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July 12, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-12

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Ruling Threatens
Legislators' Seats
Representatives with Conflicting
Public Jobs Have Checks Withheld
LANSING (A')-Possible effects of an attorney general's opinion
vacating a legislator's seat for holding two conflicting public jobs were
mushrooming yesterday,
It appeared that three or more house seats might be declared
illegally held when all facts wtre assembled and weighed.
Attorney General Paul L. Adams started it all when he held yester-
day that Rep. Raymond C. Wurzel (R-Port Huron) forfeited member-
ship in the Legislature when he accepted election to a local school
board last month.
Auditor General Frank S. Szymanski promptly indicated he would
drop Wurzel from the state payroll and asked Adams for a formal
Sopinion whether he should do so.

Senate OK's

A mended

Top Red Spy
Con irmed

At the same time, Szymanski ad-
vised Adams that Rep. Allison
Green (R-Kingston), Republican
majority leader, appeared to fall
into the same category.
He said he planned to hold up
on Green's pay warrants pending
further advice. Green is a member
of the Tuscola County School
Board. He was last elected in 1957.
Status Under Scrutiny
Status of two other Republican
lawmakers, Rep. Arnell Engstrom
of Traverse City, House Ways and
Means chairman, and Rep. James
P. Mielock 'of Whittemore, has
come under scrutiny, he said.
Engstrom was re-elected to the
Traverse City School Board in
June, 1956, for a four year term,
he said, and Mielock advised that
while he had been a school board
member he was no longer serving
in that capacity.
Adams' Counsel Asked
Because Engstrom's most recent
election to the school board came
prior to his election to the Legis-
lature in November, 1956, it didn't
seem likely the Wurzel opinion
would affect his status, but Szy-
manski nevertheless asked Adams'
He said there was no plan to de-
lay Engstrom's checks.

Money Bill
Measure Exceeds
President's Request
ate zipped to passage yesterday a
$2,475,000,000 omnibus housing
bill going far beyond President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's recom-
With the way for quick passage
cleared by Senate Majority Leader
Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.), the
Senate adopted several amend-
ments by voice vote without even
having them read or explained.
The senators present shouted
approval of the measure and sent
it to the House.
The bill contains new provisions
or authorizations for FHA mort-
gage insurance programs, for ur-
ban renewal or slum clearance
projects, for low-rent public hous-
ing, for the mortgage insurance
program for elderly persons, for
the FHA rental housing program,
and for the college housing pro-
It also would provide a new
program of government loans for
college classrooms and labora-
The principal new money auth-
orizations in the bill are:
One billion, 800 million dollars
in federal grants for urban re-
newal over a six-year period, com-
pared with $1,300,000,000 asked
by President Eisenhower.
Four hundred million for college
dormitory loans, as against 200
million asked by the President.
One hundred-fifty million for
direct loans to veterans. The Ad-
ministration asked nothing for
this purpose.
One hundred twenty-five mil-
lion for college classroom and lab-
oratory loans. This was cut down
from 250 million in the original
bill. There was no request from
the President for these funds.







