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August 13, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-08-13

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Sixty-Eighth Year
orials trinted in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted' in all reprints.

"My Boy, Have You Thought Of Continuing.
With A Graduate Course?"

Recession Hits

Jobe Industry

NEW YORK (-) -- The day of the all-embracing welfare state u
closer than you think. Even the comedians have thrown them
on the public dole, begging from their fellow man.
"A recession has hit the joke industry." mourns Henny Youn
a capitalist among comedians whi uses assembly line methods tA
out more than 500 gags in a 40-minute night club stint. "This
laughing matter.
"Guys are out walking the streets looking for jokes. I haven't
a good one in over a month. Nothing seems to be funny anymore
today you can't even kid mothers-in-law. All of them seem 20

Y, AUGUST 13, 1958


Summer's Leeture Themes
Deserve Expansion

ADITION dictates that the last issue of
iblication contain a lengthy dissertation
h attempts to summarize the events of the
-to-end session, along with comments on
wever, being, at least to a certain extent,
deaf to the words of the past, it seems
the emphasis should go to the latter,and
only briefly.
t that this has been an entirely quiet sum-
. . the Middle East crisis prompted an In-
tional Student Association sponsored panel
ssion. and an overflow crowd, Madame
ng breezed into town to accept an honor-
legree somebody had somehow offered her
ar ago, the legisl'ative reports on higher
ation provided a few surprises for those
ested, the primary election provided almost
irprises except for the victory of Petersen
Lillie in the undignified campaign for Re-
can nomination for Sheriff, the speech and
c departments presented a consistently en-
orth Campus this week, the Ford Nuclear
>le season of plays and concerts and up
tor was boosted to the million watt operat-
t to most of 'those enjoying Ann Arbor, to
degree or another, depending upon the
ber of degrees of heat, the important events

of the summer session have been similar to
those of the other sessions at the University,
primarily, the day to day concerns of an ex-
periment working out reading all the material
the never sufficient time, or whether the weath-
er will be a blessing or a plague.
HOWEVER, this summer has offered an op-
portunity to think about much more than
commonplace thoughts about commonly accept-
ed circumstances or beliefs.
In particular, the summer theme of "Religion
in Contemporary Society" has presented a po-
tential stimulus to thought -on one of the pri-
mary influences on man. It is hoped that at
least more than one person was prompted to
examine his or her faith, or lack of it, in a spirit
of questioning appropriately rigorous for those
who desire to be honest with themselves and to
understand more fully the basis of their re-
ligious attitudes.
But even more important, it is hoped that
after several years of sponsoring a central lec-
ture theme for the summer session, the Uni-
versity recognizes its value and extends to the
regular sessions the welcome opportunity for
exploring and discussing a subject from a num-
,ber of positions.

Apartment Hunters Warned

Summer School Benefits, Hinders

ITH CLASSES ending today, it would seem
a good time to consider the benefits
ived, if there are many, from six- and eight-
k courses.
'his summer has not conclusively proved, as
as to the Oklahoma Daily, that the quarter
tem would be much- better than the two full°
nesters. "It is time enough to really enjoy
ourse and not to drag a course out until
student can't stand it any longer," accord-
to an editorial appearing in that newspaper.
t is questionable, however, whether a student
enough time during the summer session to
orb all the facts, principles and ideas which
shoved, even after usually being trimmed,,
o a six- or eight-week course.
ND YET there are things to be said for
summer school courses There is an enthusi-
a among students and faculty which is not
be found in such abundance during the
ular semester sessions. This may be due to
fewer classes taken by students or to the
er classes taught by instructors or perhaps'
rely to the weather which induces congeni-
revertheless, there is a more evident desire
"do good." Because classes meet every day
i there .are'assignments given for every day,
re is closer contact between the student and
rse material over a continuous period of

