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August 13, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-08-13

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Sixty-Seven Years of Editorial Freedom

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IIL, No. 35S




cond Atom-Powered Sub

impletes North Pole Voyage
,4,announced last night that another
of its atomic powered submarines
'lyhas crossed the top of the world
beneath the ice of the North Pole,
It was the USS Skate, which
v ~crossed the pole Monday night,
eight days after the nation's first
~..atomic sub, the Nautilus, wrote an
Y'.. epic in naval history by being the
first to steam under the pole.
Docks in -England
The Nautilus completed its
transpolar voyage yesterday by
docking in Portland. England,
V ' where it received a warm welcome.
' wSen. Prescott Bush (R-Conn.)
rose in the Senate chamber during
a night session to spread the news
f i of the Skate's achievement.
"I am sure all senators will join
in congratulating the Navy on the
delivery of this one-two punch,"
he said.







1 4

RILLONNEUR - Prof. Percival Price of the music school, the
,n who makes music with the University's carillon in Burton
wer, works over the score of one of his original compositions.
of. Price composes and plays many of his own works along with
ditional and favorite tunes on the carillon.
f. Price EXperiments
ith So'unlds of Carillon
he place is Burton Tower: the man, Prof. Percival Price,
[e sits isolated in his office high above Ann Arbor smoking his
)etween inspirations in sound which he deftly converts into black
on .a musical score.
he Tower also houses a musical instrument, called the Carillon.
d its unique keyboard huge grey bells await the dynamic strokes
of the University's most widely


f Congress
ue Aug. 20
LSHINGTON ) - The Sen-
Republican leader yesterday
out any chances of Congress
trning this week.
said Aug. 20 would be a more
quitting date .
here is too much legislation
e mill to adjourn by midnight
day," Sen. William F. Know-
(R-Calif.) told reporters after
ite House conference.
nounting pile of legislation,
of it in dispute between the
t and House, seemed to add
at least another week's work.
Dozen Bills Wait
. Lyndon B. Johnson (D-
the Senate majority leader,
dozen major bills still have
handled in the Senate. It met
hours Monday to reduce the
e yesterday the Senate passed
designed to simplify and
y the federal excise tax sys-
amendment which would
cut the present 20 per cent
et tax to 10 per cent was
ed 51-39.
nson refused even -to hint
he thought Congress could
'We'll stay here until the job
e," he said.
Farm Still a Problem
Democratic leader added
mething must be worked out
in legislation to help cotton
ice farmers, who are faced
arge reduction in their acre-
ext year. The Senate and
are far apart on farm legis-
wland said he thought Con-
still had time to agree on a
GOP leader of the House,
Joseph W. Martin, Jr., of
chusetts, said he feels it
be better for Congress to
soon, instead of adjourning,
nish its business later in the
Signs Bill'
r School Aid
'Ta m{, .

heard musician.
Frequently, Prof. Price renders
his own compositions along With
familiar tunes and old favorites,
while far below thousands of bare-
ly visible people go their'own ways
in the campus maze.
Many, perhaps, have heard
srange sounds coming from the
region of the musical time-piece
and wondered what wastaking
place. One day it might have
sounded like/ carpenters at work,
when in. fact it was Prof. Price
practicing on his semandron. (Se-
mandron is a fancy name for two
wooden planks suspended by

