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July 23, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-23

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom


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-Daily-Al Erbe
PANEL MEMBERS-Discussing the Middle East crisis last night were (left to right) George Abisaab,
UAR; Beverly Pooley, Great Britain; Omesh Khanna, India; Puthical Krishnamurthy, moderator;
Fadhil Rassool, Iraq, and Prof. Henry L. Bretton, representing the United States. The panel was
heard by an overflow crowd.
PanelExpresses Disapproval
OfUS Actions in Mid-East

An overflow crowd at the Mich-
igan Union last night both heard
and expressed disapproval of
United States action in the Middle
The majority of the panelists
and audience alike said 'the
UniteduStates should not have
sent troops into Lebanon. Many
said the Arabs should be free to
work out their 'own problems
without interference of any sort.
They held that Arab national-
ism is not necessarily pro-Cor-
munist. .
U. S. Criticized
They criticized what they said
was the United States policy of
thinking any ddle-eastern re-
gime was necessarily pro-Commu-.
nist if it was not pro-American.
A student from the United Arab
Republic said the Arab nations
want to disally themselves from
the super-powers because they
"want to have freedom of action."
The same student, George Abi-
WASHINGTON (R)-- The gov-
ernment decided yesterday to
broaden its jurisdiction over thou-
sands of previously exempt labor
complaint and election cases, ef-
fective Sept. 1.
The National Labor Relations
Board announced that it was sub-
stantially reducing the business
volume standards which it has
used in deciding whether to ac-
cept jurisdiction over such cases.
It was estimated unofficially
the new jurisdictional rules will
expand NLRB's caseload by ap-
proximately 20 per cent. The case-
load now is running at record pro-
portions, with complaints coming
in at a clip of about 1,000 a
The NLRB has jurisdiction over
labor complaint and bargaining
rights cases of employes and firms
affecting interstate commerce.
This covers practically all firms,
except that the NLRB, as author-
ized by law, voluntarily narrowed
its jurisdictional standards in
1954 to cut the caseload.
In announcing the new rules,
which will approximately restore
NLRB jurisdictional scope to
where it stood in 1954, the board
said Congresshas just included
11/2 million dollars in a total $13,-
100,000 appropriation to enable it
to take on more cases.
Coigress May
Adjourni Aug. 9
WASHINGTON (F) -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower has declinedI
to put a "must" label on any pend-
ing legislation.
- Republican leaders say Congress
can adjourn by Aug. 9.1
Sen. Everett Dirksen (R-Ill re-a
ported after a White House con-a
ference of GOP leaders with Presi-
dent Eisenhower yesterday that!


saab, Grad., said the Arab nations
cannot concentrate on internal
problems because of the external
problems created by the interest
of great powers in the area.
Bretton Questioned
Many of the questions were di-
rected to Prof. Henry L. Bretton
of the political science depart-
ment, as the only citizen of the
United States on the panel. Prof.
Bretton pointed out, as did all the
panelists, that he was not official-
ly representing his country.
In sending troops into Lebanon,
the United States was trying to
stabilize the Mid-Eastern situa-
tion and not trying to aid Cha-
moun' in his political troubles,
Prof. Bretton said.
Distrusts Russia
The United States also inter-
vened because it distrusts Rus-
sian intentions in the Middle East,
and wants to insure proper trans-
ition from the old order to new,
Prof. Bretton said.
He emphasized that the long
range objectives of the Arabs and
the United States were in agree-
ment, including the economic and
political development of the Arab
;tates an dthe extension to the
Arab people of all the fundamen-
tal liberties United States citizens
In an emotional, but often hu-
morous atmosphere, the crowd
1) An Iraq panelist, Fadhil Ras-
sool, Grad., say that neither Nas-
ser or the Soviet Union had a
part in the Iraq revolution. He
said that Iraq was under "a con-
stant reign of terror," with "fab-
ricated elections," and suppres-
sion of political parties.
Experts Say
U.S. Economy
Moves Upward
WASHINGTON () -President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's economic
advisers reported yesterday the na-
tion's economy has definitely
swung upward from its recession
They estimated that total output
of goods and services in the April-
June quarter increased to 428 bil-
lion dollars at an annual rate.
This was up from the January-
March low of 425% billion dollars
and compared with last summer's
peak of 445 / billion dollars.
The boost in this broadest of
economic indicators, called gross
national product or GNP, was
caused by bigger purchases by
individuals and by the federal gov-
It was registered despite the fact'
that businesses continued to eat!
deeply into their inventories.
In a separate report, the Com-
merce Department reviewed eco-
nomic developments in June and
reported additional evidence of
firmer business conditions.
The department's survey of cur-
rent business said the decline in
purchases of such consumtr du-
rables as autos and appliances ap-
peared to have been substantially

