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July 22, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-22

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i1 Hic1igan kitg
Sixty-Eighth Year

A House Built Upon The Sand

Inions Are Free
Will Prevail"

torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This mus t be noted in all reprints.

Y, JULY 22, 1958


Ike and Dulles Travel
To Another 'Brink'

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'The Key' Offers
Good Story, Fine Actino
"THE KEY," now playing at the State Theatre, is in many ways a
unique film. Its situations are plausible but not trite, its stars are
actors who can actually act, and it provides adventure that isn't r+ ian-
ticized to the incredible.
As the title suggests, the plot revolves around a key--a common,
ordinary key to a common ordinary door to a common, ordinary flat.
The important thing about the key is that it provides access not only
to the fiat, but to a woman-a very lovely woman with a tender heart
and a sympathetic understanding of nerve-wracked sailors.
The sailors involved are all tugboat commanders, members of the

E OLD Eisenhower-Dulles ineptness at
oping with the Russians, Arab nationalism,
just about everything and everybody ,else
he world diplomatic scene has contribut-
'hat may be the telling blow to this coun-
prestige abroad.
a result of the hasty and ill-advised in-
3n of Lebanon by United States forces,
country's almost sacrosanct -- and cer-
y "holier than thou" - position in the
ed Nations is on the "brink of disaster.
tries such as Japan, which normally would
r consider decrying a United States ma-
er, have done so. That this decrial is
ly and respectfully worded does not les-
.ts significance.
fact, the Japanese resolution may be the
chance for this country's diplomatic sal-
n in the Middle East. It provides for the
gthening of UN observer groups in Leba-
and would permit the United States to
dfully disengage its troops. The Japanese
ution nevertheless is an effective - if light
,p at United States policy. It offers very
sympathy with this country's underly-
contention that there is an urgent need
,rmed intervention - by the United States
ae UN - in Lebanon.
T SO STRANGELY, the Japanese plan
ices an almost certain Russian veto in the
rity Council. The Russians would undoub'-
like to keep the United States "on the
" in the Middle East as long as possible.
; the USSR can cement its relations with
er and step up its self-portrait as peace-
g friend of the small countries and pro-
r of summit conferences.
contrast to the United States, the Rus-

sians, at the present time, look very "good" in-
deed. Only a fool could believe that it takes
8,000 marines and paratroops plus the whole
sixth fleet to protect 2,500 American nationals
in Lebanon as President Eisenhower an-
Considering the almost comical nature of the
Lebanese rebellion (in a recent article, The Na-
tion described the casual attitude of Lebanese
rebels and the government forces supposedly
out to "crush the rebellion" and noted that
telephone conversations between rebel and
government leaders are common) and UN Sec-
retary-General Dag Hammarskj old's report on
the lack of external aid to the rebels, the
United States motives appear highly question-
able. The Russians can only benefit from
pointing out the real reasons for this coun-
try's intervention: to keep "friendly" govern-
ments .in power and protect United States oil
UNTIL and unless the UN General Assembly
passes a modified version of the Japanese
resolution and United States troops are with-
drawn from Lebanon, this country will remain
in its deepest diplomatic abyss of the last five
years. Unable to extricate ourselves without
fearful loss of diplomatic face, we will have
to face the misgivings of neutrals such as Swe-
den and India, the loss of Arab and other new
nationalist forces as allies, and the threaten-
ing possibility of a new Korea.,
Our only rewards will probably be the re-
tention for a few more years of Anglo-Ameri-
can oil holdings and a few pot-shots taken at
navy aircraft by irate Lebanese.
Eisenhower and Dulles have done it again.


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(Herblock Is on Vacation)
SChayoun Stall for Time

Hounded Out of Office

MPARE someone with a hound dog, and
chances are he will respond with a few
ng comments of his own. But compare him i
, hound's tooth nowadays, and more likely o
i not he will lap it up, clean, you know. t
be latest example of compulsive cleanliness c
government comes out- of Lansing, where r
r members of the State Legislature may be p
langer of losing their seats for holding two
lic offices at one time. Under an opinion set d
n by Attorney General Paul L. Adams, Rep. c
,mond C. Wurzel (R-Port Huron) has al- b
iy had his check withheld, and others p
ear to fall into the same category. r
be four men in question are members of e
State House of Representatives most of
time; the "conflicting job" in question is, o
ach case, a local school board office. r
s in most political squabbles, the affair hash
humorous aspects. (Picture the various dire e
ibilities for one man to hold so much
centrated power. Or the many schemes he
d concoct in two such offices to fleece the h;
uspecting people of life, liberty 'and other f
nrted inalienable rights.) There may also be c
e sort of significance to the fact that all P
men are Republicans. t
o the men who are being washed down the t
in in the clean-up frenzy, however, it is no t
thing matter.

