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July 23, 1959 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1959-07-23

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£idf$&u &aitgi
Sixty-Ninth Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers,
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Don't Worry, Boss. They Didn't Like Hitler Either"
-- --

Trumpet A ccompanist
Adds to, Quality

Welfare Programs.
And Private Enterprise

K AN ERA of large-scale unemployment and
clamors for increased government works, it's
rd to quarrel with Gov. Williams recent
atement that "We flourish as a nation only;
we do what has to be done in the realm of
tblic service."
The governor also pointed out how govern-,
ent services aid private enterprise, yet this
ent almost as an aside. Instead, Williams'
cond statement should be accepted as a vital
ATELY PEOPLE have been tossing around
ideasfor solving the State's so - called
nancial crisis, but it seems that some of the
ost obvious solutions have not been sug-
sted by.timid politicians.
Some of the ideas that were mulled over at
e recent Economists' gathering at Mackinac
land have not, been made public yet. But it
unfortunate that ,acoording to well-informed
les, the following schemes were left uncon-
1) We could sell the upper peninsula to Wis-
insin, auction the lower peninsula to Ohio or
idiana or Illinois, and move the state house
> Greenfield Village.
2) Arrange for television appearances of the,
overnor and the Legislators, preferably on
What's My Line." People would never guess,
id the money would pour in.
3) Replace parking meters with state-owned
ot machines,
4) Heavily tax all airline flights over Michi-
an and shoot down those who don't pay.
5) Seize 'all automobile plants and use excess
:ofits, as long as they last, to pay off creditors.
hen'sell the plants to the IFC.
6) Authorize post offices to seize all money
nt through mails.
7) Kidnap wealthy state residents, hold them
r ransom inn Lansing..
8) Put qualified engravers to work making
)unterfeit U.S. currency. ,
9) Require the Michigan Union to give to
ie State the bicarbonate concession in its
:wnstairs feeding station.
It is estimated that any of these ideas would
ase an endless amount of money before any.
ne knew what hit them.

corollary to every declaration of the importance
of government services.
The concept of, the so-called welfare state
has become, so entrenched in the minds of
most Americans that not even the arch-con-
servative dares to oppose it any longer, at least
not if he is a politician running for public
office. Similarly, it seems that anyone who
comes out for private enterprise and free com-
petition'these days is branded a traitor to the
American working man.
FORMER SECRETARY of Defense Charles
Wilson,'for instance. A few years back,
Wilson made the statement that he preferred
"bird dogs to kennel dogs," initiating perhaps
one of the most foolish uproars in many.
years. Yet all Wilson meant was that he pre-
ferred a man who would go out and look for
a job, rather than one who was willing to sit
back and except the government to provide'
him with food, until the government could find
him a job.
Is this.really too much to ask of the American
people?. And have we come so far from our
origins .that we have lost our sense of the
value of competition and free enterprise?
:Probably not. But as state services increase,
and as more and more people look to the gov-
ernment for more and more services, the danger
of, this happening becomes greater.
OVERNMENT WELFARE programs are un-
deniably important. So are those services.
which the government performs because, al-
though vital to the nation's welfare, they can-
not- be operated profitably or properly by a
private company. (For instance, the postal
But a capitalist' economy demands not merely
competition between. companies; rather, it re-
quires the spirit of competition in all its. citi-
lens. It demands that each individual main-
tain this spirit, for it is still the surest and
best road to the ultimate welfare of all.
Such .a spirit can definitely exist even in a
modern state which performs many of. the
most vital services for its citizens. Welfare
programs and public .works do not preclude
this. But these programs must be geared to the
maintenance of competition and private enter-
prise-vital needs of a free economy-as well
as to the material needs of the nation.

TVUESDAY night's carillon con-
cert featured a solo trumpet,
and presented various types of
music ranging from the arias,
"See, The Conquering Hero
Comes" (Handel: Judas Macca-
baeus) and "Gioi Te Al Canto
Mio" (Pers: Euridice to 'the "Sea
Songs," one, of which was the fa-
vorite, "Blow the Man Down."
Ralph Minick, solo trumpeter,
distinguished hinself in his play-
ing of the many beautiful melo-
dies which were heard with caril-
lon. The, singing quality of tone
achiveed in the arias by Handel
and Peri was outstanding. The
playing of the "Trumpet Volun-
tary (Jeremiah Clark) and
"Trumpet Tune" (Purcell) showed
excellent musicianship. The trum-
pet themes sounded out with
clarity and steady rhythm and
were well-balanced with those
played on the carillon. In order
to blend with the carillon tones
Mr. Minnick used trumpets in the
keys of Bb, C and D.
The "Sea Songs" ((arr. Perci-
val Price) were most effective.
"Homeward Bound" opens with a
plainitve theme on the trumpet
answered by a passage on the car-
illon. Again the trumpet sounds.
Then is heard the song theme on
the carillon, answered by the
trumpet with, carillon accompani-
ment. In the "Dark-Eyed Sailor"
there is achieved a fine balance
between the solo line on the trum-
pet and the carillon accompani-.
ment .
* * *
FEATURED on the program
was the "Victory Rhapsody" (Per-

