DAY, JULY 29, 1959
Regents Approve Faculty Absences
Grant Appointments
To University Personnel
Midwest Educators Tour ROTC Camp
Fourteen faculty absences were
approved by the Regents at their
meeting last Friday.
Nine of these are for leaves of
absence, one is an extended leave
and four are for off-canpus as-
Prof. Robert J. Bolt of the medi-
cal school obtained leave from Sep-
tember 1, 1959 to January 1, 1960,
enabling him to accept an invita-
tion from Louvain University in
Belgium to lecture in medicine.
Grant Leave
Prof. Philip E. Converse, study
director of the Survey Research
Center, was granted leave of ab-
sence without salary enabling him
to spend this time in France on a
Fulbright grant.
Lolagene C. Coombs of the public
health school obtained a leave
without salary from July 1 to Sep-
tember 1, 1959, for personal rea-
Coombs is a half-time.,research
assistant in the public health
schools public health practice de-
Richard T. Denton, research as-
sociate in the University's Re-
search Institute, was granted leave
without pay from July 13 to Sep-
tember 21, 1959. Denton will use
the time completing an investiga-'
tion at the Bell Telephone Labora-
tories in Murray Hill, New Jersey
that is to be part of his doctoral
dissertation in electrical engineer-
Prof. Frederick T. Haddock, Jr.,
of the engineering college, was
granted leave without salary for
the year beginning July 1, 1959.
Prof. .Haddock will be under con-
tract with the National Aeronau-
tics Space Agency during this time
working on a satellite radio astron-
omy project.
M. Beatrice Kenney, teacher-
librarian in the University School,
obtained a leave without pay for
the 1959-60 University year. She
will work as audio-visual library
consultant for the United States
Dependent Schools in Germany
during this time.
Prof. William C. Meecham of
the physics department was
granted .a half-time leave without
pay for the 1959-60 academic year,
during which time he will direct
the Acoustical and Mechanics Di-
vision of the Willow Run Labora-
Receives Approval
A year's leave without pay for.
personal reasons was granted to
Prof. Frederick H. Shillito, associ-
ate director of the Institute of
Industrial Health and faculty
member of the medical school and
the public health school. Prof.
Shillito's leave is 'effective from
July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960.
A sick leave was granted to
Howard C. Clark, research engi-
neer in the Willow Run Labora-
tories, from July 2 to August 15,
1959. Prof. John Weimer of the
English department obtained an
extension of his sick leave to cover
the 1959-60 academic year.
Prof. Charles C. Cannell of the
journalism department and head
of the field section at the Survey
Research Center, and Prof. Robert
L. Kahn, of the psychology depart-
ment and program director of the
Survey Research Center, were as-
signed to off-campus duties from
February 1, 1960 to August 1,
1960. They will collaborate in
preparing a book on survey meth-
odology during this time.
Has Off-Campus Duty
Off-campus duty from. July 1 to
September 15, 1959 was assigned
to Prof. Norman E. Hartweg of
the zoology department and cura-
tor of reptiles and amphibians in
the Museum of Zoology. During
this time, Prof. Hartweg will seek
to obtain more exact cost figures
and commitments from the Uni-
versity of Mexico and other agen-
cies in regard to the opening of
the University's proposed Center
for Tropical- Studies.
Prof. Stephen B. Withy of the
psychology department and pro-
gram director of the Survey Re-
search Center, was also assigned
to off-campus duty. From Septem-
ber 1, 1959 to February 29, 1960 he
will work on writing on four major
national studies of adolescence,
integrating youth studies made
during the past six years, and will
plan new directions for future workI
and research.
The Regents approved changes'
in status for nine faculty members
at their meeting here Friday.
Dr. A. C. Furstenberg, dean of
the medical school now on retire-
ment furlough, was appointed con-
sultant for medical development.
He will hold his position from July
1, 1959 to June 30, 1960.
