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July 24, 1959 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-24

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Sixty-Ninth Year
ruth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. ! ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
:ditorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Problem of the Aged
rolmheConcerns Senators
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
POLITICALLY SPEAKING, 15 million old people can't be wrong.
So scarcely a day passes without some Congressman leaping up to
reassure the old folks that he's in their corner, lock, stock and pen-
Right now a Senate Subcommittee on Problems of the Aged and
Aging is holding hearings, trying to decide what, if anything, is to be
done for this rapidly increasing segment of our population.
In 1900, three million Americans were over 65. By 1975; there will
be more than 20 million.
And the difficulty is that older people, like younger people, can't be
pushed together and stuck into any convenient pigeon hole. They dif-
fer, and their problems differ.

, ;

U.S. Space Game N eeds
Some Cooperative Effort


ITHIN the last two years an almost en-
tirely new field of scientific investigation,
ce, has blossomed and the inevitable com-
ations of democratic processes and free en-
)rise in this, nation have dogged its heels
slowed things down.
i the push to conquer space, or at least
something up there in orbit, scientists and
ineers have mainly cognated their interests
the programs of our three military divi-
s, the Army, Navy and Air Force. The 'ci-
3n point of view, expressed by the National
onautics and Space Administration pro-
ELATIONS between East and West may
not be improving, but recent events indi-
that communication, in a way, is strong-
han ever.
isits and exchanges between Russia and
United States are rife. Frol Kozlov, second
momand in the Kremlin, toured the United
tes, and this country, not to be outdone,:
sent its own number two man to the So-
Union. t
rue, Comrade Kozlov received a less-than-
m reception in many places throughout the
ritry, and Mr. Nixon seems to be experienc-
a like degree of coolness. But they are at
t communicating.
ommunication seems also to be thriving
)ugh press publication of words and actions
the part of each nation. Thus, President
mnhower's declaration of "Onslaved Satel-
s Week" was communicated swiftly to Pre-
r Khrushchev, and Khrushchev's acrid
iments were just as swiftly relayed back to
President.-"Nothing official, mind you, but
ununication nonetheless.
VD THROUGH it all, the Foreign Ministers
hiold session after session at Geneva, dis-
sing -- in loud or soft tones, as the oc-
on ' warrants - the knotty problems of
world. One plan after another is commu-
ted between sides; and rejection after re-
,ion is quickly communicated back.
resumably a summit conference is now in
offing, and the world can look forward to
a more communication between East and

grams, and a scattering of independent re-
search projects, have influenced the picture,
but emphasis remains with the military.
THIS IS NOT surprising. The drive to "keep
up with the Joneses" (or the Russians) is
mighty strong these days. Motivated by the
healthy desire to increase our prestige in a
world riddled by international tensions - if,
we let things slide we may just slide into ob-
livion -- we seek to outdo the Russians, to
alternate threats of war (backed up by new
and more powerful displays of weapons) with
promises of world peace, promoting cultural,
exchanges and trade negotiations to support
our stand.
The improvement of military "weapons" is
thus of prime importance in our little game of
cat-and-mouse and speed of accomplishment,
even more essential. At this point, the "demo-
cratic way" hits a stumbling block - it does
no4l allow for a concentrated, government-
controlled program aimed at getting imme-
diate action.
Space research and development have pretty
much come under government control here, for
the federal government has the funds and
needs the services ,but restrictions are few and
the competition for attention and funds among
the military branches working on space- proj-
ects is stiff.
THE NAVY recently suggested a unified mili-
tary space command consisting of repre-
sentatives'from each of the military branches
and NASA under the direction of a chairman
chosen from each of the branches in succes-
sion. Such a plan need not indicate tightened
governmental control, but merely coordination
of the diverse projects now in progress.
Each of the military wings and the civilian
agency undoubtedly .have an individual point
of view on the types of programs that should
be undertaken, an essential feature for the
continued development of the variety of tech-
niques and machines needed to man space ef-
fectively. Yet, without coordination of some
kind, repetition is practically inevitable-with
the result that brainpower is wasted and ad-
vancement impeded.
Space beckons. We want to get there - in
a hurry. Well, boys, a little mutual aid never
hurt anyone, so how about pooling resources
at least until we get off the ground?