cival Price) composed by request.
1944, as a first piece to be played
on the then silent carillons of
western Europe. This impgrtant
composition makes great demands
on the performer, requiring per-
fect control of dynamics ranging
from pianissimo to fortissimo.
Percival Price played this with
power and imagination. The in-
sistent theme in the large bells
and the excitement displayed by
the smaller bells created the spir-
ited atmosphere of victory.
The selections on this program
again show the versatility of Price
as a composer and arranger of
music for the carillon. One must
be wholly award of the dynamic
power of each individual bell to
be able to so carefully weigh one
against the other and thus achieve
such fine tonal balance between
solo instrument and carillon. Of
this art' of writing accompani-
ments for the carillon he is in-
deed a master.
-Loretta Petrosky


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Garcia Protests Treatment of Sugar Industry

The Rent S piral

ONE OF THE REASONS Ann 'Arbor land-
lords can charge the prices they do for
renting apartments is that dormitory rates are
high. The student moving out of University
housing doesn't. mind paying exorbitant rents
in the city because somehow they equal, or
don't even reach the level he has paid in the
And this student gets more for his money,
like privacy, quiet, and freedom from restric-'
tions and snopping housemothers. But he is
still paying ,a fortune.
The University seemingly fails to realize the
part it plays 'in the local rent situation. Dormi-
tory rates are high because the bonds used, to;
build the noisy, busy monstrosities must be.
paid off before they are due, so that more
dormitories for the masses can be constructed..r
In September the already, burdensome dor-
mitory charges will go up $20. This isn't much
of a hike when the $800 total room and board

rate is considered. But the fact that rates
should go up at all is rather a sorry plight, at
least for the student.'
won't force many freshmen, who must live
In the dormitories, to stay away from school
because.of financial problems. This is probably
true. The fact that a student should have to
pay such a preposterous charge for dormitory
living is something serious, howelrer.
One' quadrangle business manager has said
he is running a big business and business con-
siderations come first wiht him. He will be
happy with his busines next year, thanks to
the added $20 burden students will carry.
But happiest of all will be the city land-
lords, who can probably hike their rents and
still offer the student a golden bargain.

SAN JUAN, P.R.-The sugar in-
dustry, "backbone of Puerto
Rico's economy," is the victim of
toughening competition and un-
fair, "socialistic legislation," ac-
cording to Juan Batista Garcia
Mendez of the Sugar Producers"
Garcia, brother of Miguel Angel
Garcia Mendez, Statehood Party
candidate for lieutenant governor,
is executive vice-president of the
sugar association.
Puerto Rican sugar, h e ex-
plained, became important only
in this century, when the conti-
nental United States became a free
market for the island's products.
Then both Puerto Rican and
continental groups bought land for
planting can, and built mills to
grind it (sugar is not refined here
but shipped rough to continental
SINCE THERE was so much
For D.C.
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer
ONCE AGAIN Congresis de-
bating whiether to bring politi-
cal emancipation to the voteless
citizens of the District of Colum-
The Senate has passed a bill to
permit them to elect their own
mayor, and some House members
are trying to prod the bill along
so it will come to a vote there.
If it passes-and its supporters
are moderately optimistic - this
will be .the first time a Washing-
tonian has elected his own officials
since 1874.
Naturally it's going to have a
statesman bleed in Congress for
the voteless citizens of Upper
Monstrosity when all around him
voteless natives placidly do their
"How can we preach the princi-
ples of democracy to the world,"
Sen. Alan Bible (D-Nev.) asked,
"and yet in practice deny its great-
est heritage, the franchise, to al-
most one million Americans in the
capital of this country?"
SEN. VANCE Hartke (D-Ind.)
had a member of the Netherlands
Parliament with him at a Senate
hearing on District problems.
"If I had been told before this
morning," the Dutchman said,
"that there was an citizen of this
great country who could not vote,
I would not have believed it. But I
do believe it now, and I am
Sen. J. Glenn Beall (R-Md.)
calls the situation disgraceful, and
Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.) sug-
gests that District residents should
react like Hawaiians and Alaskans.
Bills to permit voting here have
run into trouble in the House,
where Southerners hold important
positions on the District of Colum-
bia Committee.
* * *