time. Quite naturally, this will result in less
time needed to study for an exam and a better
knowledge of the material covered. This, of
course, is assuming the student does his work
each night, a hypothetical situation.
The University of Oklahoma paper also main-
tains that there are other advantages to a
summer school session. "It gives a student more
time to think and less time to be involved in
'busy work' and all of the 'thousands upon
thousands' of organizations on campus," ac-
cording to the paper.
Student Government Council, Panhellenic
Association, Inter-House Council and the
"thousands upon thousands" of organizations
at the University would take offense at this,
if they were operating currently. It insinuates
that when a student works for an organization
he is not thinking, which may or may not be
true, depending on whether he is addressing
envelopes or an SGC meeting.'
fHEN AGAIN, there rises the question of
whether one thinks more while he is work-
ing for an organization or more while he is
lying on. the beach or under the trees of the
Summer school is all but over for the year;
soon the living will be easier.

THE ANNUAL game of apart-
ment. hunting is in full swing
now, with eager young students
pouring into Anil Arbor to beat
the housing rush. Little do they
dream that a firmly established
organization is already to greet
them with horrors beyond descrip-
For the dubious benefit of any
unfortunate apartment hunters
who might chance to see this
publication, we offer a few ex-
planations of housing terms in
common usage.
"Spacious Four Room Apart-
ment" - A bathroom, kitchen,
broom closet, and stairway, none
of which exceeds eight feet on the
longest diagonal.
"Private Entrance"-If you have
a helicopter, you can use the sky-
"Kitchen Privileges" - You can
leave beer in the refrigerator for
the landlady to drink.
"Share the Bath" - Landlady's
son keeps turtles.
"Centrally Located" - Burton
Tower faintly visible from the
"Working Couple Preferred" --
You'll both have to work to pay the
"Carpet Furnished" - We
couldn't scrape it off the floor.
"No Smoking or Drinking" -
The Regents meet downstairs.
"Ideal for Students" - Who else
would live here?
"Unfurnished" - Themen are
comning with the windows next
"Young Couple Preferred"-It's
eight flights up and the stairs are
"Bath and Shower"--The bath-
room roof leaks.
."Available for Immediate Occu-
pancy" - Hurry before the bed-
bugs come back.
"On Quiet Street" - Animal
Hospital next door.

"Excellent View" - Women's
dormitory next door.
"Spacious One Room Apart-
ment" - The kitchen is under the
bed, the bathroom is under the
sink, and the bed is in the bathtub.
"Garbage Disposal" -- Family
of hogs in backyard.
"Newly Redecorated" - Just put
in new light bulbs.
"Suitable for One or Two" -
Siamese Twins not excluded.
"Off Street Parking" - Police
only occasionally tow cars from al-
ley behind.

"Some Utilities Included" - Ex-
cept heat, gas, phone, electricity,
"Garage, If Desired" - Parking
in kitchen can be arranged.
Other, more obscure terms are,
occasionally encountered by the
would-be renter. Beginners are,
warned to be especially cautious if
they encounter any of the follow-
"Free kerosene for lamps.",
"Ice delivered daily by landlord."
"No pets after 5 p.m."
"Share bedroom."

To Th eitor

Recession Optimism Disturbing

rNEMPL YED PEOPLE are optimistic about
the economy according to the preliminary
sport of the Huber-Choen study on economic
pinions. One of every four families suffered
ither from unemployment or reduced working
ours in the recent recession, yet one-third of
hose unemployed at the, time, of the survey
est economi^ conditions would not get worse
n the coming year.
This is optimism which exceeds that of the
ictorians, and for the most part is probably
ased on ignorance. The general public prob-
bly do not understand the intricate workings
f national economics, yet they express optim-
sm. This can be attributed in large part to the
ayths of the New Deal which has grown up in
he last 25 years. This fairy tale says that
epressions cannot recur in America; that

prosperity will continue with only minor set-
backs in an ever-growing America, because of
the New Deal fostered idea that Uncle Sam can
sooner or later control and take care of any-
Here is but one more manifestation of the
blind following, the complacency of modern
America.'Give 'em the line often enough and
they'll never doubt It. This seems to be the
political creed of today, and it wins elections.
When the unemployed can be optimistic
about getting new jobs -a propaganda miracle
has indeed been worked. The psychological fac-
tor in depressions, however, is not the major
one; and any blind optimism will not stave off
another 1929.

