Sixty-Eighth Year_
Personal Inspection Tour
When Opinions Are Free
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
,SDAY, JULY 17, 1958
Michigan Governmental Reform
Being Lost in Politics
BRAVE MAN is Michigan's Democratic Su-
preme Court Justice Eugene F. Black. And,
.e might add, an inf~ormed man on the
>ubled affairs of this State's government.
In a speech delivered recently to the Michi-
n Association of Justices of the Peace he de-
ribed a powerful minority of legislators as
urly old dogs growling in the manger of Mich-
n's needs" and called for abolishment of the
ate's two chamber legislature, replacing it
th a single 60 member chamber. He suggest-
i a number of other changes in the govern-
mt and the State Constitution, but the uni-
meral legislature proposal was the most dras-
Republican reaction to Justice Black's speech
s been disappointing if not surprising. Speak-
of the House George M. Van Peursem (R-
eland) has said Justice Black's action shows
n unheard of lack of responsibility and re-
ect for his high position on the Court.''
' CANNOT very well be denied that the
speech, coming from a member of the state's
chest judicial body, was a bit more politically
astic than is proper for a man of such a
sition. But the merits of the suggestions
ould not be lost in the cloud of name-calling
tween Republicans and emocrats.
Many students of state government, and
chigan government in particular, believe a
icameral legislative system is superior to
e two-house method now used in all but
braska. First rate arguments for Michigan's
esent system 'are still lacking even though
been in use for 123 years.
0n the other hand, a single house would
obably be more economical, certainly would
arly fix legislative responsibility (and pre-
it buck passing between the two houses) and
generally be considerably more efficient in
handling the state's legislative affairs. .
But the Republicans have failed to discuss -
yet - the merits or shortcomings of the pro-
posed system other than a few vague references
attributing the faults found by the judge to
improper administration and Gov. Williams.-}
They spend most of their time claiming Black
is a judge and should stay clear of politics,
a suggestion of some merit but one which over-
looks the fact that Michigan Supreme Court
justices are politicians - they are nominated
in party conventions with their names placed
on a non-partisan ballot.
All of this turmoil is part of a more basic
issue: revision of the state's constitution by a
constitutional convention. The issue of whether
to call a convention goes to the voters Nov. 4.
For years the problem of governmental reform.
in Michigan has become bogged down in pofi-
tics. Only seldom, and then usually-only among
students of government, has discussion of re-
form risen above "what'll it do for the party"
to the level where it belongs of "what is best
for the state,"
It should be noted in passing, however, that
the legislators are not wholly ignorant of the
reform problem. This year they passed a reor-
ganization act giving the governor power to re-
organize executive agencies of the state gov-
ernment -- subject to the Legislature's veto. It
is expected the act will have far reaching ef-
fects on the structure of the government.
However, this action, as commendable as it
is, still leaves much to be done; Justice Black's
remarks, less the political overtones, should be
listened to and heeded.
(Herblock Is on Vacation)
BaseballBDWnEAsSe s
CastOut hies Scrp
In 'The Pottig Shed
RELIGION'S turn for triumph in the campus theatrical struggle
between faith and atheism came last night with the Speech Depart-
ment's production of ""The Ptting Shed."
Following by one week the presentation of "Inherit the Wind." the
story of the 1925 Scopes Trial and the fight to teacf Darwin's Theory
of Evolution, "The Potting Shed" portrays a tormented man searching
for "what's wrong with me?" who finds the secret to his past and
reason for believing in God. Both productions were suitably selected
for this summer's theme, "Religion in Contemporary Society."
But Graham Greene's "The Potting Shed" is nore than a "faith
play." The writer has presented a psychological detective story in which
-James Callifer, a middle aged newspaperman (played by Norman
Hartweg), attempts to uncover his childh'ood.
Rebuffed for years by his parents for some reason he cannot under-
stand, James Callifer renews his relationship with the rest of the
family, all devout atheists, at the family home just before the death
of his father, a "great man" a leader-of the rationalists and idol, of the
once flourishing "Callifer Clubs." With quickening pace after his
father's death. Callifer's past begins to painfully unfold as he gropes
toward his realization. But somehow, the secret of what happened 30
years ago in the potting shed and the shattering of his atheistic creed
appear too contrived unless perhaps one has, as Collifer himself put it
"a lot of belief."