Name Davis
Prof. Charles M. Davis, chair-
man of the geography department,
has been named to the National
Research Council for a three-year
Prof. Davis will represent the
Association of American Geogra-
phers in the Division of Earth
Science, Detlev W. Bronk, presi-
dent of theNational Academy of
Science, announcedprecently.
A federally-supported. agency,
the National Research Council's
goal is to advance the interest of
science in the United States.
Prof. Davis has been University
department chairman since 1956
and is a member of the Advisory
Committee to the Geography
Branch, Office of Naval Research.
He also serves as chairman of
the Committee on Field Tech-
niques, National Research Council.-
The post of acting chairman of
the Center for Japanese Studies
will be held by Prof. Joseph K.
Yamagiwa, chairman of the Far
Eastern languages and literature
department, from Feb. 1, 1960 to
the beginning of the fall semester
of the 1960-61 academic year.
To Assume Post
Prof. Yamagiwa's appointment
completes the period in which the
chairman, Prof. John W. Hall of
the history department, will be
on leave of absence. Prof. Richard
K. Beardsley of the anthropology
department has already been ap-
pointed acting director for the fall
semester of 1959-60.
The Mental Health Research In-
stitute will gain Prof. Merrill M.
Flood of the engineering college as
senior research mathematician for
the 1959-60 academic year. During
that period, Prof. Flood will be on
leave from the engineering college.
Frank E. Robbins, assistant to
the president, emeritus, and direc-
tor emeritus of the University Press
was appointed to continue as editor
of the Michigan Alumnus Quarter-
ly Review for the period from July
1, 1959 to June 30, 1960.
Approve Change
Approval of a change in title
to include the additional title of
professor of architecture was
granted to Philip N. Youtz, dean
of the architecture bollege.
Three members of the engineer-
ing college aculty were granted
full tenure: Prof. William W.
Willmarth of the aeronautical en-
gineering department; Prof. Keeve
M. Siegel, one-third time professor
of electrical engineering and Prof.
John H. Enns of the engineering
mechanics department.
Prof. Walter C. Sadler of the
engineering college was granted
permission to begin his retirement.
furlough Sept. 1, 1959 and to retire
at the end of the 1959-60 academic
TENSHUN!-Prof. Donald Hill, conspicuously not in uniform,
chats with one of the cadets attending the ROTC six-week
intensive training program at Fort Riley. He and a group of
educators visited the camp and spent a typical day of training-
as spectators.
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Prof. Donald L. Hill of the Eng-
lish department was among the 33
midwest college and university
representatives who gathered at
Fort Riley, Kansas, recently for a
tour of the Reserve Officers Train-
ing Corps camp.
The camp is the site of a six-
week intensive field training pro-
gram for 1820 cadets from 49 in-
stitutions, including 53 cadets from
the University, which serves as a
major requirement in the ROTC
plan. Students completing the en-
tire program receive commissions
as second lieutenants in the United
States Army Reserve.
The educators spent a day tour-
ing the camp and watching the
cadets exhibit their skill. The day
began with breakfast and an off i-
cial welcome from General Harvey
Fischer, commanding general of
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Fort Riley and the First Infantry
Given Equipment
Following a briefing of the
camp, the visitors were supplied
with helmet liners, overshoes and
combat-type ponchos to deal with
the threatening weather. The
storm failed to materialize, but the
group put their equipment to good
use wading through mud created
by heavy rains the day before.
As spectators,. the educators
heard three cadet leaders receive
missions and watched as they
coped with and overcame simu-
lated aggressor forces.
Many of the visitors took ad-
vantage of the invitation to fire a
rocket launcher and a recoilless
rifle offered at the next stop on
their tour.
Watch Demonstration
After trying their own skill, they
watched as cadets demonstrated
the technique of fire in which
commands are designed to give
complete coverage of a target
while expending a minimum of
manpower and ammunition.
