See Page 2
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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
OL. LXII, No. 28S
.. .
' Women.
[old Gr'ade,
Students at 2.62
In Spring Term
Spring. semester grades show
" 'that University women have a
higher over-all grade average than
the men-as usual.
According to the spring semes-
ter's scholarship report for under-
graduate s issued by the University
Office of Registration and Rec-
ords, the women earned .a 2.71
average, while the men's grades
averaged 2.56.
Not included in these averages
were the grades of the Flint Col-
lege and all graduate level stu-
: dents.
All together the 13,300 under-
graduates recorded a 2.62 average
Sin 'completing 191,174 semester
hours of credit.
4 'Freshmen who enrolled for the
first time in the spring of this
year earned a total average of
2.1g, with the women receiving a
2.38 and the men a 2.33.
For the males who are a little
disgruntled at the statistics, Ed-
ward G. Groesbeck, director of the
Office of Registration and Records,
explains that women who attend
college; usually are not as repre-,
se ntative of the total female pqpu-
lation as the men are of the male
"More men than women go to
college and the women who do
. attend are more highly selected.
They are more interested in col-
lege and are relatively better off
financially," he said.
Groesbeck added that for at
least the last 30 years at the Uni-
versity the women have had high-
er academic averages than the
men students.
SDeny Waste
Inx J V iet, N a m .
Foreign Aid
WASHINGTON (MP)-Charges of
waste and inefficiency in the
United States foreign aid program
inViet Nafn were described as
distorted and unfounded yesterday
by American officials stationed
State department officials called
the charges reckless and sensa-
The accusations were made in a
series of articles by Albert M.
Colegrove, a staff writer for the
Scripps-Howard newspapers.
Colegrove pictured the aid pro-
gram in Viet Nam as "an out-
rageous scandal."
A Senate foreign relations sub-
committee decided to look +to
the matter.
Ambassador Elbridge Durbrow
was called back from Saigon to
testify at yesterday's hearing,
along with Arthur Z. Gardiner,
director of the United States for-
eign aid mission at Saigon, and
other officials stationed in Viet
Among the spectators who
crowded the hearing room were
members of the Vietnamese Em-
bassy in Washington and the In-
dian ambassador, M. C. Chagla.
Ambassador Durbrow testified he
was proud of the aid program in
Viet Nam.
He said excellent results were
obtained. He said Colgrove's arti-
Iles gave a distorted picture of
the situation and added it was
"unfortunate he did not check his
Sen. Homer Capehart (R-ind.)
asked Dubrow point blank: *"Do
you deny all the charges in these
"We think the articles are dis-
torted and the allegations in gen-
eral are not founded at all," Dur-
brow replied.
Leonard J. Saccio, deputy direc-
tor of the International Coopera-
tion Administration, called Cole-
grove's charges reckless and sweep-,
Slow Dallas
GOP Sales Tax
Package Stalled
LANSING ()-Republican plans to quickly push the GOP sales
tax package through the Senate stalled yesterday and most law-
makers went home for the weekend.
A parliamentary snag pointed out by Democrats held up a deci-
sion on the 116 million dollar Republican prescription to cure state
money ills. A vote was put off until next week.
Plan Questionable
Sen. Haskell L. Nichols (R-Jackson) and Sen. Carlton H. Morris
(R-Kalamazoo) quickly recognized that it might add to the tax
Steel Strike
Still' Sought
ministration disclosed yesterday
it has launched a study of pos-
sible ways'to curb future steel in-
dustry labor strikes.
A statement from Secretary of
Labor James P. Mitchell outlin-
ing plans for the study contained
a hint of possible special legisla-
tive proposals dealing with steel
industry labor relations.
- "The American people," Mitch-
ell said, "need to know why the
steel industry is c o nt i n u i n g
plagued by strikes and what ac-
tion if any management and la-
bor In the industry or the govern-
ment can or should take to cor-
rect the situation."
Find Causes
The purpose, Mitchell said, Is
to "determine the underlying
causes which, make the current
steel strike the sixth time since
World War II that management
and labor in the steel industry
have failed to reach an agreement
without a strike."
The aid of universities and oth-
er outside experts may be enlist-
ed in the steel labor study, Mitch-
ell said.
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
said at his news conference yes-
terday he doesn't want to talk
about the current 16-day strike
while it is in progress, but that
he will have something to say
about it after it is over.
No Labor Law Seen
There was no confirmation of
the notion that the administra-
tion may be thinking of recom-
mending some type of special la-
bor relations law !or steel.