.. loses appeal
NEW YORK (W)-The conviction
and 30-year prison sentence of
Russian master -spy Rudolph I.
Abel was upheld yesterday by the
United $tates Court of Appeals.
The 55-year-old Abel, highest-
ranking Russian espionage agent
ever caught in this country, claim-
ed in his appeal that the govern-
ment had illegally obtained evi-
dence against him and that there
were errors in his trial. The ap-
peals court unanimously rejected
the claims.
He was convicted ins Brooklyn
United States District Court last
Oct. 25.
During the trial he was depicted
by the prosecution as a boss of
Red spy ring operations in this
country for nearly nine years after
illegal entry in 1948.
Red Flagpole
Climb Livens
Brussels Fair
BRUSSELS, Belgium (A) - Two
American soldiers who got too
gay and. tried to, shinny up the
flagpoles at the Soviet pavilion
of the Brussels fair have been
sent back to their units in West
Germany for disciplinary action.
The Soviet Embassy's press at-
tache said the two men tore down
a Belgian flag, tried to rip down
the Soviet flag and attempted to
pass themselves off as Soviet citi-
zens when they were caught after
a chase,
'Another Trick'
In Moscow, the Soviet press
was professing a grave view of the
incident as "another provocation
trick of American military men."
But a spokesman at the Ameri-
can pavilion gave this account:
"Both of them had been spend-
ing the night in the Belgique Joy-
euse (Gay Belgium) section and
had left it, in gay condition, about
5 a.m. Wednesday.
To Be Punished
"The idea of climbing the So-
viet flagpoles which are in front
of the Soviet pavilion caught
their fancy, but before they had
even reached the half-way mark,'
Soviet pavilion guards apprehend-
edthem." He denied there had
} been any wild chase,
The spokesman sagi Belgian po-
lice had filed no charges but "this
does not mean of course, that they
will not be disciplined when they
et hak to Germany.

U.S. Protests Russian'
MIG Attack, Flier Abuse
WASHINGTON (/P) - The United States protested yesterday
against the shooting down of an American transport plane inside
Russia two weeks ago. It demanded that the Soviet pilots involved be
At the same time the United States told Russia that failure to
free nine American airmen held in East Germany will worsen Soviet-

Ike InsPects
St. Lawrence
Seaway Site
MASSENA, N.Y. fry')-President
Dwight D. Eisenhower, returning
from a top-level parley in Canada,
saw United States-Canadian soli-,
darity in action yesterday when he'
inspected the huge St. Lawrence
Seaway and its power project.
The project is a joint, billion-j
dollar venture of the two nations,
and the President spent two hours
looking over the massive array of
dams, canals and giant genera-
tors. He brimmed with questions
and interest.
"I didn't realize the extent of
this project" he said, as he stood
on the vast dam linking the two
countries, and gazed out over the
panorama of nature and ma-
Provides Passage
The cooperative enterprise will
turn out nearly millions of kilo-
watts of power and give ocean-'
going vessels a passage from the
Atlantic into America's central
agricultural and industrial re-
Eisenhower, who flew back to
Washington after his stopover,
made his 30-mile tour of the pro-
ject through a combination of
limousine, Coast Guard cutter, and
It was a break on his return
flight from a three-day visit to
the Canadian capitol in Ottawa,
where he and Canadian Prime
Minister John G. Diefenbaker
agreed on moves for closer defense
and trade consultations. Secretary
of State Dulles accompanied the
Lock Named for Ike
The tour of Massena began as
a limousine whisked the President
down into a stone tunnel, with his
name carved overhead.The tunnel
led up beside a canal lock named
in his honor - the Dwight D.
Eisenhower Lock.
The President stepped to the
edge and peered over while two
whistling freighters moved
through. The lock is one of many
to feed big ships into the'conti-
nent's interior.
Neagy Uproar
Called Coverup
By Khrushchev
BERLIN (M'-Nikita Khrushchev
charged yesterday that the West-
ern uproar over the execution of
the Hungarian freedomleaders
was a coverup for a ,plot to inter-
vene in Lebanon.
In a belligerent speech before
the East German Communist con-
gress, the Soviet party boss also
accused the Westof trying to tor-
pedo any summit conference
through stalling tactics.
In addition, he said the Western
powerswere using Yugoslavia as
a Trojan horse to shatter the So-
viet bloc.