A typical field lunch of soup,
veal cutlets, new potatoes, tossed
salad with sliced tomatoes, bread
and butter, beverage and brownies
convinced the educators the cadets
were not suffering from lack of
good food during their six-week
Highlighting the afternoon's
schedule were demonstrations of
the speed and accuracy of some of
the Army's new machine guns.
Show New Rifle
The new M14 rifle was pitted
against the now-obsolete M1 rifle,
made famous for its semi-auto-
matic fire during World War I
and the Korean action, with the
results dramatically illustrating
the new weapon's advantages-a
full 20-round magazine was ripped
off in little over a second by the
cadet using the M14 rifle while
the M1 firer managed only four or
five rounds in the same time.
The M60 machine gun was also
put through its paces, to illustrate
its ability to fire sustained fire at
high speed for an indeterminate
period of time.
The climax of the tour came
when the educators witnessed an
amphibious assault on an enemy
position along the banks of a
branch of the Kansas River.
Witness Assault
The exercise, beginning with a
small reconnaissance party cross-
ing the river, utilized a number of
transportation means, including
boats, a pontoon foot bridge, the
M59 Armored Personnel Carrier
(an amphibious, track-laying ve-
hicle) and a helicopter.
After the reconnaissance party
had reported the enemy's posi-
tions, the commander sent foot
troops across in engineer assault
boats under cover of tank fire. A
pontoon foot bridge was floated
across the river as soon as the
troops had secured the enemy-
held beachhead and infantrymen
crossed to the new position.
Hops Across
As the fighting gained momen-
tum, the Engineer Support Troop
Commander boarded a helicopter
for another reconnaissance jaunt
and vehicles were floated across
to the enemy bank by a three-
pontoon infantry support raft.
The entire regiment then staged
a review in honor of the educators.
Before the reception and dinner
ending the day the group split up
and each of the visitors joined the
cadets who attend his institution
during the year for an informal
discussion, about camp and aca-
demic life.
r A
Ranks of Presidential Candidates Grow-
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
National convention time is
nearly a year off for the Democrats
and Republicans, but already the
woods are full of would-be, could-
be and just-don't-ask-me-at-the-
moment presidential candidates.
The way things look now, both
parties may have wide open con-
ventions. The Democrats, in par-
ticular, have their most crowded
field in years. Almost any Demo-
cratic senator or governor caught
outside his home state after dark
this fall will be suspected of having
at least vice presidential ambi-
So far Sen. Hubert Humphrey of
Minnesota is the only announced-
or almost announced-candidate.
Gov. Orville Freeman and Sen. Eu-
gene McCarthy, his top home state
supporters, threw his hat with the
liberal feather attached into the
ring last week with the establish-
ment of a Humphrey-for-President
Strategy Move
The move was undoubtedly an
attempt to head off Sen. John
Kennedy of Massachusetts, the
bushy-haired millionaire's son .mio
has beea flitting about the country
for the past two years and is con-
sidered far ahead by most pundits
and pollsters.
Kennedy is bucking the bogey
that a Catholic cannot be elected
president, a view already aired by
Democratic Party Chairman Paul
Butler, himself a Catholic.
In addition, the Democrats have
Sen. Lyndon Johnson of Texas, the
powerful and capable Senate ma-
jority leader who has recently
come under criticism from the
party's liberal wing and chairman
Butler; Sen. Stuart Symington of
Missouri, the former Air Force
Secretary who will probably have
the backing of former President
Truman and House Speaker Sam
Rayburn, and twice-defeated Adlai
Stevenson, who if he decides to run
would likely cut heavily into Hum-
phrey's following.
+ ,
There are also a flock of favorite
son candidates from big, powerful'
delegations: Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams of Michigan, Gov. Mike Di-
Salle of Ohio, Gov. Robert Meyner
of New Jersey and Gov. Edmund
(Pat) Brown of California. The
Williams cause has strong labor
support but has not been helped
by Michigan's well-advertised fis-
cal plight.
Traditionally the favorite sons
are in a good bargaining position
for top cabinet posts and perhaps
the ;;econd place on the ticket, but
Brown for one says he has no
interest in being vice-president.
