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YSixty-Eight Years of Editorial Freedom
LXIX, No. 19s,
_, .
Castro Resigns Job
Of Prime MMinister
Accuses Urrutia of Near-Treason;
Wuill Ask for President's Removal
HAVANA (P)-1Fidel Castro quit as Prime Minister of Cuba last
night in a move to'oust President Manuel Urrutia, the former judge
he made chief of state.F
He accused 'Urrutia of near treason and said he will ask for his
removal from office.
Castro sharply attacked Urrutia for the President's criticism of
Communists and Communism in Cuba. Castro again denied that Ye
was a Communist.
Expect Quick Resignation
Urrutia's quick resignation was expected, perhaps in a move to
make way for Castro to take over as President. Heavily reinforced
" guards 'were- stationed around the
Presidential Palace while Castro
spoke on television. Urrutia was
reported to have followed the
speech from a TV set in his suite
{ in the palace.
...... <tUrrutia had no immediate com-.
ment. Reporters were allowed to
enter the palace, but then were
.... .. .prohibited from leaving.
Eisenhower -Examines 1sSituation
} "
' } ? f'.
discusses Zhivago
Prof. Struve
'Dr. Zhivago'
"Doctor Zhivago" is a modern
poet's novel, a novel of symbolic
realism, written in Boris Paster-
nak's "own inimitable poetic
idiom," and should be approached
in those terms, Prof. Gle b Struve
of the University of, California said
Y yesterday.
Critics who would approach
"Zhivagow otherwise are missing
the point, he added, in a supple-
mentary Summer Series lecture,
entitled "Sense and Nonsense
About Doctor Zhivago." -
He reproached critics who see
the "Doctor Zhivago" simply as aJ
work sensationalized by the cir-
cumstances attending its publica-
tion, or those who view it .in terms ,
of the nineteenth century Russian
"Zhivago' Poet's Novel
"To call it old fashipned is plain
unadulterated, nonsense," he said.
It is a poet's novel and "no more
in the Dostoyevskian, than it is in
Tolstoyan or. Stendhalian, , tradi-
Prof. Struve acknowledged that
Pasternak was concerned with the
"spiritual realities of the Revolu-
tion" rather than chronological
history, and shows the reader "the
seeds of Stalin's harvest of terror
and duplicity, of the gigantic lie
of totalitarianism in Lenin's Rus-
But what matters in the book, he
continued, is not so much the
negative judgment of the Revolu-
tion, but the assertion of "certain
positive' values, Christian, hu-
manistie values, rooted in the
deeply religious conception of life."
Coincidences Contrived
Zhivago is not a weakling, or a
"superflous man," as some critics
have charged, Prof. Struve said.
Such an interpretation "com-
pletely overlooks the main theme
of Zhivago, the theme of self-ab-
negation, self-sacrifice, self-im-
Prof. Struve suggested that "in-
credible coincidences and happen-
ings"' do not weaken the plot
structure,;but are "deliberate,- con-
sciously willed, skillfully con-
The coincidences belong to one
of the main themes of the novel,
he said, "the theme of the provi-
dential," aninterest in' mysticism
which Pasternak has indicated in
other writings.
Criticizes Critics
Prof. Struve criticized those who
dislike Pasternak's "over - meta-
phorical writing."
"This is one of the salient char-
Castro Accuses 'Again
Castro's accusations a'gainst Ur-
rutia, 56, marked the second time
in recent weeks that the bearded,
rebel leader, had accused close as-
sociations of 'treason' or near trea-
The other was the case of former
Cuban Air Force chief, Maj. Pedro;
Luis Diaz Lanz, who accused Cas-
tro of being a. Corpmunist.
"In-the midst, of the Diaz Lanz
blackmail game," Castro declared,
"the President suspiciously pic-
tures himself as the' champion of
Blames Senate Committee
He ,said Urrutia had begun "an
elaborate plan of defamation
against the government similar to
the one of Pedro Diaz Lanz."