Reds Say 'Scientist,' Mean 'Scholar'


MOSCOW (P)-Russian students
may not be concentrating so much
on science as the rest of the world
believes, Indiana University Presi-
dent Herman B. Wells said yester-
Wells, a member of an American
educators' delegation winding up
a tour of Soviet schools, pointed
out that the Russians use the term
"scientist" to mean the same as
Even historians and economists
in the Soviet Union are referred

to as scientists, Wells said, thus
giving the outside world the im-
pression they are all working in
the physical sciences - such as
mathematics, chemistry, engineer-
ing of physics.
The IU chief said one-third of
the members of the Russian acad-
emy of Science are specialists in
fields other than the natural and
physical sciences.
Wells added he was much im-
pressed by the "tremendous cul-

Aa Takes Fifth;
Accardo eS1
Faces Contempt Charge
WASHINGTON (A') - Contempt of Congress proceedings were
begun yesterday against Tony Accardo, reputed boss of Chicago's
Accardo was accused of abusing his Fifth Amendment guarantee
aginst self-incrimination.
Sen. John L. McClellan (D-Ark), chairman of the Senate
Rackets Committee, said it is time for the courts to rule on whether
the Fifth Amendment can be used as a device simply to refuse to give
information that could not possibly be incriminating.
Refuses 150 Times
The poker-faced Accardo refused to answer about 150 questions
put by the committee. Most of them concerned violent crime in



tural activity" he found in Soviet
schools. He said the Russians are
placing great emphasis on music,
drama and ballet from the ele-
mentary grades upward.
Likes Some Aspects
The head of the 10-member
American delegation, University of
Pittsburgh Chancellor Edward H.
Litchfield, commented that the
United States might benefit from
some Russian education practices
-such as high salaries for pro-
fessors and permitting about 800,-
000 workers to take two months
off every year to further their edu-
However, Dr. Litchfield found
less attractive the Soviet practice
of over-specializing in the schools.
He said if a Russian student wants
to become a chemist, he studies
very little outside his own field.
Completes Tour
The American delegation, made
up largely of college presidents,
arrived in Moscow June 27 and left
yesterday after a tour of univer-
sities and institutes here, in Lenin-
grad, Tbilisi, Tashkent, Samar-
kand and Alma Ata.
Since the visit was part of a
United States-Soviet cultural ex-
change, a matching Russian dele-
gation presumably will visit the
United States this fall.

United States relations. The Sta
U.S. Destroys
In Test Flight,
A Bomarc interceptor missile was
launched with a mighty roar yes-
terday - but -it was deliberately
blown apart high in the sky sec-
onds later when trouble developed.
The Air Force announced that,
"The missile was destroyed by the
range safety officer in order to
disperse the remaining fuel after
an apparent engine failure."
Debris rained over the ocean
some 20 miles from the launching
Deliberate destruction of a Bo-
marc was very unusual because
the missile is in an advanced stage'
of development! More than 40 Bo-
marcs have been fired since the
test series started in 1952.

te Department summoned Soviet
Ambassador Mikhail Menshikov to
hear this double-barreled protest
over Communist treatment of
American fliers.
A formal note handed to Men-
shikov and then made public said
the Soviet populace "brutally mis-
treated" American airmen forced
to land inside Soviet Armenia.
Attacked by MIGs
"The United States government
expects that those guilty of the
attack on the plane will be pun-
ished in a degree commensurate
with their offense," the note said.
The nine crewmen aboard an
unarmed DC6-type transport re-
ported they were shot down by two
Soviet jet MIG fighters June 27.
Five crewmen parachuted to the'
ground, while the remaining four
rode the crippled aircraft
Kickefl, Beaten
The five who parachuted told
reporters upon their arrival at a
United States Air Force base in
Wiesbaden, Germany, that they
were kicked, beaten and threat-
ened with hanging by Soviet peas-