HOWEVER, although the movement of the play and its dependency
an a too well made miracle seems unconvincing, the fine Speech Depart-
ment cast overcomes the handicap.
Much of the dramatic, and as it is later revealed, family burden
falls upon the mother, Mrs. Callifer. Bea Minkus magnificently bridges
the years to portray the elderly woman who is distraught at losing her
husband yet also was strong enough to protect him.for 30 years. Miss
Minkus sensitively handles Mrs. Callifer's quiet strength which domi-
nates the production as well as the family.
Gaining strength after a little preliminary roughness, Norman
Hartweg as the tormented James Callifer also gives a outstanding
performance, especially in the difficult scene with his psychiatrist, Dr.
Kreuzer. (Sigmund Freud, don't you know?)
Both Nick Havenga as the doctor and Margaret Forward as the
impish school girl niece handle their roles well as two who sought
(separately) to help Callifer solve the mystery of the potting shed.
The critical scene, when Callifer's uncle, a non-conforming Callifer
who became a priest, relates in detail the incident of the potting shed,
initially drags somewhat. But James Young in the role of the priest
who has lost his faith seems to lose his awkwardness as the revealing
meeting with his nephew progresses. Father Callifer in remembering
the past, also regains his faith, re-echoing the words in "The Potting
--Michael Kraft
oodwind Qnt et
Stresse Contempotrar
IT VERY SELDOM happens that on a program of seven works, five of
them should be contemporary and that of the remaining two only
one should be familiar. This, in brief was the program presented last
night by the Woodwind Quintet in Rackham Lecture Hall,
The first work was the short Sinfonia by the contemporary Dutch
composer Bernhard Heden. It consisted of a short slow first section and
a lively second part with engaging rhythmic and melodic patterns.
The Roy Douglas Dance Caricatures were just t ,t. These six
pieces were cleverly done in exact time, rhythm and melody with a
mocking accompaniment, particularly effective in the Polka and Tango.
The three traditional melodies arranged by oboist Florian Mueller proved
W ASHINGTON - Calvin Grif-
fith got a rough time from
Washington ball fans about mov-
ing his Washington Senators to
Minneapolis. But he got a rougher
time from other big league club
owners when they met in their
inner sanctum in Baltimore.
Del Webb and Tom Yawkey, re-
spective owners of the New York
Yankees and the Boston Red Sox,
gave Griffith such a hard time
that he agreed to hold up the
transfer. They were furious at
Griffith for springing his fran-
chise shift just as they were seek-
ing congressional approval of a
bill to exempt baseball from the
antitrust laws.
The bill, 'already passed by the
House, is now pending before the
Senate - and the baseball moguls .
did not want any discordant is-
sues, such as taking baseball away
from the nation's capital, fouling
up their lobbying.
Seldom had there been any more
private lobbying to pass legisla-
tion than there's been to pass S.
4070, the bill to grant the baseball
owners (also professional foot-
ball, basketball and hockey teams)
unlimited powers to extend their
monopolistic practices in such
things as player contracts, play-
er drafts, farm club operations,
territorial rights, and TV broad-
Under this law, if passed, own-
ers could make their own rules
on everything. They could even
bar a newspaperman from any big
league park if, for instance, he
exposed baseball graft.
** *
S. 4070 is probably the biggest
concession any business s.has
sought from Congress in this ses-
sion - complete exemption from
the antitrust laws. Only such op-
erations as the sale or lease of
ball parks and the operation of
peanut and other concessions
would be subject to monopoly po-
licing. In all other things, club
owners would be the sole arbiters
of their own actions. Ordinary re-
course to the courts would be de-
stroyed; so would the bargaining
position of players and player
The congressmen chiefly re-
sponsible for steering this mon-
strosity through the House were
Rep. Francis Walter of Pennsyl-
vania, Democrat, and Rep. Ken-
neth Keating of New York, Re-
publican. They had potent lobby-
ing help from the baseball own-
ers. Virtually all of themwere on
the job, pressuring Congress with
phone calls and personal visits.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
OT LONG AGO a highly qualified spokes-
man on Canadian and American affairs, Mr.