Castro also accused a United
StatesSenate committee of espio-
nage in connection with the Diaz
Lanz case. He said the committee,'
which heard Daz'Lanz.testify in
Washington, "descended to. the
low of calling a traitor to testify."
"Our enemies abroad, those
sinister personages in the Senate
or who knows where, these reac-
tionary interests were poised for
the blow," Castro said,
Waving his arms emotionally,
Castro ticked off a list of griev-
ances with Urrutia.
They included charges that the.
President had refused to take a
pay cut from his $10,000 a month
salary, failure to sign- the nation's
laws on time and failure to defend
the nation against the charges by
Dian Lanz.
Deat akes
BlIes Singer
NEW YORK (A) - Billie Holi-
day, child of sordidness and
slums, who rose through the
smoky nightclubs of Harlem to
fame as a magnificent singer of
the blues, died yesterday on a low,
sad note,
Liquor and dope and high liv-
ing ruined her body and stole the
vibrance from her tremendous
'voice. She died in Metropolitan
Hospital, a city institution. In her
bank account she had 70 cents.
Miss Holiday, known to the en-
tertainment world as Lady Day,
because she always stood a cut
above her environment, was only
Medically her death in the
small, quiet hours before dawn
Was attributed to congestion of
the lungs complicated by heart
failure. Her liver and kidneys also
were ravaged.
... editor dies
In BayCity
Glenn MacDonald, editor of the
Bay City Times since 1934 and
member of the Board in Control
of Student Publications, died yes-;
terday at Bay City General Hos-5
Death was attributed to com-
plications following major sur-
gery performed last week. Mac-1
Donald was 57.+
In a statement released yester-
day, University President Harlan
Hatcher called MacDonald a
"loyal, supporter," of the Univer-+
MacDonald 'Valuable Friend'
"Not only was he a distin-
guished alumnus, but he was a
valuable friend and counselor in
many University activities, among
them the University Press Club of
Michigan, the Alumni Associa-
tion, the Student Publications
Board and the athletic depart-
President Hatcher added, "Mr.
MacDonald's many friends at the
University will be saddened to
hear of this news.
, "He will be greatly missed here,
as I am certain he will be in his
own community."
Served With Distinction
Prof. John Reed of the law
school, former chairman of the'
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, said MacDonald "served
the University with distinction as
a member of the Board.
"To his work on the Board he
brought his professional insights
and a devotion to the task of in-
suring that our student publica-
tions were of a quality represen-
tative of the' quality of the great
University which he loved without
stint with his mind and his
MacDonald was serving his sec-
ond two-year term on the Board.
Awarded Honorary Degree
Born in Bay City, Nov. 22, 1901,
he started with the Bay City
Times as a reporter in March,
1920;. He was named sports edi-
tor in 1925 and held that post
until his appointment as editor.
He had been awarded an hon-
orary degree of doctor of letters
by Central Michigan University
last January.
In 1948 he was chairman of the
Michigan Associated Press Man-
aging Editor's Association.
Surviving are his widow, the
former Miss Florence Westover;
two daughters, Katie Lou, at
home, and Mrs. Dale Asel, of Es-
sexville; a son Bruce, a junior at
the University, his father, John A,
and a brother, Pierce, both of Bay
West's Bid
GENEVA (-) - Soviet Foreign
Minister Andrei Gromyko reject-
ed yesterday a vigorous Western
bid to get him to cut his asking
price for a stopgap Berlin settle-
The Western powers were re-
ported steeped in pessimism.
For the first time since the For-
eign Ministers Conference re-
sumed Monday the Big Four met
privately at luncheon in what
some called "tea party" diplo-
Report No Progress
The ministers talked for nearly
three hours and the West report-
ed: "No progress."
The West was seeking to get
Gromyko to talk about a Berlin
settlement without insisting on a
companion agreement that dele-
gates of the two Germanys sit
down at the same table and nego-
tiate with each other.'
Informants reported Gromyko
said again and again the Soviet
Union would not separate Berlin
from such a pan-German move.
