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July 22, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-22

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See Page 2


Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXVIII, No. 199




Wea SYRI /A Tehran
CoiO" fo , .I ANDelhi
. Indian Ocee .
S t S O 500

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MID-EAST GEOGRAPHY-This map shows where the Mid-East's
troubles involve big oil wealth centers in Saudi Arabia, Iraq and
Iran. Soviet and Egyptian countries are shaded; pro-Western
countries are shown in white lettering on black background.
Syrians, Egyptians
Caught in Squeeze
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
AMMAN, Jordan (A')--Developments in the past 24 hours here left
observers with the impression the Syrians and Egyptians are caught
in a difficult squeeze of their own regarding their intentions toward
As of this moment, the government seems to have the situation
fairly under control. There is no reason to believe subversive forces
intend to remain inactive for long.'The squeeze has developed this way:
The Syrians and Egyptians do not want to invite United States
military intervention here. Already there are 2,000 British parachute
"troops on hand. Any violent mani-
festation here might immediately
oinvite the Americans to come in;
King Hussein has stated he ex-
pects American help.
I" iraq 1 E I The Egyptians and Syrians are
in danger of losing the momentum
R~a of the movement generated by the
revolution in Iraq. They may think
aidroib M obit perilous to stand still with re-
Bard to this country.
BAGHDAD, Iraq (M - Just a Thinking people appear to re-
month after one of the plushest alize the world war potentialities
hotels In the Mideast opened, sol- in the Mideast situation but the
diers took away 11 of its guests. trouble here is that those respon-
Four were beaten to death by a sible for violence are not given to
Four14% we-re beanto eab a thinking.

A ttacked,
WASHINGTON () - Sherman
Adams was oriticized yesterday for
intervening in a government con-
tract dispute last year.
He was also defended from an-
other quarter as a man of in-
The defense of President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's right-hand man
came from Secretary of Commerce
Sinclair Weeks. Weeks was the
third cabinet member to speak for
Adams since the Goldfine probe hit
the front pages.
Adams, Weeks said, has ac-
knowledged an error in judgment
in his relations with an old friend,
Bernard Goldfine, the Boston tex-
tile magnate.
For that mistake-and where is
the man who never makes a mis-
take?-he has been whip-lashed
more brutally than any man in
public life in our generation,'
Weeks said in a statement. -
A short time earlier, Roswell M.
Austin said he thought Adams
acted improperly when he made
an inquiry about a case handled
by the Armed Services Board of
Contract Appeals late in 1957.
But Austin, a retired member of
the board, added that neither
Adams nor an unidentified mem-
ber of Congress who also interested
himself in the case swayed the
board in any way.
The White House has said'
Adams merely relayed inquiries
and replies about the case, in-
volving the now defunct Raylaine
Worsteds, Inc., of Manchester,
Debate Set
On Mid-East
The "Mid-East Crisis" will be
the subject of an open discussion
to be held at 8 p.m. today in the
third-floor conference room of the
Sponsored by the International
Students Association, the session
will be broadcast over WUOM.
The session will present five
speakers representing different
countries, each of whom will speak
for 10 minutes.
The speakers are Prof. Henry
L. Bretton, of the political science
department, who will represent the
United States, Fadhil Rassool,
Grad., from Iraq and Beverley
Pooley, Grad., from Great Britain.
George Abisaab, Grad., from the
United Arab Republic and Omesh
Khanna', Grad., from India, will
also be heard.
The debate will then be opened
to speakers from the floor. The
program will conclude with a gen-
eral discussion.
Krishna Murthy, Grad., ISA
president, will moderate the dis-