Asked what he'd do if the top post
were offered, he replied, "I'd take
it and do everything I could to be
a good candidate."
Brown and DiSalle are both
Catholics and presumably not in-
terested in advancing the cause of
Kennedy, since an all-Catholic
ticket is not politically possible.
Surveyed Field
An Associated Press survey of
state Democratic chairmen after
last November's smashing Demo-
cratic victories showed Kennedy
and Symington running one-two,
with Gov. Meyner surprisingly
ahead of Stevenson, Johnson and
However in politics as in horse
racing there is always the danger
of getting out front too far too
early. To avoid this Kennedy has
decided to bypass most speaking
engagements during the summer.
Humphrey, who has the opposite
problem, will campaign in the Mid-
west and Rocky Mountain areas to
line up delegate support. Backers
indicate he may enter presidential
preferential primaries in Wiscon-
sin, Oregon, South Dakota and
Nebraska but will steer clear of
those where a genuine favorite son
is entered.
Primary Clashes
Kennedy and Humphrey could
collide in the Wisconsin primary, a
clash that Gov. Gaylord Nelson
is trying to avert by urging Sen.
William Proxmire to run as a fa-
vorite son. If not there then the
Kennedy - Humphrey showdown
could come in Nebraska or South
Johnson, Stevenson and Sym-
ington are expected to avoid pre-
ferential primaries, although their
names could be entered in Oregon
without their formal blessing un-
der a new law.
On the Republican side, the pic-
ture is less confused and less cul-
tured. Vice-President Richard Nix-
on is far ahead, with Gov. Nelson
Rockefeller of New York slowly
gaining strength. President Eisen-
hower has indicated that he wants
an open convention,
Nixon is believed to have enough
support at the moment to sew up
the nomination butprefers to bide
his time, perhaps preferring an
open convention to the "choo-
choo-choo" chant that haunted
William Howard Taft when Teddy
Roosevelt backers suspected a rail-
roaded convention a half-century
In the event of a standoff be-
tween Nixon and Rockefeller,
which hardly seems likely at this
stage, Chief Justice Earl Warren,
Chief United Nations Delegate
Henry Cabot Lodge, or Secretary
of State Christian Herter could
have an outside chance.
GOP vice-presidential possibili-
ties include Secretary of Labor,
Mitchell, House minority leader
Charles Halleck of Indiana, Gov.
Cecil Underwood of West Vir-
ginia, Gov. Mark Hatfield of Ore-
gon and Sen. Kenneth Keating of
New York.
Possibilities Numerous
The Democrats, in addition to
the names already mentioned, have
a flock of young governors and
senators, most of them swept into
office last November, for the second
spot on the ticket.
In 1956, the Republicans met in
San Francisco and the Democrats
in Chicago. In 1960, both reverse
the fields. The Republicans will
meet July 25 in Chicago, the Dem-
ocrats July 11 in Los Angeles.
(Continued from Page 2)
Capac, Mich. - History/Coach; Girls
PE/Biology; Eng./Hist/Math/Geog.
Geneva, 1l. - Elementary PE; HS
French/Latin or other subject.
Harvey, Il,. - Elementary; JHS Vocal
Horseheads, N. Y. - Girls PE.
Madison Heights, Mach. - Girls PE.
Medina, Ohio - Girls PE (JHS).
Milwaukee, Wis. - HS Math.
Newhall, Calif. -~9th grade English;
HS Eng./World History.
Nilse, Mich. - Elementary; JHS So-
cial Studies.
Ortonville, Mich. (Brandon Schools)
-General Math/Algebra.
Palmer, Alaska - HS: Librarian/oth-
er subjects; Commercial; Girls PE; 2nd
Quincy, Mich. - Guidance; Sci./Bi-
ology; 2nd grade.
Rockford, Mich. - Girls PE.