CTUALLY, of course, the two jobs, simply by
being public offices, can easily be considered
n conflict with each other, and the advisability
of such a ruling Is perhaps incontestable. But
he whole affair has been handled in a way that
an only be described as high-handed, the
esult amounting to nothing so much as an ex
post facto decision.
Rep. Wurbel's checks stopped the day the
decision was handed dwn. He was given no
hance to resign his position on the school
board, or to make any choice between his two
positions. Yet, if no actual legal violation occur-
ed, this was the least which might have been
Obviously, however, there was no infraction
of the law. If such were the case, the same
uling would apply to another legislator who
had held two such jobs, but who was lucky
enough to resign the lesser one in time.
One is inclined to wonder what sort of
handling these cases would have had if the
our men were Democrats, rather than Republi-
cans seeking re-election in an election year.
Perhaps this is an unfair accusation against
he Attorney General, but the tactics used by
he administration in these cases unfortunately
ends to prompt such speculation.

HERE IS the latest on the faste
moving Near Eastern situation,
based on exclusive diplomatic dis-
1) President Chamoun has told
American commanders that
United States troops are not to
fire on the rebels. American com-
manders have countered with the
query as to how they can expect
to bring order if they are to treat
the rebels as sacred cows. Presi-
dent Chamoun's reply has been,
in effect: "Give me until July 24
when we hold elections and then
everything will be straightened
2) CHAMOUN has conferred
with his Army Chief of Staff~
Gen. Fuad Shehab, telling him
that he has been picked to, be the
new President of Lebanon but
that he must form a government
of outstanding people which will
not include rebels. General She-
hab has replied that it is impos-
sible ,to form a national govern-
ment without inluding rebels.
There are some rebels, he points
out, who are against Nasser and
should be in the new cabinet. As
election day approaches there has
been no agreement.
3) Some of President - Cha-
moun's own people who have been
loyal to him are now split over
the landing of American troops.
An unofficial tabulation of the
~ Lebanon parliament shows ap-
proximately two-thirds of its
members against the American
landing. General Shehab has been
unable to getthe cooperation of
all his military subordinates in
w o r k i n g with United States
troops. Even the Lebanese ambas-
sador in Washington, Nadim Di-
mechkie, has been opposed to our
troop landing.
4) The new Iraqi government
has called in the West German
ambassador and told him that
Iraq is ready to carry on business

as usual. The German was the
first ambassador the new govern-
ment contacted, presumably be-
cause Germany does a tremendous
busines with Iraq.
The German ambassador was
told that the new government
would not be pro-Russian, was
ready to sell oil and carry on as
before - except as a republic.
5) THE ISRAEL government
has served notice that if King
Hussein falls and there is a turn-
over ,of government in Jordan, Is-
rael will not be bound by its pre-
vious armistice agreement. In oth-
er words, Israel wili invade Jor-
dan in case Jordan falls into Nas-
ser's hands.
* * *
6) The Ambassadors of Pakis-
tan, Iran and Turkey, all mem-
bers of the onetime Baghdad pact
alliance, were called to the State
Department and given the results
of the Dulles-Selwyn Lloyd con-
ferences. The gist of the Anglo-
American talks was that Ameri-
can Marines would stay in Leba-
non and British troops in Jordan
for the time being. There would
be no Anglo-American attempt to
intervene in Iraq and it was
doubted that King Hussein of Jor-
dan had the military strength to
intervene. His Arab Legion is the
best army in the Near East but
he could not be sure of its loyalty
on any campaign outside Jordan-
ian borders.
There has been definite consid-
eration given to the retention of
British troops in Jordan under a
plan similar to that operating for
years under Gen. Glubb Pasha;
the British military adviser.
7) The State Department is
considering calling in the repre-
sentatives of friendly govern-
ments, especially those receiving
foreign aid from the United
States, and given them a flat ul-
timatum that either they vote
with the United States for a

'United Nations
Lebanon or we
members of the
tralist bloc.

