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Sixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
Da4 .
L. LXIX, No. 238
__ _.,
3owles Analyzes Conflict
"The conffict today/is not between East and West, but between
se who believe in and value the dignity of the individual human
those who would subjugate the individual to the state."
Rep. Chester Bowles (D-Conn.) yesterday told the audience at
"Modern Man Looks Forward" lecture, "The Future of the East-
st Conflict," that he disagreed not only with the title but also
h. the general approach to the problem taken by many people.
tereotyping every nation as either pro-West and anti-East or anti-
The Republican Party may
find it difficult to identify with
the new nationalisms rising in
the world,.Rep. Chester Bowles
(D-Conn.) said last night.
American politics needs "sen-
sitivity to the struggle of the
illiterate, frustrated peoples
striving for their freedom."
Bowles suggested,- "We're go-.
ing to have 'to Join this world
in a ,big way."
The party that understands
this will serve the country ,best,
he added.
"If we can muster two par-
ties of hope and sensitivity,
we would achieve a millenum
in party politics," he sid..
*West and pro-East. Bowles said
that the conflict, such as it is,
cannot be - and isn't - an
"either-or" choice between the
Soviet Union and the United
States and their respective ways
of life.
Cites Prejudices
"The race qusetion, our wealth,
the cultural self-centered assur-
edness which derives from our
wealth, our moral state-the high'
rate of divorce, juvenile delin-
quency - all '-of. these factors
prejudice other peoples of the
world against us, especially since
the peoples of Asia and{ Africa,
with whom weare most con-,
cerned lately, are non-white, and
generally much more religious'
and family-enrtered& than we
are," he commented.
To combat the bad influence of
the negative factors, he continued,
"it is our task to admit our mis-
takes, such as the handling of the
. . . seeks new approach
Bowles Asks
At Sumnit
Loss Totals
$1U Miluion
PITTSBURGH f) - Striking
M !steelworkers counted up nearly 100
~ million dollars in lost wages yes-
" terday-the ninth day of the crip-
pling nationwide walkout.
Every day the strike continues,
they lose 10 million dollars in
wages. Production losses amount
to nearly 43 million dollars a day
and' are cutting deeper into allied
The strike of a half million steel-
workers has cut off nearly 90 per
cent of the nation's steelmaking
facilities. In other industries an
estimated 45,000 have been fur-
-The next move in the stalemate
is set for next Monday. in New
York where federal mediators have
arranged the first joint peace talks
since the strike began.
Federal mediation chief Joseph
P. Finnegan cautioned that the
joint session was not to be inter-
preted as an indication that a set-
tlement of the strike is in sight.
%Finnegan 'said:.
"We feel we now have a better
/ orientation on the differences be-
tween the two sides."
Creal Wants
High Priority
for Traffic
Mayor Cecil O. Creal said yes-
terday the city must give high
priority attention to traffic prob-
lem alleviation, particularly in
the downtown area.
Mayor Creal also said that the
State Highway Department should
tell the city of current plans for
US-23. He said the city is "en-
titled to know what the exact
plans are" with 'respect to the
highway. All traffic on that heavi-
ly traveled route now goes through
the cente rof the pity.
With respect to a US-13 East-
belt- Bypass, Creal said, that so
far as he has been able to find
out present plans call for work
only as far as US-12 southeast
of the city and that "no commit-
ments have been made for an
expressway running north from
the US-12 point.,
If the Highway Department is
not going to put the Eastbelt
through, it is up to the city to
demand some other action, Creal
CreaI said he plans a confer-
ence this morning with City Ad-
ministrator Guy C. Larcom, Lloyd
B. Reid, traffic engineering con-
sultant and Police Department
traffic specialists on traffic situ-
ation aspects and on suggestions
for an approach to the State
Highway Department.
Senate Kills
Oath Section
ate last night apparently wrote a
Aana+xh w,.rr'o+ f+r. hill t+ ahnl-
race problem in the South, and Periodic summit meetings be-
try to build a better United tween 4East and West might help.
