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July 03, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-03

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Years of Editorial Freedom





- ------------

Ike's Foreign Aid
Bill Cut by House
Group Ignores President's Warning
Trims Fund Grant by $872 Million
WASHINGTON (A') -The House handed President Dwight D.
Eisenhower a stinging setback yesterday by cutting foreign aid fundsI
872 million dollars and ignoring his warning that its action "willI
encourage Communistimperialists."
After beating all attempts to restore funds chopped out by its
appropriations committee, the House passed and sent to the Senate
by a roll-call vote of 253-126 a bill putting up $3,078,092,500 in new

Free Five

Goldf ine





Be ins Talks
On Soviets
The elections process in the So-
viet Union was described as "an
ultimate exercise in contempt," by
the United States Elections Direc-
Richard M. Scammon initiated
the lecture series sponsored by the
Summer Session and the Com-
+ mittee on the Program on Rus-
sian Studies yesterday, speaking
on "Soviet Democracy at Work:
Personal Observations of the 1958
A Scammon spent two weeks trav-
elling in the Soviet Union this
past spring, viewing the 1958 elec-
tions to the Supreme Soviet, the-
oretically the all-powerful bicam-
eral legislature,
Has No Real Power
"The elections are clearly ele-
tions of nothing to nothing," he
said. As the Supreme Soviet has
no real power, neither are the
elections any sort of contest.
Public organizations are invit-
ed to nominate candidates for the
1378 positions open. While many
names may be put forward only
on local candidate's name is
placed on the ballot.
Thisname is determined by the
party, he continued. "We don't'
know how the Party decides in-
ternally who, they want. But,
when everything is totaled there
is only one person nominated per
Has Big Campaign
Nomination in the Soviet Union
means election Scammon reiter-
ated. "And yet, the Party puts
forth a massive effort to get
people out to vote. If someone has
l not voted by noon, party delegates
pay him a visit. If someone is ill
they make -possible a bedside
It is possible to cast a vote
against the party, but less than
9,000 of the population do so, he
SCaptive GI's
Complain Held
As Hostages
DRESDEN, East Germany ()-
Nine United States soldiers impris-
oned by the German Communists
for 25 days complained yesterday
they are being held as political
} In a tense news conference put
on for them by the Communists,
they hooted claims that the Ger-
man Communist regime is a sov-
ereign government.
They disclosed they were turned
over to Soviet army officials when
they surrendered to East German
police June 7. Their helicopter had
strayed across the border between
Jast and West Germany, and they
were forced to land.1
The Russians turned them back
to East German officials June 8,
and have insisted the problem of1
releasing them involves only the
united States and East Germany.
"They are holding us as political
hostages," Maj. George E. Kemper
of Escondido, Calif., cried angrily.
As senior officer present, Kemper
acted as spokesman for the Ameri-
The East German spokesman
said the prisoners would be re-;
leased quickly if the United States
would sign an agreement to recog-
nize the East German regime as a,

legal goavernment.;
The men are being held in a]
greystone villa here.

cash to finance the aid program
during the fiscal year that started
Less Than Last Year
President Eisenhower had asked
for $3,950,092,500. The House cut
that by 872 millions and voted to
appropriate 5971/2 millions less
than Congress authorized last week
in a separate enabling law. The
total approved is $357,717,500 less
than the program was given last
Only a few hours before the
House acted, President Eisenhower
made a third plea that Congress
not follow the appropriations com-
mittee recommendations. He made
similar appeals last Friday and
again Tuesday.
Defeats Two Attempts
The House didn't heed them as
it beat back two attempts to hike
the funds in the face of President
Eisenhower's word that the cuts
amounted to "reckless risks with
our safety."
Republicans who supported the
proposals for increases said they
felt certain the Senate would grant
the request for more money, es-
pecally if the chief executive
makes a public appeal for support
via radio and television before the
Senate acts.
Poem Topic
For Lecture
By Waer
Prof, Bennett Weaver of the
English department will address
the Conference for Teachers of
English. Monday on "Teaching the
This is the third in the series of
discussions on "Special Problems
in the Teaching of High School
English." Prof. Weaver's speech
will be held at 4 p.m. Monday in
Aud. D, Angell Hall. It is open to
the public.
Prof. Weaver, who teaches
world literature and a course on
the Bible at the University, is both
a poet and author. He has written
"tThe Garden of Seven Trees," a
volume of poems and "Sussex
Poems: Toward the Understand-
ing of Shelley" among other vol-
"University President H a r a n
Hatcher will lead the discussion
for the program.
Prof. Weaver has taught at the
University since 1928, receiving
the rank of full professor in 1950.
He received his doctorate from
the University in 1930.

