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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
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UN Arms Requested
To Help Lebanon
Security Council Hears U.S. Plea;
Russia Asks American Withdrawal
UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (A)-The United States last night called
upon the United Nations to set up an international military force to
protect the independence of Lebanon.
The United States proposal was submitted to the United Nations
Security Council after the Soviet Union had demanded that the
council order the immediate withdrawal of American forces from
The Soviet Union declared the presence of United States forces
in the tiny Middle East country could plunge the world into the abyss
MOSCOW (A') - The explo-
sive events in the Middle East
caused no visible reaction in
the Russian capital yesterday.
But the official Soviet news
agency Tass branded the land-
ing of American Marines in
Lebanon an open act of aggres-
sion, and Western diplomats
did not try to conceal their
Few diplomats tried to min-
imize the seriousness of the
Middle East flareup.
Most of the Western diplo-
mats agreed that the Kremlin
would try to label the Iraq re-
volt as an overthrow of imper-
ialist forces and the Lebanon
developments as gross inter-
ference in the internal affairs
of the middle east.
Cuba Rebels
Free Seven
U.S. Airmen
Cuban rebels yesterday made good
belatedly on their promise to start.
releasing 29 American servicemen
held as hostages. They freed a
batch of seven and more are ex-
pected today.
Two United States Navy heli-
copters flew into the rebels'
mountain fastness and returned
late yesterday afternoon with the
first of the mass kidnap victims.
All seemed well and cheerful.
Kidnapped in June
The 29 servicemen - a busload
of them on a picnic from the
United States naval base here -
were kidnapped by the rebels June
26. Their Cuban bus driver also
was freed.
United States consular officials
conducted a weeks-long negotia-
tion campaign to, get the men re-
turned. Earlier the rebels released
20 American and Canadian ci-
vilians they also had seized.
The seven sailors and marines
got a warm welcome at the naval
base. Boatswains Mate 2. C. Billy
Ray Fox of Bloomfield, N.J., got
a homecoming to remember.
'Looks Horrible'
His pretty black-haired wife,
Lee, smothered him with kisses
and hugs.
"He looks horrible," she said.
"His cheeks are sunken and he
is so thin. But I am happy again."
Mrs. Fox, who was living at the
base with their two daughters,
said her husband had been due
for a transfer to Bayonne, N.J.,
July 1. "Now I am sure we will
all get there after all," she said.
In general, the men appeared to
be in good condition and high
Alumni Fund
Reaches Peak
Contribution- to the University
Alumni Fund reached a new 12-
month high in the 1957-58 aca-
demic year, according to James
K. Miller, Alumni Fund manager.
of a new global war. The United
States resolution declared that the
United States forces would remain
in Lebanon only until the United
Nations itself is able to assume the
responsibility for Lebanon's in-
A Soviet veto appeared certain.
The United States proposal call-
ed on Secretary General Dag Ham-
marskjold to consult immediately
with the government of Lebanon
and other governments on addi-
tional arrangements, including the
contribution and use of military
contingents, to stop outside aid to
Lebanese rebels and protect the
Urges Cooperation
It also urged all governments
concerned to cooperate with the
secretary general. It further call-
ed for the immediate cessation of
all illegal infiltration of personnel
or supply of arms to the Lebanese
rebels from the outside.
The Soviet protest against the
landing of American forces was
made by Ambassador Arkady A.
Sobolev after the United States
had formally notified the hurried-
ly called session of the 11-nation
council of the move.
Ambassador Henry Cabot Lodge
said the United States had moved
to protect tiny Lebanon and other
pro-Western countries, from pow-
ers in the Middle East trying to
crush them by ruthless aggres-
He urged the United Nations to
act quickly to stabilize the Middle
East so American forces could be
withdrawn. And he announced he
would begin consultations urgent-
ly with United Nations Secretary
General Dag Hammarskjold and
other delegations on concrete pro-
Want Security Force
Informed quarters said the Unit-
ed States had. in mind some sort
of United Nations security force,
somewhere between the watchdog
team now in Lebanon and the
United Nations emergency force
in the Gaza strip.