manpower, the growing of cane
did not need to be mechanized.
Had mechanization taken place,
Garcia maintained, this would
have "created a social problem"-
But in the .fast 10 years other
domestic sugar areas (Hawaii,
Florida, Louifsiana, the Virgin Is-
lands, and the 22 states which
grow sugar beets) have mechan-
ized the growing of sugar. Prices
are now low in comparison to the
standard of living, he said, and
Puerto Rico must give up "the old
Migration of Puerto Ricans to
the continental cities, reducing the
labor supply "substantially," adds
to the need for mechanization,
according to Garcia.
Organized labor and the com-
monwealth government recognize
the need for mechanization, he
said, but labor is unwilling to have
it introduced.
The mills, Garcia explained, are
now highly mechanized (among
the world's most modern, he'
claimed), and the mill workers
receive the minimum dollar wage.
* * *
not in the mills but in the plant-
ing, cultivating and particularly
the harvesting of cane.
Mills here retain a low percent-
age of the- profits from cane they
grind, he said-their efficiency is
paying for ithe inefficiency of cane
The companies . which operate
the (or "centrals") no longer own
much of the caneland. The admin-
istration of Gov. Luis Munoz
Marin has repeated by invoking a
long-neglected law limiting agri-
cultural landholdings to 500 acres,
breaking up the, huge sugar com-
(Pro-Munoz writer Earl Parker
Hanson has called the cane fields
under the sugar combines vast out-
door "sweat shops," manned by
starving workers.)
As a result, the Land Authority
is the island's biggest landowner
and canegrower. Only two com-
panies, Central Aguirre Sugar
Company and Fajardo Eastern
Sugar Associates, own both mills
and substantial land holdings, and
"quo warranto" proceedings are
currently under way against them.
THE PRICES PAID for the ex-
propriated land have been fair,
Garcia admits. The difficulty, as
he sees it, is that can growing must
be done on a large scale.
In Hawaii, he said the mills
control the land and can regulate
the flow from field to mill. But
Puerto Rico has 17,000 indepen-
dent growers, some owning as little
as half an acre of caneland.
Garcia listed three ways these
holdings can be handled effici-
ently: through cooperatives oper-
ating field machinery, through a
similar government service, or

premiums for workmen's compen
sation (for agriculture as well as
industry) are "extremely thigh."
"Taxes as a whole are too high
for the industry."
Thus Puerto Rican sugar, al-
ready at a disadvantage to state-
side sugar, is further penalized.
"Labor legislation here is some-
what contradictory," he continued,
"and lends itself to a number of
suits in which the employer is at a
He gave four examples:
a) All work over eight hours a
day must receive double pay.
b) The statute' of limitations is
10 years as opposed to two under
federal law.
c) If an employer is found guilty
on a claim for unpaid wages, the
judge must penalize him an:
amount equal to the withheld
wages, But a worker who loses
such a case is liable for nothing.
d) Puerto Rico is not covered
by the Taft-Hartley Act, but a
law based on the "old Wagner
Act," which gives "an undue ad-
vantage" to workers and union.
"We have a rather socialistic
government here," Garcia said,
with "a tendency to go always on
the side of labor.",
The chairman of the labor com-
mittees in both houses of the in-
sular legislatureare-themselves
labor leaders, he said.
* * *
HIS VIEWS that Munoz's pro-
gram is "socialistic" is not directly
related to his membership in the
Statehood Party, Garcia said.
"Many members of (Munoz's)
Popular Party share these views,"
he said. "But most do' not make,.
such statements in public.
"Some do," he added with a