2) A Lebanese student, Usamal
al Khalidi, Grad. say that the
opposition to Chamoun is from
people who "in no case" want to
Join the UAR. He also said that
the bulk of the fighting in Leba-
non was between pro- and anti-
government rebels.
3) Omesh Khanna, Grad., an
Indian member of the panel, say,
that Arab leaders think of Cha-
moun as "quite treacherous."
4) An English panel member,
Beverley Pooley, Grad., say that
Americans have been "very subtly
persuaded" into an imperialistic
view in the Middle East by Brit-
ish diplomats.
5) A re-affirmation of the be-
lief in Arab; nationalism from
Archie Singham, Grad., from Cey-
lon, coupled with a warning of the
potential danger of Arab who pay
only "lip service" to nationalist
"The Mousetrap," a mystery
thriller by Agatha Christie, will
be presented by the Kalamazoo
Civic Players at 8 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play, sponsored by the
speech department and the Sum-
mer Session, will have admission
by reserved seat tickets only, ac-
cording to Tom Skinner, assistant
business manager of the speech
department's play productions.
Tickets may be obtained free of
charge today at the theatre box
office, although none will be re-
served by phone, according to
Skinner. The box office will remain
open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today.
A symposium, "The Community
Theatre' in the Community," will
be held- in conjunction with the
play. Burt French, director of the
Kalamazoo Civic Theatre, will be
the speaker. Edward C. Cummings,
president of the Community
Iheatre Association of Michigan,
will be the chairman of the sym-
posium, which will be held at 3
p,m. toddy in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Bldg.

Over Su
Iraqi Crisis ASKS MOREl
Nearly Over, Brabld
R blTo be successful to
inject feeling into
verbal communicatio
Regent Carl Brablec
Predicts Early U.S. day-
Brablec spoke at
Troop DepartuIre department's Speech
"People in 1958 ar
BEIRUT, Lebanon () - A reb- to put up with old-t
el leader predicted yesterday that the former speech i
United States Marines and para- clared.
troopers will be going back to Brablec's advice to
their ships and bases soon because public addresses is to
the Middle East crisis over Iraq own field and don't
has about passed, sentences short, pith
Hussein Oweini, a former pre- point," he added.
mier and leader of the national In today's world,I
front, made the prediction as tinued, a speaker sp
Robert Murphy, President Dwight audiences.
D. Eisenhower's special represen-
tative, sounded varied political
elements in search of a comprom-
ise in Lebanon's tangled presi-entia
dential succession. This is the
cause of the 74-day-old rebellion.
One of the men Murphy talked to
is Oweini.
But the American troops were WASHINGTON 1P.
still in the midst of a lot of shoot- lasigt ON(dP)
ing, last night passed a 1
Marine Killed the reciprocal trade p
A Marine was killed - but the years,kafter reshapin
bullet came from one of his own Eisenhower
sentries. This was the second he vote was 72-1
American killed in Lebanon. A The extension-vot
Navy fighter pilot was killed Sun- long as Presidente
day in the crash of his plane. asked-he wanted Xiv
Oweini said he never believed there are other provis
the 9,400 Marines and paratroop- o by the administra
ers were sent because of the Leba- But the President
nese crisis "but because of the ing victory i a 63-27
trouble in Iraq and the possibili- out an amendment
ty of intervening there." have curbed his powe
"The situation in Iraq now is and trade.
stabilizing," he said, "and the Alterations P
West realizes it will not be neces- Senate supporters
sary to send its troops to Baghdad en teslti
Nowv all we need is a saifcoydent on the legislat
Now ll e ned s asatisfactory remaining provision
formula for taking them out of cla ltroi
Lebanon." could be altered co
Oweini indicated any solution conference with the
of Lebanon's presidential question bill that uet aun
that was not satisfactory to the itations pc.
opposition would be no solution at adm istrations s
all. He said the rebels would have The lopsidedness (
to form a government of their rejecting the amendri
own if they were "driven into a ers may have been ca
cornerh." ben
corner Won't sign by the Middle East c
Chamoun says he won't seek re- Democrats Su
election but he won't resign. Such Democrats a
Parliament was supposed to Johnson of Texas,t
meet tomorrow to elect a new majority leader, an
president, but Speaker Adel As- Byrd of Virginia, its
seiran announced a postponement mittee chairman, joi
until next week. Parliament can ing this victory toth
put off an election for two administration.
months. However, there we
A prominent nonpolitical per- publicans against th
sonality, Gen. Fuad Shehab, the than there were Rep
army chief, the most likely com- Democrats combined
promise candidate, muddied the of it.
situation by again attempting to
withdraw his name from consider- ON ADAMS C
ation for president.
Most of the Lebanese not en-o
gaged in politics appear sick of tworniv
the entire thing and would wel-
come any solution that would give
them peace. Uv s
There were more loud explo-
sions and spatters of .gunfire in
the heart of Beirut early yester- WASHINGTON0
day. This usually means that the
rebels are setting off bombs in gators of Sherman A
their terror campaign and that terday and appeared
security forces are shooting at Rep. Thomas B.