THIS POINT HAS BEEN made by the Subcommittee's chairman,

NUMBER 51?-Movements for Puerto Rican statehood are gaining momentum on the island, as these
pictures show. Cars gather before the Rock 'N' Roll Club (left) for a statehood rally, one of them
(right) bearing .a determined sign proclaiming Puero Rico "Estado 51."

Cari6beat Canuel

--S. H.

Epiaph for Renewal
IRBAN RENEWAL for Ann Arbor is dead, IT IS HARD to hope for much for the future.
and on the whole it seems to be a real loss. For one thing, many people are tired of Ur-
he slaughterhouse, the Junkyard and the ban Renewal. For another, Creal's committee
dy shop will remain where they are. It will may not do much, though it can do something.
hard to remove the unrepairable houses in He does not seem at all anxious to get it go-
e area, since most likely the city will have ing. He has had a month to appoint it, and so
relocation program and will only be able far he has outlined its structure and publicly
condemn them. On the other hand, of- named two members. It is true, of course, that
urse, few 'people if any will- be forced out its chairman, Gordon McDonald, is out of town.
their homes. But a tentative list of members of its block-
organization sub committee, as Councilman
Some people \ill at last decide to put In ime Lloyd Ives said Creal presenIted it to Council
ovements on their homes, now that they're a couple of weeks ago, include motly fore
re Urban Renewal won't affect their plans. memberseof te Nort CntluPesmosty ormr
ifortunately, they'll still have a hard time members of the North Central Property Own-
tting loans, unless Mayor Cecil O. Creal's ers Association. At least 17 of the 2 Creal
mmittee really gets an the ball. tentatively named were members of the As-
sociation, including Walter S. Wickliffe
There would, of course, probably have been (NCPOA president and chairman of the com-
>uble even if Urban Renewal had been put mittee), Lydia Newman (NCPOA secretary),
rough somehow., Condemnations and rezone. John Kampas, George Wedemeyer, and Paul
gs would still have had to be done. Some City McCoy and George MacVicar. These people
>uncil members would have balked at them. have vigorously opposed Urban Renewal, and
here would have been delays, more argu- they do not seem at all eager to put it through
ents, and bitterness, and' the plan might even in a watered-down form.
ye been made less effective. -PETER DAWSON
Trut and Falsehood

SAN JUAN, P.R. - Admission of
Alaska and Hawaii as the 49th
and 50th states has been a real
shot in the arm for Puerto Rico's
Statehood Party.
On several weekends recently
I've seen "Estadista" rallies in
small towns near here. Lines of
cars, flying red - white - and - blue
bunting from their aerials con-
verge on the rally site (in one case
a roadhouse called "The Rock and
Roll Club," in another instance a
Signs reading "Puerto Rico -
51st State" are everywhere, and
the air is filled with music and
slogans from soundtrucks.
All the action isn't rural - the
Estadistas held a banquet here in
San Juan recently, at which New
Mexico's , Senator Dennis Chavez
was the main speaker. Chavez,
hitherto best known on the island
for his stand in the '40s against
Spanish as the language of the
public schools, told the audience
there was no reason, financial or
otherwise, why Puerto Rico.should
not become a state.
* * *
BUT DESPITE the noise it is
difficult to tell whether statehood
has anything near majority sup-
port. Gov. Luis Munoz Marin op-
poses statehood as suicidal, and
Munoz has been the darling of the
voters for 20 years.
But the possibility remains that
his supporters favor his economic
program but disagree with him on
statehood. Likewise, some support
given the Statehood and Inde-
pendence Parties in the past is
doubtless protest against Munoz.
Puerto Rico is now an "Estado
Libre Asociado" within the Ameri-
can Union-the legal translation
for this relationship is "Common-
She is internally autonomous,
but shares the foreign policy of the
United States
Puerto Ricans are American
citizens, but the income taxes they
pay go to San Juan, not Washing-
ton; so too do excise taxes paid
on rum and other products of the
This income has been a major
factor in making possible Puerto
Rico's unique "Fomento" - the
Economic Development Adminis-
tration. Fomento woos stateside
industry by. building factories to
order, by recruiting workers for
them, and so on, and has greatly
increased the island's prosperity.
PUERTO RICO receives all serv-
ices granted by the federal govern-
ment to the states: the postal sys-
tem, urban renewal, the coast
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
off icial publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the dayrpreceding
publication. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1959
General Notices
Astronomy Dept. Visitors' Night. Fri.
July 24, 8:30 p.m, Rm. 2003 Angeli
Hall. Dr. Edith A. Muller "Solar
Eclipses." After theAlecture the Stu-
dnet Observatory on the fifth floor of
Angell Hall open for inspection and for
telescopic observations of Jupiter, Sat-
urn and Double Star.
Persons wishing their name and ad-
dress added to the mailing list to re-
ceive announcements of -plays pre-
sented by the Department of Speech
as part of Playbill '59-60 may have this
done by calling extension 3383 between
10:30 and 11:30 a.m. or 2:15 and 3 p.m.