States. ease world tensions, Congressman
Make Impression Chester Bowles (D-Conn.) said
"This will make a much better yesterday at a press conference
impression on other peoples of the preceding his two campus appear-
world than does the 'synthetic ances.
product,' the false image of Amer- Boswles suggested that the United
ica which we have been trying States, Britain, France and Rus-
to sell the world." sia might well meet every six
Bowles also' emphasized the months or so, and that making
need for adequate defense-"any summit meetings fairly routine
lag, in the missile gap between us would tend to relieve public pres-
and the Soviet Union might tempt sure for dramatic results from
them to jump in. When a total these meetings.
weapons stalemate occurs, then it This could lead to a "general,
may be easier to meet on a more gradual" softening of the hard
local basis. But until then, we lines now separating East and
must continue building a barrier West, he added.
against any Soviet armed attack." Distrusts China,.
Another point in a plan to com- Bowles said he "wasn't at all
bat Soviet influence in other sure" Communist China looks
countries is "to redefine. our en- favorably on the prospects of an
tire economic aid program," East-West summit meeting in
Bowles said. 'Geneva, and that he "wouldn't be
Revision Needed surprised to see the Communists
Gets West
GENEVA () - The Western
powers told Soviet Foreign Min-
ister Andrei A. Gromyko yester-
day they will never accept Rus-
sia's terms for a Berlin truce.
They pressed him once again to
get down to fruitful talk.
By this the West means nego-
tiation on a stopgap Berlin settle-
ment. Gromyko has been insist-
ing a Berlin standstill must be
tied in with reunification talks
between the two Germanys.
Gromyko said he was perfectly
willing to talk about a Berlin
truce but made no move to drop
the tie-in with Pan-German con-
Lloyd Takes Lead
Britain's Selwyn Lloyd took the,
lead in seeking to bring the For-
eign Ministers conference back to
a discussion of a stopgap Berlin
"I say," he told Gromyko, "that
there is an interim agreement for
Berlin sketched out for us. And I
believe that it should be possible
here or at some other meeting,
perhaps at another level, to get
final acceptance of this interim
Explaining that remark, a Brit-
ish spokesman said Lloyd meant
that "final acceptance could come
here or at the summit."
Invite Summit
The British thus appeared to be
opening the door to a meeting of
heads of government. They were
inviting Gromyko to enter. And
they held out the bait that the
West would agree on some kind of.
Pan-German talks. Lloyd put it
this way:
"Our formula permits of any
combination or permutation of
the delegations here in this room
today (including both Germanys)
to meet from time to time for
purposes which could be defined
precisely or left general."
American authorities said Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower will
not go to a summit meeting unless
a Berlin truce-has been agreed up-I
on at this conference.,
Long Loses
On Horses
DENVER W) - Sources close to
Gov. Earl Long of Louisiana said,
last night the 63-year-old gover-
nor lost an estimated $4,000 to
$6,000 yesterday at Centennial
race track.
Gov. Long, who attended the
races Wednesday, told newsmen:
"I broke even for the two days."
He said he won $100.
A couple of Gov. Long's aides
who would not be quoted by name
accepted part of the responsibili-
ty for the governor's losses yes-
The aides were told to place a
$3,000 wager on Spicy in the fea-
tured seventh race. Instead, they
said they mistakenly placed the
money on another horse. Spicy
After the races, Gov. Long ap-1
peared extremely tired and de-
Earlier yesterday, the governor1
passed up a scheduled trip to
Fraser, Colo., and spent several
hours making telephone calls.
Report Says
Foreign Aid
battled foreign aid program was
pictured in a House committee re-
port yesterday as shot through
with waste and mismanagement
due to "loose, lax administration."
In a counter report, a White
House study committee said the
economic aid programs "must be
continued and better administered,
not emasculated or abandoned."
The two reports were released as
Congress sent to President Dwight
D. Eisenhower a compromise bill
authorizing $3,556,200,000 in mili-
tary-economic aid during the fiscal
year ending next June 30 and
turned to the question of appro-
priating funds to carry out this
Subcommittee Report
The critical report on waste and
mismanagement came from a
House appropriations subcommit-
tee which will get first crack at
drafting the money bill. The sub-
committee is headed by Rep. Otto
Passman (D-La), a long time foe
of large scale aid.