police force in
consider them

A surprising number of so-
called friends whom the United
States had aided with millions of
dollars have suddenly decided to
become aloof and vote with the
Arab bloc on the question of a
United Nations police force. Pres-
ident Eisenhower had been bank-
ing on a UN force to take over
from the Marines.
IT'S ALWAYS risky to predict.
what Russia will do but here is
my own best conclusion as to
whether the Kremlin will engage
in open hostilities in defense of
the Near East:
1) The Russian growl following
the landing of American troops in
Lebanon is not half as savage as
that which followed the landing
of French and British troops at
Suez. At that time the Russians
even threatened rocket attacks on
London and Paris. They literally
screamed vituperation. The noises
from the Kremlin today aren't
anywhere near so violent.
2) There will be astute propa-
ganda work among the Kurdish
tribes of Iran and Turkey in or-
der to get them to sabotage and
worry the two chief countries
neighboring Iraq.
3) The Russians will cause just
as much trouble as possible for
the United States, but my belief
is they won't risk global war.
NOTE - Global war for us
would be damaging and disas-
trous. But global war for Russia
right now would be equally so -
first, because her lines of commu-
nication inside Russia are not as
good as ours inside the U.S.A.;
second, because American long-
range bombers are still our best
safeguard against Russian attack.
They can still make mincemeat
of Russian cities.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

"Red Cross of the Sea," whose duty
War II U-Boat Alley in tiny,
virtually unarmed seagoing tugs
'o rescue crippled ships. The total
Firepower of one of these sitting
ducks is an ancient (1926) pom-
pom, which usually jams at the
zritical moment.
Going on daily suicide missions,
then, is understandably tough on
a man's nerves, and maintaining
one's nerve and his sanity is a
THIS IS where Stella comes in.
Stella (Sophia Loren) is a young
and very beautiful woman, over-
whelmed with grief at the loss of
her first love, who devotes herself
to consoling other men waiting to
die as he did.
Access to Stella cqmes by a
ritual concernedwith the key.
Each man who uses the key must
have a 'duplicate made and pass
it on to another who will succeed
him .When we first meet her, she
is living with Captain Chris Ford
(Trevor Howard), an old friend of
Donald Ross (William Holden),
the hero.
Chris is shortly killed, and Ross,
to whom he has given the key,
takes over his fiat and his woman.
The succession soon promises to
be broken as love blooms. But then
Stella las a premonition; and, if
the past is any indication, Ross
will not survive his next mission.
Ross, however, doesn't believe
in premonitions; he's determined
not to die, regardless. But at sail-
ing time, his assurance collapses,
and he passes on the key.
The tug encounters a U-Boat
and comes under heavy fire. Ross
gives the order to abandon ship,
then brings her 'around and rams
the sub, Everything blows up, Ross
goes overboard, and ...
. The ending is not happy, but
its at least hopeful.
SOPHIA LOREN as Stella is a
standout, even among the gen-
erally excellent portrayals turned
in by her co-stars. Her role is the
most, demanding in that it calls
for more than a convincing reci-
tation of lines. Her part depends
for its impact primarily on facial
Miss Loren proves herself equal
to the challenge. Her acting is,
sensitive and convincing as she
runs the gamut of emotions, ex-
pressing resignation, tenderness,
profound grief, love, and (rarely)
joy better with a look than with
William Holden and Trevor
Howard, though their roles don't
require as much, are excellent in
their parts.
All-in-all, "The Key" is a good
show. It compensates more than
adequately for a dull short and a
cartoon so bad it defies descrip-
tion. The audience did it justice by
drowning out the sound track with
--Edward Geruldsen


" 1AID IN PARIS," a stale and
sluggish French sentimental
comedy, belabors the familiar the-
sis that a virginal young woman of
nineteen, naive beyond her years,
and with all the gifts and appetites
that nature can endow her, can
woo a sophisticated and weary
bachelor of thirty, and, in the end,
make an hohest man of him.
Daniel Gelin and Dany Robin,
two generally attractive and reli-
able performers, play the reluctant
bachelor and the pursuing maid.
Mr. Gelin provides the film with
the few agreeable moments it
offers: an excellent light comedian,
he is completely at ease under even
the most trying circumstances, and
uses his subtle and ironic face to
endow a humorless script with a
little comic vitality.
Miss Robin is another matter.
Her idea of nineteen is fairly re-
mote from the realities. She
bounces, she pouts, she grimaces,
she poses prettily, she is alternately
ingenuous and coy, she smiles with
vacuous insouciance; but within
this wide range of the pseudo-
adolescent emotions and attitudes,
she tends to become very tiresome,
and it is difficult after a while.

