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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom
See Page 4
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TUESDAY, JUNE 24, 1958
summer Session Enrollment
expected To Reach 11,500
-Daily-Bruce Bailey
DOUBLEHEADER-Enrollment at the University is seen rising
at registration, where two students sign up for a course. The older
of the pair handles the details, as the one on top looks over the
Registration for Summer
Marked by Calm Confusion'
Registration, so chaotic in September and February, was a
strangely calm and sedate affair in June, as the usual crowds of lost
and confused freshmen were replaced by quieter crowds of lost and
confused graduate students.
Nowhere was the slower pace of summer school more evident than
in Waterman Gymnasium during registration. Many familiar scenes
were conspicuous by their absence. Gone were the orientation groups
Fine Favors
School Aid
Dr. Benjamin Fine, former edi-
tor of the New York Times asked
yesterday for an extensive school
building program and a tripling
of teachers' salaries.
Speaking before over 50 people
attending the first day of a week-
long symposium on high school
physics, Fine called for twenty
billion dollars in new school build-
ings and a 59 billion dollar school
rehabilitations program ever the
next ten years.
Fine, now with Yeshiva Univer-
sity, deplored what he called a
"copper philosophy," Nhere valu-
able things are discarded and pen-
nies saved only because the valu-
able things are not recognized.
Education is in this position, he
said: expenditures for it are side-
tracked while the public spends
money for roads and other items
where it can see direct benefits.
Teaching should be made a full-
time occupation, with teachers,
earning enough to eliminate their
need for summer jobs, Fine said.
As an example of the present
status of teachers, he cited the
case where a teacher was turned
down for a loan when he marked
his application "teacher, part-time
bulldozer operator" only to have it
accepted when he changed the
form to "bulldozer operator, part-
time teacher."
Eric Rodgers will speak on
'Aims and Methods in Science
Teaching at P:30 aim. today in the'
West Lecture Room, West Physics
The afternoon session will hear
J. R. Zacharias and his staff of
the Physical Science Study Com-
mittee demonstrate and lecture on
"The Exposition of A New Course
in High School Physics."
'milling helplessly around Angell
Hall and Waterman; in their
stead, older and more relaxed stu-
dents moved calmly about the
business of entering the Univer-
The lines in Waterman moved
slowly; many students, instead of
trying to gain a few minutes by
entering the gym ahead of time,
strolled in as the mood took them,
as unconcerned as they were late.
The process of selecting classes
was no longer a scramble for par-
ticular courses at favorable hours.
Most courses were scheduled for
one hour only, and once elections
were made and conflicts elimin-
ated. changes were usually un-
For most students, it was a
memorable exper ence to walk up
to the proper table, announce the
course they desired, and get their
electiontcard stamped - just like
Confusion, of course, was not
eradicated on campus; merely
shifted from cne area of Univer-
sity life to another. It centered
around the race for housing, as
many students who had not
planned to attend summer school
drifted back to campus.
Russian Mob
Pelts Embassy
MOSCOW (P) - A Russian
crowd in a vicious mood attacked
West Germany's Embassy with
stones, sticks and ink bottles yes-
terday in revenge for the assault
on the Soviet Embassy in Bonn
last week.
As the window-smashing dem-
onstration raged, a handful of So-
viet police raced back and forth
blowing whistles and shouting.
Soviet mounted police broke it up
two hours after it began.
West German Ambassador Hans
Kroll said he has delivered "the
strongest possible protest" to a
Soviet deputy foreign minister,
A. V. Zakharov.
Total enrollment in the 1958
summer session was expected to
reach approximately 11,500 stu-
dents, the largest summer enroll-
ment in the University's history.
Incomplete figures place open-
ing day enrollment at 8,062, with
6,959 in Ann Arbor, 203 in Flint
and about 900 in other University
centers throughout the state. Last
year's total was 10,705.
The largest single group on
campus, according to N. Edd Mill-
er, associate director of the Sum-
mer Session, are thoes in graduate
school, including a large number
of teachers. In the past, graduates
have made up about half the sum-
mer total. The same is expected
this year, Miller said.
