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June 25, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-06-25

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LXVIII, No. 25





.. ... ....U ...

education Must Not Overlook
mternal Truths, Hatcher Says

Any education which ignores
e search for the eternal truths
a meaningless education, Uni-
sity President Harlan Hatcher
d yesterday.
speaking at the opening of the
mpus Conference on Religion,
esident Hatc~her told= the .audi-
ce that, materialism to the con-
ty, the truly important thing
to search for the voices of
eaning that have illuminated
e lives of people like William
ake and Joan of Arc.
T'here are nmoments that we feel
have got hold of fundamental
ths, he said, and these are the
portant moments.
Religion is changing as much
anything else, President

Hatcher said. It is subject to con-
stant examination and exultation,
he said.
Earlier, President Hatcher said
that America's important contri-
bution to education has been in
the field of technology and practi-
cal education, and not in religion.
The Russians have adopted this
facet of our culture, he noted,
and have also made tremendous
strides with it.
Materialistic Philosophy
"Obviously, this led to a ma-
terialistic philosophy," President
Hatcher said. He described thisj
materialistic philosophy as hold-
ing that the advancement of ma-
terial welfare would also advance
the goodness and morality of

"We have come to question this
assumption," President Hatcher
said. "We have become disillu-
sioned with the concept that evil
is merely the absence of good.
Implacability of Evil
The implacability of evil has
been seen in modern times in Nazi
Germany and in at least some of
Russia's modern history, he said.
The next lecture in the pro-
gram will be held tomorrow, when
Franklin H. Littell will speak on
"Religion in Postwar Europe" at
4:15 p.m. in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall. Litell is the Franz Lieb-
Ier Foundation's representative in
Following tho lecture, a panel
discussion on the topic will be
held at '7:30 p.m. in Auditorium


A, Angell Hall.



World News

. . etolaryngology head.

... anatomy chairman

fed School Appointments
1 a 6
o Two Positions Approved
Two department chairmen in the medical school were approved
the Regents at their June meeting.
Prof. Russell T. Woodburne was named chairman of the anatomy
>artment; Dr. James H. Maxwell was appointed chairman of the
>artment of Otolaryngology. Both appointments are effective July 1.
both appointees are long-time members of the medical school,
I both joined the faculty immediately after graduation from the
versity. Dr. Woodburne holds three degrees from the University,
A.B. in 1932, an A.M. in 1933 and a Ph.D. in 1935. He was born in

By Thie Associated Press
MOSCOW-- The official Soviet
Tass news agency said last night
American authorities "bear direct'
responsibility" for anti-Soviet dem-
onstrations at the Soviet United
Nations delegation headquarters in
New York.
The Danish and West German
governments were similarly blamed
for anti-Soviet demonstrations in
Copenhagen and Bonn.
In these cities and New York
and elsewhere demonstrators pro-
tested the Moscow-announced ex-
ecutions of Hungarian ex-Premier
Imre Nagy and other 1956 anti-
Soviet revolt leaders.
TALLAHASSEE-Integration of
University of Florida graduate
schools next fall was ordered by a
federal district court recently and
Gov. Leroy Collins said heex-
pected no difficulty in complying
with the decree.
A segregationist leader in the
state legislature, Sen. Randolph
Hodges, started a move, however,
to convene the legislature in an
effort to find some way to block
the order.
The order by Federal Judge'
Dozier Devane broke the solid
front of segregation in Florida.
reportedly logged another, highly
successful test with its Polaris ex-
perimental rocket yesterday, a feat
it failed to achieve earlier with the
experimental Vanguard. '
A few hours after the latest,
Vanguard satellite shoot was1
scrubbed" for the second time in
four days, the Polaris roared away
on a brief but spectacular per-3
The solid fuel-powered Polaris, a
test version of what probably will
be the free world's most advanced
ballistic missile by 1960, jerked and
twisted aloft for some 25 seconds-
before it burst apart as planned.
launched another Redstone medi-
um range ballistic missile toward
space last night.
The 63-foot rocket, the most
advanced ballistic weapon in the
United States arsenal, streakedf
high into the clear Florida sky,
blasting out a thick stream of yel-
low flame.1

