Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
fif. page 2
VOL. LXIX, No. 26S
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PROPOSED FRATERNITY SITE-The University is reserving a 6.7 acre site (shaded area) on North
Campus for fraternity development. To the left of this area, a new co-educational dormitory is
planned. To the far right is the married student housing, Northwood Apartments, which is already
partially constructed.
Fratern.K1ities Plan To Buil1dI
On North'Camp~usSite
Plans to extend the University
fraternity system to North Cam-
pus by as early as 1960 were re-
vealed' yesterday by Vice.-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis disclosed that the Uni-
versity Regents have authorized
setting aside 6.7 acres in the
northwest section of North Cam-
pus for fraternity development.
Zetar Beta Tau has purchased
the first lot in the area and is
scheduled to begin construction
in the coming year.
Lewis said "two or three other
Nizxon Tour,
W elcomed
With Hugs
(P) -Vice-President Richard M.
Nixon was hugged and cheered by
enthusiastic crowds in this west-
ern Siberian city yesterday.
It was the warmest reception of
his Soviet tour.
About 20,000 applauding and
cheering Russians greeted Nixon
and his wife as they arrived in
this important factory city of
880,000. Other thousands lined the
Crowds Friendly
Georgi A. Zhukov, chairman of
the Soviet Union Cultural Com-
mittee, said he was afraid the
enthusiasm of the crowd would get
out of'hand several times.
"I was afraid he was going to
be hurt by a bear hug," Zhukov
said. "But they were hugs of.
Nixon told newsmen his Novosi-
birsk reception was "by far the
most outstanding we have seen.
They all knew we were here and
besides we came at a time when
people were able to greet us."
Warm Welcome
The welcome was in contrast to
the somewhat chilly turnout of a
few- hundred persons when the
Nixon party arrived in Moscow
last Thursday.
A Soviet jet brought the Nixons
from Leningrad in 4/2 hours. A
crowd of about 300 met the Nixons
at Sverdlovsk in the eastern foot-
hills of the Urals during a refuel-
ing stop.
En route, Nixon persuaded Soviet
officials to let him see the Siberian
branch of the Academy of Sci-
ences, a huge research complex
under construction here.
His tentative plans call for a
tour of the community today.
May Advocate Visit
There was increasing evidence
yesterday that the Vice-President
is leaning more and more to the
view that Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev should be invited to
the United States.
fraternities and one sorority"
have expressed interest in pur-
chasing land in the area. Five. fra-
ternity sites, including parking
space and recreation facilities, are
At meetings on North Campus
fraternity development in the
spring of 1958, ZBT, Sigma Al-
pha Mu, Lambda Chi Alpha, Sig-
ma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Sigma
Phi. Alpha Epsilon Pi, Triangle
and Alpha. Rho Chi were inter-
ested in transferring facilities to
North Campus.
Interfraternity Council Presi-
dent James Martens, '60BAd.,
said ZBT's decision was based
largely on the feeling that the
present house on Washtenaw Ave.
is "inadequate.",
Funds Available
The group "has the necessary
funds, and has been interested in,
finding a nice piece of property,"
Martens explained.
He said the'shift will not "split"
the system, which includes 42
houses at present. "We're so spread
out geographically now, that it
will have little effect," Martens
pointed out.
Lewis said the action was part
of long-range University plans for
developing balanced student liv-
ing facilities on North Campus.
Present plans call for eventual
construction of a 1,100-unit dor-
mitory south of the fraternity
handled on a "first come, first
served" basis, Lewis continued.
The effect of these transactions
will be to maintain independent
fraternity ownership of property,
and to return certain portions of
North Campus to the Ann Arbor
property tax rolls, he added.
The Regents' approval of the
development was made at their
meeting last Friday, but was not
announced until fraternity offi-
cials had been notified.
Name Ardis
To Bureau
Evart Ardis, superintendent of
schools in Ypsilanti, has been ap-
pointed director of the Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
Announcement of the appoint-
ment came from Vice-President
for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis yesterday.
Ardis will succeed H. Glenn
Ludlow who has accepted a po-
sition at Indiana University. He
will assume the post as soon as
arrangements for leaving his
Ypsilanti position can be com-
Approval of the appointment
was made by the Regents at their
ment was delayed to allow Ardis
Friday meeting but announce-
to submit his resignation to the
Ypsilanti Board of Education
Monday night.
His experience in school ad-
ministration began in Freeport
where he started as teacher in
11934 and worked up to superin-
tendent of schoolsubeforepleaving
in 1934. He has also served as
superintendent at East Detroit
and Inkster before joining the
Ypsilanti system in 1953.
Allies Ask
New Plan
In Berlin
GENEVA () - The Western
allies last night proposed a series
of new arrangements for Berlin as
part of a five-year deal to freeze
the East-West crisis in that dis-
puted city.
The United States, Britain and
France offered to join the Soviet
Union in a review of the Berlin
situation after five years if- Ger-
many remains divided at that time.
