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June 25, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-06-25

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E1w Sicbiwun flatl
Sixty-Eighth Year

"We Have A Report That A Newspapernan Asked You
What Time It Was - And You Told Him"

n Opinions Are Free
uth Wil Prevail"



Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



DAY, JUNE 25, 1958



Educational Budgeting:
No Real Solution





JST WHAT Gov. 0. Mennen Williams has
in mind to help higher education officials
tain more money to operate their colleges
d universities is not clear. He asks these
icials to suggest new approaches to writ-
; their budgets and hints broadly at calling
special session of the Legislature if it could
any good.
Certainly a special session in the immediate
ture could hardly be of any value. The last
;ch losing battle fought last spring by some
islators to increase 1958-59 fiscal year edu-
tion appropriations is clear enough indica-
n that a special session would be futile.
However, the Governor's suggestion that a
w approach to writing the budget be de
sed is open to two interpretations. Does he
ean new methods of selling the budget to
.e Legislature or new methods of preparing
.e budget in a technical sense?
A better selling job might help, but in view
the Legislature's adamant position last,
ring the effects of this would probably be

negligible. If the Governor intends the latter
possibility, it would seem more proprietious to
first get the State legislators to read the pres-
ent form of budget in a sensible manner.
LEGISLATORS insist upon allotting money
on a per student basis contrary to the best
evidence available from the universities and
colleges. Such a method takes no account of
research work and special demands made on
the schools by the state and its citizens, and,
perhaps most important, does not allow sub-
stantial planning and preparation for the
vast enrollments soon to engulf the campuses.
But by either meaning the result is going
to be roughly the same in dollars and cents.
New budgeting methods won't alter the grow-
ing demands on higher education. Better sell-
ing methods won't provide more money to
meet this increased demand. And in Michigan,
at least, th shortage of funds really is the
central problem.
Daily Co-Editor

* ; a v} 5 f ,r
III ' %S"

"' 'I

Trio Provides
Pleasant Evening
THE BAROQUE TRIO. ably assisted by cellist Harry Dunscombe an
tenor Harold Haugh last night presented a program of delightfu.
music skillfully performed and gratefully received.
The first half of the program consisted of the Trio Sonata in D b
the 17th Century Italian composer Alessandro Stradella, the Robe:,
Valentine Sonata in F for Oboe and Harpsichord and the Trio Sonata i
C by J. S. Bach. The Stradella Sonata was performed with cello cor
tinuo as were all of the following trio sonatas. The four movements o
approximately one minute each were in turn grave, lively, minorish an
rippling, and provided a cheerful opening note for the evening.
The Oboe sonata by the early 18th century composer, Valentine:
primarily an oboe display with harpsichord accompaniment.
The Bach Trio Sonata featured a duet for upper voices with cor
tinuo and counter melody, a practice which Bach frequently used in h
Cantatas and oratorios. The melodic interplay between Florian Mueller
oboe and Nelson Hauenstein's flute was an especial joy.
* * 9
THE SECOND PART of the program opened with Bach's Sonata in
minor for Flute and Harpsichord which, in its rapid fire pace leave
as little time for breath as does the "Champagne Aria" from "DC
Giovanni." Mr. Hauenstein is to be congratulated for not turning livi
For the remaining two numbers, the "trio" a quatre became seve
with the addition of tenor' Harold Haugh and two anonymous pai
turners. The Buxtehude "My Jesus is my Lasting Joy" is a quiet ar
devout work which Mr. Haugh sang with feeling and restraint. T
plaintive oboe counter melody added much to this interpretation.
In the Cantata by Heinrich Schuetz which closed the progran
Harold Haugh displayed amazing articulation in the florid passages an
created an appropriately joyful mood to the words "I will live to prai
the Lord" and "I thank thee, Lord, with all my heart," providing
suitably happy ending to a very pleasant evening.
-Allegra Branson
'Vagabond Kin' Scores
A FAVORITE with theatre audiences since its New York opening :
1925, Rudolf Friml's musical, "The Vagabond King," is enjoying
fine new production under the Music Circle Theatre tent in Farming
ton, just west of Detroit.
New York City Opera star Walter Cassel deserves much of th
credit for the show's success by way of his gusty singing performanc
as Francois Villon, the vagabond king of Paris in the days of Louis X:
Cassel's deep, rich voice brings out the best in the Friml score, whi
his portrayal of the courageous Villon dominates, as it should, th
story of a France torn with civil war.
As ;Katherine de Vaucelles, the noble lady loved by the peasant poe