Enrollment Up Generally
Enrollment increased "across the
board," he explained, particularly
in certain specialized programs. He
said the interdepartmental pro-
gram in Russian Studies had an
enrollment of about 90 students,
and similarly large groups had
enrolled in the special Russian
language course and the programs
for science teachers.
Included in the estimated total
are summer camps for students of
surveying, geology, speech, geo-
graphy, natural resources and
biology, those studying in exten-
sion centers, and a number of two-
week workshops in various courses
which will be held near the end of
the summer.
Interlochen Counted
Students taking courses for Uni-
versity credits at Interlochen music
camp are also being counted.
One possible reason for the in-
crease in the number of teachers,
Miller explained, is a new law
under which a teacher may deduct
certain education expenses fromI
his income tax. Other factors
which may be contributing to the
rising enrollment, he said, is the
scarcity of summer jobs during
the recession, and the general rise
in college attendance.
To Open Bill
The speech department will
open their summer playbill with 1
the hit of the 1957-58 playbill,
William Shakespeare's "Love's
Labor's Lost"
This Elizabethan comedy will
be presented at 8 p.m. tomorrow,
Thursday and Friday at the Lydia
Mendllssoohn Theatre.
The cast will remain substan-
tially the same as the previous
production in April, with Bren-
dan O'Reilly, '58, playing Ferdi-
nand, king of Navarre, and How-
ard Poyourow, '59, as Berowne.
Prices for all performances will
be $1.50, $1.10 and 75 vents. Sea-
son tickets are still available, ac-
cording to the department.
Following "Love's Labor's Lost"
will be three plays and an opera.
The playbill is stressing modern
works for the summer, according
to Tom Skinner of the speech de-
"Inherit the Wind" by Jerome
Lawrence and Robert E. Lee in
1925, will be presented July 9, 10
and 11. This story pits William
Jennings Bryan against Clarence
Darrow to decide the validity of
the God versus Darwin argument.
The department will offer
Graham Green's "Potting Shed"
o nJuly 16, 17 and 18 to comple-
ment the summer session theme;
of the religion of modern man.
"Potting Shed" is a story of faith
in a modern world.
On July 30 and 31 and Aug. 1
Philip Barry's comedy, "Philadel-
phia Story" will be staged at Ly-
dia Mendelssohn. Th Summer
Playbill will close Aug. 6, 7, 8 and
9 with the speech department-
School of Music production of
Verdi's opera, "La Traviata. "
Auto Ban Off
For Summner
University driving restrictions
are not in effect during summer
session, Assistant Dean of Men
Karl D. Streiff reports,
Say Orer
gro leaders took word to President
Dwight D. Eisenhower yesterday
that a court order delaying school
integration in Little Rock, Ark.,
outraged their race.
They said they got a sympa-
thetic reception but no promises,
In Little Rock a federal judge
yesterday refused to stay his own
order delaying school integration
here for 2% years.
He indirectly advised the Na-
tional Assn. for the Advancement
of Colored People to try for the
stay in a higher court.
Will Take Cue
Wiley Branton, a Negro attorney
for the NAACP, said he would take
the cue.
"Have motion, will travel,"
Branton quipped.
United States Dist. Judge Harry
J. Lemley denied Branton's motion
yesterday morning after hearing
six minutes of oral argument and
recessing court for an hour to
write the opinion.
Call Ruling "Green Light"
The Negro leaders told Presi-
dent Eisenhower that Saturday's
ruling by Lemley, "is being con-
strued rightly or wrongly, as a
green light to lawless elements in
their defiance of federal author-
Specifically, they urged Presi-
dent Eisenhower to direct the
Justice Department to file a brief
against the decision when it is ap-
The four also laid before Presi-
dent Eisenhower other requests
for action in the fields of integra-
tion and civil rights. Neither on
the Little Rock ruling, nor on any
of the other points, they said, did
President Eisenhower make any
pledges or commitments.
Understand Ike Better
But they said that out of their
45 - minute conference with the
President grew a little bit better
understanding of his position andl
a bit better understanding of their.
position on his part.