This represented the West's first
formal acceptance of the idea of a
time-limited arrangement for Ber-
lin. And perhaps even the five-year
period will become a subject of
Reject Plan
Secretary of State Christian A.
Herter and his British and French
colleagues had turned thumbs
down on an 18-month freeze ad-
vocated by Soviet Foreign Minister
Andrei A. Gromyko.
The Western ministers made it
plain to the Russians that the Big
Three Western powers stand firmly
on all their rights to be in Berlin.
On the other hand, the Soviet
Union called on the Western pow-
ers to cut back their 11,000-man
garrison in West Berlin immedi-
ately to 3,000 or 4,000.
Demand Negotiations
The Soviet delegation also re-
served the right to link any stop-
gap Berlin deal with an old de-
mand for some form of direct
East-West German political nego-
Thenrival proposals were em-
bodied in new documents ex-
changed by the two sides in a one-
day lull in negotiations by the Big
Four Foreign Ministers.
Neither side would comment on
the suggestions of the other.
In the absence of a close com-
parison of the texts it was impos-
sible to say whether the exchange
brought the prospect of an accord
any nearer.
Implicit Offer
Qualified diplomats reported
that the Western offer of a five-
year Berlin deal was implied rather
than explicit.
The carefully-worded document
said something like this:
The (Big Four) ministers agree
that in the absence of the reunifi-
cation of Germany they may meet
again after five years if they so
desire, to review arrangements in
the city.
To Maintain Status
Under this provision Berlin's
status would continue untouched
unless the Big Four decided by
common consent on any further
In practice it would leave intact
existing Western rights of access
along the air, land and water
routes to the city.
It would not affect rights of West
Berliners to move freely into East
Berlin or back to West Germany
across 110 miles of Red-ruled ter-
It would leave untouched the
rights of the United States, Britain
and France to keep and to sustain
their troops in West Berlin.
-avid U.itrow
BETRAYED-Some ambitious realtor evidently feels Couzens Hall
is a good bet on the housing market this summer, but the student
going "home" seems to be ignoring the whole thing, perhaps
sure the thought of displacing a few hundred nursing students
will scare away the customers.
U.S. Steel Announces
Record High in Profits
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK -U. S. Steel reported record profits yesterday and
the striking United Steelworkers of America called it evidence that
the industry's strike stand is phony..
David J. MacDonald, president of the union, said a six-
months U. S. Steel report of $254,948,496 net income demolishes
the company's excuse for not granting wage increases that might
million payroll at the end of
the week.
MSU Will Borrow
Michigan State University, also
by-passed in this month's allot-
ment, will borrow $1,800,000 to-
day for Friday's $2,600,000 pay-
roll, Philip J. May, controller and
vice-president for finance, said
yesterday. Wayne State, Univer-
sity will receive $500,000 to help
meet an $800,000 August payroll.
From the $20,900,000 available
state funds, state employes, cities
and villages, welfare recipients
and those creditors who have
been waiting the longest will be
In spite of the complete treasury
sweep-out, however, the current
cash shortage will amount, to ap-
proximately $78 million and the
state's total debt still remains
around $110 million.
Threat Continues
Although state funds have been
covering University payrolls since
February, the state's financial
crisis has been threatening since
November - eight months. The
current deficit. has arisen because
state taxes are not due during the
first two weeks of July.
Funds were paid to Wayne
State University because it is not
constitutionally authorized to
borrow money, while both the
University and Michigan State
University can borrow on their
forthcoming student tuition.
Last December, the University
was forced to borrow to meet its
payroll, and in January they bor-
rowed: total, $4 million. Detroit
banks then announced that credit
to the University was being cut
off and no more loans would be
extended until the already-bor-
rowed money was paid back.
Bargain Days
Student Fees Set
As Loan Pledge
State Fails To Meet Payment to 'U';
MSU Also By-Passed; Wayne Paid
The University will borrow $1 million today to meet the
first payroll of its record $33.4 million budget year.
Although the University was by-passed for the first time
in a general sweep-out of the state treasury, operating ex-
penses will be met by a short-term bank loan secured by stu,
dent fees collectable in September, Wilbur K. Pierpont, vice-
president in charge of business and finance, said yesterday.
The loan, combined with funds already on hand, will enable
the University to meet its $1.5- -
have averted the two-weeks old'
The industry maintained any
wage increase would boost pro-
duction costs and thus prove in-
flationary to the nation's econ-
omy. The union argued that
wages could be increased out of
profits without price boosts.
McDonald, at a news confer-
ence, assailed the industry for
what he termed its "phony infla-
tion issue at a time when they
are rolling in unprecedented
Meanwhile, Chairman Roger S.
Blough of U. S. Steel, told a news
conference of his own that his
firm would not raise steel prices if
a voluntary settlement of the'
strike is achieved. He limited his
pledge to this year, saying events
might dictate a change of policy
next year.
Blough's comments followed
announcement by the corporation
of earnings for the first six months
of 1959. Net income for the six
months ended June 30 was re-
ported as $254,948,496, more than
any steel company has ever earned
in any six months period.