_ %7

Adams Lacks Public Trust

WOULD SEEM that the best thing that
residential Assistant Sherman Adams
[d do at this point, both for himself and
the country, would be to resign from his
cial post.
omehow Mr. Adams hasn't reached this
clusion. .Furthermore, it seems question-'
e that he will reach it. ,
dams, who as he himself implies, "blindly"'
epted favors from New England industrial-
Bernard Goldflne is now blindly ignoring
fact that although he may still hold his
tion theoretically, in practice he is all
Whether or not there was bribery involved
tters little now. Important is that a high
lic official allowed himself to fall into
h an awkward position.
hat Adams doesn't seem to understand is
t in politics, implication and fact are in-
ricable, one from the other. Thus, Adams
st accept the implications with the facts.
e facts are thus.
'he House Subcommittee on Legislative
ersight was presented records which show
t Goldfine had paid hotel bills for Adams,
Lch amounted to approximately $2,006 over

a two-year period. During this period Goldfine
had cases before the Federal Trade Commis-
sion and the Securities and Exchange Com-
mission. Adams had phoned to "inquire" on
their status.
And yet, "I categorically deny such insinu-
ations," Adams says. "They are unwarranted
and unfair." In these two sentences Mr.
Adams, President Eisenhower's "right hand
man," announced to the world his political
ADAMS has been no ordinary presidential as-
sistant. Not only does he decide who gets
to see the President, a position of power in it-
self, but Adams has much to say regarding all
policy action taken by the President. He also
is in direct contact with many government
agencies, often the only direct agency contact
with the administration.
Plus, the pbwer to appoint and remove.
A man in his position, having such duties,
must have the trust of the people he is dealing
with, the trust of the nation. Adms once had
this trust.
He has it no longer.

Washington Conceals Truth

'ie Ignores Basic School Problems

WASHINGTON-Concealing the
the truth continues to be the
studied policy of official Wash-
When it leaked out that Mrs,
Neil McElroy, wife of the Secre:
tary of Defense, was getting free
dental work done at the Army's
Walter Reed Hospital, dental au-
thorities refused to comment. The
press relations officer at Walter
Reed deferred inquiries to the
Secretary of Defense. There it was
officially explained that Mrs. Mc-
Elroy's dental work was an "un-
important kind of thing."
The real truth, learned from
other sources, however, is that all
her teeth were pulled and she re-
ceived a completely new set of
dentures. It was also learned that
the top dentist at Walter Reed
came in after hours to work on
Mrs. McElroy's teeth.
Army dentists are not permitted
to work on the teeth of their own
families. They are also not per-
mitted to work on the teeth of
any service dependent. Despite
this strict ruling, it was officially
stated by the Secretary of Defense
that it was "normal procedure"
for wives of cabinet officers to re-
ceive free dental treatment at
Walter Reed Hospital.
* * *
Sherman Adams case are ominous
reports of attempts to squeeze two
Boston newspapers out of busi-
ness in one of the few American
cities where there is still plenty of
newspaper competition.
Testimony has already been of-
ficially recorded regarding the at-=

atempt of Robert Choate, publish-
er of The Herald and Traveler, to
put the squeeze on The Boston
Globe by obtaining TV channel 5.
The Harris subcommittee was'
probing this when it got diverted
into the more sensational relation-
ship between Sherman Adams and
Bernard Goldfine.
Testimony is expected this week
regarding the squeeze placed on
another paper, The Boston Post,
when its former publisher, John
Fox, testifies. Fox, a former friend
of Bernard Goldfine, knows him
backward and forward, and has
already supplied the Harris sub-
committee with important infor-
Fox suffered a series of tax
crackdowns from the United States
Treasury Department which he
blames on some mysterious hid-
den hand high-up in government.
First, the Treasury discovered that
he had $200,000 of whiskey in a
bonded warehouse and demanded
that he pay taxes on it then rath-
er than later because it was eight
years old.
* * *
ABOUT the same time, Fox had
borrowed $13,500,000 from banks
in thirty different states and re-
ceived reports from the banks that
when agents from the Comptroller
of the Currency came to examine
the banks, one of the first things
they asked was whether the banks
held any of Fox's paper. As a re-
sult, many of his loans were not
renewed. Fox claims that this was
a deliberate attempt to persecute
him financially, also dictated from
high places.