Will Ask
Be Called
Daily Co-Editor
A special legislative session will
"undoubtedly" be on the agenda of
discussion by Michigan college
presidents at their September
meeting, University Vice-President
William Stirton said yesterday.
He added that there probably
will be "extensive discussion" of
financial problems at the meeting
which may go beyond the usual
one-day sessions.
Stirton represented the Univer-
sity at the meeting in Lansing
Monday in which Gov. G. Mennen
Williams met with officials of the
state supported institutions of
higher education to discuss their
budget problems.
Appropriations Cut
The University and Michigan
State University operating appro-
priations were cut by about one
million dollars this year while
other state school budgets were
trimmed at least $60,000.
Gov. Williams suggested to the
educators that they try to seek "a
new approach to writing the bud-
get." He urged the association of
college presidents to suggest a
"special procedure" for getting a
higher education budget written
Snext year.
Stirton saidt a common worry
expressed in the reports made by
the universities and colleges to the
governor was that the legislative
appropriations cut into higher
education's reserve of facilities
necessary to meet increasing de-
" 'W'ar Baby' Problem
"An overtone to the meeting"
was the problem of absorbing the
"war babies" when they soon reach
the colleges, he said. The shortage
of physical facilities was also dis-
This year, the Legislature appro-
priated capital outlay funds only
for buildings already under con-
struction. Stirton called "defer-
ment" of meeting building needs
"a vicious problem, especially since
building costs are now at a reces-
sion-caused low."
Thfe educators' reports on the,
effects of the Legislature's "aus-
terity" budget, told of cutbacks at
every institution.
The University will have 207
fewer positions on the academic
and non-teaching staff next fal.
Enrollment at the Ann Arbor and
Flint campuses will be held to the
present levels, :Dearborn Center's
opening will be postpon ,d one
year, library services and book
purchases, will be reduced.
At MSU, there will be 110 faculty
and staff positions left vacant and
no merit pay increases for the
academic staff.

UN's Hammarskjol
Chamoun Discuss
'Menacing' Situatio

-Daily-David mitrow
LOVE'S LABOR-L. Beck riding on the shoulder of Joel Boyden interests Shakespearian onlookers
at a rehearsal of the speech department's production of "Love's Labor's Lost." Observing this
occurrence are Katy O'Harra Westwood, Jor Brown and Howard Green. The play, which opens
tonight, will be performed tomorrow and Friday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
'Love's La-bor's Lost' T OUpen Today


William Shakespeare's "Love's
Labor's Lost" will open the
speech department's s u m m e r
playbill at 8 p.m. today in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The play, a repeat previouslyI
done in April, will also be per-I
formed tomorrow and Friday. The
comedy will be directed by Prof.
William Halstead of the speech
department and will feature a
somewhat altered cast from the
April performances.
Brendan O'Reilly, '58, will por-
tray Ferdinand, king of Navarre,
who with his friends decides to
give up women for study. James
Patterson,, grad., Don Catalina,
'59, and Howard Poyourow, '59,
play the other self-made bache-
Forget Ladies
These students have forgotten
that the Princess of France and
her party of three vivacious ladies
are already en rout to Navarre
on a diplomatic mission. Mar-
garet Forward, '58, will appear as
Katherine of Alecon.