Roseville, Mich.-HS: Auto Mechan-
ics; Biology; Vocal Music (Elem. & Sec-
ondary); Speech Corr.; Visiting Teach-
er; Elementary.
Southfleld, Mich. - Kindergrarten;
Elem. Vocal; Elem. Instrumental; Elem.
PE (women); Librarian.
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of1Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
Personnel Requests:
Cook County Dept. of Welfare, Chi-
cago, Ill. Trainee Program. Recruit-
ment is now on a continuous basis.
Opportunities exist in their casework
classification, but they also have need,
though to a lesser degree, for welfare
rehabilitation workers, Experience is
not a prerequisite. BS or BA degree is
Rand McNally & Co., Chicago, Ill.
Mexican National who may be study-
ing in the U.S. with a thought ofure-
turning to his home country. Plant
Manager in a printing operation nea
Mexico City. Should be 25-35 years old
speak and write fluent English and
Spanish and have an industrial engi-
neering background or its equivalent
in printing experience. Will be trained
in their Chicago plant with full salary
and benefits during training.
McSherry Rexall Drug Store, Battle
Creek, Michigan. Pharmacist, regis-
tered. Approximately a 40-hour work
week, no Sunday work. Excellent op-
portunity for someone who wants a
store of his own in the future.
The National Cash Register Co., Day-
ton, Ohio. Their Accounting Machine
Sales Division in Gary, Indiana needs
a dynamic man of top ability. College
graduate, 22-28, preferably with pre-
vious job experience, including some
Wilding-Henderson, Inc., D e t r o i t,
Mich. They are interested in a recent
university graduate for a job in the,
field of audio-visual communications.
Should have a liberal arts degree with
primary emphasis in either sales or
journalism. One year training program
in all phases of the sales communica-
tions business.
Miniature Precision Bearings, Inc.,
Keene, N. H. Research Engineer. Re-
porting to and assisted by the Mechan-
ical Engineer in charge of Advanced
Instrumentation Section of the Labor-
atory, work out detail design, tooling
and calibration of proto-type devices,
fixtures, and instruments both for
company and customer evaluation
testing of precision bal bearings. ME
or EE degree or the equivalent. Ex-
perience: A year or two in instrumen-
tation or bearings preferred though
not absolutely necessary. Age: 22-27
years. Mathematical Analyst-Research
Dept. Reporting directly. to the Manag-
er of Research, conducts research in
analytical mechanics and stress ana-
lysis of instrument ball bearings in
both static and dynamic conditions.
Plan and carry out a comprehensive
review of data supplied from various
tests conducted or to be conducted by
research and development engineers
Long term objective is to correct, sim-
plify and extend theory as it exists in
form adaptable, to programming and
data computation. Doctorate in engi-
neering or physics. Experience: Varied
experience in electronics, mechanics
and math. Also helpful but not neces-
sary would be -research experience in
areas of design, development and
theory of rotating electro-mechanical
equipment. Age: 25-45 years.
Monroe, Mich. Community Center
Director for the Center. Duties: Organ-
ization of program, head the staff,
public relations, working with boys
and girls individually, executive officer
of the Board of Director, etc. Salary
The Plastic Contact Lens Co., Chi-
cago, Ill. Optical Engineer for the new-
ly established Research Dept. No ex-
perience necessary.
Summer Placement Service:
Contact Ward D. Peterson, NO 3-1511
Ext. 371 for information on either of
the following:
The Breakers, Sandusky, Ohio. Wait.
resses, Waiters, Bus Boys, Bell Hops
from now until Labor Day, Call NC
3-1511, Ext. for information,
Russell Kelly Service in the Free
Press Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Stenograph-
ers and Typists from now until college
opens in the fall.
Sailing Club, regular weekly meeting
July 30, 7:30 p.m., 311 W. Engineering
* No appointments needed
* Custom-Styling
near Michigan Theatre
DIAL NO 2-3136
TONIGHT thru Saturday
Jean Anouilh's sophisticated farce
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8:00 P.M.
presented by
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