In June, 1956, the Treasury
slapped tax liens on him for $1,-
700,000. This again he claims was
persecution, and he supports his
charge by showing that 87 per cent
of the tax claim was later dropped
by the Treasury on the ground
that it was improper.
Fox has taken his tax battle to
the United States Tax Court where
he has won most of the prelimin-
ary rounds. He says he has turned
down a Treasury offer to settle
for $15,000.
Fox's Boston Post has now
folded. He blames a local econom-
ic squeeze applied by Choate of
The Boston Herald and Traveler
and a tax squeeze applied by a
hidden hand in Washington.
* * *
HERE is the reason for the sna-
fu in rescuing the nine American
soldiers whose helicopter landed
in East Germany by mistake.
At one point, Dulles was ready
to grant diplomatic credentials to
our negotiators in order'to get the
Americans released.
But German Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer called in United States
Ambassador David Bruce and an-
grily warned that East Germany,
would exploit any diplomatic ov-
ertures for its own political pur-
poses. Adenauer urged the State.
Department to stick to its guns
and refuse formal diplomatic ne-
As a result, the negotiators were
given no credentials, were ordered
to treat the East German repre-
sentatives as kidnapers dickering
for a ransom.
(Copyright 1958 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

T A SPEECH Monday to assembled high
school teachers, Benjamin Fine called for a
pling of teacher's salaries and a ,$5Q billion
n-year rehabilitation program for America's
bVic schools.
He also advocated new school building at
e rate of $2 billion per year for the next
a years, and more federal aid for schools.
But his speech was, to us, only the latest in
long series of grandiose speeches on educa-
n, "the end of the rainbow type" which have
en so popular in education recently. Fine,
Lo recently resigned as education editor of the
w York Times to take a post at Yeshiva
giversity, remembered only four-sixths of his
wspaper training in his speech. He remem-
red the who, what,,when and where, but he
rgot the why and how.
He forgot both to the detriment of his
eech and the cause of education, which might
yve been somewhat advanced by his talk.
though it must seem easier to compile statis-
s, theoretically triple salaries, and build.
pothetical buildings, the need is for some
and thinking about how this building and
novation is to be accomplished.

EQUALLY as important, some satisfactory
answers should have been given to the
question "Is there a need for more money for
education" for as he said the American people
don't seem to think so.
Fine said that by 1960 an estimated 45 mil-
lion students will be attending America's schools
and colleges, a growth of 15 million in less
than 15 years. What will be gained by educating
this many more American youth, instead of
tightening requirements and using the money
already available to provide higher quality
education? For many the question is "Why more
money for education at all?" Needed is some-
thing more than an automatic feeling that more
money is the answer.
Fine might have better spent his time, and
that of the audience, outlining a "how" pro-
gram for getting even one of his recommenda-
tions adopted instead of saying what teachers
have heard more than anyonge-that educa-
tion should be improved. He might well- have
drawn on his over twenty years of experience
to attempt to answer the question, for he
probably would find no more willing .group-
to act on sensible suggestions.