Sen. Patrick V. McNamara (D-Mich;
standards; who is up for reelec-
tion next fall, and whose home
state has 600,000 persons who are
over 65.j
McNamara's 6bservations:
Some old people are in good
health, but most aren't.
Some work, but most don't.
Some have adequate incomes,
but most don't.
Some get private pensions, but
most don't.
,Some live with their spouse, but
most don't. (I don't know why,
but even after_ 23 years my wife
still doesn't -look =like any. spouse
to me).
While peering into such prob-,
lems as ,housing, medical costs,
nursing homes, job discrimina-
;ion for those past 45, the Sub-
committee has listened to the real
experts on this subject - those
who have grown older..
One who testified was Paul R.
Leach, a newspaperm'an who re-
tired in 1956 after.46 years on the
Chicago Daily News. Almost half
.of those years he headed its
Washington bureau-.
* * * ..
ments may help those who aren't
aged, but are aging.
Aim for good health, Leach says.
"A millionaire gets no fun'out of
retirement if he is chronically ill
or bored stiff." .
Get interested in doing some-
thing useful. "My late father had
to retire for health reasons some
years ago. He never paid Iuch
attention to politics, but when he
become a precinct captain in our
Indiana town, he forgot the old.
pump was ailing.."
Begin early to have some recre-
ation besides your work.
"I .have learned an important
truth," Leach said, "that a man
must have within himself the
ability to use leisure time. If he
lacks that, legislation is not go-
ing to do him much good." '
For Leach the story has a hap-
py ending.
"I am retired," he said, "and
like it."


STATEHOOD RALLY-Cars flock around Puerto Rico's Rock 'N'
Roll Club as their owners attend a meeting inside calling for state-
hood for the island.

to the

To The Editor:
son's views in his letter (July 22
Daily) challenging two of my im-
pressions of Germany:. Certainly
his four years' study ther'e would
give him a ,more varied experience
upon which to form opinions than
did my brief thirty days.
On June 7, the day I left for
Germany, The New York Times
Magazine ran an article under a
Bonn dateline entitled "Whit Ger-
man Youth Knows About Hitler."
Several surveys of German youth
revealed that very few German
young people (only one in ten in
one of the studies) knew what
happened in their -parents' gen-
eration and the role of Hitler in
all of this. The reason offered for
German youth's ignorance of re-
cent history is clearly summarized:
"They have not been taught and
they have seldom been told." Text-
books dealing with the recent past
are found to treatatherNazi period
inadequately. Teachers are re-
luctarit to deal with this period
and often do not reach it in their
history courses. The Hamburg
newspaper "Die Welt" is quoted:
"Curricula do not fall from heav-
en. . . . Somebody draws them
up.... There is something rotten
in our schools."
WHEN I WAS In Germany I
sought to check the views in the
article by asking university pro-
fessors, gymnasium (i.e. secondary
school) headmasters, teachers and
education ministry officials. All
agreed that this problem Is real
and serious.
Recent history cannot be taught
without interpretation. Teachers
have had to change interpreta-
,tions in line with changes in gov-
ernmental policies' in 1919, 1933,
1945 and 1950. They regard it as
a painful subject very easy to
I sought information about uni-
versity research centers dealing
with recent history and everyone
to whom I spoke mentioned only
the institute at Munich. My views,
therefore, reflect Tan experience
quite different from Mr. John-
His final point stating that the
whole article was misleading be-
cause there are no student leaders
and stu'dent activities in Germany'
I reject emphatically. I spoke with
student government leaders and
observed activities in seven differ-
ent universities. Their programs
are generally impressive, broad in
objective and beset with many of
the same problems connected with'
student activities in American uni-
-James M. Davis, Director
International Center





guard and light-house service, and
so on.
As an American product, Puerto
Rican sugar enters the continental
United States duty-free. Without
this edge it would not be able to
compete with sugar from Cuba or
the Dominican Republic, where
the soil is richer and labor cheap-
Statehood for Puerto Rico would
kill the goose that lays the golden

egg, Munoz argues, for it would
change all this. He meets the argu-
ment that Puerto Rico should
carry her share of the United
States' financial load or get out
by saying the island's contribution
to the national treasury is increas-
ing and will further increase as.
she grows more prosperous.
Successive columns will be de-
voted to otherarguments for and
against statehood.