HAVANA (Ai)-Five of the 49
North Americans kidnapped by
Cuban rebels in the past week were
freed and flown by helicopter yes-I
terday to the United States naval I 1
base at Guantanamo. Ad imS Stil
With them was Park Wollam,
United States consul at Santiago -p-
who went by jeep into thejungle Liked bIke
last. Saturday and effected their
rlaseaudy.n fece h
Indications were that more A A s t ant
would be freed today. }
Treat Group Fine
One freed American engineer New Pledge Given
said the rebels treated his group
fine but tried to convince them After Press Meeting
the Cuban government is using
American-made bombs to stamp WASHINGTON W)P) - President
out the rebellion. Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
Canadian engineer Edward Can- passed the word he still regards
non, in the freed group, said Raul 'Sherman Adams as indispensable
Castro, brother of rebel leader in the job of top White. House as-
Fidel Castro, promised no more sistant,
foreigners would be kidnapped. The renewed pledge of support
Henry Salmonson, 46-year-old came six hours after President
American engineer who has a wife Eisenhower, at his news confer-
and three children living in Port- ence, made a statement arousing

Religion Literary Force-Cambon

land, Ore., told of the rebel propa-
gandizing in these words:."They
told us that bombs made in Amer-
ica were being used against them
by the Cuban government.
Shown Bomb Fragments
"They showed us what they said
were bomb fragments and also
pointed out some huts that had
been destroyed by fire."
Otherwise, he said, the rebels
took them swimming and on happy'
tours of the wilderness. He re-
ported food and beds were good.
The five released captives and
Consul Wollam came out of the
jungle on two helicopter flights,
three at a time. The second fight
was completed as darkness fell and
flights were called off for the
Ready Helicopter
The United States Navy helicop-
ter was being readied to resume
operations Thursday from Guan-,
At nightfall 44 captives were still1
to be returned.
A ham radio broadcast inter-
cepted in Florida meanwhile
quoted Cuban rebel leader Fidel
Castro as ordering release of any
North Americans who may be heldI
by his followers.,
NMC Sets Up
Loan Find
MARQUETTE W)--A loan fund
for Northern Michigan College
students has been set up by the
Union National Bank of Mar-I
It will provide l1w interest loans
to qualified junior and senior stu-
dents. No interest is required while
the student is in college. The rate
will be three per cent the first year
after graduation and six per cent




new speculation he might recon-
sider Adams' status.1
The President said his state-t
ment of two weeks ago -- the oner
in which he said Adams had been
imprudent but "I need him" --
was "no more and no less an ex-
pression of my convictions at thatl
Those last three words seemedt
to suggest that President Eisen-
hower now was reserving judg-1
ment on the stern New Englander
who allowed Boston industrialistI
Bernard Goldfine to pay his hotel
bills and give him favors.4
But President Eisenhower cutl
off the opportunity for a prompt
clarification by adding: "TheI
House hearings are still going on,
and I will not make any com-
ment or entertain, any questions.
about the matter."
USSR Girvs
Premier Khrushchev sent a letter1
to President Dwight D. Eisenhowert
yesterday about preventing sur-
prise attack in the atomic age.
A Soviet spokesman called the
letter a new initiative for strength-
ening world peace.e
The 42-page letter, in Russian,
was delivered to the State Depart-
ment some hours after the White
House made public a new President
Eisenhower letter to Khrushchev.
In his letter, President. Eisen-
hower accused the Soviet govern-
ment of wrecking diplomatic pre-
parations for a possible summit
He held open the door to re-
suming negotiations on summit
issues, if Khrushchev wants to.E
But he said Russia's recent con-f
duct "cannot but cast doubt" on
Soviet - intentions toward carefule
preparation for a heads of gov-t
ernment conference.
The latest message from Mos-
cow was delivered to Undersecre-
tary of State Christian Herter byt
Soviet Embassy counselor Sergei
Striganov had been called to theI
State Department to receive ai
United States rejection of a Rus-
sian protest against a recent
speech by Attorney General Wil-I
liam Rogers criticizing Sovietl
When Striganov emerged fromt
Herter's office, he disclosed thec
Khrushchev letter.