Cuba Rebels'
Free One,
Retain 29.
Cuban rebels released their last
civilian hostage yesterday, but held
on to 29 kidnaped United States
sailors and Marines from the
Guantanamo naval base.
Richard A. Sargent of Toronto,
manager of a sugar mill, was land-
ed in Guantanamo by helicopter.
He was abducted June 26. Nine-
teen other civilians from the Unit-
ed States and Canada were freed
Irritation Grows
There was growing concern and
irritation in United States circles
about the rebel delay in freeing
the servicemen. Only one of the 30
seized last month-Airman Thom-
as R. Mosness of Ames, Iowa-has
been returned, and no more heli-
copter flights into the rebel-held
mountains of eastern Cuba were
scheduled yesterday.
Quartet Members
Adm. Jerauld Wright, Atlantic
Fleet commander who flew to
Guantanamo from Norfolk, Va.,
said it is an exasperating situa-
tion to deal with the rebels. He
made that reply when asked how
long it might be before the service-
men are released.
Storms Lash
'Large Areas;
Three Killed
By The Associated Press
Violent summer Feather lashed
large areas of the nation yester-
At least three persons were kill-
ed, several were injured and prop-
erty damage was heavy in some
A storm with hurricane force
winds battered northeastern Kan-
sas, dumping 5.07 inches of rain
in 45 minutes on Atchison, a city
of 16,000.
Water pouring down from the
hills ran five to six feet deep in
the city's business district. A wom-
an drowned in her apartment and
a man drowned in his home in
Atchison and a 12-year-old girl
drowned in acreek near Topeka.
A funnel cloud touched down
west of Topeka destroying a barn
anrd two nuthildings.

Chicago, the answers conceivably
could have been self-incriminat-
ing. But Accardo refused also to
answer such questions as where
he was born and whether he is a
United Statea citizen. The com-
mittee said he is a native of Chi-
Citation Drawn
Asserting that Accardo was try-
ing to make a mockery of his con-
stitutional privileges, McClellan
ordered the committee staff to
draw up a contempt citation.
This must be approved by the
committee and then by a majority
of the full Senate before being
referred to the Justice Department
for possible prosecution.
McClellan said he hoped the
courts would be conscious of an
obligation to society as a whole
and send Accardo to prison. The
maximum punishment for con-
tempt is a year in prison and a
$1,000 fine.
McClellan indicated be would go
to the Supreme Court, if necessary,
to get a ruling on how far the
Fifth Amendment can be stretched
around a reluctant witness.
Senate Passes
Ethics Code
WASHINGTON (A')-The Senate,
in a sudden burst of action yester-
day, gave voice vote passage to a
year-old House resolution recom-
mending a "code of ethics" cover-
ing all government employes.
The resolution, which the House
passed Aug. 28, 1957, at the in-
stance of Rep. Charles E. Bennett
(D-Fla.), suggests adherence to a
code requiring, among other
things, a refusal of gifts which
might be construed "by reasonable
persons as influencing the per-
formance" of official duties.
The Senate Civil Service Com-
mittee, which approved the reso-
lution only Thursday, had not
submitted the customary written
report to the Senate when Sen.
Lyndon B. Johnson (D-Tex.), the
majority leader, called it \up for

C a se
On Favors
Millionaire Ref uses
To Answer Questiomi
On Financial Deals

To Visit 'U'
Science and mathematics will be
the theme of the 29th annual
Summer Education Conference, to
be held Monday through Wednes-
Scheduled to speak are three
nationally-known educators.
Prof. Maurice L. Hartung of the
University of Chicago will speak
at the opening general session at
10 a.m. Monday on "Rebuilding
the Mathematics Curriculum in
the Decade Ahead."
All general sessions will be in
the Architecture Auditorium.
'Challenge' Discussed
"The Challenge to Science Edu-
cation" will be discussed by Ells-
worth S. Obourn, science specialist
fer the Department of Health,
Education and Welfare at 9 a.m.
Gerald Wendt, science editor of
UNESCO, will discuss "Our Re-
sponsibility to the 21st Century,"
at 11 p.m. Wednesday.,
Registration for the conference,
which is free, will be outside
Schorling Auditorium on the main
floor of the University school.
Approximately 500 teachers and
school administrators from Michi-
gan and surrounding states are
expected to attend.
Olson Chairman,
Dean Willard C. Olson of the
education school will act as chair-
man of Monday's general confer-
At 1 p.m. Monday a science film
will be shown in Schorling Audi-
Three special interest groups
will meet at 2 p.m. Group One,
"Teaching Mathematics to a Class
of Bright Pupils," will meet in Rm.
2431, University School.
Group Two, "Arithmetic for Fu-
ture Euclids," will meet in Rm.
2432. Group Three, "Change in
Stress in High School Science:
More Basic Science, Less Technol-
ogy?" will be held in Rm. 2436.