President Pleased
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
was given word of the Skate's feat
while riding in his plane over
Philadelphia en route to New York
for his speech before the United
Nations General Assembly.' V
Press Secretary James Hagerty
said Eisenhower was very pleased
with the news, even though he had
been expecting it momentarily.
Commander Holds Medals
The Skate, is under the com-
mand of Cmdr. James Francis
Calvert, 37-year-old native of
Cleveland, Ohio. His family now
lives in Mystic, Conn. I
Calvert, a 1942 Naval Academy
graduate, was in the submarine
service in World War II and holds
the. Silver Star medal with gold
star in lieu of a second award.
The Skate went from New Lon-
don, Oonn., to the polar regions
and is expected to come back out
into the Atlantic.
British Fete'
Honors Men
Of Nautilus8.
PORTLAND, England (A')-The
USS Nautilus sailed into port in
bright sunshine yesterday from her'
dank prowling under North Pole
ice and her crew ptoudly received
a Presidential Unit Citation for
the epic adventure.
Bands played "The Stars and
Stripes Forever," bagpipes skirled,
boatsawhistled and a crowd of
spectators and men and officers of
the British and American navies
cheered as the atomic submarine's
crew reached land for the first
time in 19 days.
Fluttering at the masthead was
a flag newly designed for the occa-
sion -- a blue flag bearing the
words: "Submerged Polar Transit,
Nautilus, 1958."
On deck was Cmdr. William R.
Anderson, the Skipper, who hadc
flown by helicopter to rejoin his
crew after being whisked to Wash-
ington to receive the Legion of
Merit from President Dwight D.
In full uniform, he escorted
United States Ambassador John
Hay Whitney aboard. The ambas-
sador read the presidential cita-
tion and conferred the emblem.
Ori her 8,147-mile voyage from
Pearl Harbor, the Nautilus came
out from under the ice cap only
10 miles from the spot reckoned
by its navigators.

Union Local
Paid Wages
To Convicts
probers were told yesterday the
Teamsters Union paid $114,719.32
in salaries to four members of a
Pontiac, Mich., local while they
were in prison.
Robert F. Kennedy, counsel to
the Senate Rackets Investigating
Committee, also produced evidence
from Union files to show that pen-
sion fund contributions of the four
were kept up.
Asks Explanation
Kennedy asked James R. Hoff a,
international president of the
Teamsters, what possible reason
the union could have for paying
out money to men who had been
convicted, as he put it, of be-
traying their trust.
"Were you afraid they'd expose
you?" Kennedy demanded to know.
"I was not afraid they could
expose me," Hoffa replied. "I had
nothing to expose."
The prisoners were -identified as
Dan Keating, former president of
Pontiac Local No. 614, and Lois
Linteau LMichael Nicoletti and
Sam Marrosso. It was not brought
out why they went to jail.
Makes Angry Denial
Hoffa denied angrily that he
had shared in shakedown payoffs
to Keating and other members of
the local.
Carmine Bellino, a committee
investigator-accountant, testified
$20,000 in union funds was spent
for the defense of Linteau, Nico-
letti and Keating.
Spent on Legal Fees
He said $625,00 was spent for
legal fees between 1953 and 1959
by the Teamsters Central States
Conference and several locals.
Bellino added that a substantial
portion of it went to defend Team-
sters in criminal cases.
Meanwhile, in San Francisco,
the trucking industry accused
Hoffa of scuttling a contract
agreement, with a resulting shut-
down of trucking operations in 11
Western states. .
Operations Suspended
Major interstate motor carriers
in the West were suspending oper-
ations and laying off personnel. A
spokesman for the California
Trucking Assn. announced that
letters detailing the alleged Hoffa
interventibn were being mailed to
some 50,000 shipper customers in
the area.
The carrier blockade began with
Teamsters striking trucking com-
panies in California's San Joaquin
Valley Monday.
Sixteen transcontinental com-
panies as well as interstate opera-
tors then closed down under the
employer principle that a strike
against one is a strike against all.
Einar Mohn, president of the
Western Co±ference of Teamsters,
said the union would file a one-
million-dollar-a-day damage suit
in federal court against employer