tpan' s Miad-E


Return Note
To Soviets
Asks Khrushchev
To Complain to UN
ern allies drafted a note to Soviet
Premier Nikita Khrushchev yes-
terday challenging him to com-
plain to the United Nations Se-
curity Council if he believes An-
glo-American military action en-
dangers international peace.
This was understood to be their
joint answer to Khrushchev's dra-
matic bid for an' immediate Big
Five summit conference to con-
sider the Middle East crisis.
The main line of the American-
British-French answer became
known after President Dwight D.
Eisenhower had met for 55 min-
utes with Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles. This was toward the
end of a day of intense allied dip-
lortatic activity.
Avoids Specific
The American-British-French
answer to Khrushchev was re-
ported designed to avoid any spe-
cific proposal for a summit-level
meeting even within the United
It ruled out any thought of an
immediate heads-of-government
parley in Geneva today as
Khrushchev had proposed.
Instead, the Western allies were
reported hammering hard at these
two main points:
Can Ask UN
1) The United Nations Security
Council already is considering theI
problem of American troops in
Lebanon. Any country on this 11-
nation group has the right to ask
the Council to enlarge its work to
consider other matters if it be-
lieves a grave danger to worldI
peace exists.
This could be viewed as a chal-
lenge for Khrushchev to present
such accusations personally since
governments can be represented
at the United Nations by leaders
of even the highest rank.
2) The three Western govern-
ments are ready and willing to re-
sume confidential talks with Mos-
cow to prepare for an over-all
summit conference on the great
world issues.
Such a broad summit parley
could :nclude Middle East prob-
lemr if East-West diplomats




SECURITY COUNCIL MEETS-Karim Azkuol (second from left at top of table) of Lebanon ad
the United Nations Security Council in the fourth day of the Mid-East debate. Karim uph
country's position in requesting United Nations and United States aid in preserving its indeper

mop. Thnree oareiy escaped with
their lives. The fate of the four
others - all Jordanians - is still
not known.
The dead included three Amer-
* icans. ,
A German, Heinrich Stempel of
Grevenbroich, Germany, was the
fourth killed.
All the victims but the four un-
accounted for apparently were
seized on the whim of the soldiers.
The soldiers did not physically
mistreat' them and even made a
half-hearted effort to save them
from the mob.
The army officers who staged
last Monday's revolution issued
orders to protect foreigners. In
mob demonstrations that followed
the army's takeover, the British
Embassy and the British Infor-
mation Service and consulate were
Bargain Day
T To.Celebrate'
30th Birthday
Ann Arbor's 30th Annual Sum-
mer Bargain Day, sponsored by the
Retail Merchants Association, will
be held tomorrow and Thursday.
The Retail Merchants Associa-
tion, a division of the Ann Arbor
k Chamber of Commerce has given
the event a circus theme.
"Merchants are trying to key
everything to the 30th Anniver-
sary," J. B. White, chairman of
the promotional committee, said.
"Many items will purposely be put
in the 30 cent, $3 or $30 brackets."
"Crazy bargains" will be offered,
according to White. Items such as!
automobiles, televisions, electric
mixers and wedding dresses will
be offered at abnormally low
prices, such as $1Nt item for $3.
Clowns, a four-piece clown*
band, a calliope and antique cars
will tour Ann Arbor's three main
business districts in the Univer-
sity, State Street and downtown
"We feel it will be the best Bar-
gain Day, Ann Arbor has yet had,"
White said. "People are more
price and value conscious than
ever before."
Stores will be open from 9 a.m.
until 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and from
9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

Calm Usual
The calm of Amman is not often
broken. When it is,. efficient gov-
ernment forces know what to do
abqut it.
The impression persists that the
Syrians and Egyptians are mark-
ing time waiting for the Iraqi
situation to Jell and be digested.
This may give this little country
sufficient breathing space to pre-
pare for the next attempts on its
It is extremely difficult to dis-
cuss the situation from here for
the usual reasons attendant upon
recurrent crises in Mideast coun-
tries. But this much seems certain
-this particular crisis is going to
be long and deep, for this whole
Mideast area.
Announcement Ominous
The announcement of the visit
of Sheik Sir Abdullah As Sabbah
of Kuwaitt to Damascus to confer
with President Gamal Abdul Nas-
ser has ominous overtones.
It is most likely Sheik Abdullah
has been badly shaken by events
in the north. Inside his country,
which I visited a monthago, Nas-
ser's propaganda has been power-
The activities of Nasser support-
ers have been bearing fruit in
internal ferment. Kuwaitis are
outnumbered in their own country
by people from other Mideastern
states who imported the ferment
and passed it on to Kuwaiti youth.

