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July 10, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-10

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"I Need -"

W1y £idilgan Thitg
Sixty-Eighth Year

'Inherit i

inions Are Free
Will Prevail"

itorials printed in' The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Ee s Caadian Speech Misses Point

- r
x -


aUttle of Giants


SECOND SUMMER offering'of the Department of Speech is "Inhe
the Wind," a quasi-historical apprmach to the ever-present proble
of academic freedom, written by a couple of hitherto unknown pl
wrights, Jerome Lawrenoe and Robert Lee.
"Inherit the Wind" is broadly based on the so-called "Mon
Trial" held in Dayton, Tennessee in July 1925, which matched I
legal titans of the day, William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darr
The issue, ostensibly, was a controversial law prohibiting teaching
evolutionary doctrines in the schools, but the real crux of the affi
one soon learns, is the continual struggle for freedom of thought.,
It seems likely that "Inherit the Wind" was chosen for product
in conjunction with the theme of this Summer Session, "Religion
Contemporary Society. (Each summer session must, for an undisclos
reason, have a theme.) Yet it would be a mistake to view this play as
attack on religious bigotry and ignorance, and nothing more. T
primary attack is against bigotry and ignorance of anty sort, and if t
political climate clears sufficiently by 1958 we may see plays concern
the teaching of still more controversial doctrines,
"Inherit the Wind" is a successful play in spite of the traditio:
aversion of audiences toward theatrical sermons, for It is unquestiona


ESIDENT Dwight D. Eisenhower delivered
.n address to the Canadian Parliament yes-
ay; an address designed, judging from press
ce reports, to spread a thick coat of sooth-
salve on Canadian irritation at certain
ed States policies and to appeal to their
e of unity with the United States and the
World against the common enemy, Com-
.nada and the United States must, the
dent said, stand together in the "global
gle" against Communism, and not let
ring between ourselves stand in the way
inning that conflict. "It is for us to bring
e challenge (to 'all that we . . . have built,
hat we believe in') a response worthy of
elves and our nations."
1 this is very true, but misses the major
t. The growing disagreement between the
ed States and Canada is not founded, to
great degree, on differences in approach to
Communist threat. United States and Can-
n attitudes toward and strategies against
munism are basically in accord.
nadians do not need reassurance of North
rican unity against the-common foe; what
ask is assurance of some degree of United
es-Canadian disunity, .economically. The
of nationalism" is rapidly rising in Cap-
ervant "pro-Canadians" (as Prime Min-

ister Diefenbaker has termed them) chafe at
United States economic penetration in Canada,
at American competition abroad, at Canada's
heavy trade liability with the United States;
and at American import restrictions, especially
in regard to Canadian oil. Some harbor terrible
fears that Canada is practically an appendage
of the United States, in danger of becoming
the 50th state.
SOME COMMENTATORS have ascribed Can-
ada's troubles to "growing pains," regarding
her as a rapidly growing adolescent nation
which needs "adult" aid-in the form of Amer-
ican capitol-for exiansion, but at the same
time yearns for complete independance and
rebels against the considerable degree of eco-
nomic (and to a-lesser extent political) control
or influence inevitably ex'erted by the older,
more stable'economy.
President Eisenhower expressed in his ad-
dress a belief that "we will find acceptable
solutions." And, as he said, it will take under-
standing, common sense, and "a willingness to
give and take on both our parts."
Mutually satisfactory solutions will probably
come only with Canadian economic maturity,
reached only after much time and many more
"growing pains."



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(Herbock Is- on Vacaion)

Rep. Harris' Activities

New 'U' Program welcome Step

THESE TIMES when the trend is towards
tting the government do it, the grant from
Carnegie Corporation for a three year
ram involving superior students is most
e grant will finance consultation with the
i's high schools, to stimulate them to do
e for their superior students and it will
le a systematic evaluation of the Literary
ege's Honors Program.
ae recent announcement reinforced a char-'
ristic which has made the University dis-
tive among the nation's state-supported
ersities and colleges. Once again, the
rersity is showing its concern with quality
he emphasis has long been apparent in the.
rersity's departure from a common practice
ng state supported institutions of 'higher
ation; that of accepting all graduates of
state's high schools.