In Little Rock, Lemley said,1
"From a practical standpoint to
grant this motion and stay the en-1
forcement of our judgement would.
to a large extent nullify our order."I
He said it would probably take
three months to carry the case to.
the Supreme Court "and in the
meantime the situation at Central1
High School which we have found,
to be intolerable .. . would con-7
tinue. .."1
U President
To Discuss
Faith's Role
President Harlan Hatcher will
open the 1958 Summer Session
lecture series with a discussion of
"Religion and Higher Education
in America" at 4:15 p.m. today
in Rackham Lecture Hall.
Theme of the series of lectures,
plays, concerts and art and library
exhibitions to be presented during
the summer is "Religion in Con-
temporary Society." The theme
coincides with the centennial cele-
bration of campus religious or-
To Study Effect
Designed to study the impact of
religion on modern civilization, the
program is not planned as a de-
scription of various faiths, Prof.
George Peek, Jr. of the political
science department, chairman of'
the program committee, noted.
In addition to 10 scheduled lec-
tures, the speech department will
!Present "The Potting Shed" by
Graham Greene on July 16, 17,
and 18.
lA concert, "Music and the
Present Day Church," with organ-
ist Marilyn Mason, choral director
Robert Fountain,na choral group,
and comments by Prof. Harold
Haugh of the School of Music is
scheduled at 8:30 p.m., July 28 in
Hill Auditorium.
Art Exhibition Scheduled
Beginning today, religious ex-
hibitions will be hung in the
Alumni Memorial Hall art gal-
leries. Manuscripts will be on dis-
play in the General Library.
Unless otherwise specified, lec-
tures will be held at 4:15 p.m. in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall. A panel
and the lecturer will follow each
lecture at 7:30 p.m. in Auditorium
On June 26, Franklin H. Lit-
tell will discuss "Religion in Post-
war Europe." Littell is presently
representative in Germany of the
Franz Lieber Foundation.
Walter, Tirrell Named
To University Posts
.regent's secretary ... alumni secretary
Erich A. Walter, assistant to University President Harlan Hatch-
er, has been appointed as secretary to the Regents, President Hatcher
announced recently.
Dean of Grand Rapids Junior College John E. Tirrell has been
named general secretary of the University Alumni Association, suc-
ceeding T. Hawley Tapping, who is retiring after 35 years in that
o'osition. Walter, who will assume
the post held for the past 32 years
Collegce Adds by Herbert Watkins, will con-
tinue to hold the office of as-
sistant to President Hatcher.
Nucler Dept Former Instructor
Receiving his B.A. from the
University Regents approved University in 1919, Walter, 61
the addition of a nuclear engi- years old, first joined the faculty
terad deprtmen nutoterengi- as an instructor in rhetoric. Two
veering department to the engi- years later he received his Master
neering college at their June of Arts degree and in 1923 was
meeting. promoted to assistant professor
The new department, effective of English.
July 1, wi i be headed by Prof. Since then, he has served as
, egf y chairman of academic counselors,
Henry J. Gombcrg, of the engi- associate dean of the literary col-'
neering college, assistant director lege and dean of students, before
of the Phoenix Project.lantmensfsstantstohe
Instruction will be confined to appointment as assistant to the
the graduate field. presidenti 1953.Editor
The appointment of Tirrell was
made following a meeting of the
executive committee of the Alum-
Ind cAssociation Tirrelltwillserve
as editor-in-chief of the Michi-
gan Alumnus, which is sent to all
University alumni.
By ROBERT JUNKER Tirrell, 31 years old, received an
Hints Action
If Educators
Request Aid
Williams Gets Repo
On Effects of Budg
Cuts by Legislature
Daily Co-Editor
Gov. G. Mennen Willians hin
ed in Lansing yesterday a "wi
ingness" to call a special legis]
tive session on higher educati
if the state supported colleges r
quested it.