Passman has talked of cutting
this year's aid program another
half billion dollars below the $3,-
556,200,000 authorized, which in
itself is $353,200,000 less than
President Eisenhower said' was
Aid Must Continue
The White House Study Com-
mittee, headed by William H.
Draper, former ambassador to
NATO and former assistant secre-
tary of the Army, said many forms
of economic aid must continue as
long as the Communist. military-
economic-political menace exists.
It proposed that a new govern-
ment agency be created outside the
State Department t, administer
the major economic assistance pro-
gram. The trouble now, it said, is
that these activities are scattered
among a number of agencies.
The Draper Committee report,
which Eisenhower asked Congress
to study, recommended a more
selective choosing of nations and
projects for United States aid.
To Consider
Budget, Bids
The Board of Regents will con-
sider the University's record $33.4
million operating budget at their
monthly session today.
Allocations for the Flint Col-
lege, Dearborn Center, and facul-
ty salaries may be made.
In addition, the Regents will
consider plans for the Institute
of Science and Technology.
Faculty promotions will also be
considered and bids will be let
for new construction.
FINISHING TOUCHES-Workmen finish filling the shelves at the
American exposition in Moscow which Vice-President Richard
Nixon will officially open to visitors today. The glass pavilion will
be one of several units of the large fair. r
Nixon Asks Coexistence;
Krshchev Blasts U.S.
MOSCOW 0P ) - Richard M. Nixon came to Moscow yesterday
declaring "We must learn to live together or will die together."
He ran head-on into an anti-American blast from Nikita S.
Khrushchev, who said the United States Vice-President's trip was
deliberately timed to coincide with a campaign against the Soviet:
Ignoring the officially chilly atmosphere, Nixon put his words of
friendship into action by beaming and shaking hands at the airport
with all the Soviet citizens he
PlanKilled in Senate
Le gslature
"We have to revise our reasons'
for giving aid to some countries-
when we say it is to combat Com-
munism in the country; it is like
turning Communism into a nat-
ural resource for the country in-
On the basis of his two major
points - the needfor adequate
defense and the need for redefin-
ifig the economic aid program -
Bowles concluded that if the
United States were to evaluate it-
self and its motives honestly, it
will have no chance of losing in
the "East-West" conflict -- "be-
cause we have always belonged to
the movement which believes in
the dignity of the human individ-
ual; this is the tide which is car-
rying most other nations in the
same direction that we are going."
Quit Jobs
seven-month breakdown of voter
registration machinery continued
ini heavily Negro-populated Ma-
con County yesterday after three'
newly appointed white registrars
declined to serve.
try to throw a monkey wrench
into negotiations by resuming
their attacks on Quemoy and
Possible recognition of the Chi-
nese Communists was a "sterile"
question at present, Bowles com-
mented,r because the Communists
would inevitably seek extension of
this recognition to cover Nation-
alist Formosa.
He suggested a "more friutful"
approach would be to pattern re-
lations with Communist China
after those developed between the
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion during 1918-33, when we did
not have diplomatic relations with
"Evolving some kind of rela-
tionship with Corpmunist , China
could take more than 15 years,"
he added.
No Longer Trend
A former United States am-
bassador to India, Bowles said it
no longer looks as though Com-
munism represents the trend of
the future in Asia.
Bowles said democracy is still
very much alive in Asia, citing
the Philippines, Japan and Cey-
lon as examples. Despite the
emergence of military dictator-
ships in Pakistan, Indonesia and
several other countries in recent
months, he said democracy still
has "a big chance" in the area.
could reach.
To Meet Khrushchev
At almost the same time,
Khrushchevstood before a Po-
lish friendship rally in Moscow's
sports palace, 20 miles away, and
announced a representative of the
"panic stricken American imper-
ialists" had arrived.
He suggested Nixon come see a
meeting of "enslaved peoples" he
said the United States was talk-,
ing of liberating.
Nixon will meet Khrushchev for
the first time in the Kremlin to-
morrow. The Vice-President said
he hopes to have frank discus-
sions "to help us to know and
understand one another better."
Angry at Eisenhower
What aroused Kremlin wrath
was President Dwight D. Eisen-
hower's proclamation of this week
as "Captive Nations Week"'in the
United States.
