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Years of Editorial Freedom
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Report Optimistic on BuyingTrend
WASHINGTON. (') - The United 'States' number-one trouble
shooter in world crises, Robert D. Murphy, flew to Lebanon yesterday
on hurry-up orders from President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
His monumental task: to try to keep the Middle East troubles from
flaring into even worse catastrophe for the free world.
Even as Murphy was setting out on his suddenly decreed journey,
it was announced in London that Selwyn Lloyd, the British foreign
secretary, was en route to Washington.
May Move into Jordan
The Murphy and Lloyd trips co-incided with signs that British
troops might move into Jordan,
Cub Rebels
Free Four
. S , z e
GUANTANAMO, Cuba t(m)-Fou
more American servicemen-scrub
bed and clean-shaven this time-
were flown back to freedom yes
terday after being held 20 days a
hostages by Cuban rebels.
They joined seven set free b
the rebels Tuesday, who in con
trast had heavy beards. Eightee
American Marines and sailors sti
were inrebel hands in their moun
tain stronghold 40 miles northwes
from this southeast. Cuban Amer
' can naval base.
United States Consul Park Wo]
lam, who worked for weeks to ar
range the prisoners' release, rxe
ported the rebels apparently in
tend to continue freeing captive
in small batches, and the proces,
might take from four days to
Rebel leader Raul Castro, broth1
er of the revolutionary. movement;
top chief'Fidel Castro, apparent]
is avoiding setting all the men fre
at once in order to stave off
possible big air and land offer
Ssive against his' forces by the
Cuban government..
The Cuban regime of dictatcr
Fulgencio Batista has refrainer
from attacking the rebels in thb
mountains as long °as they holy
American prisoners.
All but one Marine are Nav
men. They said the rebels mad
them take baths and shave befor
they were allowed to fly out of tb
mountains in Navy helicoiters.
A group of 29 sailors and Ma"
rines were kidnapyed near this bast
by rebels while returning from
liberty in a bus June 27. The rebel:
made the Cuban bus driver, whr
also was freed Tuesday, drive ti
group into the mountains of east"
ern Cuba.
The first batch of seven men
appeared somewhat thin, but wel
and cheerful..
perhaps by¢ this weekend, to bolster
its it pro-West government from
toppling like that of Iraq earlier
in the week.
Loyd is to talk the crisis over
with President Eisenhower and
Secretary of State Dulles.
The number-two man in the
State Department, undersecretary
Christian A. Herter, was reported
to have told the House Foreign
Affairs Committee in closed ses-;
sion yesterday afternoon that one
ir of Murphy's responsibilities will
- be to determine what specific or-
- ders are needed for United States
- troops in Lebanon.
*s Will Not Attack Rebels
A Defense Department spokes-
y man said there tis no plan to con-
1 duct offensive operations against
n Lebanese rebels. He said the mis-
Ii sion there is "merely to protect
- government installations and so
t far there has been no opposition
- by rebel forces."
LONDON (R') - Tass an-
nounced Thursday Soviet land
and air forces will begin mili-
tary training exercises near the
Iranian border tomorrow.
The maneuvers will be held
in the Transcaucasus and Tur-
kestan military districts of
southern Russia, according to
a Soviet dispatch broadcast by
Moscow radio.
In Moscow the Kremlin last
night urged the United States
to pull its Marines out of Leb-
anon. It declared the Soviet
Union reserves the right to act
"to halt a dangerous situation
near our ,border."
The Soviet statement said the
landings were an act "not only
against the Lebanon but against
other peace-loving nations of
the Middle East."
Gold ~fine
Calls Aide
Fo rty Tim es
WASHINGTON (') - Bernard
Goldfine acknowledged yesterday
telephoning Sherman Adams-"a
friend you call whenever you see
fit"-43 times in six months.
But the wealthy Boston indus-
trialist continued mum on some
matters, despite more warnings of
possible contempt action from a
special House investigating sub-
Goldfine, in the witness chair
for the seventh and supposedly
next-to-last time, described as
correct a recordof43 long-dis-
tance calls he placed to Adams,
President Dwight D. Eisenhower's
No. 1 aide. The record showed the
calls were made to the White
House, Adams' private number
and, on one occasion, to Min-
neapolis when Adams was travel-
Two Calls Per Week
The record covered the period
from Nov. 20, 1957 to May 11, 1958,
and thus amounted to almost two
calls weekly on an average.
"I consider Governor Adams one
of my best friends," Goldfine said.