Villon, Cassel's wife, Gail Manners
tively determined. Her song is
thoroughly delightful and her
presence welcome indeed.
Cassel and Miss Manners dom-
inate successfully the major part
of the musical. Their duets, chief
of which is the well-known "Only
a Rose," are moments of high en-
The low comedy of the French
vagabonds and peasants of the
time is brought out most success-
fully by Philip Sterling as the
rascally Guy Tabarie, Villon's
friend. In the most difficult char-
acterization of the-show, Sterling
sets a high pace and follows it to
the end as the delightfully dirty
good-for-nothing, who loves his
booze and hates to bathe.
* 5 *
inging performances in the lead
roles, "The Vagabond King" has
no chance of disappointing its
audience. Nor does it take such a
chance, either, for the supporting
cast and chorus is fine almost to a
Joan Fagan sings the role of
Hugette, the woman who loves
only Villon but does not realize his
love, with the lust and vigor that
make the "Hugette Waltz" one of
the most enjoyable numbers in the
show. In the role of the doddering
king who lets Villon be king of
France for a day on condition that
he execute himself afterwards, Roy
Irving reminds one of a Gilbert
and Sullivan peer.
The dancing ensemble, com-
posed of Henrietta Hermelin, Phyl-
lis Lear, Dorothy McDonough, Kip
Andrews, Bud Johansen, and Luis
de'Ybrrando and especially An-
drews and Miss Hermelin, perform
with grace and talent that provide
captivating interludes in the ac-
If there are problems in the
production, they are those usually
connected with , arena theatre;
they are problems which this pro-
duction staff has not yet solved.
But this is summer theatre, and
one must consciously overlook a
thing or two now and then. This
done, the fine actinig and singing,
with the songs of Friml ("Song of
the Vagabond," "Someday"), pro-,
vide an evening of fine entertain-
ment under the tent. "The Vaga-
bond King" plays nightly through
Sunday, with a new show opening
next Monday and every Monday.
Vernon Nahrgang

is seriously charming and attr


NATO Shivers over Cyprus Dispute

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-.
sty of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsib~ility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
lng, before 2 p.m., the day preced-
ing publication.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., July 18. Corm-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than July 8'
Notice: A special mathematics lec-
ture will be held on Wed., June 25, 4:00
p.m., Rm. 3227 Angeli Hall. Lecturer is
Acadamician A.A. Dorodnitsyn, Direc
tor of Computing Laboratories, Acade-
my of Sciences, U.S.S.R. Title: "Some*
Problems in the Numerical Solution of
Partial Differential Equations." Re-
freshments will be at 3:30, in i. 3211
Angell Hall.
Guest Lecturer: Dr. Lee Chrisman
Head of the Music Education Dept. of
the School of Fine and Applied Arts,
Bostcn University, will be presented in .
the first of a series of lectures and
demonstrations sponsored by the Dept.
of Music Education in Aud. A, An-
gell Hall on Wed., June 25, 4:00 p.m.
His lecture, entitled "The Function of
instrumental Music in the Pattern of
Education," will be open to the gen-,
eral public without charge.
Linguistic Forum Lecture: Prof.
Noam Chomsky of the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology will speak on
"An Introduction to Transformational
Analysis" on Thurs., June 26, at 7:30
p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheater.
La Sociedad Hispanica, of the Dept.
of Romance Languages, will meet in.
the Faculty Lounge, Frieze Bldg., Rm.
3050 Wed., at 7:30 p.m. The speaker
will be Prof. Fernando Bonilla of the
Univ. of Puerto Rico, who will speak
in Spanish on "Puerto Rico antes y
despues de la ocupacion norteamert-
Scane." There will be Spanish music,
and officers will be elected for the
summer. Open to the public.
"Love's Labor's Lost," the opening
production of the 1958 Summer Play-
bill, will open tonight at 8:00 in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. This re-
peat performance of the spring's most
successful play will be presented by the
Dept.TofkSpeech tonight through Fri-
day. TickWets are on sale at the Lydia
Mendelssohn Box Office (North end of
the League building) $1.50, $1.10, 75
Academic Notices
History 135s will meet in 231 Angell
Placement Notices
Personnel Requests:
American-Standard Corp., New York,
New York, has an opening for a SR.
Staff Industrial Engineer, to work In
the Manufacturing Department. He
will develop Divisional procedures.,
plans, and programs for the establish-
ment of wage incentive systems, pro-
duction and labor standards, methods
and facilities analysis.,and cost re-
duction activities.
Whirlpool Corp., St. Joseph, Micht-
gan, are looking for an accounting mna-
jor to work as an Acounting Trainee.
This man will work through the vari-
ous accounting functions in the Ce-
tral Accounting Department.
National Bank of Jackson, Jackson,
Michigan, are looking for Business Ad-
ministration graduates. Prefer a man
who has completed his military obliga-
tion and has had minor work in bank-
Vniversitv of if ncinnati, College of