But concern for quality education is becom-
ing more evident in the University's initiative
and development of new approaches to keep
pace with changing educational demands. En-
gine School's science engineering and nuclear
engineering programs are examples in one area.
Another is the Literary College's extending,
last fall, the Honors program to qualified
Thus, the attempt to encourage superior
students at the high school level.is a lbgical and
needed extension of the University's activities.
And in a period when the niversity's enroll-
ment has reached the 23,00 level and is ex-
pected to climb still higher, the three year
program is another Iwelcome step towards meet-
lig the nation's need for quantity and quality
education as emphasized in last month's Rocke-
feller Report on education.

WASHINGTON - -The Harris
Committee's investigation of
the so-called independent agencies
has been a business of cops and
robbers from the time it was born,
culminating in the "imprudence"
of its chief investigator, Baron
Shacklette, in bugging the room of
Goldflhe's press relations man this
week. My assistant, Jack Ander-
son, a good reporter, was present,
as any good reporter is always
present-if he can get there,
Reason for the cops-and-robbers
game is twofold! 1) The Harris
Committee has been probing some
of the agencies and personalities
in Washington. They have gone
to the summit. 2) Some of the
committee members themselves
have been dead opposed to the
probe and have rowed among
Chairman Rep. Oreh Harris (D-
Ark.) did not hire Bernard
Schwartz as committee counsel un-
til he had first phoned the office
of Sherman Adams to see if the'
White Houseuapproved. This is
highly unusual. Adams, a Re-
publican, was due to be investi-
gated by Rep. Harrisa Democrat,
The legislative and executive
branches of government, under our
constitution, are supposed to check
up on each other.
* * *
Adams' office, and Gerald Morgan
later called New York University,
on behalf of the White House, to
see what kind of lawyer Schwartz
was. They got word he had voted
for Eisenhower, so gave Harris the
White louse O.K.
Reason for Rep. Harris' solici-
tude for Sherman Adams was
first, the fact that Rep. Harris
wants to be a Federal Judge In.
Arkansas and that Adams could
veto this; second, Rep. Harris has
been carrying the ball for the
White House and Ike's Texas oil
friends regarding the Natural Gas
Last summer, after the Legisla-
tive Oversight Subcommittee had

been functioning for almost. six ,
months with no. results, Jack An-
derson went to Miami and un-
covered the first evidence regard-
ing FCC Commissioner Richard
Mack and his conflict of interest
with Thurman Whiteside regard-
ing channel 10.
This was in August. The in-
formation was given to Counsel
Schwartz and Chief Investigator
Shacklette, They did% not "lea+k"
the storyto this column as some
congressmen suspected. It was
leaked to them.
After this column published the
sensational charges against Mack
on Jan. 17, 1958, plus other charges
of gift - taking by independent
agencies, Schwartz was hauled be-
fore his committee and cross-
examined as to whether he had
given the information to me or to
Anderson. He wvas able to sweiar
quitetruthfully that he hadn't.
, ,-*
HOWEVER, after the first reve-
lations -in this column, the New
York Times also published the
Schwartz memo regarding gift-
taking and influence peddling,
What happened was that a copy
of his report was left in a bush
near the capitol building for the
New York Times, The Times came
along and picked it up.
Schwartz, however, didn't equiv-
ocate to the congressmen. He said
that following prior publication by
Pearson he had given the state-
ment to the Times. The committee
then fired him.
Simultaneously, the congressmen
locked the questionnaires on gift-
taking in Rep. Harris' safe. They
are still there, No one has seen
them. Sciwartz was pilloried by
somle congressman and by gift-
taking bureaucrats for sending out
these gift questionnaires. So was
Chairman Rep. Moulder, who
backed him up 100 per cent. All
the evidence since then shows that
Schwartz and Rep. Moulder were
right. But the questionnaires are
still in the same of Rep. Harris,
who took Rep. Moulder's place.