"A friend you call whenever you
see fit ,., and he does the same
to you."
While the subcommittee neared
the end of its marathon question-
ing of Adams' gift-giving friend-
and presumably approached a de-
cision on a contempt citation-the
House itself exploded into a new
row over the investigators' tactics.
Issue Arouses Protest
The immediate issue was a bitter
protest by Rep. Perkins Bass (R-
NH) against the mention by sub-
committee Chairman Oren Harris
(D-Ark) of a name identical with
Bass' in connection with a com-
pany Harris said was a party in a
case of apparent political string-
Bass said he had nothing to do
with any such thing and that
Harris should have done him the
courtesy of checking before men-
tioning his name.
Feelings of confidence and se-
curity on the part of consumers
have not declined substantially be-
cause of the recession, declared a
report just compiled by the Uni-
versity's Survey Research Center.
Inclinations to buy and con-
sumer sentiment remained sub-
stantially the same in June as it
was in December, 1957. More re-
cent t r en ds indicate increased
optimism on the part of con-
sumers since during the first part
of the six-month period confidence
declined, the report stated.
Call Big Slump Impossible
The majority of people today,
69 per cent, think that any de-
pression the scale of that of the
30's is impossible today.
Other major findings of the
SurveyrResearch poll are:
1) The need felt for durable
goods, homes and additions or re-
pairs to homes is almost as strong
as a few years ago. The decline in
consumer spending is due to post-
ponement of spending in these
areas rather than to saturation of
the market,
2) Many consumers refuse to
believe that inflation and recession
can occur at the same time. Since
the last survey conducted in De-
cember, 1957, fewer people expect
the prices of automobiles, house-
hold items and clothing to rise; a
large minority expects them to go
3) Twice as many people, 32 per
cent of the families interviewed,
think that business conditions will
be better a year from now than
believed this in December, 1957.
4) "Consumers' evaluation of
their personal financial situation
deteriorated further during the
past six months. About one out of
six families was hit by unemploy-
ment during the past 12 months.
Breadwinners' evaluations of their
chances to get another job, should
they lose their present job, are
much less optimistic now than two
years ago.
5) "Definite intentions to pur-
May Reinforce
L~ebanon Marine
' ik .x <is°i ^lK ttf, a:. xget $tt' , + Y .tst s t s3? £e. t X ra Sa;[c'ta Fcta t't'ti 'K 6
Land at NATO BaseNear Ankara;
/ ° ' Throw Security Ring Around Field
WASHINGTON (I- - An airborne battle group of about
1,600 men lande: in Turkey yesterday.
I eOfficials said they might be used to reinforce the 5,400
-- United States Marines In Lebanon.
-'!All of the armed services were thus poised for possitle
" .quick action.
United States military transport planes carrying men
of the First Battle Group of the 187th nfantry, 24th Division,
landed at the big NATO air base near Adana in southern
Turkey. A tight security ring"
h was thrown around the base. 111.5. Firm
". . r. : j' Te 24thDvision has a second 1
. <. '' . eairborne battle group whichisu- "
RESEARCH STUDY - This graph shows the relative index of
durable goods (dotted line), disposable personal income (broken
line) and consumer attitudes (solid line) from June 1952 to June,
chase durable goods are less fre-
quent than six months ago" but
the number of families who might
buy has risen.
More Want To Buy
Of all families interviewed, 41
per cent, a two per cent rise over
six months ago, indicated this was
"a good time to buy,' the report
These surveys of "Consumer At-
titudes and Inclinations to Buy"
have been conducted by the Sur-
vey Research Center two or three
times a year since 1951.
These periodic surveys are di-
rected by Prof. George Katona,
program director, an i Eva Muel-
ler, assistant program drector, of
the Survey Research Center.
It previously had been reported
Murphy's efforts will be aimed at
restoring order through negotia-
tion rather than by the use of
United States military force.
His instruction, issued by Presi-
dent Eisenhower at the White
House. were to "do everything pos-
sible to restore peace and tran-
quility and to . assist" Lebanon's
President Camille Chamoun in
ending political turmoil. President
Eisenhower designated Murphy as
his special political representative
in Lebanon.
Suggest Denial
Of Passport
To Red Agents
Department said yesterday that
Congress could deal communism a
serious blow by arming the de-
partment with authority to pro-
hibit Red agents and couriers from
getting United States passports,
The department argument was
presentedto the Senate Foreign
Relations Committee by Robert D.