Diplomats saw little hope that
such a plan would escape a Soviet
veto in view of Sobolev's bitter
denunciation of any form of inter-
vention in the Middle East either
by the Western Powers or by the
United Nations.
It was expected, however, that
a veto would either result in an
emergency session of the General
Assembly or in continuation of the
American forces in Lebanon.
WASHINGTON A) - House in-
vestigators yesterday turned down
the proposal by Bernard Goldfine
to let a federal judge decide
whether their questions are prop-
er or not.
The special House Investigating
Committee acted at a closed ses-
sion called to discuss, among oth-
er things, the proposition made
by a Goldfine lawyer to go into
United States court here for a
judgment on whether the com-
mittee's questions are pertinent.
After the session, Chairman
Oren Harris (D-Ark) told news-
men the subcommittee turned up
a new cas, not concerning Gold-
fine, which he said involves gross
political interference and influ-
Declines Comment
Harris declined to say whether
presidential assistant Sherman
Adams, a friend of Goldfine, was
connected with it.
Harris named the mill involved
as Raylaine Worsted Inc., of Man-
chester, N. H., and said the data
obtained by the subcommittee
constitutes "ample information as
to show there was gross political
inteference and influence."
He said the special subcommit-
tee decided that the case is out-
side its assigned jurisdiction and
therefore is turning it over to the
House Armed Services Committee.
Dislikes Suggestions
Harris told the Boston million-
aire he doesn't think much of sug-
gestions that a committee of Con-
gress abdicate its authority.
He declined to say whether
possible contempt of Congress ac-
tion against Goldfine would be
discussed. The gift-giving textile
magnate has been warned con-
tinued refusal to reply to com-
mittee questions might bring on
such action.
However, Rep. John Bell Wil-
liams (D-Miss.) told a reporter
the committee i in no hurry to
decide whther to seek a citation.
Harris announced Goldfine will
return today for .questioning.
To Perform
The University Woodwind Quin-
tet will present a public concert
at 8:30 p.m. today in Rackham
Lecture Hall.
The program, which is being
presented in conjunction with the
tnth annual Band Conductors'
Conference, will feature works by
Mozart, Reicha, A r n o 1 d and
The first performance of a work
dedicated to the Woodwind Quin-
tet by Prof. Leslie Bassett of the
School of Music will highlight the
-Daily-David Giltrow
SPIRITUAL STORY-Norman Hartweg and Bea Minkus will
appear in Graham Greene's "The Potting Shed," a story of the
struggle between religious faith and atheism in modern society.
The play will be presented by the speech department today
through Friday.
Speech Department Show,
t Shed,'To Open
"The Potting Shed" by Graham Greene will be presented by the
speech department at 8 p.m. today through Friday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The play is being presented in conjunction with the Summer
Session theme of "Religion in Contemporary Society." The play has
been described as a "modern spiritual an dintellectual detective story."
William Teufel, Grad., will appear as Dr. Fredrick Baston, who
refused to face the facts of life, while Norman Hartweg, Grad., will
Iplay the good newspaperman
Allied Move
In Lebanon
matic and congressional sources
here reported yesterday that
British and possibly French
troops might also be moved into
the Mideast as part of a coordi-
nated Allied drive to help friends
of the West in the strategic, oil-
rich region.
British troops were reported
alerted to speed to the aid of pro-
Western Jordan if King Hussein
should ask for such help. British
forces were also reported poised
to intervene in nearby Iraq if it
developed the pro-Western gov-
ernment there asked for aid
against a serious rebel onslaught
which seized control Monday.
A congressional source said he
understood the British and pos-
sibly the French also might rein-
force the United States Marines
who landed in a picnic-like at-
mosphere without casualties at
Beirut Harbor yesterday morning.
The White House, in announc-
ing the single-handed United
States move, said it answered an
urgent plea from Lebanon's presi-
dent Camille Chamoun to Presi-
dent Dwight D. Eisenhower Mon-
day morning.