"The writer is a prophet; his
prophecy embraces our own spirit-
ual situation," G. Glauco Cambon,
visiting lecturer in English, de-
clared in his speech on "Religion
in Contemporary Literature" yes-
In the fourth in the summer
series of lectures on "Religion in
Contemporary Society, Cambon
said, "The poet questions and
transforms our reality. It's what
we used to expect from religious
"Religion and literature have
been closely allied since the be-
ginning of civilization," he ex-
plained. "Literature was originally
born as religious expression. Greek
tragedy, for example, is profoundly
religious," he noted.
Becoming Irreligious
However, Cambon added, "The
character of much modern thought
has become increasingly irreli-
gious." This, he explained, was be-
cause of the rise of humanism dur-
ing the Renaissance, which trans-
ferred emphasis from God to man.
"Humanism has questioned the
validity of religious dogma as
such," he said. Science has also
aided in secularization. The clash
between scientific discovery and
religious authority began during
the Renaissance with such cases
as Galileo, the former Fulbright
scholar noted.
Defines Situation
The contemporary situation is
defined by two elements, Cambon
declared. First, humanism rein-
forced by science has challanged
religious dogma. Second, despite
this challange, religious need has
not died out.
"We cannot certainly dismiss
the religious element in contem-
porary literature even if we are
humanists," he observed. Contem-
porary writers have been impelled
to religious inspiration by modern
crisis, he said.
"When the religious need clashes
with the hard certainties of sci-r
ence, the religious part of our mind
Pentagon Sees
Some Future
In A-Rocket
tagon is exploring the idea of sub-
stituting a series of nuclear explo-
sions for conventional rocket pow-
er in space-roaming ships of the
The Advanced Research Proj-
ects Agency announced yesterday
the award of a contract for study-
ing the feasibility of such pro-
Until now, official studies of
the possibility of nuclear energy
in space propulsion centered only
on the idea of applying nuclear
heat to produce a continuous
thrust, like that of any rocket.
The theory involves use of a
series of controlled detonations of
nuclear material. That apparent-
ly means a chain of comparative-
ly small atomic explosions would
deliver a series of kicks to drive a
craft at rapidly accelerating
speeds out into space.

"In the world of humanism,
many spirits of high quality, cul-
turally speaking, cannot live com-
fortably," the speaker said. "We
have no real certainties in life,"
he declared, but we look for them,
either scientific or religious, and
this inspires much of our contem-
porary literature.
"When the poet exposes the
hopeless predicament in which wej
find ourselves, he is doing a very
valuable job for us," Cambon re-
Myth Can Be Used
"The other-worldliness" of re-
ligion has become unacceptable to
many, he said, "The religious myth
can be vital and available to the,
creative imagination, but only if
it rejects its literalness."
"Religion and literautre are
total visions of mankind" and thus
cannot leave out the political
aspect of life, Cambon observed,
"The artist when he rises to a
height, gives a judgement, which
is implicit in this vision," he com-
"One form in which religious
tradition can be available to the
creative writer is in a re-interpre-
tation of the dogma," he said.
"Poetry is unanswered prayer,"
he said, and "poets can act as re-
interpreters of religion for us."

-Daily-William Kimball
. religion in literature 1
can combat this by setting up al
rival universe of thought," he add-1
Concerned with Religion
Modern writers, he pointed out,1
are very concerned with religion.
He cited T. S. Eliot as an example.1
D. H. Lawrence, concerned with
the same problem, "set up a new
myth," Cambon continued.

Lebanese Soldiers Grant
CesFieto Rebel Forces
BEIRUT ( Rebel units dug in around the port area of em-
battled Tripoli hoisted white flags yesterday and government forces
granted them a cease-fire.
Word of the new development came even as government vigilantes,
bolstered by fresh volunteers, closed in on rebel forces menacing Beirut
The Tripoli truce was shaky, however. It was accepted by the
army only on strict condition that the rebels would not fire a single
shot. It marked the first sign of a real break in the 54-day-old rebel-

'Can Adjust
Tax Returns'
Treatment Indicates
'Something Tangible
Desired in Return
Goldfine said last night It was not
he but his accountants who treat-
ed his favors for Sherman Adams
as business expenses.
He said the government is free
to adjust his tax returns.
Several members of the House
Commerce subcommittee Investi
gating the relations between Gold-
fine and Adams contended that
Goldflne's tax treatment of the
favors . to Adams indicated he
meant to get something tangible
in return.
Goldfine, Adams Deny Chalges
But Goldfine denied that in a
statement, as he had done under
oath before the subcommittee ear-
lier in the day. Adams had denied
previously he exerted any influence
in behalf of the wealthy Bosto
In a statement handed to rto
porters last night, Goldfine said:
"I think most businessmen turn
over the paper work of accounting
and income tax returns to qualified
accountants. That's what I do.
"Just the way some big co-
panies deduct airplanes and auto-
mobiles and conventions, and some
even deduct yachts, we deduct
hotel bills in our business. This is
because our people do a lot o
traveling and it's almost always on
Calls Handling 'Routine'
Goldflne said such bills are han-
died as a matter of routine and
that he has nothing to do with
them, including those for Adams
and Mrs. Adams, The subcommit-
tee has said Goldfine picked u
about $2,000 worth of hotel bills
for Adams over a course of four
"There was no secret about Its
Goldfine continued. "Gov. Adams'
name was right on top of the bills
which are still in our files. The
Bureau of Internal Revenue men
can see them when they audit our
income tax returns.
"If the bureau feels we made a
mistake, then they will disallow
those bills and we will adjust our
Goldfine did not get to complete
his prepared testimony and will
return for another session with
the subcommittee today.
BY The Associated Press
GAYLORD - An emergency
committee of probate judges wu
named yesterday "to start ham-
mering like hell" to get some-
thing done about state mental
care facilities.
The action came as the Michi-
gan Probate Judges Association
spent its closing convention ses-
sion on the problem of mental
Probate Judge Gerald M. Mee-
han said the probate judges, as
tthose responsible for ordering
committals to mental hospitals,
were concerned at the lack of fa-
cilities, especially for Insane chil--