WASHINGTON (P)--Two of the
congressmen who have been ques-
tioning Bernard Goldfine, friend
of Sherman Adams, told him yes-
terday they are now convinced h
got favored treatment from federl
al agencies.
The special House investigating
subcommittee spent most of the
day methodically building up a
case on which it obviously intends
to cite the gift-giving Boston mil-
lionaire on contempt of Congress
Refuses to Answer
He refused, sometimes repeat.
edly, to answer 23 carefully draw
questions. These dealt largely with
testimony that he took a total of
$104,972 in the form of loans out
of a company he contrblled with-
out owning outright.
But the subcommittee again
held in suspension any action on
a contempt citation, instead call
ing Goldfine back for more ques.
tions Tuesday.
Demolishes 'Contention
Chairman Oren I-arris (D-Ar),
and Rep, John Bell Williams (flu
Miss.) told Goldfine the hearing.1
record demolishes his contention
that the committee, charged witb
investigating federal regulatory
agencies, has no business i'nquir
ing into how he operated compa4
nies subject to regulation by those
Goldfine raised that claim in rw
fusing to answer questions.
Cites Testimony
Harris said the Securities and
Exchange Commission knew vl
should have known Goldfine wa
withdrawing large sums from .
company in which he was th
largest, but not the only stock-
holder, "yet did nothing effectual
about it."
Harris cited testimony that the
general counsel of the SEC wa
called to the White House to fe
port on the agenc's proceeding.
against Goldfine's East Boston C
Continue Hunt
For Rocket
Nose Cone
Air Force officials said last nigh
an intense ocean search still is o
for the top-secret nose cone an
white mouse shot 6,000 mile
through space by a mighty Thr
Able rocket.
The search units--more thn %
dozen Air Force telemetry ship
and C-54 planes specially equippe
for the mission - concentrate
their efforts in Atlantic water
near Ascension Island, 1,000 mile
off the coast of Africa.
Mouse Mystery
Still a mystery was the fate c
"Mia," the tiny mouse whic
traveled 600 miles into outer spac
and then rode along with the nos
cone in its blazing return througl
the earth's atmosphere.
It was reported unofficially tha
if the mouse survived the re-entr
he had enough food aboard to las
about three days, but time wa
running short.
Rocket a Hybrid
The launching rocket-a hybri
combination of a Thor IRB3M an
a modified Vanguard second stag
-blasted away on the first inte%
continental flight of a Unte
States ballistic missile' Wednesda
Meanwhile, at Fort Eglin, Fla
the first launching of a Nike
Hercules missile from Eglin wa
postponed until today because c
improper range conditions yes

Two Bach Concerts Planned

"The Brandenburg Concertos"
by Johann Sebastian Bach will be
presented at two concerts, 3 p.m.
and 8:30 p.m. Sunday in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
An ensemble from the School
of Music will present the six con-
certos. Prof. Josef Blatt of the
School of Music will direct. Mem-
bers of the Stanley Quartet, fac-
ulty and graduate students will
perform the six works.
The Stanley Quartet features
Gilbert Ross, first violin; Gustave
Rosseels, second violin; Robert

National Rouidup
By The Associated Press
Unemployment Up . ..
WASHINGTON-Initial claims for unemployment benefits jumped
to 467,000 'during the week of July 5, the government reported yester-
day. This was an increase of 100,900.
The Labor Department Bureau of Employment Security reported

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