Met With Dulles
Government officials reported
that President Eisenhower and
Secretary of State Dulles tenta-
tively decided to intervene Mon-
day morning. This was discussed
with congressional leaders at a
21%2 hour meeting at the White
House late Monday.
Dulles secretly advised British,
French, German and Italian dip-
lomats of the Prospect Monday
night. He met also with Lebanon's
visiting foreign minister, Charles
Malik, to inform him.
Marine Role Cloudy
The role the Marines would play
in Lebanon was kept deliberately
clouway. Some authorities said they
would shoot, if necessary, to help
the Lebanese government forces
restore stability.
The main hope was that their
mere presence would be enough
to frighten the rebels into giving
up their fight.
June Shows
Income Up
WASHINGTON (;) - A broad
recovery from recession lows was
reflected yesterday in reports
showing June increases in indus-
trial production and personal in-
Some improvement was noted
in almost all segments of business
and industry and most laggard
groups at least held their own.
The Federal Reserve Board's
index of industrial production
rose two points to 130 per cent of
the 1947-49 average.
This compared with a recession
low of 126 in April and a postwar
high of 145 last August. It was
the second straight increase in
this monthly measure of output of
the nation's mines and factories.
Personal income, the Commerce
Department said, rose in June to
a sasonally adjusted aennual rate
of $351,800,000,000.
Personal income last month was
nearly two billion dollars higher
th:n the annual rate for May, the
Commerce Department said. It re-
ported that the rise centered in
wage and salary payments.
Sent to Mid-East
President, in Statement, Pledges
To Support Troops if Necessary
WASHINGTON ill - The United States acted last night
upon the promise of President Dwight D. Eisenhower to throw
more help - if more help is needed - into the rescue of
the government of revolt-shattered Lebanon.
Speaking to the nation through newspapers and by tele-
vision and radio broadcasts the chief executive, in the grav-
est crisis to confront the country since Korea, said he was
prepared to reinforce the
5,000 marines who went
ashore in Lebanon if need be.
Within hours the Defense De-
partment gave armed weight to
his words.
Airlift Begins
The Atlantic Fleet began an air- ' ;h
lift of an undisclosed number of
assault marines from Cherry e
who has been unable to live with
the wife he loves. fl,- has been un-
able to filed the answers to life
with the aid of his psychoanalyst,
Dr. Kreuzer, played by Nick Ha-
Green, an English author, has
dealt with religious problems and
problems of life in a modern set-
ting. Prof. William P. Halstead
of the speech department will di-
rect the prcduction. Scenery was
designed by Ralph Duckwall, Jr.,
of the speech department, and
costumes were created by Phyllis
Pletcher Rodgers.
See text of statement, page 4
Point, N. C., to a Mediterranean
point of quick readiness to sup-
port those in Lebanon, should the
need arise.
They were flown in Marine
Corps air transports and were de-
scribed as ready for combat.
President Eisenhower simul-
taneously ordered fighting men
around the globe alerted to the
chance of any counter-stroke
from the Communist world.
He warned the nation that seri-
ous consequences might result
from United States intervention
in the explosive, oil rich Middle
East. But he said solemnly:
Must Meet Situation
"We must, however,- be pre-
pared to meet the situation, what-
ever oe the consequences."
Russia immediately denounced
the United States action.
As a precaution, the United
States Strategic Air Bomber Fleet
was placed on an alert yesterday
afternoon. The Atlantic and Paci-
fic Fleets canceled all leaves and
put their warships on a four-hour
Marines Land
These far-reaching develop-
ments came during a day of hec-
tic activity at the White House
beginning with yesterday morn-
ing's announcement that Marines
were landing in Lebanon.
