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July 19, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-19

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

















Would Conside

lies Build Forces Despite





Regents OK
New Fanlty
Appointments to the College of
Engineering, the tchool of Edu-
cation and the literary college
were approved yesterday by the
University Board of Regents.
Russell A. Dodge was reappoint-
ed as chairman of the engineer-
ing mechanics department for a
five-year Period beginningJuly 1
Also reappointed was E. L. Erik-
sen, professor emeritus of engi-
neering mechanics, as a lecturer
in industrial engineering and con-
sultant, in the educational field
for Japanese participnts'in the.
ICA cooperative program with
Waseda University.
A new member of the engineer-
ing faculty is William M. Brown,
appointed assistant professor of
electrical engineering.
There were six appointments
in the. literary college. Edward M.
Anthony; Jr. was made acting di-
rector of ELI from June 15 to
August 15, 1958, and Bruce Tai
Syoc, lecturer in the institute, was
appointed acting director from
August 15, 1958 to Feb. 1, 1959.
Robert W. Storer was accepted as
acting director of the Museum of
Zoology from July 1 through Aug.
20. .a
New appointments in the Schooli
of Education were awarded to
John S. Brubacher, new -professor
of higher education, and to Jesse
P. Bogue, retired executive secre-
tary of the American Associationi
of Junior Colleges, appointed vis-
iting professor of higher educa-
Na vy Plans
F our MoonsI
WASHINGTON (,).- The Navy -
reported yesterday it hopes to
launch four 20-inch Vanguardt
satellites and then polish off thatc
program before the end of theI
year by putting a 50-pound babyi
moon in orbit. '
With its final rocket stage, thec
orbiting body of the final Van-
guard launching would weigh 100,
pounds, the Navy said. The 20-
inch satellites weigh 21 and one-
half pounds. By contrast, the 6.4-
inch 'test satellite sent into orbit
last March 17 weighs about three
and one quarter pounds.
The Navy said the final launch-
ing in the program will use a
third-stage rocket of higher per-
formance than that currently
The Navy also reported that theI
next Vanguard to be launched al-1
ready is at the Air Force Missile
Test Center, Cape Canaveral, Fla.v
being prepared for firing.

Attwood Made Dean
Of Engineering College
Appointment of Stephen S. Attwood as dean of the College of
Engineering, effective July 1, 1958 was approved yesterday by the
,Dean Attwood has served as acting dean of the college since July
1, 1957, following the death of Dean George Granger.
Dean Attwood has been associated with the University as a stu-
dent and a teacher since 1914. Born in Cleveland, Ohio in 1897,
he was graduated from Cleveland
West Technical high school in R p p
1914. He was awarded the degrees Regents Give
of Bachelor of Science in mechan-
ical engineering in 1918, and Mas- e
Rank to11

Security Council Fails To Appro,
U.S., Soviet, Swedish Resolutions
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. R) -- The United States cal
yesterday for an emergency session of the United Nati
General Assembly to deal with the explosive situation in
Middle East.
United States Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge made
proposal immediately after the Soviet Union killed by v
a United' States resolution to establish an international m
tary force to be sent to Lebanon.
He declared the United States would not be thwarted
a Soviet veto from attempts to restore peace in strife-ti
At the suggestion of Japanese delegate Koto Matsudai
the Council voted to adjourn until Monday afternoon.
wanted additional time for,-,,_____

Dean of engineers
ter of Science in electrical engi-
neering in 1923 at the University.
Later, he served as an assistant
engineering officer aboard the
U.S.S. Kittery and U.S.S. Munrio
until 1919.
Dean Attwood began his teach-j
-ing career in 1920 as an instructor,
in electrical engineering, achieved
the rank of professor in 1937.
He has been chairman of the
Department of Ele'ctrical Engi-
neering since 1953.
In addition to the Attwood ap-
pointment, the Regents yesterday
gave approval to recommenda-
tions that the new dean be auth-
orized to proceed with plans to ap-
point one or more associate deans
in addition to the present staff to
assist in the administration of the

Emeritus titles for 11 members
of the University faculty with a
c6mbined teaching experience
covering 400 years were approved
by the Regents yesterday.
Among the retiring faculty,
members were Waldo Abbot, asso-
ciate professor emeritus of speech
and director emeritus of Broad-
casting Service-Rario, who has
had 38 years teaching experience;
Louis A. Baier, professor emeritus
of naval architecture and marine
engineering with 25 years, Ar-
thur E. R. Boak, professor emeri-
tus of history, 44 years; and Dr.
Frederick A. Coller, professor
emeritus of surgery, 38 years, of
which he spent 27 years as chair-
man of the Department of Sur-
Also among those receiving
emeritus titles were Charles A.
Fries, professor emeritus of Eng-
lish and director emeritus of the
English Language Institute, with
a teaching record of 38 years;
Charles H. Griffitts, professor
emeritus of spychology, 42 years;
Lila N. Pargment, assistant pro-
fessor emeritus of Russian, 34
years; and Maurice W. Senstius,
associate professor emeritus of ge-
ology, who has completed 32 years
of teaching.
Another recipient of the title is
Dr. Emory W. Sink, assistant pro-
fessor emeritus of industrial
health and opthalmologist emeri-
tus of the Health Service, 48 years
experience, of which 34 were on
a part-time basis.