;ob Viner, wrote in ;the quarterly magazine
dished by Queens University that"Amen-
s are capable of forgetting their common
cerns with Canada while Canadians cannot
get their involvements with their giant
ghbor." This is the essential point in the
eral sense of grievance which has been
unting in Canada. It led to the President's
t of appeasement and friendship.
he Canadians have a fair number of specific
vances about wheat, oil, lead ard zinc,
ut the control of Canadian subsidiaries of
erican companies. They are themselves
otiable and adjustable provided that we
his country pay enough attention to them.
the general grievance is more important
n the sum of the specific grievances of which
President discussed several in his Ottawa
ress. The crux of the problem is that the
adian economy is highly vulnerable to what
one in the United States while the American
ernment and American public opinion are
tentive and' absent-minded about what hap-
s in Canada.
s a measure of our inattention, we can take
ct which was reported recently to the House.
imittee on Foreign Affairs by Reps. Brooks,
s and Frank M. Coffin. There is only one
rican newspaper, "The New York Times,"
ch has a news bureau in Canada; "The
ago Tribune" and, we might add, "The
York Herald Tribune" have reporters; for
rest there are the Associated Press and the
ed Press International which take their
adian news from the Canadian Press Asso-
on and' the British United Press. There is,
is to say, little popular interest in Canadian
PART, no doubt, this lack of interest is due
the fact that Canadian-American rela-
s have for so long a time been so very good.
ons tend to think about what troubles
i rather than about what goes well. But
e is more to it than that. Canadian concern
American inattention reflects the enormous
arity in the economic size of the two
le Canadian population is less than 10 per
of the American. Their gross national.
uct is about six per cent of ours. Yet, as
ie Minister Diefenbaker said recently, the
adian "trading world has become increas-
confined to the United States, which takes
t* &
Editorial Staff_
Co-Editor Ca-Editor
RT JUNKER -.,.... ....Night Editor
RD GERULDSEN ....«........ Night Editor
NT HOLTZER ......,.Night Editor
VANDERSLICE...............Night Editor
ARD MiNTZ................... Sports Editor
SHIPPEY........,....... Chief Photographer
Business Staff
60 per cent of our exports and provides 73 per
cent of our imports."
Moreover, in a variety of key industries, an
impressive percentage of the capital employed
is controlled in the United States. In oil it is
68 .per cent, in mining 54 per cent, in pulp and
paper 45 per cent, in agricultural machinery 56
per cent, in automobiles 95 per cent, in rubber
84 per cent. Thus while the Canadian economy
is much smaller .than the American, it is at the
same time vitally related to the American.
American inattention crossed with' Canadian
vulnerability pose a problem which in any long
view is of very great importance. It is that
Canadian-American relations, which have been
the pride of North America and an example to
the world, can no longer be taken for granted-
as predestined to be good because the two peo-
ples have so much in common. Our relations
will have to be cared for and nurtured, will.
have to be guided and promoted, by the con-
scious action of the two nations. '
THE PRESIDENT'S speech to the Canadian
Parliament, though it was ably written,
failed, it seemed to me, to recognize that the
times have changed and that the old relation-
ship which has worked well for so long will not
be good enough for the future.
Indeed, much of the emphasis of the Presi-
dent's speech was on the ideological notion,j
which does not happen to be true in this case,
that as lovers of a free economy there is nothing
much for statesmen to do. What, for example,.
was the point of his saying that "the United
States and Canada are not state traders" when
one of the specific Canadian grievances is over.
the United States' state trading operations for
the disposal of our surplus wheat.
The real long term problem, of disparity in
size combined with American inattention, is not
going to be solved by occasional meetings at or
near the summit, and for the rest by conven-
tional diplomatic intercourse. We have to open
our minds, I am inclined to think, to the task
of creating some kind of new organ, a joint
political institution which has enough authority
to make both governments listen.
The chief reason for thinking that the exist-
.ing diplomatic machinery is not adequate lies
in the radical difference between the Canadian
and the American form of representative gov-
ernment. At last week's meeting in Ottawa, for
example, Mr. Eisenhower had nothing like the
power to negotiate which Mr. Diefenbaker pos-
sesses. The Prime Minister could commit his
government. The President, who outranks him,
does not control Congress and could not com-
mit the American government.