Meanwhile, the strike sent a
hungry hand into the taxpayers'
pocketbook as the walkout moved
through its third week.
The costs to the Federal gov-
ernment alone was expected to
reach $45 million dollars a week
if the strike of half a million steel
workers goes on much longer.
Layoff 'Continues
Relief and unemployment bu-
reau officials in many states af-
fected by the strike noted outside
their doors lengthening lines of
strikers and other workers 1 aid
off /because of the dispute.
Requests for flout, corn meal,
powdered milk and rice from fed-
eral stocks of surplus food were
on the increase in several states.
Pennsylvania, where the strike
was hit the hardest, has about
20,000 non-striking workers who
temporarily are laid off their
jobs in industries allied with
steel. Each is eligible for $35
Weekly ,in compensation.
Accrued vacation pay by thous-
ands of strikers has helped to
hold down unemployment and
relief costs but most of that back-
log has now been eaten away by
the 16-day old strike.
plan's vulnerability to attack in
the courts.
A surprise bipartisan conference
that began in the Governor's of-
fice late in the afternoon opened
up the possibility of new areas of
tax discussion.
Participants were mum after-
ward other than to say the whole
tax picture had come under re-
Plan More Talks
Sen. Morris, who represented
Senate Republicans, said the four
legislators present planned to sit
down again this morning.
- Also in on the huddle were Reps.
Joseph J. Kowalski of Detroit,
Democratic floor leader in the
House, T. John Lesinski (D-De-
troit) - and Harry J. Philips (R-
Port Huron).
Gov. G. Mennen Williams told
newsnen Sen. Morris asked to
have the entire discussion off the
record and that he agreed.
'BAT Debated
The chief remaining problem in
rounding out a tax program that
will be fairly sure of acceptance
by House-Democrats pivots on pro-
posed changes to the business ac-
tivities tax.
The House has approved a two
per cent surtax on corporation
profits, but the Senate flatly re-
jected it earlier this week, agree-
ing however to make some adjust-
ments to the BAT.
Sen. Morris. main strategist for
the GOP Senate majority, has in-
dicated willingness to raise the
base rate of the tax from 62 mills
to 7 or 7/2 mills, not enough to
please Democrats.
Improper Procedure
Sen. Morris gave up on quick
Senate passage of the GOP use
(sales) tax package after Sen.
Charles S. Blondy (D-Detroit).
raised the question of improper
Sen. Blondy contended that Re-
publicans veered from the rules
when they hooked the bulk of
their tax package to a short bill
that carried different content as
passed by the House.
A few hours later, the substance
of the GOP program was attached
to a different bill that is not con-
stitutionally eligible for passage
before Saturday.
It was debated during the after-
noon with the eventual under-
standing that a showdown vote
would be deferred until Monday
Call U.S. Reds
'Puppet' Agent
Of Moscow
WASHINGTON ()-The United
States Court of Appeals agreed
yesterday that the United States
Communist party is a puppet of
As such it would have to dis-
close both its finances and the
names of its members.
This was one more step in nine
years of, trying to force the party
to register as an agent of a for-
eign power, under the 1950 Inter-
nal Security Act.
Youth Set
Red Visit
VIENNA ()-A large number of
Americans attending the Com-
munist-sponsored Seventh World
Youth Festival here said yesterday
they plan to visit Russia as guests
of the Soviet government.
American informants said about
170 youths have registered for the
post-Festival tour.
There have been no reports yet
that any of the Americans would
go to Red China, a country still
barred to United States citizens.
Some Americans said they ex-
pected to make some contribution
toward their expenses but added
they understood the tour would be
largely subsidized by the Soviet
American Youths Attend
There are 350 American youths
at the Festival.
Communist protection squads in
the Festival compound denied en-
trance to newsmen at several of
the seminars yesterday, including
the philosophy seminar where
there had been strong criticism of
Marxist speakers, especially by
American anti-Communist stu-
Anti-Communists who took part
in the seminar said the Commun-
ist organizers had begun to show
embarrassment by the barrage of
critical questions asked them. ,
"Apparently they had not ex-
pected that we would show up in
such numbers," one student said.
Tibetan Argues
Opponents of the Red-backed
Festival meanwhile put on display
at a news conference a brother of
Tibet's exiled Dalai Lama. He said
the Chinese Communists are try-
ing to wipe out the TibetanI
The appearance of Thubten
Norbu marked the latest round
in the fight by anti-Communist
groups to seize the propaganda
initiative from the Festival spon-
Ike Names
New Advisor
WASHINGTON () - Robert
D. Murphy, whose 42 years of dip-
lomacy have hit dramatic high
spots, was named yesterday to be
the, No. 3 man in the State De-
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
nominated him to be under sec-
retary of state for political affairs,
dealing with the conduct of rela-
tions with other governments.