Conference At Impasse
So, after seven weeks of talks
the conference is at an impasse.
Western officials saidritwas too
early to talk of a breakoff but
added that if Gromyko continues,
to stick to this same line, the con-
ference may end in failure.
This was in sharp contrast to
the air of optimism which pre-
vailed Monday at the start of the
resumed sessions.
-The Western powers at the
time seemed convinced the Rus-
sians would agree to a Berlin
truce without strings.
Talks Big Question
The question of talks between
the two Germanys is the big
The Russians are demanding
that representatives of their East
Germany ally join West German
delegates on some kind of nego-
tiating body.
If this prices isn't met, Gromy-
ko hints, the chances for a Ber-
lin settlement are thin.
Some Western officials were re-
ported to believe the Russians
aren't really interested in a Berlin
settlement but rather in getting
talks started between the two Ger-
At this stage at least the West
seems united in opposition to
boosting East Germany.
A ssis tan ce
Limit Set
WASHINGTON ()-A -bill put-
ting a $3,556,200,000 ceiling on for-
eign aid this year -$353,200,000
less than President Dwight D. Ei-
senhower, asked -- won approval
yesterday ' jrom a Senate-House
conference committee.
The conferees, fitting together
the versions passed by the Senate
and House, also called on the
President to come up with specific
plans next year on how to start
cutting off foreign grants.
The biggest cut in the adjusted
version was 200 million dollars
from President Eisenhower's re-
quest for $1.6 billion in military
This was achieved by those who
argue that the administration is
relying too much on arms aid,
rather.than economic.
The legislation is to be called up
in the House Wednesday, and in
the Senate soon thereafter.
It provides only an authorization
for foreign aid in the fiscal year
Which began July 1; the actual ap-
propriation must be voted later
and it could be under the au-
thorized ceiling.
In addition to holding the mili-
tary aid total to $1.4 billion, the
compromise bill eliminates a Sen-
ate earmarking of $893,670,000 for
countries in the. North Atlantic
Treaty Organization.
NO SMOKE, 'NO FIRE-The steel plant above is one of many in the country today which has been
shut down for the duration of the steel strike. One of the key men in the dispute now is the federal
mediator, Joseph Finnegan, pictured below.
Third Day
Adds Losses
To In dusty
Officials Prepare
For Relief Requests;
Workers Laid Off
PITTSBURGH (P) - The ef-
fects of the three-day-old steel
strike cut deeper into the nation's
economy yesterday with more
layoffs, walkouts and soaring pro-
duction losses.
. In. 'Washington, P r e s i d e n t
Dwight D. Eisenhower conferred
on the steel situation with Secre-
tary of Labor James P. Mitchell
The White House declined to
provide any details.
Elsewhere public officials, got'
ready for an avalanche of relief'
requests; defense plans were.
snarled in at least one installa-
tion; and 200 million dollars
worth of construction work in
steel plants was halted.
30,000 Others Idled
The strike of a half million
steelworkers already has brought
idleness to 30,000 workers in rail-
roads, coal mines, Great Lakes
ore carriers, trucking and oter
Each: day the strike continues
the production loss amounts to
300,000 ingot tons. of steel with.
wage losses running 70 million
dollars a week..
So far there's no sign of settle-
ment. Federal mediation tals in
the dispute will be resumed Mon-
day in.New York.
Neither industry nor the union
has shown any signs of retreat.
ing from their last bargaining po-
Defense Plans Snarled
An estimated 5,000 building
tradesmen in the Chicago-Gary-
East Chicago, Ind., area refused.
to cross steelworker picket lins
yesterday, halting work on some
200 million dollars' of construe-
tion work in steel 'plants.
The strike also spread to the
cote of the nation's defense with.
plans snarled for the completion'
of three Atlas missile launching
sites near Cheyenne, Wyo
Construction officials said the
first site is expected to be finished
on schedule Sept. 20, but high
pressure tanks for other sites are'
not expected to be delivered'
time fore the scheduled ovember'
In Pittsburgh, 'the Allegheny
County Board of Assistance girded
for a deluge of relief, applicationsa
from striking steelworkers by add-
ing 80 emergency workers to its
George P. Mills, executive direc-
tor of the, board, said' his staff
plans to handle an expected '7,50
relief applications early next week.