P R IN MOST of the economic issues which
affect Canadian-American relations, the real
power in the American government is not the
President but the Congress.
Obviously, neither country is going to change
its form of government. Obviously also, it is
not possible for the Congress of the United
States to negotiate with the Canadian govern-
ment. This leads me to think that it might,.
prove to be relevant and useful to establish a
'Rock a Bye Baby' Rolls on Slapstick
"ROQCK A BYE BABY," now at
the Michigan Theatre is an
innocuous bit of ribaldry carefully
cloked in Victorian correctness to
pass nasty censors and please the
Jerry Lewis, producer and star,
steals the show principally because
he's on the screen most of the
time, either acting inanely, singing
off key or attempting to wring the
last bit of sentiment out of, the
polite audience.
The story concerns' a blond,
buxom actress named Carla (Mar-
ilyn Maxwell) who discovers she
is going to have a baby. Her next
picture, an epic, will be "The
White Virgin of the Nile," a part
she will not be in shape to play.
Her husband, it seems, had been a
bullfighter, and died the day after
the wedding; a secret marriage, of
She has the baby, which turns:
out to be three babies, also secretly,
and gives them to Clayton Poole,.
her childhood sweetheart, alias
Lewis, to raise until "White Vir-
gin is completed.
. * * *
A SINGLE man suddenly finding
identical triplets on his doorstep
in Midvale, Indiana, creates a
small furor, especially since Clay-
to the
Sorry Cartoon . .
To the Editor:
You have failed us, let us
down! Your suffering long-lasting
public! How could you?
I .went to Frankenstein, it was
not bad, but fall-down-twice-and-
devil-take-me that cartoon! You
did not mention it, did neither
warn nor caution us that we, fore-
armed, might strengthened be
against such ravaged nonsense.
For nonsense neat, clean fallen
from some masters pen is of the
best and for the best intended, but
tortured sideways into slipshod
rhyme, and lisped by bumbling,
tumbling puppies it is of the worst
and for the wurst, which, no mat-
ter how you slice it, is still bologna.
"Foxy Pups" from the opening
strains of tinkly music is clearly
one of those oh-my-god-awful
quasi-kindergarten mix-ups. I
stood it till three, little head-bob-
bing puppies and a crying grand-
ton knows Carla's father who
notices the family traits in the
little darlings.
All this is complicated by the
fact that Clayton loves Carla, but
Carla's little sister, played by
Connie Stevens, loves Clayton. Her
plaintive song, "If he can care
for butterflies, why can't he care
for me," rather tersely sums up
the whole situation.
Meanwhile, back in Egypt, a
bevy of Cleopatran cuties are
naively hoofing before a Vista-
Vision camera chirping, "No one
else can hold a candle to the
White Virgin of the Nile."
What the story lacks in solid plot
it not compensated for by the act-
ing performances. Lewis is either
inane, or in the true clown tradi-
tion, pathos-seeking, but his per-
formance is dramatically shallow,
His ability is in bumbling humor,
but the slap-stick variety has been
exploited to the point where it
fails to please, even in VistaVision.
* *- *
MISS MAXWELL fills her scanty
garments to overflowing, but talent
she lacks, if one bothers to search
that far. Connie Stevens is almost
convincing as a teenager. The act-
ing honors .go to Baccaloni who
plays Carla's father. His perform-
ance is warm, if somewhat pressed,
and considering the ridiculous role
he was handed, he plays brilliantly.
The real stars are, of course, the
three little waifs who are usually
good natured and always clean
and neatly dressed. As two-month-
old infants they fail, chiefly be-
cause they are at least nine months
old, but for somewhat who likes
cuddly, personable babies this pic-
ture offers it.
Color and filming are tolerably
well handled, a these things go.
The cartoon, featuring Spunky,
the horse, is dull and "last week's
news this week," a repulsive fea-
ture at any movie, belongs on tele-
vision, or in the studio library.
"Rock a bye Baby" is; despite
the level of mentality aimed at,
still better than teen-type were-
wolf sagas, and babies are more
enjoyable than acting anyway.
-Robert Junkert
U.S. NLonger Tryng
To Pleae Everyone
Associated Press News Analyst
THE VISIT of British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd to Washington.
presages a quick Anglo-American decision on what to do about
Jordan and Iraq.