Thus only Secretary of State
Christian A. Herter and Under
Secretary Douglas Dillon will out-
rank Murphy, 64 years old.
In World War II days when the
President was Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower, commander in chief
of allied forces in Europe, Mur-
phy was the General's adviser on
political affairs.
Murphy's present assignment is
deputy under secretary. *
To succeed him in this post,
President Eisenhower nominated
another diplomatic veteran, Liv-
ingston T. Merchant, 55 years old.
Merchant is now assistant secre-
tary for European affairs.
Murphy is a career diplomat
who was born the son of a rail-
road section hand in Milwaukee
64 years ago. He is best known as
a troubleshooter.
He has also taken a consistently
strong stand against giving in to
I the Russians during the cold war.
( m u :U Alltd
LAYING DUST-Soviet asphalt workers, part of a crew of 50 men and women, work throughout
the night laying covering of asphalt over broken concrete floor of the United States exhibition build-
ing in Moscow. In the background is a huge electronic brain which was put out of action by dust after
on. Bill
concrete floor was pulverized by throngs of visiting the exhibition,
+ J
Nxon Studies Industry,
Thinks Trip Successful
SVERDLOVSK, Soviet Union (IP)-Vice-President Richard M,
Nixon toured this Soviet industrial center yesterday to the cheers of
thousands of Russians.
He plugged for more United States-Soviet friendship visits such,
as his.
Nixon turned aside a heckler at the bottom of a copper mine by
saying talks between leaders could help to ease tensions. Summing up
his first eight days, in the Sovieto'
Union at the end of, a busy day, 'e
Uno tteedoabs Nixon said he thought his trip so u . . R ejects
ar hadbeen very succesf l
"He thinks It highly significant R
that after all the criticism of the
the people are still friendly," Nix-
on's spokesman told reporters. WASHINGTON toP)-The United
Nixon was made to feel right at States yesterday rejected a charge
home by the citizens of this semi- by Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
secret center for producing arms, ,echev that Americans broke agree-:
strategic metals, heavy machinery ment for a full and fair United
and chemicals 850 miles east of States showing of Khrushchev's
Moscow. televiseddebate with Vice -Presi-
The people turned out all along dent Richard M. Nixon.
his route, cheering and applaud- State Department Press Officer
ing. Joseph W. Reap backed what he
"I do not pretend that personal said were assurances by American
contact would solve the basic prob- networks that complete and ac-
lems of the world," he told a group curate translations had been given
of copper officials. ". . . this trip of Khrushchev's remarks.
of mine will be followed by others, The department arranged for
including contacts between other
leaders." rush shipment to Moscow of tran-
scripts of the 15-minute televised
Herbert Klein, Nixon's press debate, so they will be available
spokesman, said he believed Nixon for Nixon if he sees fit to counter
was referring to a summit confer- the Soviet allegation.
Others in Nixon's party thought Khrushchev protested in a speech
Nixon was touching on the possi- in the Ukraine about United States
bility of a United States visit by handling of the debate.
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev. The sharp exchange was re-
"The Vice-President feels his corded last Friday when Nixon
talks Sunday with Premier and the Soviet Premier visited the
Khrushchev were very important," American exhibition in Moscow.
Klein said. . Khrushchev and Nixon both
Nixon was described as very agreed on the spot that the re-
impressed with the reception he cording would be broadcast in
had been given by the average both countries, with full transla-
Russian. tion of the foreigner's language in
Despite Klein's remarks, there each case.,
was no indication that Nixon's Khrushchev, complaining about
long talk with Khrushchev has the translations into English,
convinced the soviet leader to called the American Broadcasting
adopt a more reasonable attitude Co. version "especially inaccur-
in negotiations with the west. ate."'
Group Ad
To roos ..
A 1 1
Judiciary Committee yesterday
went a step beyond President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's proposal
for dealing with 'hate bombings.
By a big margin, it wrote into
the civil rights bill language nam-
ing it a federal crime to cross a
state line to escape prosecution
for bombing or setting fire to any
public or prviate building or ve-
Specifically covered were pri-
vate homes, churches, synagogues
and religious or educational insti-
Broadens Ike's Wish
As proposed by President Eisn-
hower, the antibombing provision
would have applied to actsragainst
places of worship or schoolsonly.