'U.S. Marinte
BEIRUT UP) - United States
Marines joined Lebanese army
patrols yesterday with the aim of
stopping attacks on American
planes flying noncombat missions
over Lebanon.
Other top developments:
1) The United States was mak-
ing a strong diplomatic effort to
stop the Lebanese civil war
through compromise measures.
2) A United States Navy spokes-
man here said American forces in
the Mideast have "atomic capa-
Tries to Ease Impact
The Defense Department in
Washington later sought to ease
the impact of this statement, say-
ing it "cannot foresee any circum-
"U To Buid
Auto Decks
A $530,000 411-car parking
structure will be built by the Uni-
versity in the Medical Center area,
Vice-President in Charge of Busi-
ness an~d Finance Wilbur K. Pier-
pont :anno'unced yesterday.
To be located on Catherine St.
opposite Victor Vaughan Hall and
the Radiation Laboratory,' the
structur~e will include five decks
anid a roof for parking area.
IIt is being financed through
parking permit fees and revenues
from parking meters.
Pierpont said the parking situ-
ation in the Medical Center was
regarded as the most critical on
the campus and that the Cather-
ine St. facility was given priority
for that reason.
As funds become q-vailable ad-
ditional parking structures are
planned for other campus areas,
he said.
Construction is scheduled to be-
gin immediately. The building
should be completed no later than
June, 1959, Pierpont indicated.
Niiose Coi

sJoin Lebanese Patro,

stances requiring the use of
atomic weapons" in the current
Lebanese situation.
The Leathernecks roved, with
patrols of the. Lebanese army, to
reduce rebel sniper fire on Marine
guards at strategic points as well
as on planes.
They also took over guard duty
at the British Embassy, relieving
a Lebanese detail. The patrol ac-
tion seemed likely to increase the
Marines' contact with rebel-hld
Marines Fired
The Marines sometimes had re-
turned sniper fire in the last few
days, but otherwise left counter-
acdion to the Lebanese govern-
ment's armed forces.
Rifle and machine-gun bullets
have nicked 16 American planes
since the landings last week. No
casualties have resulted. A rebel
area is in the path of planes us-
ing Beirut'. -International Air-
Speaking of the equipment of
the American forces, the Navy
spokesman reported "all combat
units, incauding ground, air and
sea have atomic capability."
Have Atomic Weapons
The 6,300 Marines brought with
them howitzers capable of throw-
ing atomic shells about 11 miles.
The Navy spokesman did not spe-
cifically say they had atomi war-
heads, but the implication seemed
clear. The 3,100 paratroopers from
West Germany also have landed
heavy artillery.
In Paris, Soviet sources, said
there was a possibility Moscow
would send troops to adjoining
Syria if an emergency summit
conference failed to bring a Mid-
east settlement.
These informants said Moscow
believes the United States is build-
ing up a strong base in Lebanon
for an attack on Syria or the Nas-
ser-allied regime in Iraq.
"If the situation is not regulat-
ed, there is every possibility the
United Arab Republic headed by

National Budget Shows
Almost $3 Billion Loss
WASHINGTON (AP)-Preliminary reports yesterday showed the
national budget was in the red $2,813,000,000 at the end of the fiscal
year last June 30.
The deficit was more than five times greater than that predicted
by President Dwight D. Eisenhower last January, and was blamed
largely on the recession slump in individual and business earnings.
The figure was based on preliminary reports still subject to revision,

Nasser will ask us to stati
in Syria, and we will," th
sources said.
To counter Soviet ch
American aggressive ai
United States planes begs
let-dropping campaign.
U.S. _Fleet
Could Hel
Vice Adm. Charles R.
commander of the Unite
6th Fleet said yesterda3
thing was going wellv
Navy's operations off Leb
cept for rebel sniping at
He added that the fle
support Jordan, if order
so, with the same ease.
He told newsmen ab
flagship the Des Moines
fleet has grown to 75 sh
no Soviet ships have been
slipping into the Medit
Members af the admira
said 16 planes from the f
been hit by Lebanese
however. Most of the f:
from around Tripoli.
Local Boy
Alone at S.C
Of Drownir
Lie detector evidence
today, that 14-year-al
Hogan Jr., was alone.
drowned a neighbor boy in
field Township pond nei
Hogan admitted drown
Thomas Winslows, 11 y
last Thursday after bin
hand and foot and hol
head under water.ga
Today, while Hogan;
brother Cecil, 22 years ol
went lie detector tests at
police post, funeral servi
held for Tommy Winslow.
Washtenaw County
Robert E. A. Lillie sa
Frank's confession that he
entirely certain the you
mitted the slaying unaid
George Winslow, fathe
slain boy, said he had see
riding in a car with a blo
shortly after the drown
sheriff wanted to question
the case and he turned
over to deputies Saturday
Cecil disclaimed any kr
of the drowning.
Brablec Set
For Speech
University Regent Carl
will speak on "Speech C