lion and increasing evidence that
opposition forces in the north
around Tripoli are weakening.
The rebels began the revolt in
Tripoli May 10. The government
manned strong defenses there and
was determined to keep the rebels
out of the city lest they use it as
a capital for a separate govern-
The biggest battles of the revolt
took place in Tripoli last weekend.
Government forces repeatedly
shelled rebel linese
Supply Lines Cut
Trher Tripoli forces of former
Premier Raschid Karami have put
up some of the toughest resistance'
to President Camille Chamoun's
pro-Western regime. But some of
their supply lines were cut the,
past week and one repor,. ~. they
might be running out of ammuni-
Meanwhile, armed villagers loy-
al to Chamoun poured up to the
lines. These vigilantes, with jet
fighter support, seized hills on
three sides of Kabr Chamoule vil-
lage near Beirut, Rebel followers
of Kamal Jumblatt have been'
putting up a stiff fight in this#
If the loyalists can close the
pincers and take Kabr Chemoule,
the immediate threat to Beirut In-
ternational Airport will be re-

Free Tuberculin Tests
Available to Students
University smmer session students will be given an opportunity
next week to take advantage of a large-scale, statewide tuberculin
testing program. It will be conducted under the joint sponsorship of
the Michigan Tuberculosis Association and the state health depart-
In addition to offering students free TB tests, the purposes of the
program are to provide data on the prevalence of tuberculosis in the

Group Hears
Just Name
Of Genovese
vese, linked to murder, the Mafia
and treason before the Senate
Rackets Committee, refused yes-
terday to tell the committee more
than his name.
The squat and swarthy New
York mobster, asked to state his
business or occupation, replied
with an Italian accent: "I respect-
fully decline to answer on the
grounds it might tend to incrimi-
nate me."
Among more than 200 questionsj
he subsequently refused to answer
was one on whether he had treas-
onable dealings in Italy during
World War II.
He balked at saying whether he
gave financial aid to Benito Mus-
solini or whether the Italian dic-
tator decorated him for services
to the Fascist party,
"Were you guilty of treason?"
Robert F. Kennedy, committee
counsel, asked him,
When Genovese refused to an-
swer, pleading a reply might in-
criminate him, Kennedy said Gen-
ovese was in Italy during, the war
"helping and assisting an enemy
of this country."
Kennedy remarked that there Is

college age group, to show teach-'
ers returning to summer school
that the tuberculin test is avail-
able for use in elementary and
secondary schools and to stimu-
late greater public awareness of
the need for TB control,
Tests will be administered July
7-11 free of charge to student vol-
unteers by a state health depart-
ment unit to be set up in Univer-
sity High School. The test being
used consists of having a small
amount fluid placed between the
outer layers of skin by a quick
and virtually painless injection.
It does not necessarily mean he
has the disease.
University Health Service, co-
operating in the program, has




Speed, Drinking Cause Holiday Deaths
s T Over the last five years, accord-
ing to the National Safety Coun-
'acil, a total of 1,579 persons have
J A, r'r been killed in traffic accidents in
the Fourth of July holidays.



In an analysis of holiday traf-
fic fatalities, the Council finds
that about half the drivers in-
volved had been drinking, and
that in more than seven out of'
10 cases, excessive speed was a
contributing factor.
Moderate "social" drinkers, the
nnnlvi <,',c h nnrc nra %.,rronn o,,r mn-

no limit for bringing a treason iren,
prosecution. He asked Genovese
whether the government had taken WASHINGTON - The United
any steps to bring such charges States rejected yesterday Russia's
against him. The witness remained complaint that Attorney General
silent. William P. Rogers slandered the
Committee members questioned Soviet Union in a Chicago speech,
him vigorously. June 21.
But Genovese stared at his*
questioners through yellow-tintedfLANSING -Major General
glasses and kept his temper. George C. Moran, the Adjutant
General of Michigan, today criti-
cized the Defense Department for
plans to reduce Army National
Guard troop strength..
A}p FGeneral Moran said it was "dif-


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