Soviet Street Mobs

Associated Press News Analyst
ME RULERS of the Soviet Union have cho-
sen a time when the world is deeply con-
'ned over their new tough line, to make one
those charges which, when made by dicta-
's, have come to be accepted as threats.
Now they say, through Pravda, the Commu-
t party newspaper, that the resulting up-
ar in the West is designed to complicate the
ernational situation and pass over to mili-
y adventures as soon as this appears pos-
Ihe charge - or threat - would be taken
Ire se-:iously if it had not been made so
en. As a manifestation of the Kremlin's
est soft-to-tough transition, however, it is
rth noting,
Ut.*144*ut *it

Aside from this, there is a certain tragic hu-
mor in the Soviet reaction to the world's con-
"Liberalization" has finally reached the
Moscow streets, where for years people have
not dared to pick up rocks, much less throw
With their ' usual childishness, the badly
stung Reds have given more publicity than
anyone else to the few physical demonstrations
staged against them in such places as West
Germany and Denmark.
Quote, spontaneous, unquote, demonstra-
tions against the two countries in Moscow were
even staged to the point of a final victory by
the police -- although nobody was arrested,
and no police-injured, as in New York.
but they did throw their rocks, break their
windows, and paint slogans on the embassy
walls - presumably for the benefit of the for-
eign newspicture markets, since some slogans
were done in English.
rV Trr mCVuTTrrrni n it is a nam rwinn

Daily Staff Writer
A FTER five bitter years of spor-
adic bloodshed, the tiny island
of Cyprus, stuck in the throat of
the North Atlantic alliance, still
remains an indigestible problem.
As relations between Greece and
Turkey, both NATO members,
neared the breaking point last
week, western diplomats were
faced with an acute crisis.
With Greek and Turkish Cypri-
ots becoming more and more in-
transigent, and the weary British,
hearing one suggestion after an-
other flatly rejected by both fac-
tions, United States concern for
the future, of NATO continues to
grow: If tensions over Cyprus are
not eased quickly, what is now a
small crack in the alliance may
well become a gaping hole in the
NATO wall.
That both groups on the island.
are more stubborn than ever is
shown by the most recent wave
of riots, which began not in pro-
test against a British proposal,
but merely in anticipation of one.
* * *
BRITAIN'S latest attempt to
pacify the 400,000 Greek and
100,000 Turkish Cypriots took the
F- f - -1-f ii-- ~ A -f

Details of the plan were re-
vealed in strict secrecy to the
governments in Athens and An-
kara, but rioting broke out any-
way, almost a full week before
the plan was made public. Greek
Cypriot fought Turkish Cypriot
in some of the most bloody action
in the island's history.,
There was, actually, nothing in
the plan that was particularly ob-'
jectionable to either side. In fact,
members of the Greek and Turk-
ish governments privately ex-
pressed their grudging support,
in the knowledge that the situa-
tion was beginning to get out of
hand. Neither country, however,
can afford to affront their citi-
* * *
EACH SIDE'S objections to the
proposal went straight down the
old beaten paths that have been
followed for the last five years.
Greece protested that the plan
contained no stipulation of the
]elf-determination for which they
have been fighting. The Turks
argued that the program did not
provide for the partition they
have been seeking. '
Both sides seem to realize full
well that their positions are com-
pletely unrealistic. Turkey pri-
-t . +0 1-t rn1A } n .17,11cQ a fn +

land; curfews were once more
imposed and an uneasy calm
reigned, punctured by periodic
Meanwhile, even before the
proposal was made public, the
situation was brought up by
Greece in both the United Na-
tions Security Council and the
permanent NATO Council in
In the UN, the Greek charges
were aimed at the British, ac-
cusing them of "inadequate ac-
tion" in the conflict. Before
NATO, however, they blasted
Turkey and requested NATO in-
tervention on behalf of the Greek
Cypriots. Emphasis was added by
their withdrawal of troops from
the NATO base in Turkey.
* * *
coming involved in a dispute be-
tween two of its members is
enough to give diplomats in every
allied nation a severe case of cold
chills. The possibility of such a
dispute breaking out into open
warfare increases the worries. At
the moment, either event seems
possible, and urgent attempts are
being made to bring about a,
Miracles, however, are not ex-

Union Architecture ...
To the Editor:
As AN alumnus and architect I
am disturbed by the report
that drastic alterations of parts
of Pond's fine Union building are
I protested once; I now protest
again-this time about lowering
the ceiling of the main dining
room and other more minor
changes in an architecturally out-
standing room. A little University

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