* * *

THE FILM opens in Geneva
where Miss Robin is boarded un-
happily at a very proper school
for young ladies.
Most of the dialogue is of the
"No girl ever takes a bath in a
man's flat" variety, and there are
the usual misunderstandings and
confusions (Mr. Gelin has a rather
forbidding fiancee whose jealousy
he doesn't wish to provoke), cul-
minating in a half-hearted battle
royal at a nightclub, where Miss
Robin, out of sheer rancor, under-
takes a strip-tease, much to the
dismay and shock of her puritan-
ical inspector, who finally inter-
venes to save her from overex-
The notion of the inviolability
of innocence, even when it seems
determined on its own violation,
is not a new one: "The Moon Is
Blue" labored the point until there
was nothing left of it. And the
triumph of virtue over lechery
exemplified in the film of Colette's
"Gigi," with its high wit and
genuine comic insight, probably
was the definitive work on the sub-
ject. "Maid in Paris" is but pallid
- Bernhard Kendler


it is to run the perils of the World
'Par is Maid'



Choice Left to Soviets1

Nasser Reacts to Past A ffronts

Associated Press News Analyst
[E ANGLO-AMERICAN decision not to
nitervene in Iraq unless the new government
e seeks to abrogate the country's oil con-
is has greatly lessened the possibility of
in the Middle East.
leaves Nikita Khrushchev asking for, a
erence to stop something that only he could
he background of Khrushchev's message
osing a top-level conference on the Middle
would have required the Allies, if they
ed, to admit that they had done something
atening world peace.
EIR. POSITION is that if the Soviet Union
vishes to make such charges, she can do so
re the United Nations Security Council, a,
d authority set up for the very purpose of
ing them.
he logic of the Allied position is, indeed, a
e tenuous. Britain and the United States
'd outside the UN, though within the limits
s charter, on the ground that there was no
Editorial Staff
Co-Editor Co-Editor
ERT JUNKER .................. Night Editor
ARD GERULDSEN ................ Night Editor
kN HOLTZER ..................... Night Editor
E VANDERSLICE ................ Night Editor
PARD MINTZ..p.......... Sports Editor
D SHIPPEY............... Chief Photographer

Now they want to go back to the world
organization, and Khrushchev says there is no
The Allies have it on their side, however, that
physical events were actually rolling in the
Middle East when they moved. Since ther, the
waves of action have slowed, at east tempo-
The Baghdad government has avowed its
intention of keeping open the Western access
to the oil.
THERE IS a certain logic in the belief in some
quarters that Egypt's Nasser realizes that East-
West conflict in the Middle East would sub-
merge him and his Arab internationalist move-
ment. He also knows that, once in the area, the
Soviet Union would never get out any more
than she has out of Eastern Europe.
The position of, the Hussein government in
Jordan has been temporarily secured, and the
Western powers have deterred any idea the
King might have had of staking his small forces
against the Baghdad army.
Turkey is reported to have been similarly
restrained from a first reaction that she should
move into Iraq in self-defense.
That leaves the Soviets'to choose between
very risky intervention and the appearance, for
once, of being a paper tiger. The Allies realize
fully that to put her in such a position is dan-
That is why they are now publicizing their
realization that when Middle Eastern settle-
ment time comes the Soviet Union will have to
be in on it.
They want to ease the strain on the Kremlin
at the same time they want to halt its exploita-
tion of Arab nationalism.'

BEIRUT WP)-Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser is a country boy who came to
town from the remote hinterland
of Egypt. Out of a bleak back-
ground among the have-nots, he
has worked up to opportunistic
power that may affect the fate of
the world.
Now he has made such a splash
that all the Middle East - and
much of the' world beyond -is
choosing up sides to fight for or
against him in a showdown crisis.
And for the second time in less

than two years the West is throw-
ing military might at him.
* * *
TO YOUNG Arab nationalists
everywhere Nasser may be the
most popularArab since the
prophet Mohamed emerged in, the
seventh century A.D. or perhaps
since Saladin, who repulsed the
Christian crusaders a few cen-
turies later. Anyway, he holds a
promise of revival of lost glories.
In the West, Nasser is regard-
ed as the greatest threat to West-
ern interests outside the Iron Cur-