Murphy, deputy undersecretary of
state, who was called away before
he could finash answering ques-
Murphy testified the department
is now powerless to stop Commun-
ist agents from traveling out of
the United ,States, because of a
Supreme Court decision June 16.
The court held that Congress
had not authorized the State De-
partment to withhold passports
from Communists or others be-
cause of their beliefs or associa-
Murphy left the committee hear-
ing, while being questioned by
Democratic ..senators, when he re-
ceived suddeli orders to go to'
Beirut, Lebanon, at once.
Congress OK 's
Sp ce Agency
and Senate in quick succession
passed, by voice votes and sent
to the White Housetyesterday a
bill to create a new civilian space
The agency would, be under the
direct control of .the President. He
would be advised by a council com-
posed of eight members in addi-
tion to himself, including three
experts not in the federal govern-
MeClurg Asks New Method
"Elementary school children are fascinated by the 'touch and
feel' stage of learning but science teachers aren't doing enough about
it," James E. McClurg told a group at the 29th Annual Summer Educa-
tion Conference on Science and Mathematics.
The science instructor at the University Elementary School was
speaking to a special interest group on "Pockets, Pebbles and Pebble
-'p., -'J.:_. insance,- ciaren coi-
Pups " "For instance, children col ° -
Baftlett Says
Schols Face
ig Problem
LANSING (A') - A tremendous
problem faces this nation in the
education of its young people, Dr.
Lynn M. Bartlett, state superin-
tendent of public instruction, said
Bartlett, an ex-officio member
of the Board of Regents, spoke
before a Phi D5elta Kappa frater-
nity meeting.
"Our schools are very much
overcrowded, we desperately need
competent, well-trained teachers
and we must have the tools with
which to do the job of effective
teaching," Bartlett said..
The teacher situation in Michi-
gan is severe, he said, declaring
that 11,000 of the state's 56,000
teacher's do not meet minimum
certificate requirements.
"The situation is bad now,"
said Bartlett. "It's going to grow
lect rocks and stones wherever they
go and show a great, driving in-
terest in them," he explained.
"Once they do this, it's the
teacher's job to capitalize on this
curiosity and carry it on into the
wider world of principles and con-
cepts related to the child's every-
day experience," McClurg said.
"I have a hunch the average
science teacher knows more about
Sputnik, or the moon, than he'
does about the rocks de's stand-
ing on," he continued.
"The elementary teacher often
doesn't know which of the 2,500
minerals he should teach, McClurg
said. "Out of these, 10 or 15 are
very common, but the teacher is
often hard pressed to know which
are most important for the stu-
dents to learn."
"Frequently, they talk about
some exotic mineral that the kids
never run across," he said.
He explained that often a teach-
er is satisfied to impart scientific
vocabulary only.
"It isn't ,enough to limit the,
learning experience to 'here is a
mountain,' 'here is a lava flow' or
'here is a piece of granite,'" Mc-
Clurg maintained.
Soviet Faith
Lectur-e Topic
For Salisbury
Harrison Salisbury, of the New
York staff of The New York Times,
will deliver a lecture at 4:15 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall on
"Religion Behind the Iron Cur-
Salisbury was Moscow corres-
pondent for the Times fro 1949
to 1954 and is author of such ooks
as "An American in Russia" and
"Russia on the Way."
Salisbury also won the Pulitzer
Prize for International Corres-
pondents in 1955. This will be the
eighth lecture in the University's
summer session series on "Religion
in Contemporary Society."
Salisbury has also worked for
the Minneapolis Journal and Unit-
ed Press.
Salisbury' is the son of Percy.
and Georgiana Salisbury. He was
a member of Theata Delta Chi
undergraduate fraternity.
fallow the first group.
The operation was denounced
by President Nasser of the United
Arab Republic as "a blunt threat
to the Arab states."
The Marines doubled their man-
power in revolt-ravaged Lebanon
and moved from their beachhead
into Beirut and its port area.
Contingents totaling 3,600 were
ashore in Lebanon. Another force
-the 5,400 Marines assigned to
protect President Camille Cha-
moun's harassed pro-Western
government and Americna civil-
ians in Lebanon - stood by in
coastal waters.
President Nasser warned in a
statement broadcast by Radio
Cairo that any aggression against
the new Iraqi Republic, set up
Monday by pro-Nasser rebels,
would be considered aggression
against the U.A.R. of Egypt and}
Prime Minister Macmillan told
Britain's House of Commons the
crisis holds grave dangers for the
Rebel leader Saeb Salam was
quoted by Radio Damascus as say-
ing he would fight to the end #o
drive out the Marines, seeking aid
"from any source." A British ru-
mor that the rebel command had
ordered a cease-fire was called a
Jordan's young King Hussein,
who has proclaimed himself-new
chief of state of the Iraq-Jordan
union, appealed in a broadcast to
the Iraqi people and army "to kill
mutiny in its cradle and to puri-
fy Iraq of traitors."