"It-is always the worker with the
large family and the lower paid.
job who applies," he said.
Gov. David L. Lawrence of'
Pennsylvania said he would ask
the legislature Monday for an
additional stop-gap appropriations'
for relief.
MSU Board of Trustees,
Approves New Budget-
EAST LANSING (P)-The Board of Trustees of Michigan State
University approved a $28,444,854 operating budget for university
operations in 1959-60 yesterday with salaries the major item.
Salaries took up $19,179,126 of the total-a $1,595,087 increase
over last year. The budget is $1,674,068 higher than last year.
The budget included a seven per cent increase in faculty and
labor payroll. MSU President John A. Hannah said this did not mean
Sthere would be an increase across-
Soviets Yield to Nixon;
Will Lift News Cenorhi
WASHINGTON (A)-The Soviet government has yielded to Vice-
President Richard M. Nixon's insistence that it lift censorship for
newsmen accompanying him' on his good will visit to Russia this
Nixon's office disclosed this yesterday after weeks of backstage
negotiations with Moscow on the issue. Some 80 American reporters'
are assigned to cover Nixon's ac- "
tivities when he arrives in Moscow-
next Thursday for an unprece-
dented two-week tour. IBelieve'
About 50 will accompany him
from Washington, leaving Wed- SZCZECIN, Poland (P)-Ni-
nesday in a brand new jet airliner kita S. Khrushchev said yes-
which is to make the first Ameri- terday he was a star Sunday
can nonstop flight to Moscow,. school pupil when he was a boy.
Nixon said the Soviet govern- "I attended church school
ment has agreed that newsmen and I won a prize from the
may file dispatches "freely and priest for knowing the gospels
without delay" from Moscow and by heart," Khrushchev said.
a half-dozen other Russian cities "The best school though is
he will visit, people. Thanks to the party'
"This is interpreted as indicating the Communist Party and the
that American newsmen will be and the people, I am who I--
allowed to cover the tripewithout am."
From the Tables Down at...
Faculty pay raises will be dis-f
tributed on merit and will rauge!
from a -base of about $200, he said.'
The budget was $196,195 in the
red, but Hannah said he did not
intend it to remain that way.
"We've never .ended the year in.
the red in the 18 years I've been
president," he said. "We'll make it
up through the year,, mostly by
not filling vacated positions."
Because of the- austerity budget,
Hannah said, no staff increases
are contemplated.
The legislature appropriated the,
university a single lump sum of
$27,869,768 for all programs. Other
income made, up the estimated
total available for spending.
The total budget for the entire
operation controlled by the board
of trustoes which. inchludesthea g-.
SWorld N eWs Roundup
By The Associated Press
LANSING - State Controller James W. Miller will become Sec-
retary of Michigan State University and the MSU Board of Trustees
next year.
The planned appointment was announced yesterday by the board
of trustees.
* * *
LONDON - The Soviet Union last night announced the award
of its highest honor to Foreign Minister Andrei Gromiyko, currently
debating the Berlin crisis with his Western opposite numbers in
Moscow Radio said the Supreme Soviet (Parliament) gave Gro-
SEC Budget
Cut byHoeuse
House budget-cutters for a deep
slash- in new 1960 appropriations
sagged yesterday despite a recom-
mended cut of $58,186,000 in funds
for the Atomic Energy Commis-
The AEC reduction approved by
the House Appropriations Commit-
tee would give the agency $2,629,-
114,000 for its current year opera-
The House is due to act on the
bill next week.
But the committee made public"
a tabulation indicating that House
cuts of approximately $1.2 billion
from Presidential money requests
may be restoredby the Senate.
Including the cut in. AEC funds
which the House is expected to ap-
prove,.. House reductions for the
:..+: 'Y..""