All-OutR Ree Attaeli
In -Two Day

-.-- --- ---- --- .-- -

Goldfine Pays
Judges Rent,
Group Finds
WASHINGTON (9) -- House
investigators uncovered informa-
tion yesterday that Bernard Gold-
fine paid a hotel bill one time for
a federal judge who once presid-
ed over a suit against one of Gold..
fine's companies.
The jurist, United States Dis-
trict Judge William T. McCarthy
of Boston, disqualified himself
after Goldfine personally was
made a party to the action in-
volving his firm.
Several members of the House
Commerce subcommittee sharply
criticized the Securities and Ex-
change Commission, which
brought the case, for what they
termed failure to crack down

London, Ont., Canada on Nov. 2,
1904 and became a naturalized
citizen of the United States in
A 1924 graduate of the literary
college, Dr. Maxwell received thej
M.D. degree from the medical
school in 1927. He was born in Paw
Paw on Dec. 15, 1901.

Since Ferdinand has given up
women, he houses them outside
the palace in a tent. The effect
of a 16th century tent is achieved
by use of a special contour cur-
Teacher Dies
Retired Prof. John Minert Nick-
elsen of the engineering college
died June 3 in Monroe.
He joined the University faculty
in 1916, and retired in 1953. He;
supervised the machine drawing
course in the mechanical engineer-
ing department.
Prof. Nickelsen served with the
armed forces in both World Wars,
and became a consultant to the
National Defense Ordnance Civil-
ian Defense during World War II.1
During World War I he was
made captain in the Sanitary
Corps, Washington, D.C.
A native of Mediapolis, Iowa, he
was graduated from the University
of Illinois after attending the Uni-
versity of Iowa for one year.
The University of Illinois grant-
ed him a Bachelor of Science in
Mechanical Engineering degree in
Prof. Nickelsen was a member
of the Society of Automotive Engi-
neers and the Society for the Pro-
motion of Engineering Education.
He was consulting engineer to au-
tomobile and automotive accessory
companies and railroad companies
throughout the country.I

tam, which can form five other
opening shapes. This curtain, of
blue fishnet and gauze, is trans-
Queen to Attend
The play will be performed to
Queen Elizabeth and her court,
who will occupy box seats at each
performance. Bette Smith De-
Main, grad., will appear as Queen
Elizabeth, Patrick Smith, '58,
'58, and Letitia Cushmore, '58,
completing the court.
"Love's Labor's Lost" being one
of the earlier plays of Shakespeare'
is the testing ground for many of
the ideas and characters that he
used in later plays.
Berowne and Rosaline, the hero
and heroine, are considered to be
early drafts of Beatrice and Bene-
dict in "Much Ado About Nothing."
Lines Used Later
The Pageant of the Worthies,
which concludes the play, is ex-
pected to appear again in "A Mid-
summer Night's Dream" delivered
by Bottom the weaver and others.
Many lines were used later, al-
though altered somewhat.
Costumes for the performance,
designed by Marjorie Smith,
Grad., consist of brightly colored
net over tights. With the bright
stage lighting, the costumes ap-
pear transparent. Other special
effects include the use of trans-
parent weapons and a rope lad-
der, which represents a tree and
enables actors to remain "hid-
den" while delivering lines.
Tickets for the performances,
are still available at the theatre#
box office for $1.50, $1.10 and 75 ,