The move, seen by one legisli
tor as an inmitation to educato
to unite in demanding a spec
session, came after Gov. Willian
received a report on the fina
cial conditions of the state in
In the just-ended legislati
session, lawmakers cut approx
mat~ly one million dollars fro
both the University's and Mich
gan State University's operati
May Delay Dearborn
Gov. Williams was told at ye
terday's meeting with represe
tatives of the state's universiti
that the cits will delay the ope
ing of the University's Dearbo
Center uitil 1960, although t
buildings will be completed
September, 1959. A postponeme
will also be necessary in the ope
ing of MSU's Oakland Coun
Gov. Williams counselled t
'administrators to consult wi
their respective g,>veri. ; boar
"to see if we should contempla
some special procedure" to mc
effectively bri g the problem b
fore the Legislature.
Questions Result
He questioned, in view of t
Legislature's "hold the line" R
titude, whether the picture
higher education setbacks col
be made "comprehenm Le" in
"normal presentation to tV
Legislature in a normal session
University President Harla
Hatcher said that "in all prob
bility, the universities will ne
some relief "ef ore the academ
year is completed," The LegislE
ture's appropriation of 30- millio
dollars to the University is a mi.
lion less than last year's and seve
It's Official-Tryouts To
" ;VI fromHope ollee in ol- !-. " °° ha" . L v ya a,r' ,v
"You mean this is the only
nickel coke machine on campus?" land, Mich. in 1949 and an AM million below the University's
ashocked tryout asked David from the University in 1951. He ginal request,
Tarr, '59, co-editor of the sum- has a doctor of education degree yPreside pe ch lsaiad b
mer Daily on the second floor of from Harvard University.e oas
the Student Publications Bldg., While serving as dean of the md mn h aiu
Grand Rapids Junor College for supported institutions to reqi
Michael Kraft, '59, also co- the past three years, Tirrell was a special session. University V
editor of the summer Daily, men- electep President William Stirton,
tioned the fine cross-ventilation Assct president of the Michigan represented the University
the uildng psseses wichAssociation of Junior Colleges,. ersne teUiest
the building possesses which He will assume wp Lansing yesterday, was unav
keeps the temperature at 70 de- e his new post able for immediate comment
gres throughout th summer. "W Sept. 1, 1958. the meeting.
grees throughout the summer. Sallade 'Dissatisfied'
"We also possess fine original mo- Adam Aslk d Rep. George W. Sallade (R-1
saic work on the city room walls, AdamsArbor) who led an unsucce
he added. j fight on the House floor to r
Ted Cohn, '60, business man- 1 0 Step D OWn the Legislature's appropriation
ager, led the tryout to the shining higher education, said "I'm v
new addressograph and adding By G ld a ter dissatisfiedwith the final ac
machine the business staff pos-. 'B' etaken by the Legislature in
sesser trying to woo her from the spect to higher education. A
editorial staff. "So they're not WI'ASHINGTOJN (A-Sen. Barry Icial session might prove very v,
brand new," he said, "but we Goldwater (R-Ariz.) voiced a fresh able in dramatizing the need
really polish them." demand yesterday that Sherman education, and might also p
al p hh .Adams resign as President Dwight very beneficial in providings
"These opportunities are now D. Eisenhower's chief assistant. plemental funds. However, I d
available to the campus," all three Adams, under fire in congress vvhether that view is shared b
Daily bosses exclaimed as If for accepting costly favors from majority of legislators."
prompted. "We will hold four try- Boston Industrialist Bernard Gold- Gov. Williams said strict cu
out meetings," they joyously re- fine, indicated he has no intention on college spending, by dimini
lated, of quitting his job-a decision re- ing a major attraction for col
Meetings have been scheduled ceived glumly by some Republi- industrial growth, tend to cut
for 4:15 p.m. and 7 p.m. today cans. the state's tax base potential.
and tomorrow in the conference Sen. Jacob K. Javits (R-N.Y.)
room on the first floor of the proposed creation of a commission
Student Publications Bldg., 420 charged with drafting a federal
Maynard. "That s right across the code of ethics to cover such cases
street from the women's resi- as those in which Adams is in-
dences, or at least Newberry," the volved.
three bosses whispered. Goldwater, who just returned
T.youts'for editorial staff re- from a meeting of Republican WARSAW (a) - Wladys
norters. business, sports and pho- county chairmen in Arizona. said Gomulka is reported unha
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