union man who
will quickly rebut any suggestion
that the strike was unnecessary
or might have been avoided by
the union.
The strike, he says, is worth the
hardship if the union worker is
the ultimate victor.

City Bus Service May Be Resumed




M.G-M prosents... BroafMugs .xcitemat
from the masfer of .uspwnml
it Vifhision . TECHNICOLORS
0-ft inssw ma Lmirs
TOM & JERRY Cartoon
Shows at 1:00-3:30-6:15-8:50

Ann Arbor may resume its bus
service this fall under a private
firm, it was suggested at Mon-
day's City Council meeting.
The Council held off action on
scheduling a bus service referen-
dum on propositions that would
directly involve getting them into
the bus operation picture.
If arrangements are worked
out, the service would be provided
by a company formed by Arvin T.
Marshall is former president of
Ann Arbor Transit, Inc. The firm,
faced with a need to replace
equipment, dropped its money-
losing operation in June.
So far as the city is concerned,
service by the new firm would
necessitate an arrangement to
avoid various tax obligations.
The Council referred the mat-

ter to the Council's bus study
committee, headed by Russell J.
A committee meeting was
planned for this afternoon.
Also planned is a special coun-
cil meeting at 4:30 p.m. Thursday
at which the committee will re-
port, and the Council may act to
approve arrangements with Mar-
A resumption of bus service in
early September is the present
aim, and a need for fast action is
involved if that date is to be met.
Burns said discussion between
Mayor Cecil 0. Creal and Mar-
shall got underway Monday. Burns
said he entered the discussions
late in the day. He said there had
not been time to talk over de-
He pointed out that Marshall


!+ -

c oc ;; oc.acs o a04;;;;;;>0
0 0,
once-a-year p 4 g . r
4 -
to save s
money . 8
o August 6to 15th inclusive8
Run-R-Less and demi-toe Sheer Seamless
139 3 pr. 4.05 Reg. 1.65 pr.
0 Sheer 60 Gauge 15 denier full-fashioned 0
with and without seams
$1*19' 3 pr. 3.45 Reg. 1.35, pr.'
530 So. Forest. °

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(Continued from Page 2)
ferred); Dean of Students (part-time
Asst. Prof. of Psychology).
For appointments contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.,,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Firm in Highland Park, Mich. area.
Procedure Editor - Man with B.A. in;
Journalism, English, Liberal Arts, Bus.
Ad., requires some editorial exp.; pre-"
fer a grad. with 2-3 yrs. exp. but not
Automotive Firm in Detroit. Salary
Administration Analyst - Man with
B. A. or B. B.A. and 2 yrs. exp. in sal-
ary admin. work; Organization and
Procedures Analyst - Man with B.A.
or B.B.A. and 2 yrs. exp. in organizing,'
management education; and an Engrg.
Manpower and Standards Specialist ._
Man with B.S. in Industrial Engrg. and
some drafting exp., and at least 5 yrs.
Automotive Firm in Detroit area.
Product Planning - a staff position.,
Man with B.A. and Engrg. background.

Requires 2-3 yrs. exp. and must be un-
der 30.
Internat'l Institute, Toledo, Ohio.
Executive Secretary. Man, but wornan
preferred with M.A. in Adult Educa-
tion, social work or similar fields and
exp. in those fields also. Language help-
ful but not necessary.
General Electric Co., Detroit, Mich .,
Executive Secretary. Woman: Short-
hand at 90 wpm and must type. Must
be experienced and sharp looking. Age:
Oregon State Civil Service Commis-
sionrannounces nationwide examfor
Dietitian. Announcement is on file at
the Bureau.
U.S. Civil Service Commission has
amended announcement No. 143-B,
veterinarian. Complete Amendment is
on file at the Bureau. Bureau of the
Census announces the exam for Mathe-
matical Statistician.
Sherman Products, Inc., Royal Oak,
Mich., Engr. for Research and Devel-
opment work. Must be between 30-40
and have at least a BS degree. Should
have at least 5 wyrs. of work in metal
working industry, and expi. in earch

is willing to undertake a regular
city bus operation of the scope
previously provided.
Lease arrangements undert
which Marshall would acquire
buses were outlined at the coun-
cil meeting by Kenneth L. Let-
singer of Dexter, vice-president of
the corporation which would sup-
ply the equipment,
Letsinger described in particu-
lar an. arrangement under which
lease payments by Marshall would
apply against the purchase price
of the buses, with Marshall ac-
quiring title to the buses after a
specific period.
Marshall said that plans in-
volve the use of six new 21-pas-
senger buses
Those buses would be smaller
than the ones Ann Arbor Tran-
sit, Inc., used.
moving equipment would be desirable
but not required. Good fundamental
exp. in' stress analysis and applied
math, would be helpful. Also open-
ings for: Secretaries and Mech. and
-Aero. Engrs.
Indiana Steel Products Co., Valpa-
raiso, Ind. Two positions - Director of
Industrial Relations and Industrial
Engrg. Prefer college graduate and re-
quire good experience.
Dell Distributing, Inc., N.Y.C., Five
recent graduates for Sales Supervisors
of the Dell Book Division. Positions
would be located throughout the coun-
try. Experience is preferred but not re-
U. S. Naval Air . Turbine Test Sta-
tion, Trenton, N. J. Supervisory Aero-
nautical Power Plant Research Engrg.,
at GS-14. B.S. in Engrg. or equivalent
combination of education and training
plus 3 yrs. of professional engrg. exp.
Graduate study may be substituted for
The Chesapeake & Ohio Railway Co.,
Cleveland, Ohio. Graduate Civil Engrs.,
preferably, and they will work in either
Ohio, Mich. or W. Virginia.
For further information concerning
any of the above positions, contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 4001 Ad-
min., Ext. 3371.
DIAL N02-313M6


NO 8-6416

. ....... . ..... ., ta . .
When a baby comes into hislife...
before the wedding..
It's a human, humorous, happy hit
v, . ::

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