AS THE investigation dragged
along through the spring. Rep.
Harris made it quite clear that he
wasn't going to send investigators
up to Boston to probe charges
against Sherman Adams and Gold-
fine or the TV wire-pulling of the
Boston Herald and Traveler. Once
early in the winter Shacklette
had been ordered by Schwartz up
to Boston to probe these two cases,
but Rep. Harris suddenly counter-
manded the order, Shacklette, an
ace investigator, was ordered to
stay in.Washington.
Later Harris called Shacklette
in-and fired him. Other committee
members who knew Shacklette
'Was the best man on the staff,
rebelled and forced Rep. Harris
to keep him. But Shacklette was
taken off the Boston probe,
By May it became apparent that
Rep, Harris was going to hush up
the entire Adams-Goldfine case.
As I left for Europe on May 6,
Jack Anderson and I discussed
the evidence we had on hand and
decided he should write an early
column on Rep. Harris' tactics
and the evidence. Accordingly on
May 13 Jack wrote:
"Now that the public clamor
has, died down, Rep. Oren Harris
(D-Ark.), has quietly called off
the investigation of the second
most powerful man in government
-Sherman Adams. ..Harris has
slammed the file shut on an ex-
plosive case involving Adams and
has ordered committee sleuths to
find someone else to investigate."
The column then told in detail
of Adams' phone calls to the FTC.
After that other congressmen de-,
manded that the Adams probe go
forward. It did. But significantly
Rep. Harris did not go to Boston
to conduct it, Rep. John Bell Wil-
liams (D-Miss.) went instead. Not
untilthe probe hit the headlines
did Rep. Harris leave, the side-
lines and begin a real investiga-
tion of his friends in the White
(Copyright 1958 ay Bel Syndicate, Inc.)

an exciting play, although it does
place exacting 'demands on its
* * *
Drummond (or Clarence Darrow,
if you must be literal), came with-
in a smidgen of perfection; his
was the outstanding characteriza-
tion on the stage. Ombry brought
to this role a" great deal of the
power and wisdom the authors
must have intended, and one
searches with difficulty for non-
trivial flaws in his performnance.
Just a smidgen behind Ombry
was Howard Green as Matthew
Harrison Brady (William Jenn-
ings Bryan, to the uninitiated).
Green had the voice, the words,
even the mannerisms of the great
orator, and lacked only the bulk.
This was not an obvious failing
though, otherwise Green acquitted
himself admirably in a different
Al Phillips, as Hornbeck (actu-
ally William Randolph Hearst,
don't you know) the newspaper-
man, turned in his usual slick per-
formance, This should not be con-
strued as criticism of Phillips; it
is a slick role.
Rogert Birtwell was not exactly
the personification of the gauNt,
thin-lipped preacher; as a result,
.the potentially powerful prayer
meeting, at the beginning of Act
II lacked some of the requisite
Thud & Blunder. Another possible
result, the crowd lacked some of
this intensity, too. But then, per-
haps the 1925 prayer meeting was
not nearly so violent an affair as
one might imagine.
* -, *
Harris Liechti was an adequate
portrayer of schoolteacher Cates
(J. T. Scopes, if we must cary out
these revelations still further), un-
derplaying the role somewhat,
which is good, and looking the
part, which is better. Rachel
Brown, Cates' confidant, was 'ef-
fectively put forth by Gloria Ut-
schig in a straightforward 1925
manner; the Judge was Homer
Story who started warm and got
better; and I cannot name any
more of the large, cast for fear of
offending those who get left out.
Ralph Duckwall's split-level set
was good, as usual; Phyllis Rod-
gers' costumes were well done,
again as usual, and the direction
by Hugh Norton, Lois Curtis, and
Harold Radford, however they
divided it, measured up, except for
that unfortunate prayer-meeting
scene. This is a difficult play for
any cast; that it was managed so
well is remarkable. One can only
hope there were no fundamental-
ists in the audience.
-David Kessel