Legal Logic . .
To the Editor:
I, STRONGLY, urge that the
United States occupy itself with,
the immediate restoration of the
Jacobite claimant to the throne of
England. How can good corrupt
monarchies be safe in this world
until this flagrant instance of the
subversion of a duly constituted
government has, at the long last,
been rectified?
. That' "lesser breed without the
law." the British, not only heaped
a tcrrible indignity on Charles the
Martyr by removing his head from
the rest of his person, but also
drove out his son in what they
refer to, not merely as a "revolu-
tion," but as the "Glorious Revolu-
tion. h"
In passing let us note the
frequent use of 'glorious' in Com-
munist slogans. The necessity for
James's hasty exit from England,
can point to only one conclusion,
a Red-inspired coup. Since that
time royalty has been leading a
dog's life, 'here today and on the
"lam" tomorrow, too often seeing
a guillotine or assassination in its

HERE WAS ther first concrete
example of Communist "indirect
aggression." The objection might
be raised that this occurred in,
1688, and Karl Marx was not born,
until 1818. Only the naive will be
deluded by what was simply an
adroit ruse on Marx's part.
Since the Communists are not
guided by our standards of decency
and uprightness (which they refer
to sneeringly as "bourgeois moral-
ity"), it is perfectly clear that
Marx would stoop to being born
130 years after an ,event in order.
to avoid an appearance of com-
plicity. It must never be forgotten
that the Reds are diabolically
clever masters of deceit.
To any disagreement with this
line of reasoning, I can only reply
that here again is just another
example of the gullible, being
duped by the propaganda peddled
by the Communists and their fel-
low travellers.
If anyone is struck by my logic,.
in all modesty I must say that, I
owe it all to a thorough perusal
of the utterances of that fine legal
mind of J. F. Dulles.
-Harold W. Gilmer, Jr., Grad. -

younger, 30 pounds lighter, have
the Ivy League look and sit out
therebin he night clubs waiting to
heckle you.
WHAT'S left? You can't make
fun of grandmothers. They're
probably out there too, tending to
a frozen daquiri the way they used
to tend to their knitting. Let's face
it the bottom has fallen out of the
boffola market.' ,
Before the government steps in
and appoints a secretary of
chortles, chuckles and yoks, with
cabinet rank and vast emergency
powers to marshal all jokes, Hen-
ny believes the day can be saved
by combining private enterprise
with spirited public charity.
"Somewhere .ou' in the vast
heartland of this country," he in
tones, with a 'missionary zeal
lighting up his laugh-hungry eyes
"good jokes are lurking, just wait-
ing -to be toldi."
To tap the huge natural re-
source of humor that lies buried
somewhere in the hinterland,
Henny proposes a national chain
letter of jokes.
The idea is for each correspond-
ent to come up with one new joke
and send it by mail to 10 other
people, preferably in different
parts of the country. They in turn
would come up with a new joke
each and send it to 1,0 other
"It's like the oldi pyramid clubs
that swept the countrya decade
or so ago," Henny explains. "The
only difference is that each person
will be 'asked to 'send an extra
copy of his joke letter to the needy
comedian of his choice.
Brother, can you spare a gag?
If so, send it at once to your 10
best friends, worst enemies and
favorite comedian, or any assort-
ment of same.
Jokes are not deductible for in-
come tax purposes. The Young-
man plan may not cure the na-
tional laugh crisis but it should
help to solve the postal deficit.
By JOY mlE
Associated Press Staff;Writer
IT'S LAUGHTER, not gravity,
that holds the world together.
From Altoona to Zagreb, people
find time to crack jokesr- one of
the few free and untaxed pleas-
ures left. And over the world,
people laugh pretty much at the
same things: The weather, poli-
tics, the social system, sex, liv-
ing conditions, their' neighbors,
their relatives, themselves. And
their troubles - always their
But while joke themes are large-
ly universal, the jokes themselves
often vary from border to border.
In whole countries, they're some-
times too earthy to appeal to the
country next door. A bit of whim-
sy that would have theni rolling in
the rice paddies in China might
not make it in New Haven.,
** *
THIS story China's underfed
millions love:
A poor family was having only
rice for their meal. The father
counseled the two sons to glance
at a salted fish hanging on the
wall, mellowing for a futur feast.
"Salted fish goes well with rice"
said the father. "Look once at the
salted fish for each mouthful of
A few mouthful of rice later,
the younger son let out a wail:
"Father, Father: Ah Ta (his
elder brother) is cheating. He is
looking twice for each mouthful of