Marine Unit Pulled Out of Lebanon

BEIRUT, Lebanon (R) - About!
1,700 United States Marines will
leave Lebanon today a few hours
before the United Nations General
Assembly opens debate on the
Middle East.
While the departure of the
Marine unit underlined the relax-
ing atmosphere in Lebanon, the
situation in neighboring Jordan
showed no signs of easing.
Hussein Threatened.
Authoritative sources in London
said official warnings had been
received that an army uprising
against Jordan's King Hussein was
One informant said three at-
tempts had been made to kill the
King since British troops landed
July 17 to protect him from a
pro-Nasser uprising.
The first American dependents
pulled out of Jordan in response
to suggestions from the United
States Embassy in Jordan. They
were the wife and son of an Em-
bassy official.
Token of Promise
Adm. James L. Holloway, com-,
mander of 15,000 American troops
here, announced the withdrawal.
He said it was a token of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's promise to
pull them out as soon as the gov-
ernment of Lebanon felt they were
no longer needed to protect this
nation's independence.
To Blunt Charges
The gesture was meant to blunt
Soviet charges in UN debate, of
American and British aggression
in Lebanon and Jordan.
Leathernecks of the second Bat-
talion, Second Division-the unit
ordered to leave-began hauling
their heavy gear to the evacuation
beach soon after Holloway's an-
Saeb Salam, the Beirut rebel
chief, said "this symbolic step"
was welcome but "does not fully
accomplish the desired aim of the
Lebanese people for complete
withdrawal" of all troops.
Racial Issue
Marks Voting"
By The Associated Press
A contest between two Negroes
for a Democratic congressional
nomination held the political spot-
light yesterday as three states
conducted primary elections.
Voters in New York's predomi-
nantly Negro and Democratic 16th
District chose between Adam Clay-
ton Powell and Earl Brown who
waged their fight almost entirely
on racial issues.
Observers said their contest
could provide a gauge of Negro
feelings on civil rights.
Powell, 49 years old, who has
served seven terms in Congress,
is an impassioned champion of
immediate racial integration.
Brown. 55 years old, a city council-
man and an editor of Life maga-
zine, takes a calmer approach
while working for civil rights.

UNEASY THRONE-British and Jordanian army officers back up
seated King Hussein as he views a day-long demonstration of
Army loyalty at Zerka, Jordan, over the weekend. Ironically,
rumors are now thick in Jordan that there is an army conspiracy
to overthrow the young king.
U.S. Fi res Test Missiele-;
Flash Seen 700 Miles
HONOLULU (') - An atomic warhead missile exploded over
Johnston Island yesterday with a flash so bright it lit up the heavens
over Hawaii, more than 700 miles away.
The mushroom cloud of the nuclear blast was also seen plainly in
It was the second known firing from the United States nuclear
testing range at the South Pacific base. There was speculation the

Ike To Call
For Forces,
Fmancial Ai
Proposal To Create
Commission To Cur
Propaganda Expecte
President Dwight D. Esenhow
will lay before the United Nati:
today a Mideast stability progra
calling for a mobile police -for
and financing for better livn
Eisenhower arrived in New Yo:
by plane at 6:57 p.m. last night
speak before the emergency sessi
of the TIN General Assembly tl1
Wants UN Force
Authoritative sources said Io
night the President would ask t
Assembly to establish a permane:
UN force that would be on call
stop any threat of aggression c
subversion in any country in ti
He aso was expected to urge
creation of a commission to morn
tor and report any radio propf
ganda broadcasts seeking to In
flame hatreds.
This apparently would be ii
tended to curb the United Ar
Republic's broadcasts to neighb
nations. Such broadcasts ha
been blamed as incitement to i
ternal rebellion in the Arab worl
special status Desired
One o th main objectives
the United States was reported 1
be isolation of Lebanon and Jo:
dan, by common consent, from ti
currents of Arab nationalism.
This would be a sort of neutral
zation of the two countries. TI
United States feels they shoul
have a special status.
Eisenhower was expected 1
place heavy stress on a new ec
nomic program for the area, bI
other main political proposals 1
ease tension were reported to bi
Evidence of Concern
The stationing of modest size
UN elements in Lebanon and Jo
dan as evidence of UN interest I
preserving the independence 6
those countries.
A UN declaration repeating tU
General Assembly's 1950 resolutic
calling on all nations to refra
from fomenting internal politic:
troubles in other countries.
Will'Be Broadcast
These proposals were disclose
as President Eisenhower flew fro
Washington with a rough draft
the speech he will deliver befoi
the emergency Mideast Assemb
of the 81 nations at 9:30 a.
Informed sources said the Pres
dent and Secretary of State Dulli
would put final touches on Ut
speech in New York.
The speech will be covered b
all major radio and television nei
works. ABC, CBS and NBC wi
televise and broadcast it live. Mt
tual Radio will broadcast It.
By The Assoedated Press.
yesterday passed by a 72-18 r
call vote a bill extending the rel
rocal trade agreements act for fo
* * *