them. I into disrepute by the

ec Advises Speech Assembly

day, we must
all form of
n, University
said yester-
the speech
e too restless
ime oratory,"
instructor de-
people giving
"stay in your
stray. Keep
y and to the
Brablec con-
eaks to many
-The Senate
bill extending
rogram three
g it more to
ant Dwight D.
ed is not as
ve years-and
sions objected
won a smash-
vote to knock
that would
er over tariffs
of the Presi-
ion said the
s he dislikes
,siderably in
t 11 passed a
ically all the
of the vote
ment to curb
making pow-
aused in part
s Lyndon B.
the Senate's
d Harry F.
finance com-
ned in hand-
e Eisenhower
re more Re-
e amendment
ublicans and
I in support

The speaker in such a situation
is talking to the people from the
business concern, the others com-
peting for bids and the speaker's
co-workers and superiors, he said.
Values Differ
Public talk has many roles and
thus has different values for its
various audiences, Brablec ob-
served. Those who listen to the
speech directly receive different
overtones than those who hear a
tape-recorded broadcast.
Business and professional people
sometimes have trouble speaking,
anld it is the responsibility of pro-
fessional speech teachers to help
them, Brablec stated.
There is great mental anguish
connected with giving a speech,
Brablec declared, and those who
agonize too much shouldn't be
forced to make public talks. We
may never know the kind of dam-
age that results from a situation
in which a person is compelled to
speak against his will, he contin-
Would Give Credit
For these reason, Brablec de-
clared, he personally would be
inclined to give speech credit to
a high school student who had
never delivered a speech.
Speech courses tend to attract
peope with high ability who are
ambitious and have constructive
aggressiveness, he maintained.
What these people can obtain
from a speech class is "how and
when to transmit these capabili-
Brablec was introduced by James
A. Lewis, U-M vice-president for
student affairs.
Prof. Fischer
To Give Talk
Prof. George Fischer of Bran-
deis University and Harvard's
Russian Research Center will de-
liver a lecture on "Industrializa-
tion and Soviet Politics" at 4:15
p.m. today in Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Prof. Fischer, graduate of the
University of Wisconsin and Har-
vard University, and son of a for-
eign correspondent formerly in
Moscow, will analyze develop-
ments in the Soviet Union in the
light of historic influences rising
out of industrialization.
A former resident and student
in the Soviet Union, Prof. Fischer
will draw on his background in
his interpretation of Soviet life.

... addresses assembly
'To Maintain
Forces' Size
appropriations subcommittee voted
yesterday in the light of the Mid-
east upheaval, to turn down an
administration request to cut the
size of the Army, Marines, Na-
tional Guard and reserves.
At the same time, the House
Appropriations Committee accused
the armed forces of waste and poor
planning. It slashed by nearly one-
third the money asked for con-
struction at military bases in the
United States and abroad.
In shrinking the funds by 511%
million dollars from the one and
three-quarter billion dollars asked,
the committee said too many re-
quests were based on "Merely a
dream in some planner's mind."
Cut 'Nonessential'
Out went such items as officers'
swimming pools and elaborate
housing accommodations. Others
were sharply cut. The committee
called them undesirable or not
The Senate subcdmmittee voted
to keep in the Defense Depart-
ment's appropriations bill enough
money to retain the military forces
at no lower than current levels--
as voted by the House.
The Army would have enough
funds for the current year, which
started July 1, to stay at 900,000
men, the National Guard at 400,-
000, the reserves at 300,000 and the
Marines at 200,000.
Cuts Recommended
Before the Middle East crisis
flared last week, Secretary of De-
fense Neil M. McElroy had recom-
mended that the Army be cut to
870,000, the Marine Corps to 175,-
000, the National Guard to 360,000
and the reserves to 270,000.
Sec. McElroy told the senators
earlier that even if Congress pro-
vided the funds for the larger
force the Pentagon would not be
obligated to spend them. That was
before units of all the services were
dispatched to the Middle East.
The over-all defense bill came
from the House carrying 38%
billion dollars-which was 212%
million dollars more than Presi-
dent Eisenhower asked.
Burton Holmes
Dead at 88
HOLLYWOOD (P)-The father
of the travelogue, Burton Holmes,
died yesterday at the age of 88.
Holmes has been in retirement
since 1950 and in failing health for
It was nearly seven decades ago
that his fascination for photog-
raphy led to the presentation of
the first travelogue in Chicago.
For more than a half century,
Holmes combed the world iri every
conveyance imaginable - from
rickshaw to airplane-accumulat-
ing material that never rewarded
him with riches but left him