What were the circumstances
that made the country boy into an
international issue?
It all started in the dirty village
of Beni Mer, 500 miles up the Nile
from Cairo. Nasser's father was a
badly paid postal clerk. The family
lived in poverty in an area popu-
lated by rich feudal landlords.
The rich families there still
boast that they never spoke to
the Abdel Nasser family.
The Abdel Nassers moved to the
city when Gamal was still a boy.
In the big town Gamal moved into
a cosmopolitan world where he
was regarded as inferior simply
because he was an Egyptian.
In Cairo, in those days, it was
a big advantage to be a foreigner.
If you had a foreign passport you
could commit murder in broad
daylight and Egyptian law could
not touch you. Foreigners were
exempt from almost all taxation.
Arabic was the language of the
Egyptians - but the street signs
were in English. The royal fam-
ily knew French, English, Italian
and Turkish, but almost no Arabic.
* * *
IN SHORT, Cairo was a foreign-
ers' paradise. ,
One hundred per cent Egyptians.
were laughed at and despised.
This humiliation left scars in
the personality of Gamal -Abdel

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced-
ing publication,
TUESDAY, JULY 22, 1958
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Sept. 26. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Sept. 16.
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof. Ade-
laide Hahn, Hunter college, on "Appo-
sitional Naming-Constructions in the
Indo-European Languages." Tues., July.
22, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre.,
La Sociedad Hispanica of the Dept. of
Romance Languages will'hold its fifth
summer meeting on Wed., July 23, 7:30
p.m. in the Faculty Lounge, Rm. 3050,
Frieze Bldg. The speaker will be Dr.
Angela Acuna de Chacon, Ambassador
of Costa Rica in the Organization of
American States. Her topic will be: "La
Mujer en Hispano America." Open to
the public.
Student Recital Cancelled: The recital
by Russell Bedford, bassoonist, sched-
uled for WVed. evening, July 23, at the
Ra kham Assembly Hall, has been can-
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet wed., July 23. 4:00-5:30 p.m.
in Rm. 3201 Angell Hall. Prof. J. G. Wen-
del will speak on "On the Maximum
of Partial Sums."
La Sociedad Hispanica of the Dept. of
Romance Languages will have its week-
ly Tertulia, for practicing the use of
the Spanish language, today. Tues., July
22, 3:00 p.m. In the Romance Languages
LongeR m. 305~Ojf . ieze 'Bldg"..e

Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin,
Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Management ConsultIng Firm, N.Y.
City. Services are rendered in general
management, marketing, package de-
sign, film and manual production. Per-
form services for diversified clients
which include: Hospital coverage plans,
Insurance agencies, Chain florists,
Lanscape architects, Chain restaurant
Retail supermarket food chains, Food
wholesalers, Drug manufacturers, CAP's,
Chain Bookstores, Retail automotive
supply chains and other types of
clients. Many, of their clients are in
the food industry and others range
from small chains to large chain or-
ganiactions. Bus. Adnin. and Liberal
Arts majors would be excellent ap-
plicants for these positions.
Stewart-Warner Corp., Chicago, Ill.,
aere looking for a Sales Engineer. Job
will be to contact military, civilian, and
other potential customers to promote
sale of communication, navigational,
railroad, aviation, radar, IF, airborne,
ground, facsimile, and other electronic
equipment. Engineering degree or ex-
tensive comparable technical exp. re-
quired plus background of marketing
work and sales training.
A. T. Kearney & Co., Chicago, Ill., has
opening for an Assistant Financial Serv-.
ice Manager. Age 27-33, BA in Business
with emphasis on accounting. Study of
existing systems and adapting ac-
counting systems and programs to
branch offices. Some travel required.
Promotion possible to either Financial
Service Manager or Systems and Pro-
cedures Manager. Opening also for a
Chemical Salesman. Age 27-33, BS in
Chemistry or Chemical Engineering. In-
dustrial Sales exp. Will contact ap-
propriate industrial customers.
Miniature Precision Bearings, Inc.,
Keene, N.H., hasthe position of Mid-
west District Sales Manager for the
Split Ballbearing Division available.
Findlay Street Neighborhood House,
Cincinnati, Ohio, has opening available
for a Community Organizer. He will
work in cooperation with the field
worker of the Citizens' Committee on
Youth and makes referrals to Youth
Employment Service of boys, 14-17
years of age, who are out of school un-
employed. Will also work with young
adults, Youth Opportunity Committee,
groups in community, and acquaint
people in the community to the Neigh-
borhood House program. Must have MS
in social work, BS or BA withrmajor
in related field plus some graduate
work and with one yr. exp., of BS or


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