"Don't yo'u worry," the f ather
soothed. "That much salt will give
him a sick stomach later."
* * *
GERMANS are fond of the
"What's the difference" sort of
Question: "What is the differ-
ence between a Russian Sputnik
and a Russian satellite?"
Answer: "The Russians let their
Sputniks say something, even if
it is only 'beep beep'."
Russians have a vigorous sense
of humor, but their Communist
party doesn't. That's why many,
of the colloquial anecdotes which
go up and down the steppes-don't
make it into print.
They may be funny, but they
don't have a political twist. The
Soviet government believes jokes
should illustrate some current or

Most Hp
S UMMER TENT Theatre la
best - that's this week's
duction of "The Most Happy F
at Music Circle in Farmington,
west of Detroit.
For a switch on recent w
shows, the Music Circle cast
not have to battle to bring ou
best in a "big name" btimed
musical; instead, each of the
members has enough to work
and the overall success of the
comes from the fine performe
that these members contribut
In another switch from past
ductions, those performers
heretofore have shone only ir
minor or character roles, have
elevated to the leads, with
sounding good judgement,
Chief of these is Robert 4
obian, who acts and sings the
role of the most happy fella, 7
with very convincing feeling a
fine voice,
And this is a third switch-
recent weeks: without excelp
all members of the cast mad
cellen-use oftrainedvoies.l
about forysns in the show
Most Happy Fella. is almost
eratic in nature, and does re
more thananything else, fine A
ing. Music Circle cast men
provide that and more.
Pat McMahon, also in his
gest role of the summer, sing
way through the role of Joe
entertainingly, even though JA
as a result, a little more hu
and a little less athletic than c
Fred Cline, is the third
with a fatter role than usual,
his Herman is most enjoy
Cline's duets with Joan Faga:
Cleo, are outstanding momen
fun in a show that has many
moments. Miss Fagan, mean
boasts probably the finest
of the evening, which she show
with artistry.
*C *
simply charming. Butsom
none of these performers at
out above the rest, for Frank j
ser has given every "role in0
Most HappyFella"an impori
and a time to take over the
The trio, George Salisbury,
nie Barr and Robert Mazza
have three fine numbers '
raise their importance in the
and they,, too, are performed'
f eclat.
The supporting cast, whichI
lets the shoW down, is essen
the same as In the "Vaga
King," "Guys and Dolls," and
and Juliet." The standouts art
Andrews, Henrietta Hermiin,
lis Lear, Dorothy McDonough
McRae and Luis deYbarrand
Choreography, by Larry Ste
was unfortunately rather und
ed, but was overcome by the
energy of the dancers theas
Next week, "Rose Marie,"
essentially the same cast, pro;
to be enjoyable. The season
cludes the following week
"Where's Charlie."
-Vernon Nabrgs


West Defeat, Nasser Victory

Nautilus Implications Visible

Associated Press News Analyst
FFICIALLY, the United States has made
what appears to be a deliberate attempt to
hasize the peacetime values of the polar
se of the Nautilus as compared with its
tary importance in the encirclement of the
et Union.
ast year the United States got more than
tle out of character in a hysterical recep-
of the Soviet achievements with rockets.