Hlits lRlocks
GEORGE Batson's nww mysteu7
drama, "House on the Rocks,"
currently on stage at DetroWat*
Northland Playhouse, is from be-
ginning to end a very badly-writ-
ten play,
Even the presence of'a bstter
,cast than the one headed" by .
Talullah Bankhead-whfch would
indeed be easy io come by-coud
not save this neat-melodram.
from going on the rocks for the
duration of its run.
About all that can be said for
"'House on the Rocks" is that the
initial idea was good. The
supposedly wealthy, domineering
widow, her lush but aggresslve
son, some lady friends, the usu
bunch of attractive and unattra-
tive servants, a detective-the cast
may be unoriginal, but it still has
Basically a story of "family,"
the play takes place in the Gran-
ger mansion on the upper Hudson
River, The atmosphere of this
home, with its painting of the
dead master, is all-important and
almost totally unrealized,
But mystery plays, becauso
they seldom offer anything pro-
found, must have a well-paced
series of events with a lively ac-
companying dialogue. "House on
the Rocks" fails on both counts,
FROM THE first act, when on
of the lady friends thinks she sees
someone at the window, the hap.
penings are either trite or terribly
underdeveloped, Only the denoue-
ment has liveliness, and even that
is wholly manufactured without
the author's having taken the
trouble to drop a single real clue r
(If you guess "whodunit," as we
did, you'll have no help from the
events of the play itself.)
The lack of originality In the
action carries over to the lines
and characters speak, leaving a
group of interesting people stand-
ing around with little of interet
to say.
Miss Bankhead, as Mr. Oran.
ger, solves this problem by altr
nately playing herself and Urfir.l
Granger, now and then garbling
her words as the incomparable
Talullah so often does-certainly
not a welcome solution for mem-.
bers of the audience who must
continually turn to their neighbors
to ask "What'd she say?"
Otherwise, Miss Bankhead does
her best to fight an already lost
battle, accomplishing the attrac-
tive, yet unfinished characteriza
tion of the worried mother, The
remaining members of the cst
are not so fortunate.
only Carlton Colyer and ,eona
Maricle, the son and lady friend
achieve competent portrayals, and
fairly enjoyable ones, too. At the
same time, Warren Kemmerling as
the detective pronounced his lines
like a rank amateur without ever
realizing what he was doing in the
The cramped setting made mat-'
ters even worse. in the fnal scene;
when the unmasked killed leaped
to death from a window at stage
center rear, the audience didn't
know what to think; Just a little
to stage right were garden-level
Wrench windows where people a
beenwalking in and out all eve-
"House on the Rocks" is ached
uled to run through Sunday.
--Vernon Nahrgang

Gestapo Tacties and Congress

WASHINGTON were not so painfully fa-
llar with the climate engendered by an
>ming national election, it mnight almost
a surprised eyebrow at the "situation"
ounding the Bernard Goldfine-Sherman
ms investigation.
it is, however, foes of the administration
found a shiny, untapped cache 'of am-
ition which they are using liberally, and
r opponents are just as vociferously firing
he affair has, of course, its ridiculous as-
It can easily be considered just another
hington three-ring circus - different per-
ers, perhaps; but really only one more of
e sensational investigations that always
1 to hit the headlines just around election
at the current hearings by the House Sub-"
mittee on Legislative Oversight do not
titute an investigation. Rather, they are'
ries of political calisthenics performed to
music of the polling booths, aimed at noth-
more than a warm-up for the campaign-

ing ahead and the possible acquisition of a few
more muscles.
As SUCH, these hearings are not ludicrous;
they are dangerous.
Certainly, the hearings are now at an end,
for nothing of value could possibly be turned
up that ,would be. believed. After the messy
doings of .the last two days, every piece of
evidence "uncovered" by the investigators-now
would be open to question.
The tactics of this committee also casts a
shadow across other Congressional investiga-
tions, and the constatit stream of chargeil
against them is likely to be stepped up now
The tactics, value and'validity of all Congr'r-
sional accusataions must now become a ques-.
tion mark.
The "Gestapo tactics" of the Goldfine probe
may have been utilized, with more success, by
numerous investigators before this. If so, Con-
gress itself is in need of thorough investigation,
before the word of its committees can be per-
mitted to stand unchallenged.