BEIRUT (A - Lebanon's
President Camille Chamoun
talked with United Nations Secre-
tary General Dag Hammarskjold
yesterday on the menacing pros-
pect of an all-out rebel attack
within two days.
Both men were grim-faced after
their 40-minute conference.
Hammarskjold, just back from
Cairo, made no comment, butF
Chamoun told reporters rebel
forces are massing in three areas,
leading to the belief that h'eav
attacks are about to be launched.
Violence Continues
Scattered violence continued,
United States Ambassador Rob-
ert McClintock narrowly escaped
injury when a bomb exploded 30
feet from his car.
An embassy official said it was
sheer coincidence and no attempt
on the ambassador's life. Neither
McClintock nor his driver was
Others Heard
At least three other bombs ex-
ploded in Beirut during the day,
one opposite the American Uni-
versity. A time bomb blasted a bus
near the mountain village of
Zahle, killing four persons.
Asked to comment on his talk
with Hammarskjold, Chamoun
"All I can tell you is that the
secretary general said he is rath-
er optimistic. The secretary gen-
eral has tried to do a good job
here, but we will wait and see
whether his optimism is justi-
Infiltration Increases
Chamoun charged that infil-
tration of men and arms from the
United Arab Republic has been
increasing since the United Na-
tions decided to send observers
into Lebanon.
He said his government had
considered asking for foreign in-
tervention but would deal with
the rebellion with its own forces
if possible.
Vroman Gets
National Merit
Advisory Post,
University Director of Adms-
sions Clyde Vroman has been
named to the Advisory Counil
of the National Merit Scholarship
Corporation, it was announced
The corporation, 'which Con-.
ducts the nation's largest private
scholarship activity, is composed
of 12 educators who are represen-
tative of the nation's colleges and
high schools.
The Council evaluates the
methods of American education
as they relate to scholarship ac-
tivity in general and to the Meit
Program in particular, according
to Edward C. Smith, vice-prsi
dent of the NMSC.
Vroman attended the semi-t
annual meeting of the Advisory
Council in Chicago ,on June 0*
and 7.
Politial Club

Annual Aging
The 11th annual conference on
aging was held at the University
yesterday and Monday.
The biological, social and eco-
nomic aspects of aging were dis-
cussed. in a series of meetings.
Clark Tibbitts, assistant direc-
tor of the U.S. Department of
Health concerning Old Age de-
livered the opening address. He
cited, these research findings to
support, his views. "Physically,
there is no single prime of life;
the peak of different abilities is
passed at different times, some
very early and others very late
in life."
"Mentally, there may be a
gradual increase in some aspects
of intellectual functioning until,
at least, very old- age," he con-
Socially, increasing leisure may
lead. to the establishment of new
and ,more socially oriented goals.
in middle and later life, Tibbitts
"Studies in all areas show that'
most aspects of aging may bestI
be described as a series of
See U.S. HEALTH, page 4

unnel Cloud
leported Seen
A funnel cloud reported seen
tside Ann Arbor last night
used a 45-minute tornado alert
r city and vic.nityresidents.
The funnel, sighted by an air-
ane pilot at 11:25 p.m., was re-
rted five miles northwest of Ann
'bor moving east toward Detroit.
At 12:15 a m. today the United
ates Weather Bureau at Detroit
d the funnel cloud was no long-
considered dangerous. Ann Ar-
r, Plymouth and Detroit areas
re included in the alert.

No Formal Plan, Offered
University, Pierpont Says
University Vice-President in Charge of Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont said yesterday that no formal proposal to finance
education on an installment plan had been made to the University.
However, one Detroit bank has approached the University in-
formally, Vice-President Pierpont said.
Similar to MSU
The plan would follow the lines of one being considered by the
State Board of Agriculture for Michigan State University. It would
$allow parents of college students
w t1h to make monthly payments over a
)et G lee five or six-year period, instead of
requiring payment at the begin-
ning of each semester.
In comparison with schools that
require payment of all money due
in one or two lump sums, the need
for such a plan at the University
would be less, Vice-President Pier-
pont said, because the Universityj
allows residence hall room-and-
board payments to be spread out

You'll Trump

Conant Urges Students
To Take Hard Courses
Superior high school students should be encouraged to take
difficult courses, according to James B. Conant, former president of
Harvard University.
Conant, speaking at a six-day workshop on The Guidance and
Motivation of Superior and Talented Secondary-School Students,
yesterday, said he considered this "in the national interest" in viewI

over the school year. of the United States' "grim competition with the Soviets."
The proposal was mentioned The curriculum he suggested included "no less than four years
Monday by University Vice-Presi- of mathematics, three of science and four of foreign languages."
dent William Stirton in a confer- Physics Symposium
ence with Gov. G. Mennen Wil- Earlier, at Monday's symposium for the teaching of high school
Hams. physics, Conant placed his greatest emphasis on mathematics for the
The State Board of Agriculture top 15-20 per cent of high school students. He said, however, that he


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