By The Associated Press
IDLE-Some 500,000 striking
United Steelworkers plus 78,000
employes in allied industries.
mediators met separately with
industry and union represen-
tatives in New York yesterday,
the 14th day of the strike.
The loans were repaid fully by
June, Pierpont said.
The banks lend the universities
money on their next expected ac-
quisition of funds. The University
currently expects about $4.25
million from student fees in Sep-
tember, Pierpont noted.
Threats of payless paydays for
the University continued from
February only to be squelched by
the just-in-time delivery of an
overdue check from the state
Late in May, four days before
the University payroll was due,
Lansing announced that the state
coffers were bare. Fortunately for
the University, a federal grant
came through to Michigan and
the State Administrative Board
hastily channeled $3 million to
the University and $2.6 million to
Michigan State ,University.
Second. Pro
Grid League
WASHINGTON (P)-A new pro
football loop plans to start oper-
ating in six cities next year, Com-
missioner Bert Bell of the National
Football League said yesterday.
Bell gave out this word while
testifying before the Senate Anti-
monopoly Subcommittee in favor
of legislation to give professional
football, baseball, basketball and
hockey broad exemption from the
antitrust laws.
This football development came
a day after an annotncement in
New York that a third major
baseball league expects to be in
business in 1961.
Checked with NFL Owners
The NFL commissioner, said he
had checked with owners of all
12 teams in his league and that
the idea hadn't met a single ob-
The NFL, 40 years old this sea-
son, is the only major pro football
league operating in the United
Bell declined to say who is be-
hind the new league. But he testi-
fied that Davey O'Brien of Fort
Worth, Tex., had broached the
matter with him. O'Brien was a
grid star at Texas Christian in
pre-World War II days.
O'Brien was dsecribed by Bell
as a go-between, without any
financial or other connections with
the projected new league.
In talking with newsmen later,
the NFL chief said the league's
backers have plenty of money. He
said O'Brien is bringing three men
who are involved to see him today,
perhaps in Philadelphia or Atlan-
tic City.
To Start Play in 1960
According to the information
he has, Bell said, the new league
plans to begin play in six cities in
1960 and to expand later to two
additional cities.
Houston, Denver and Minne
apolis were listed by Bell as cer-
tain starters. He said he is pretty
sure the other three will be Dallas,
New York and Los Angeles.
See NEW, Page 4
I -
Future Development
Future fraternity requests
on North Campus will
By The Associated Press
LITTLE ROCK -- Gov. Orval
E. Faubus proposed yesterday to
turn over two of Little Rock's four
public high schools to those who
want integration and keep the
other two for segregationists.
It was his answer to the school
board's challenge to legally stop
token integration, if he could,
when the schools reopen Sept. 8.
They were closed last. year by
Faubus but now the board has a
new federal mandate to desegre-
gate them.
HONOLULU - Democrat
Daniel K. Inouye, one-armed Jap-
anese-American war hero, took a
commanding lead last night in
.Hawaii's first state election to
represent the nation's newest
state in the U. S. House of Repre-
Early, unofficial returns sent
the 34-year-old Inouye well on
his way to becoming the first per-
son of Japanese ancestry to serve
in Congress.
First returns gave Democrats a
lead in most major races al-
+thnmr eaan.n I n nlne nnr
Jean Anouilh's "Waltz of the
Tore adors" will make its initial
appearance in Ann Arbor at 8 p m
today on the stage of Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The cynical farce about married
life and love in general is directed
by Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the
speech, department, and is the
fourth in the department's sum-
mer playbill presentations.
The plot deals with a retired
general whose wolfish ways are
interfered with by a supposedly
paralytic wife. The general writes
his memoirs, flirts with the maids
and reminisces about a night 20
years previously when he fell in
love at a military ball.
His routine is upset and the plot
'To Waltz int
C ne r Isolated, Hitchcock Sayrs
The contemporary composer often seems "far out" because he.
can only find justification for what he does within himself, Prof. H.
Wiley Hitchcock of the music literature department said yesterday.
In his speech on "Frontiers in Music," sponsored by the Summer
Session, Prof. Hitchcock said that "today's progressive composer is
isolated from the general public.
"In traditional music, the end of the musical experience is the
performance, offered to the paying public through expensive perform-
ers. In tape recorded music, the
composer by-passes the perform-
er and the public performance,"
Prof. Hitchcock continued.
Emphasizes Control
r Tw n "All of the new music empha-
sizes rational, intellectual control
by the composer over every as-
- : pect of the composition. I would
interpret the contemporary com-
poser's urge for order and ration-
al organization as the ultimate
rejection of Romanticism and its
emphasis on freedom, license and
intuitive expression," he said.
A r n o 1 d Schoenberg's serial
technique (12-tone composition)
has turned out to be a most im-
portant tool for the composer
seeking such rational control,
"Actually the most important
t" r frontier-crossing in contemporary
I music has taken place between
the two musical regions we call
the The Land of 12-Tone Compo-
sition and The Country of Tonal-
- ity.
Still 'Romantic' -
.... . .... - --- ------ - --