U.S., Britain
Okay Parley;
French Balk.
Khrushchev Again
Demands Withdrawal
Of Mid-East Forces
WASHINGTON (M - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower and Brit-
ain's Prime Minister Sir Harold
Macmillan offered last night to
discuss the Middle East crisis with
Russia's Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev at a summit meeting of the
United Nations Security Council.
But France's Premier Charles de
Gaulle held back, proposing an-
other time and place. He said the
United Nations headquarters in
New York lacks the calm and
serenity needed for such an emer-
gency meeting.
What Khrushchev would say re-
mained uncertain. He had sug-
gested a session at Geneva or any-
Allies Split
The three Western allies split
publicly in replying to Khrush-
chev's call for an immediate five-
nation conference. The Soviet lead-
er himself again demanded swift
withdrawal of United States-Brit-
ish forces sent to Lebanon and
Jordan to bolster pro - Western
governments there.
These developments came during
a day of fast-moving diplomatic
jockeying in the four capitals:
Washington - President Eisen-
hower flung back at Khrushchev
his accusation that the United
States and Britain have gravely
endangered world peace. In a bit-
terly worded note, he challenged
Khrushchev to complain personally
to the 11-nation United Nations
Security Council.
U.S. Would Join
"If such a meeting were gen-
uinely desired, the United States
would join in following that ord'er
ly procedure," the President said.
President Eisenhower made no
promise to meet face-to-face with
Khrushchev. He noted tersely
Council members could be repre-
sented by chiefs of government
and foreign ministers. But respon-
sible officials thought he would
have to'' show up if Khrushchev
and other heads of government
London-In a far softer reply
that went further than President
Eisenhower's, Macmillan formally
suggested a summit level meeting
of the U.N. Security Council. Mac-
millan even set forth some ground
rules-saying the meeting should
seek to discuss the problems and
not vote on any specific resolution
unless all agreed in advance,
Aims at Agreement
"In other words, the object
would be to reach fruitful agree-
ments rather than to register dif-
ferences by votes," he wrote
Khrushchev. "I hope this spirit
will prevail.
"I would certainly be ready to
attend such a meeting, if you
would go, and I take it from the
terms of your message that you
would. . , . I should certainly be
glad to explain to you face-to-face
how Her Majesty's government
view the problems which beset the
Paris - Premier de Gaulle saidx
he was ready to work out with
other powers a suitable time and
place for a summit conference. But
he objected to convening such a
parley now at the U.N. on the
grounds that it lacks the calm and
serene atmosphere he wants for

such talks.
Allies Given Warning
Moscow-Khrushchev, in a free-
swinging speech at the Polish Em-
bassy, said the United States and
Britain could be crushed in a rising
tide of Arab nationalism unless
they pull their troops out of the
Middle East.
He gave no clue about whether
he would accept a U.N. summit
meeting as a substitute for his
proposal for an immediate meet-

ittee Shelves
tgation Request
om) -- A GOP move to investigate the investi-
dams reached the House Rules Committee yes-
to be headed for a high back shelf.
Curtis (R-Mo.) contends the House was brought
tactics of a subcommittee which inquired into
Adams' relations with Bernard
Goldfine, the gift-giving Boston
textile millionaire.

Swing Your Partner


Asks Special Committee
Curtis proposed that a special
committee be appointed to deter-
mine whether the subcommittee
violated any House rules by per-
mitting what he called public de-
famation of individuals on unsub-
stantiated hearsay testimony.
Rep. Howard W. Smith (D-Va),
chairman of the Democratic-con-
trolled Rules group, commented
that Curtis was proposing very
strange procedure.
"You're proposing here the crea-
tion of an investigating committee
to investigate an investigating
committee," Smith went on. "And
if yuu ever start on that, the Lord
only knows where you'll end."
The Curtis resolution is dead
unless it is cleared by the Rules
Committee. Every indication was
that it would be shelved.

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