Of Redl Veto,
h GIVenU
Sobolev Gives Stand
Of Soviets in Speech
To Security Council
The' Soviet Union assailed as
unacceptable last nighta Middle
East compromise aimed both at
safeguarding Lebanon's independ-
ence and making it possible for
United States Marines to with-
Soviet Delegate Arkady A. So-
bolev strongly indicated in a
dresses speech to the Security Council his
Reid, his country would veto the comprom-
dence isedplan advanced by Japan and
endorsed by a majority of the
Council, including the United
States and Britain.
Outside the Council he refused
tossay flatly whether he would
cast the Soviet Union's 85th
on troops Council veto.
he Soviet Would Be Helpless
The veto would leave the Coun-
arges of cil helpless to cope with the ex-
ms here, plosive Middle East crisis. In that
n a leaf- event a special session of the full
81-nation General Assembly was
The Council adjourned at 7:12
p.m. (EDT) until 10:30 a.m. to-
day without taking a vote. The
action was suggested by Lebanon
It wanted additional time to con-
sult with Beirut on the Japanese
S DES The Japanese resolution gives
N () - Secretary General Dag Hammar-
Brown, skjold full authority to strengthen
ad States the present United Nations ob-
y every- server group in Lebanon in what-
with the ever way he deems necessary to
anon ex- protect that country's independ-
t planes. ence.
eet could Minimum Effort
ed to do United States Ambassador Hen-
ry Cabot Lodge declared thq
oard his United States believes the resolu-
that his tion "represents the indispensable
hips, and minimum action which the United
detected Nations should take in Lebanon
erranean. at this time."
al's staff "It could lead to conditions
leet have which would make possible the
snipers, withdrawal of United States
ire came forces from Lebanon," he added.
Sir Pierson Dixon of Britain
- endorsed the resolution as a
"praiseworthy attempt" to salvage
somethingout of the situation.
He offered also to explore with
Hammarskjold steps to create
elle onditions in Jordan that would
permit withdrawal of British
ng troops.
Sobolev urged the Council to
showed give prime consideration to the
d Frank call by Soviet Premier Nikita
when he Khrushchev for a summit confer-
n a Pitts- ence on the Middle East.
ar their "In our opinion it is not too late
to put out the fire of war, and this
ing John meeting is one of the measures
ears old, for doing this," he said. "It is ur-
ding him gent to have it."
ding his
and his Civil Defense
d, under- '1 1 1 1 1$
Redford e
ices were Siren Tests
id after
e was not
th com- Washtenaw County civil de-
ed. fense authorities yesterday con

r of the ducted a reportedly successful
en Frank test of local air raid warning sig-
nd youth nals.
ing. The The practice alert was designed
3Cecil in only to test sirens. No public ac-
himself tion was asked, except to report
t. to local police whether or not one
nowledge heard the sirens at the pre-an-
nounced times.
'. The first siren, sounded at 1:30
. p.m., was a long, steady blast last-
ing from three to five minutes.
This was a "yellow alert," a pre-
liminary warning which would
mean, in case of the real thing,
that enemy planes were two to
Brablec three hours away.
ommuni- At 2 p.m., the "red alert"

Lost Squirrel Knows

according to a joint announce-
ment by Secretary of the Treasury
Robert Anderson and Budget Di-
rector Maurice H. Stans.
Officials are estimating a
budget deficit of 10 to 12 billion
dollars for the fiscal year which
began July 1.
The deficit came after two fis-
cal years in which government
budget books were in the black.
Predicted Smaller Loss
President Eisenhower had pre-
dicted in January the deficit for
the 1958 fiscal year, which ended
June 30, would be only 400 million
Receipts for the fiscal year were
$69,083 million, almost two billion
dollars lower than fiscal 1957.
Budget spending during the year
was $71.9 billion, an increase .of
2%' billion dollars over fiscal 1957.
Post-Sputnik embasis on de-
fense, recession programs and

ie Found

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