Visiting Artist's Exhibit Self-Chosen

Airplane-Incidents Differ

Associated Press News Analyst
[NE American fliers forced down in the
Soviet Union and nine American fliers
ced down in East Germany have received
rely different treatment.
case can be made for the Soviet actions
home. None can be made for her actions
ough her German puppets.
n one case, an American military plane,
ugh actually not armed, was indisputably
rcepted 30 miles within the Soviet Unioir.
erican and Communist military forces face
h other around the worldwide Communist
imeter. Such taut-nerved situations always
e produced incidents. They are even more
vitable when any plane can carry terrible
tructive devices or equipment for extensive

T7HERE is no question about what would-
happen to an unaiounced Soviet military
plane caught 30 miles inside a United States
It would be shot down, just as was the
American plane. Or else the defense establish-
ment would be in trouble.
Later the United States would have expressed
regret over the necessity, but that's not to' be
expected from a government with slaughter-
house manners. The fliers were released after
a reasonable period. Charges of Soviet bar-
barism, in this one Instance, will be hard to
In East Germany, however, human beings
are being held as political hostages, a practice
from which the rulers of the area have not ad-
vanced since the times of Tamarlane and
The same thing is happening in Red China,
and has been happening throughout the com-
munist sphere for years.
A HUNDRED years ago Western powers con-
sidered this practice so reprehensible they
never let anybody get away with it. War wa,
preferable to this type of blackmail, which
played upon western feeling for the human

HE EXHIBITION of paintings
and drawings by Prof. Morris
Kantor at Alumni Hall is of in-
terest on several counts aside from
the aesthetic merit of the works
Prof. Kantor is presently Visit-
ing Professor of Art at the Uni-
versity, is widely known as both
teacher and practitioner in the
contemporary art movements, and
he selected and loaned the pres-
ent show' himself. The interest of
the first two counts seems obvious.
The third is the most intriguing,
however, in that this selection
presumably reflects what Frof.
Kantor feels to be not only ex-
amples of his best work available
for inclusion in the present show,
but also presents works which
are indicative of what he feels to
be the important developments in
his work, This should be of spe-
cial interest to students on all
THE collection includes some 22
small and medium size watercol-
ors and drawings (one of which
includes some few bits of drafting
tape and so might possibly be
called a collage) and 12 medium
to large canvasses covering a
period from 1924 to the present,
The works fall into several dis-
tinct historical phases reflecting

period, uses largely the browns,
blacks, and sepias so typical of
Cubism as defined by its French
exponents at a somewhat earlier
date, but also ranges beyond this
restriction and includes a more
varied palette. This period, ably
the works shown seems, perhaps,
and competently delineated in
a bit removed from complete con-
viction or commitment by the ar-
His next development is un-
usual, being a journey into real-
ism (so often considered a re-
gression by contemporary stand-
ards where the achievement on
non-objectivity has become the
fetish) and includes still-life, fig-

ure studies, arid studio interiors.
The work of this era - the early.
30's -' is warm and serene. Espe-
cially notable in the current show
is a seated nude, 1932. The figure
is firmly and simply drawn with
an exquisite sense of detail. The
companion to this study, also in-
cluded in the exhibition, is a part
of the University Museum collec-
PROF. KANTOR'S most recent
work - indicated in the present
collection by five large paintings
and several small ones - are in
the vein of the most recent devel-
opments on the art scene, and
concern themselves largely with

free discussions of color and, if
one may use the word in this con-
text, form. One of the canvasses
(also part of the Museum collec-
tion) is derived from and, per-
haps, includes recognizable ob-
jects Xfigures) and is rendered in
rich, subtle colorings. The other
four are considerably more bois-
terous in their approach, employ-
ing many of the most vibrant
colors made available to the con-
temporary artist thanks to the
efforts of science. A certain murk-
iness evident in some of the earli-
er works is completely missing in
these latest paintings which are
as vivid. and flashing as neon
In all of Prof. Kantor's work we
find a richness, even a profuse-
ness, that most of his contem-
poraries working in similar styles
or modes markedly lack,
be an exciting and stimulating ex-
perience (even though they often
tend to play down aesthetic
values, it being considerably easi-
er to show simple historical pro-
gression than the development of
aesthetic insights and concepts).
Whether some thirty years of
work of an adventurous and ex-
perimental artist can be com-
passed in so few examples is,



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VOL. LXV II, NO. 11-8

Editorial Staff


t .... .,.. Night Editor
GDSEN .... ,,...., Nigzht Eitor

.T.! -.TA.L',VJa

?i , , ,

N Ir

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