who is 64, a child by Senatorial

Y '

W ASHINGTON - For the first publicans understandab
time in decades the Demo- wish to assist in taking
cratic party generally is more ocratic antagonists of
afraid of seemingto be afraid of Some of them, at man
labor than it is of offending labor. many places in both
This is the "gut" truth which Congress, are dropping
underlies all the current Con- gears. %
gressional maneuvering over labor Moreover, no domest
reform bills. In a word; a whole been bedevilled longer
long era of highly simplified poli- ism and by stereotype
tical alignments - here were the slogans. While the ultr
Democrats plus "Labor" neatly ar- tives want to make lab
rayed against the Republicans plus less unconstitutional,l
"Business" - has come to an end. tends to demand the
There is, now, widespread Dem- Labor has largelye
ocratic recognition - not just honorably kept its hig
among conservatives and moder-
ates but also among the bulk of
the liberals-that the public reso-
lutely demands action against
labor excesses. The new and funda-
mental reality is this: the Demo-
crats now believe that while it
surely would be dangerous for
Congress to enrage labor by puni-
tive legislation, it would be even
more dangerous to go home with-
out acting at all.
simply cannot afford to have the
public think it lacked the courage
to act., ~
In one sense, the. Democrats
have been delivered from an old
bondage to the labor leaders., In
another sense, they have inherited
almost insoluble problems as to
how to conduct themselves in this
phase of new freedom-and new
For the great mass of the Demo-
crats are by no means "anti-la-
bor." They are simply no longer
automatically "pro-labor." This is
mainly because of the disclosures
of corruption made by. the long
investigations of the Senate "rack-
ets" committee.
There is an ultra-conservative
Democratic handful in, Congress
that would like simply to punish
labor. There is an ultra-liberal
quarter-handful that almost would
go to the point of exempting labor
from all laws, including the traffic
laws, if it could.


Labor Pains

bly have no
their Dem-.
f the hook.
y times and"
houses of
sand in the
tic issue has
by extrem-
es and stale
bor more or
labor itself
whole loaf.
earned and
gh place in

American society. But rather than
helping the temperate Democrats
to bring off a reasonable solution,
some labor leaders are crying "no"
to nearly everything.
The climate of public opinion
is similar now, by every sign.
Again, however, labor leaders are
refusing to give effective support
to those temperate men, such as
Senator Kennedy, who are earn-
estly-and above all competently-
trying to protect labor's. and the
public's legitimate interests.
(Copyright 1959, by United
Feature Syndicate, Inc.)



Associated Press News Analyst
PRAVDA, the official Communist Party news-
paper in Moscow. is all upset because Con-
gress, and President Eisenhower at its sug-
gestion, have recommended prayer; in behalf
of the "enslaved nations" of the Communist
With customary subtlety, the paper promptly,
replies that the Communist-controlled nations
are the truly free ones, and that it is the
capitalist countries which enslave the masses.
Now the odd part about such Communist
fulminations is that they are not merely cynical
manifestations of the ideological -war.
Relatively speaking, few Americans have ever
talked with a real, dyed-in-the-wool Commu-
Editorial Staff
Co-editor Co-editor

nist. There aren't enough of them in this
country to go around.
IF YOU EVER HAVE, you have probably ex-
perienced a certain feeling of mental block,
of unreality, and a lack of ability to communi-
Even the professionals of the international
. Communist movement, who began as able and
clever 4Russian expansionists wearing Com-
munism as a disguise, seem to fall victim of the
obsessions they seek to implant in others.
I've heard them talk this enslavement stuff
before American workmen who own their own
homes and drove to the meetings in their own
cars. They attempt to play upon the human
psychological factor of dissatisfaction regard-
less of the current level of achievement. Yet
publicity and privately they give every indica-
tion of sincerity, as President Eisenhower said
of Gen. Zhukov.
THEY ARE ABOUT as easy to argue with as
believers in voodoos

n ,




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