The airlift from Germany was
part of a massive realignment of
American military power brought
on by the 68-day revolt in Leban-
on and the sudden, deadly revolt
Monday in Iraq,.
Set for Dig
The combined Summer Session
and Lockport Township High
SchoolBands willpresent an open-
air concert on the Diagonal at 7
p.m. today.
Prof. William D. Revelli of the
School of Music, director of the
Summer Session Band, will con-
duct the concert.
The United States held firm yes-
terday against mounting pressure
spearheaded by the Soviet Union
for withdrawal of United States
Marines from Lebanon.
United States Ambassador Hen-
ry Cabot Lodge insisted in the 11-
nation Security Council only an
international military force can
supplant the Marines in the little
revolt-torn Middle East country.
The Council postponed action
until 2 p.m. today on a United
States resolution authorizing cre-
ation of the internationalforcet.o
protect Lebann's Idependene
from subversion by President Na-
ser's United Arab Republic.
'A Soviet veto appeared certain.
'There was no prospect that the
Council would approve a rival So-
viet resolution urging immediate
withdrawal of the Marines.
Wendt Sees
No Prospaect""
OfRWar Now
"If there is another war, we will
win it and, if we win it, we ~ill
haveto-govern the world-not on1y
the Arabs but the Russians"
Gerald Wendt, science editor of
UNESCO said Yesterday.
He emephasized that he did not
now anticipate another war. "I
believe the prospects for atomic
war are shrinking," he told the
29th annual Summer Education
"We must focus our attention on
the major policies which would be
needed in world administration
after a victory," Wendt said. "We
must concentrate on acquiring
languages-in particular, Russian,
Arabic and Chinese - as these
would be needed by the people who
will course the earth for us after
a victory."
Calls Needs Same
"If there is no war, the needs
are exactly the same for we are
engaged in a cold war-'cold' with
respect to bullets but 'hot' from
the psychological standpoint. The
Russians are aware that this is
a very hot psychological war. We
have lost battle after battle to
them because they are afterhe
minds f men. For this reason, we
need to give psychology a great
deal mre study than we have 1In
the past.
"On the school level, we need
to consider first of all that, wa'
or no war, our science will on-
tinue to advance," he said. "The
average span of life has increased
and will continue to increase. Even
it we have no further increase in
the length of life, the new babies
born this Year have an even
chance of living through the first
quarter of the next century. Our
children are, in truth, the children
of the 21st Century.
Life Will Be Different
"We can be sure that life in the
21st Century will not be like this
at all, largely because of the in-
creasing pace of scientific re-
search," Wendt predicted. There
Company Asks
C ontinuation
Of Gas Control
LANSING (A") - Consumers
Power Co. today pleaded with the
State Public Service Commission
to continue regulation of g as use
for space heating..
Alphonse Aymond, executive
vice-president, said the company
is prepared to take on 30,000 new
customers but that its supplies
were in no condition to attach
another 140,000 applicants wait-
ing for service,
The ,supply outlook for future
years-is encouraging, he said.
Aymond testified at a hearing
on whether the commission should
withdraw from this field of regu-
lation, as it already has done with.
,respect to several dther gas dis-
tributing firms.
None of the others have the
bulk gas supply problems of Con-
sumers, which for years has had
trouble meeting market demands.
Regulation was instituted as an
Phi Clii To Build $400,000 Three-Unit 'House'
...Phi Chi will build a $400,000 three-building fraternity installa-
'-. . tion, the first in the country to provide quarters for married stu-
.dents, the architect for the project announced yesterday.
James H. Livingston ,the architect, said that construction of the
medical fraternity's units is scheduled to begin in October and be
'' k completed by September 1959.
Phi Mu is scheduled to move into Phi Chi,s vacated house in
..: .., ..'September, 1959. The house was sold for a reported $125,000
Housed in Two Buildings
SThe new fraternity will contain two buildings, 22 one and two
.s> ~bedroom apartments for the married students and their families.
The units ar being built on a two-acre, sloping site on Huron
S, ' overlooking the Huron River and the Arboretum. Buildings facing
S, . the Huron will have all-glass walls.
The two two-story units will be adjacent to a four-story one,