The broader section was spon-
sbred by Rep. J. Carlton Loser
(D-Tenn.), who called it "a very
effective means to handle fugitive
President Eisenhower's recom-
mendation in this connection was
spurred by severalincidents in the
south where Jewish temples and
schools were bombed, apparently
as an outgrowth of the bitter in-
tegration dispute.
Suggest Labor Aims
Some critics of the broader pro-
vision had suggested it was aimed
chiefly at labor union organizing
efforts in the south, where some
recent labor disputes have been
marked by bomb violence.
An aide of Rep. Loser said there
was no intent to direct the penal-
ties against labor unions or any
other specific group.
However, he said i n d u s t r i a l
bombings would be covered.
Committee Chairman Emanuel
Celler (D-N.Y.) said the anti-
bombing section would cover ev-
erything,. adding:
"If labor unions are involved,
it's just too bad. If white citizens
councils are involved, it's just too
Keep Provision
Acting behind closed doors, the
judiciary committee also turned
back a number of efforts todilute
a provision that would provide
educational facilities for children
of federal personnel in any state
that closes its public schools to
avoid racial integration.
Under this section, the United
States commissioner of education
would be authorized to furnish
free instruction for affected chil-
dren of military personnel and
civilian government employes'
The committee has been work-
$1.3 Millio
In 'Measure
Bill Still Incomplete,
Will Provide More
Funds for Building
An "unfinished" capital outlay
bill, ticketing about $1.3 million
for University building, passed the
Senate yesterday.
Many allocations must still be
inserted in the bill, possibly In-
cluding funds for new construc-
tion at the University and other
state institutions.
The bill was brought to the floor
"to get things moving" as the
Legislature continues its record
overtime session.
Action Next Week
More decisive action on the bill.
is expected next week.
As the legislation now stands,
appropriatiors for the University
would include $850,000 for a re-
habilitation project at West Medi-
cal Building, $200,000 for renova-
tions at the University Hospital.
and $271,000 to finish construction
of the new Mental Research
No funds have been included so
far for construction of the plan
ned Institute of Science and Tech*
nology. The Legislature last month.
allocated $500,000 for the Insti-'
tute's operations during the pres-'
ent fiscal year.
As reported out of committee
Wednesday, the capital outlay bill'
Includes funds for maintenance &4-
state institutions plus $1.6 million.
for building projects at the new
Boy'' Vocational Home atWI '.'
more Lake, the new Plymouth
State Home, and- the University'a
Mental Research Building.
The Senate added an amend-'
ment calling for $2.1 million for
remodeling projects at institutions
including the University's West
Medical Building and Hospital.
When finally cleared by both
Houses, the full capital outlay
measure -is expected to be about
$15 million.
Requested $15 Million
The University last fall re-
quested $15.6 million .in 'educa-
tional facilities for the present
fiscal year, as part of a five-year,
$107,000 capital building program..
A sum of about $3.7 'million was
asked for remodeling and new
construction at University Hos-
Cited as "top priority'' needs by
the University at the time were
a new music school, fluids engi-
neering building, physics and as-
tronomy buildings, educatior
school, architecture school, and
Institute of Scince and Tech-
The University claimed it has
"lost valuable time in our efforts
to keep our educational plant
facilities in balance with expand-
ing teaching and research building'
Minor Points
Agreed Upon
By Big Four'
'Waltz of the Toreadors'
Continues Performances
"What a farce!" General St. Pe
cries in the third act of "Waltz of
the Toreadors."
His exclamation sums up admir-
ably the events and characters of
Jean Anouilh's semi-comic play,
which is the last straight dramatic
offering of the Summer Session
Playbill series.
"Waltz," which is concerned
with the General's frustrations in
trying to consummate a 17-year-
old love affair by divorcing his
wife, presents some highly dra-
matic moments among the many
comic ones.
Anouilh's cast includes everyone
fn ha - haish "imnvai" wifs
GENEVA Q?)-Soviet and West-
ern foreign ministers were re-
ported yesterday to have made
some progress on minor points at
issue in a Berlin settlement, but
failed to make progress on major
The Big Four directed a group
of experts to work out definitions
of the types of weapons' which
would be barred from West Berlin
under the proposed agreement.
These would be primarily nu-
clear and rocket weapons.
Assistant Secretary of State
Andrew H. Berding, reporting on
the meeting, said the decision to
turn technical problems over to
experts "is one further move to
speed up the work of the confer-'
ence" so it can end by next
ing ahead slowly on a new
rights bill.
Kerala State
Umm a aeam m