delegates to study a Japanese
proposal providing for expan-
sion of the UN observer group
in Lebanon. He said he hoped
this might enable the United
States to withdraw its forces.
Resolutions Defeated
Lodge agreed not to press for
a vote on the special Assembly un-
til the Japanese resolution is act-
ed upon.
Lodge acted after the Council
failed to approve any resolutions
stemming from charges by Leba-
non and Jordan that President
Nasser's United Arab Republic
was trying to overturn their gov-
Developments Listed
These were the rapid-fire devel-
opments in the Council afte four
days of debate as tense as any
during the Suez crisis and the re-
volt in Hungary late in 1956:
1) The Council defeated 8-1 a
resolution by the Soviet Union de-
manding the immediate with-
drawal of the United States Ma-
rines from Lebanon and British
forces from Jordan.,
Only the Soviet Union voted for
the resolution. Japan and Swe-
den abstained, while "no" votes
were recorded by the United
States, Britain, Canada, China,
France, Iraq, Panama and Colom-
Reds Use Veto
2) The Soviet Union killed by
its 84th veto a United States reso-
lution. to send an international
military force to Lebanon. Sweden
abstained and the other nine
members of the council were in
3) A Swedish proposal to sus-
pend activities of the UN Emer-
gency Force in Lebanon while
United States forces are there
found only Sweden and the So-
viet Union voting yes.
Warns UAR
Lodge confirmed in a statement
issued outside the Council that
the United States had warned the
United Arab Republic from di-
recting any attack on United
States forces in Lebanon.
He said that United States Am-
bassador Raymond Hare had in-
formed the UAR in Cairo "it must
be recognized that any attack on
United States forces by military
units of the United Arab Repub.
lic or under United Arab Republic
control, could involve grave con-
sequences seriously impairing our

U.S. Warns
UAR About
States has warned that a
consequences could occur in t
Middle East if Egyptian-Syria
forces attacked United Stat
troops In Lebanon.
The State Department disclos
yesterday that this warning hi
been given in Cairo Thursda
about the time Egyptian Preside:
Gamal Abdel Nasser was meeti
secretly in Moscow with Sovi
Premier Nikita Khrushche.
Disclosure Made 2
The department made It publ
a few hours after Moscow official
disclosed that Nasser and Khus
chev had met "on the question
stopping the aggression of ti
United States and other coloni
Top Eisenhower administratio
authorities were reported to vi
the Khrushchev-Nasser parley
signaling a tense war of nerv
against the West rather than
decision to intervene militari
against British and United stat
forces in the Mideast.
View Reasserted
They asserted this view ev
after Nasser stopped off in Dama
cus to denounce the sending<
United States Marines into Le
anon and the landing of Britii
paratroops in Jordan. He hint
at possible Arab retaliation
Russian Mob'
At Embassy -
MOSCOW ( )--A massive m
of Russians smashed 275 windoi
in the United States Embassy ye
terday and splashed its walls wil
blue and green ink in a row
three-hour protest against Amer
can troop landings in Lebanon.
More than 100,000 Muscovite
many of them streaming out c
factories and offices, packed t
10-lane boulevard running pa
the embassy.
A raucous human sea stretch
for half a mile on each side
the building in the biggest demoi
stration in Moscow since the 1ic
tory celebrations of World War J
A Soviet television network tel
vised the demonstration,
No Americans in the buildi
were hurt. '
United States personnel in ti
embassy took shelter in the rei
of the building. Office furntu
and equipment had been moved
the rear also. The demonstrati
had been expected.
French Keep
Troops Away
PARIS M-A FreignMstr
spokesman said yesterday Frac

Boy Admits Drowning
Accomplice, Suspected
ANN ARBOR, Mich. (1)-After six hours of questioning, a 14--
year-old boy told police yesterday he beat and drowned an 11-year-old
playmate in a pond. He said he did it alone, but Sheriff Robert E.
Lillie said he isn't convinced that is true.
The statement was made by Frank Hogan Jr., whom Lillie said
would be asked to take a lie detector test.
Hogan was held at the Washtenaw County Juvenile Home for
investigation. There was no immediate decision on whether a waiver
from juvenile authorities would be

Marines Occupy- Port Area

sought so he could be tried as an
adult. Michigan law regards any-.
one under 16 years old a juvenile.
Lillie said Hogan told him he
beat John Thomas Winslow with
a heavy paddle and bound his
hands and feet. The sheriff quoted
Hogan as saying he held the boy's
head under water, tied him to a
raft and then overturned the raft.
"I'm not convinced he did it
alone," Lillie said. "I'm not satis-
fied with the case. I'm not sure
everything ties together."
Lillie said he wanted to question
Hogan's 20 - year - old married
brother, Cedil.
N Vegotiations
Wrin Arrnroval

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.-A rash of technical troubles forced
postponement again yesterday of the firing of a fully powered Atlas
ballistic missile.
Technicians of Convair Astronautics, which built the Atlas, now
have failed three times to get this one off the ground. They came
closest last Saturday when the engines were ignited but cut off after
belching exhaust fire for 10 seconds.
* * * *s
SAN JOSE, Costa Rica-Milton Eisenhower was whisked into San
Jose by helicopter yesterday on his closely-guarded arrival from
Costa Rican communists are using the visit of the President's
brother as an excuse for propaganda attacks on the United States,

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