President Eisenhower said the
Marines, backed by powerful war-
ship and air force units, were
rushed to Lebanon to prevent the
tiny Mideast country from falling
victim to the same pattern of
conquest that menaced Czecho-
slovakia, China, Korea and Indo-
"We had hoped that these
threats to the peace and to the
independence and integrity of
small nations had come to. an
end," he said. "Unhappily, now
they reappear. Lebanon was se-
lected to become a victim."
raitics More
aching Device
Civihan Space Agency
Established bV Congress
WASHINGTON (A)-Senate-House conferees agreed yesterday on
creation of a new civilian space agency to be controlled by the Presi-
dent with the advice of an eight-member Council.
The compromise bill is expected to be taken up in the House today
or tomorrow.
Senate Democratic Leader Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas said the
Senate will be ready to pass on it soon afterward. '
As worked out by the conferees, the bill would give the President
overriding power over the agency and would make the Council an
advisory body rather than an op-
erating committee. The conferees
also added some civilian, nongov-
ernment weight to the Council. Creative Drai
Sen. Johnson said creation of
the high - level policy makinge
Council met with President Dwight
.u. isenowe s aproa'. r~'
Not, Russiains
Calse Revolt
"It is till too early to be sure
what course events in the Middle
East will take," was the general
opinion of Arab students ques-
tioned about the present crisis.
However, most were in agree-
ment about four main points:
1) The revolts in both Iraq and
Lebanon are not, most students
emphatically agreed, Communist-
inspired. On the contrary most
Arabs are anti-Communist, wish-
ing to be free of all foreign influ-
ence and .maintain a policy of
"positive neutralism."
Nasser to Benefit
2) President Gamal Abdel Nas-
ser, of the United Arab Republic,
is not behind these events, though
he will probably stand to benefit
from them. Rather, Arab nation-
alism and the desire for Arab uni-
ty were viewed as thermotivating
factors behind these revolts.
3) Both revolts are the internal
affairs of the respective countries
and for them to settle, not the
Western powers.
4) The United States should
have waited for United Nations
action before sending her troops
into Lebanon, for Arab opinion
will be antagonized by such ac-
tion. However, the damage to
United States and Western pres-
tige can be minimized if there is
no enlargement in the scope of
the intervention.
Further Action Harmful
Any further United States ac-
tion, with or without Anglo-
French forces, will greatly wors-
en the situation.
"One Arab nation is the dream
of all Arabs," said Kana'an J. Al-
Komser, Grad., of Iraq, and there
"will soon be a union of all Arab
peoples." Who will head the union,
Al-Komser was not sure, but if
Nasser proves himself the most
able, the people will elect him.
Nasser, he continued, is the sym-
bol of Arab nationalism to the
Middle East peoples.
His sentiments were voiced also
Band To Perform on Diag
D. Eisenhower's approval. Presi-
dent Eisenhower had asked for
creation of the agency along lines
agreed upon by the conferees.
The new agency would take over
from the 47-year-old National Ad-
visory Committee on Aeronautics,
which now does advanced research
on flight problems. It would have
a greatly expanded staff and add-
ed powers.
Hugh L. Dryden, now NACA di-
rector, is expected to get the $22,-
500-a-year job as administrator.
Russians Ask
Peace Treaty
LONDON () - Russia yester-
day offered to join with all the
People who consider creative dramatics as a mere teaching device
or as therapy should see a demonstration where it reaches the highest
realms and becomes an art, Winifred Ward declared yesterday.
Prof. Ward, children's theater expert, spoke before the Speech
Department's speech assembly. She is assistant professor emeritus in
the school of speech at Northwestern Univtrsity and has served 25
years as director of Children's Theater in Evanston, Ill., an organiza-
tion which she founded.
Used as Therapy
Psychologists took over creative dramatics as a therapeutic
measure to have their patients "act out" situations disturbing them,
Prof. Ward noted. Creative drama also has been used "to sugar coat
a bitter education pill," but this, the professor explained, "cheapens
"The main function of creative dramatics is not to teach, but to
enjoy and enrich," she maintained.
Creative dramatics encourages the child to be himself, to take
responsibility and work harmoniously in a group, Prof. Ward related.
Improvised dialogue is not easy, she emphasized, but it teaches the:
child how to react to others in different situations. "This makes the
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