A Navy blimp came home yester
day from an 8,000-mile trip to th
arctic and- its skipper proudl
claimed there is no question of i
ability in polar research work.'
Capt. H. B. van Gorder sa:
lighter-than-air craft could ope:
ate from large and small bases.
The blimp - nicknamed Sne
Goose by its exuberant crew -
went within about 500 miles of ti
N.+th ,h , Ti- 1nA hnin +he a

Or they may have marveled at
the voice of a low-flying angel or a,
high-flying car horn. Both times
it was rehearsals of voice and brass
parts which the maestro was mold-
ing into the awaited Concerto No.'
I which is to be performed at 8
p.m. Aug. 13.
Prof. Price has long been a pi-
oneer in the field of campanology.
His recent experimentation with
percussion, voice and brass com-
bined with the carillon sound may,
begin a new era in darillon music
here at the *University.
The present work is the result of
research on bell harmonics, caril-
lon music and campanological data
accumulated over many years.,
There are many impressive facts
concerning "The man in the top
of Burton Tower," yet they are
mere evidence of the musical tal-
ent and skill which is expressed
through the medium of bells.

tests attended development of an
anti-missile missile.
Edward von Geldern, a civil en-,
gineer, calculated that yesterday's
atomic blast occurred at a height
of "at least 60 miles." He used
four methods of computation.
Final Issue
With this issue The Daily
ceases publication until fall.
Following special orientation
and registration editions the
week of Sept. 15-20, normal
publication of The Daily will
be resumed Sept. 23. Daily busi-
ness and editorial offices will be
closed beginning Saturday un-
til Sept. 2.



U.S. Readies
Moon Rocket
WASHINGTON (M)-Man's first
moon rocket may be launched from
Cape Canaveral, Fla., next week-
end, but none of the men in charge
would say so for publication. -
The Defense Department, seek-
ing to avoid an advance buildup
of interest, is keeping its moon-
shot schedule details secret.
Best Times Set
However, the department's Ad-
vanced Research Projects Agency
in charge of the five lunar probes
already authorized, has said that
the best times for a launching this
month would be either next Sun-
day, Monday or Tuesday.
Thereafter 28 days would have
to elapse before there would be
another period when the orbital
patterns to the earth and the moon
are aligned to provide the best
chances for success.
No Long Delays
For that reason, if the Air Force
--assigned to make the first three
shots at the moon - is unable for
some reason to launch on the first
three days of next week, it probab-
ly will not try again until Sept. 14i
to 16, and thereafter not until Oct.
12 to 14.
Furthermore there can be no
long holds or delays in the prelim-
inary countdown as have been
common with the Army and Navy}
satellite launching vehicles and
with the big ballistic missiles now
under test.
MIGs Fire
On Quemoy

Scurry of Final Exams To End Summer Session,


"Tomorrow and tomorrow and
tomorrow .
MacBeth may well have been
talking about finals, as far as
University summer school students
are concerned. Tomorrow is the
day when the eight-week students
will start the two days of exams
closing out the session.
There's more to finals than the
s tests, though. There are all those
overdue library fines and other
fees for which the Administration
,T% 4has sent out the usual little pink
slips threatening withholding of
grades and credit.
And there are last-minute plane
and train reservations to be made
to get home.
Thoughtful students will re-
member to buy those bluebooks
today to avoid the rush of book-

AM -: .7777

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