.. of the Sugar Association
He characterized his previous
sttaements as essentially economic
rather than political. They are
shared by the other members of
the Sugar Association, he said, "of
whom some belong to the Popular
Party, some belong to the State-
hool Party, butnone belong to the
Independence Party."
AND WHAT about statehood for
Puerto Rico?
"The best protection Puerto Rico
can get-is the assurance her status,
will be permanent," Garcia said.
"The civil war decided that once
you're in, you're in for good.
"As a citizen and taxpayer I
would not mind' if it cost more to
be a state, for the guarantees,
privileges and honor of being a
state cannot be measured in dol-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official pubication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no edi-
torial responsibility. Notices should
be sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m. the day preceding
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General Notices
Astronomy Dept. Visltors'.lNight. Fri,
July 24, 8:30 p.m., Rmn. 2003 Angell
Hall. Dr. Edith A. Muller "Solar
Eclipses,"' After ths lecture the Stu-
dnet Observatory on the fifth floor of
Angeli *ali open for inspection and for
telescopic observations of Jupiter, Sat-
urn and Double Star.
Collitz Lecture, Linguistics' Inst. Fri.,
July 24, 8:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hail.
"'Somne General: Features of Syntax."
Andre Martinet, Univ. of Paris. Col.
litz Prof. of Comparative Indo-uro.
pean Linguistics.
Forum Lecture, Linguistics Institute.
Thurs., July ' 23, 7:30 p.m., Rackhan
Amphitheater. "Four Basic Postulates,
Bernard Bloch; Prof. of Ling., Yale
Music Education Lecture: Mr. John
Kendel, vice-President of the Ameri-
can Music Conference in Chicago, il-
lustrated lecture on various phases of
Music Education. Multipurpose rm.
Undergrad. Library, Thurs., July 23,
at 4.15 p.m.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Mary Elis-
abeth Seaman Schultz, Botany; thesiE
"Incompatibility Relationships and
Megaspore Competition in Certain
CompleX-Heterozygotes of Oenothera,"
Thurs., July 23, 1139. Nat. Sci. Bldg., at
8:00 a.m. Chairman, E. E. Steiner.
Doctoral Examination for William
Virgil Caidwell, Mathematics; thesisz
"Vector Spaces of Light Interior Orien-
tation-Preserving C'. Functions," Fri.,
July 24, 3010 Angell Hall; 2:00 p.m.
Co-Cchaimen, C. J. Titus and G."S.
Doctoral Examination for John 'Al-
fred Fagerstrom, Geology; thesis: "The
Age, Stratigraphic R e 1 a t i o n s, and
Fauna of the Middle Devonian Formosa
Reef Limestone of Southwestern On-
tario," Fri., July 24, 4065 Natural Sci-
ence Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chairman, E. 0.
Doctoral Examination for George
Austin Colligan, Metallurgical. Engi
neering; thesis: '"ron Silica Sand In-
terface, Reactions," Fri., July 24, 4219
E. Engrg. Bldg., 2:00 p.m. Chairman,
L. H. vanViack'
(Continued on'Page 3)





Keep, Talking

Associated Press News Analyst
chances for a summit conference have be-
come dimmer in the last 10 days, that makes
it true for the time being.
A part of the President's feeling is reportedly
based on doubt that Nikita Khrushchev really
wants such a conference now.\
He is reverting to the idea that the Berlin
situation was stirred up primarily for the pur-
pose of emphasizing differences of opinion with-
in the Allied 'camp. Certainly this has been
one of the results.
He also takes cognizance of the fact that,
aside from pure Communist expansionism, the
Kremlin is reacting to a very real fear of a
rearmed Germany.
THIS IS A POINT toward which Allied diplo-
mats have directed less attention than
some of the others in the background of the
Berlin crisis. They have offered to make security
arrangements to surround a reunified Germany.
But a reunified Germany on any terms which
the Allies will accept would represent an end
of the Communist regime in East Germany.

This is something never faced in the long-
delayed settlement of the division of Austria,
and something which the Soviet cannot afford.
In this respect the international Communists
are in much the same position regarding East
Germany as the Allies regarding West Berlin.
There seems little question that the Geneva
Conference, and its failure to produce any
negotiable approach by either side, has height-
ened rather than lessened tension.
BUT THE BRITISH take the view that noth-
ing else could hvae been expected, and
therefore nothing has been proved. The Soviets
didn't want a Foreign Ministers conference,
and they did want a summit conference,
whether or not they still do. The British at-
titude is that nothing will be proved either
way until it is proved at the summit.
Because there is no way of knowing how far
the Kremlin intended to go unilaterally, it
cannot even be said positively that Geneva has
delayed a more formidable crisis over West
Berlin, although th'at was the Allied motive. If
the Russians did intend to sign a peace treaty
with East Germany in May, and if they did
intend to have the East Germans start a block-
osA in an nff. +n iAoe Alli dnmation

CENTRAL AGUIRRE-Above Is the Central Aguirre Sugar Company, one of only two companies hr
Puerto Rico which owns both mills and large holdings of land. "Quo Warranto" proceedings have
been instituted against them by the government. The milt shown above is located on the southern edge
of the island.

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