In line with a Congressional.
resolution, Americans were urged
to conduct ceremonies in memory
of nations "made captive by the
imperialistic and aggressive poli-
cies of Soviet Commiunism."
To Inere'ase
To Attempt
Williams Says Move
'Propaganda'; Defe t
Marks Bill's Third
LANSING -).- Michigan's
Legislature writhed in a. kind of
convulsion over taxes yesterday.
The Senate, resorting to a sel-
dom-used procedure, knifed the
House-approved income talc ii.
what Gov. G. Mennen Williams in
effect called a. propaganda move.
The House, which Wednesday
rejected the Senate's use tax
solution to state revenue prob-
fems for the third time, moved
to the point of slapping down al
compromise between the two tax
And while it stayed its decision,
talk sprung up of a new attempt
to compromise House-Senate
differences. Discussion was to be
resumed last night-
Danger Seen
There was danger that. the
Legislature would wind up the
week without any major proposal
before it for resolvig the., bitter
impasse over new taxes, now In
its seventh month.
The, so-called Conlin persnal-
corporate income tax package was
spurned by the Senate in a 12 to
21 vote, with' 18 required for pas-
R e public~ans voted solidly
against it, Democrats solidly In
favor of it.
But to bring the issue to a head
quickly and "quiet public fear,"
the GOP Senate' majority had t.
resort to circumvention of a con-
stitutional requirement for five
days consideration of a. billb.
tween houses,
Approved Bill
The ;ouse had approved, 57 to
50, Wednesday night the s-l
called Conlin tax package auth.
ored by 'Rep. Rollo G. Conlin (R.
Tipton), House taxation chair-
Ordinarily, a Senate vote would
have to have been put off until
next week. ,
But the GOP Senators on-
trived to attach a carbon copy of
the Conlin proposal to a Senate
tax bill that was pending,
The "ghost" bill was brought
before the Senate and, for em-
phasis, rejected not once but twice,
Meanwhile, the original Conlin
bill, not available for a vote un-
der the. constitutional require-
ment, was shelved in the Senate
Taxation Committee.
Strike, Rally
Lead Support
For Castro
HAVANA VP) - Fidel castro
supporters tied up Cuba yesterday
with a one-hour general strik'
called to support demands that he
come back and be premier.
The bearded revolutionary sid
he'd withhold his decision unitil
Sunday, when aneven bigger
show of strength is planned.
Yesterday's work s t d p p a g e,
called 0y the million-member Cu-
ban Workers Confederation (CTC)
was part of a great buildup for
Castro. He abandoned the top
cabinet post a week ago to at-
tack and expel Manuel Urrutia as
The campaign comes to a cli-
max Sunday, when Castro's 2'tli
of July movement celebrates the
sixth anniversary of the start .of
the revolution against the now-
fallen dictatorship of Fulgencio
Batista. A huge rally is scheduled
in downtown Havana.
"We'll let the people decide on
the 26th of July," Castro told a
rally early yesterday. There was
little doubt the people at Sun-
day's rally- will "decide" Castro
Fountains Refresh Viewers When Wind Blows
The Human Relations Commis-
sion plans to step up its activities
involving study and education
with respect to problems of dis-
crimination fin employment.
The commission requested, last,
Tuesday night that its employ-
ment committee consider what
needs to- be done in this field.
It concluded that activities in
the employment field locally
should. constitute its own obli-
gation, as distinguished from a
suggestion from State Fair E.m-
ployment Practices Commission
officials that the local commission
and FEPC work on establishment
of an FEPC citizens advisory
The commission said that a let-
ter is to go to the FEPC to the
effect that the city commission
appreciatesFEPC interest; but
that it does not feel it has ex-
hausted all of its own resources.
Discussion Tuesday. night, en-'
tailed the idea that it -is, the Hu-
man Relations Commission's own
obligation to assemble facts with
respect to Ann Arbor and to en-
gage in educational activities, us-
ing whatever suitable resources
are available.
The commission also referred
to its housing committee, newly
formed last month, a report from
the former housing committee
dealing with possible steps to ease
home purchases or rentals by
minority group members. The new'
committee is to consider the
report and make recommenda-
Labor Control
Faces House
WAITONTn AN P(A' _Tha fac-