At that time the United -States had ap-
proached the matter of earth satellites primarily
as a scientific program in connection with the
International Geophysical Year, although fully
aware of the military implications. It was the
political implications which would accompany a
Soviet "first" which had been overlooked.
To this day the military effectiveness of the
Sputnik rockets remains a vague promise for
the future.
THE NAVY'S stunt with the Nautilus has
quickly been evaluated everywhere, despite
the government's "soft" approach to the sub-
ject, as a very definite and immediate factor in
the military situation.
Successful navigation under the polar icecap
of submarines, armed with missiles which are
actually operative is a fact.
The Navy has been contending for several
years that its submarines with guided missiles

Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON - Four weeks
" after crisis exploded in the
Middle East one striking result
stands out above all others: The
West has suffered a setback from
which it may never fully recover.
This does not mean that the
Soviet Union has scored an ad-
vance comparable to the Western
defeat. The real victor for the
moment seems to be Gamal Abdel
A new phase is opening in the
struggle over the Middle East
which began in full force whena
little band of military plotters
seized power in Iraq in the early
morning of July 14.
A little more than 24 hours later
United States troops went into
Lebanon, to be followed shortly by
British landings in Jordan. For
days the world wondered whether
the shot that felled young King
Faisal in Baghdad would prove to

it is a good time to figure out how
the score stands between the an-
tagonists in a conflict which has
been one of the gravest of the
10-year cold war.
For purposes of summarizing
the results Nasser, the president of
the United Arab Republic, and
Nikita Khrushchev, Soviet pre-
inier, can be treated as allies al-
though officials think the alliance
is one of convenience, not convic-
tion for Nasser.
* * * -
ON THE Western side President
Eisenhower and Prime Minister
Macmillan have teamed up - in
remarkable contrast to the angry
division between British and
American leaders when British,
UN Millstone
WHEN THE TIME came for ac-
tion in the Middle East, the

French and Israeli troops went
into Egypt in 1956.
Here is how the score looks now:
For Eisenhower-Macmillan-
1) The lightning revolt in Iraq
was confined to that country. It
did not set off the chain reaction
which President Eisenhower fear--
ed. Washington is convinced that
vigorous United States interven-
tion prevented it from doing so.
2) Western power has been re-
established in part of the Arab
world, however temporarily, The
United States troops that went
into Lebanon have demonstrated
this country's willingness to use
force to protect its vital interests
in the world.
*C *C
3) THE Soviet Union did not
reply with force. This is a point
of utmost importance. The West
was able to make its play without
provoking even limited war.
4) Khrushchev has been de-
feated in his attempt to force the
holding of a summit conference on

The Daily official Bulletin i
official publication of the Ifn
city of Michigan for which
Michigan Daily assumes no e
ial responsibility. Notices shou
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form
Room 3519 Administration Bi
ing, before 2 p.m., the day pre
ing pubication.
General Notie
The General Library will obse'
following hours from Aug. 16 t
Sept. 21, 1958:
OPEN: 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Mon. ti
CLOSED: Sat, and Sun.
Divisional libraries on shor
schedules will have their hours
on the doors. Divisional libraries
remain closed (including the
graduate Library) will be servi
the Circulation Dept. of the I
Students under Public Law 550
G.I. Bill) and Public Law 834 (0r
Bill) who expect to change train
stitution, or change course of s1
the end of the Summer Session,
make application for approval <
change before leaving campus. Al
tions for approval are available

P tC [t Ilt Mi. L

Editorial Staff


S....... .. Night Editor
LDSEN................ Night Editor
................... Night Editor
'LICE ............ Night Editor

tRI} IV2IN'2 i


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