The odds are on British military intervention, with American sup-
port and participation if needed.
Much depends on whether King Hussein of Jordan is considered to
have a chance of reversing the situation in Iraq while at the same time
maintaining his position at home.
He already has set himself up as the successor of King Faisal of
Iraq as chief of the Arab (Jordan-Iraq) federation. The question is
to be pleasant, civilized settings of
Old Hundred, Danny Boy and Tur-
key in the'Straw. The Three Shan-
ties by Malcolm Arnold retained
all the flavor of the sea. The sec-
ond and third movements might
have been given the descriptive
titles of "The Sea's Lullaby" and
"Jolly and Slightly Tipsy."
* * *
the program was a very competent
performance of the Mozart Di-
vertimento No. 8 (K. 213). It suf-
fices to say that it was a refresh-
ing oasis in the desert of the un-
The premier performance of
Leslie Bassett's Woodwind Quintet
(1958) was enthusiastically re-
ceived by last night's audience. It
is a short four movement work
arranged in the classic alternating
slow fast fqrm.
The first movement (slow) was
very short; interesting is the only
word that comes to mind upon
first hearing. The second and
fourth movements are marked by
an urgent and effective drive
achieved in part by unison move-
ment and repetition. The third
movement is very lyrical with
plaintive passages for both flute
and oboe.
THE QUINTET Op. 100, No. 4,
in E minor by Anton Reicha con-
cluded the program. Reicha, in the
Mozart tradition utilizes the en-
semble as a whole while giving
each of the instruments a chance
at a coloratura passage or two.
The finale is especially charming.
The instruments bounce along
in turn with the intricacies of the
melody and the ending is a re-
freshing dominant-tonic play in
the best classical tradition,
-Allegra Branson
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan, for wchich The.
Michigan Dailygassumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTENt form to
Ronom 351 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced-
ing publication.
Associated Press Farm Reporter
W ASHINGTON-The future ap-
pears rather bleak for the
once-powerful Washington farm
bloc. It has been split- into angry
but seemingly impotent factions
by congressional setbacks.
The term farm bloc is applied to
farm organizations, congressmen
from farm areas and federal farm
officials who-because of a mu-
tuality of interest-have worked
pretty closely together, informally,
since the early 1930s to get gov-
ernment help for agriculture.
The recent.action of the House
in refusing even to consider an
omnibus farm bill approved by its
Agriculture Committee perhaps
did more than anything else to
weaken if not wreck the bloc.
Attempts have been made to
attribute this action to votes of
city congressmen who feared the
legislation would boost prices-
and taxes-of their constituents.
But a more influential factor
was a deep-seated division within
the farm bloc itself. This division
gave city lawmakers an escape
from political pressures to support
the controversial farm bill.
CC* *
THIS DIVISION within agricul-
ture centers around the issue of
how much or how little help the
federal government should extend
to farmers in the way of price
guarantees, production controls
and the like.
Lined up on the side of less fed-
eral aid are principally the Eisen-
hower administration, the Ameri-
can Farm Bureau Federation and
those congressmen from both ma-
jor parties who also favor a gov-
ernment retreat from agriculture.
On the'other side are such farm
organizations as the National
Grange, the National Farmers
Union, the National Conference of
Commodity Organizations and, of
course, congressmen who favor use
of federal powers and money to
assure farmers better returns.
Some of the proposals advanced
whether he can become its saviour.-
Reports have come out that there
is a sufficient nucleus of loyal
Iraqi forces outside Baghdad to
warrant a try.
An Anglo-Jordanian effort to
overthrow the rebels by force
would, without the existence of
capable internal forces, be a dif-
ferent matter.
* * *
THE ENTIRE strength of the
United States was poised behind
the Marines in Lebanon.
It was like a task force sent out
to do a limited job while the army
behind it maintains a constant
Marines had landed, the situation
was not yet well in hand.
The unity of Britain, France-
and the United States, and the.
poise of their arms, might serve'
to maintain the present situation.
* * *
BUT NONE knew what would
happen if a "rescue mission' is
undertaken in Iraq.
Beyond Iraq lie the oil fields of
Iran, gnd beyond them, the Soviet
Union. And one of the Soviet
Unions chief world objectives is to
deny Middle Eastern oil to the
industry of Western Europe.