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August 06, 1958 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1958-08-06

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e Asks Assembly

* *


upports Bid
.y Russians
or Debate

Christman, Warner Victors

Defeats Hogan,
incumbent Lilli
Oltersdorf Wins Democratic Rac
Ager, Gillespie Get Nominations
George A. Petersen rolled to a surprise victory over
cumbent Sheriff Robert E. A. Lillie and Harry B. Hogar
yesterday's Republican primary election for Washte
County Sheriff.
On the Democratic side, Lawrence P. Oltersdorf
granted a fifth chance to run for the Sheriff's office, def
ing Richard Williams, Thomas A. Fitzgerald and Leon E.I
Republican William Ager and Democrat Robert M.
lespie won their parties' nominations for Prosecuting At
ney. Ager defeated John W.

President Differs
With Reds on Topics,
Of Crisis Discussion
#ASHINGTON W)-President
ight D. Eisenhower last night
pped up Nikita Khrushchev's
jpsal for a discussion of the
dde East cribs -in the United
tioxs General Assembly rather
nit'a summit session of the;
ited Nations Security Cpuncil.,
3ut he and Russian Premier
frushchev, who 'proposed that
pcedure some six hours earlier,
nained wide apart on how the
-nation General Assembly should
proach the problem.
[Chrusphev proposed action on
Soviet resolution calling for
i moves to force withdrawal of
ited States troops from Lebanon
d of British troops from Jordan.
Ike Pushe Resolution
,resident Eisenhower, while call.
g Khrushchev's bid for an As-
nbly session completely accept-
Me, said the Asse9bly should
ke. up instead a United States
solution. It calls on the Assembly
arrange for a UN force to re-
Ace U.S. troops to insure Leb-
on's stability and independence.
The President ordered Ambassa-
r Henry abot Lodge. the chief
lted States delegate to the UN,
press immediately for Security
iutncil action on an American
solution presented July 18.
This resolution speaks of inter-
ntion by the United Arab Re-
ble in Lebanon's internal af-
irs as endangering international
ace. It calls on the Assembly to
ake appropriate recommenda-
ins concerning the Lebanon com-
Summit Weakened
The development appeared to
ve wiped out prospects for any
ry summit talks, such hs Presi-
nt Eisenhower had been 'advo-
ting within the framework of
e 11-nation Securijj Council.
Khrushchev left considerable
ubt as to whether he would at-
rd any emergency Assembly ses-
m. White House Press Secretary
imes C. Hagerty said in response
a query.that such sessions are
t normally attended by heads of
vernment. Hagerty added, how-
er, that "I would not rule it
t"-meaning the chance Presi-
At Eisenhower might go.
The President did expressregret
.at Khrushchev "did not accept
e Security Council with the
*ads of government present as
e appropriate forum in view of
s alleg concern over the threat
Meet Tomorrow
Lodge and the Soviet delegation
the UN already had moved to
nvene the Security Council,
hiich would call -an Assembly
sson, The council will meet to-
Prsdent Eisenhower issued hs
atement after conferring with
rdersecretary of State Christian
Herter, the top-ranking depart
tent, offtotal in the absence oi
cretary Dulles.
e y Possible
n uey Swim
Special to the Daly
CHICAGO-Tom Bucy, '60, may
>stpone his attempted thirty-six
Ile swim from here to Michigan
ity, Ind. until this weekend be-
wues of difficulties in securing ac-
mpanying boats.
The nineteen year old University
nior was originally stheduled to

Incumbent Sen. Lewis Christ-
man (R-Ann Arbor) soundly de-
feated Beth W. Milford in the 33d
District Republican Senatorial
primary here last night.,
In Ypsilanti, State Represen-
tative James ,F.Warner had even
less trouble defeating William E.
Bowling in the Second District
race for the Republican nomina-
With all but six precincts of 69
reported in at 2:15 this morning,
Sen. Christman led Mrs. -Milford

LEGISLATORS WIN: Local members of the' State Legislature, j
Sen. Lewis Christman (R-Ann Arbor), left, defeated Mrs. Beth
Milford and Rep. James Warner (R-Ypsilanti) beat William
Bowling to win the Republican nomination. In November, Sen.
Christman will face 0. Thomas Law and. Rep. Warner will be
opposed by Maurice Hoffman. Both of the Democrats had no
primary opposition. Rep, George Sallade (R-Ann Arbor) and
Democrate Annette Hodesh were unopposed for nomination in the
first district.
Reed, Symngton L-ead
As Other States Vote,
By The Associated Press
Clyde Reed Jr., Parons publisher and a son of a former United
States Senator, won the Republican nomination for governor of Kan-
sas in the first conclusive returns from primaries in four states yes-
Kansas' Democratic Gov. George Docking was unopposed for re-
* Three other states holding primaries were Michigan, Missouri and
West Virginia. Early returns from West Virginia gave former Rep.
Jennings Randolph a nearly 2-1

by 5,969 votes to 4,926.
From Behind
Warner's totals were 4,782;
Bowlings, 1,043.
Sen. Christman overcame Mrs.
Milford's early lead and pulled
steadily ahead as outlying town-
ships reported their returns. Mrs.
Milford, 48 years old, also lost in
the 1956 primary when she op-
posed Rep. Warner for the Repub-
lican nomination.
Candidates in other legislative
races ran unopposed. Winning
their party's nomination were
Rep. George Wahr Sallade (R-
Ann Arbor) with 4,649 votes, An-
nette C. Hodesh,, his Democratic
opposition, with 1,249 votes; Rep.
George Meader (R-Mich.), with
9,617 votes; his democratic oppo-
nent in November elections Rob-
ert G. Hall, with '3,003 votes, un-
opposed Thomas La~w, Sen, Christ-
man's Democratic competition,
received 2,994 votes; and Rep.
Warner's Democratic opponent,
Maurice J. Hoffman, tallied 1,701
Christman, 70 years old, is a
resident of Ann Arbor and the
father of three grown children.-
In Insurance Business
Prior to his first election to the
State Senate, Qhristman served
five consecutive terms as state
Warner, 58-year-old Ypsilanti
resident, Was a -member of the
county Board of Supervisors from
1932 to 1933, later became direc-
tor of the State Department of
Agriculture Bureau of Dairying.
He has served two terms as presi-
dent of the Michigan Allied Dairy
Association, and was president of
th Ypsilanti Board of Commerce
during 1956-57.
A member of the House Ways
and Means Committee, Warner is
a graduate of Michigan State
University and the father of two
grown daughters.
Former Council Member
Sallade, a native Ann Arborite,
is a graduate of Ann Arbor High
School and the University. He
served as a member of the City
Council from 1950-52 and as pres-
ident of the Council from 1953-55.
Sallade is 36 years old and has
two daughters.

WHAT'S THE TALLY? Local residents were able to follow the
count last night as election workers posted results on the first
floor of the Washtenaw City-County Building.
Williiams Sweeps State;
HaSwainson A iso Win
DETROIT (P) - Gov. G. Mennen Williams handily won renomi-
nation to a sixth term in yesterday's primary.,
The big question as returns mounted early today was the size of.
his margin.E
In the only other statewide races, Democrats picked Lt. Gov.
Philip A. Hart as their United States Senate nominee and Sen. John
B. Swainson of Plymouth to succeed to the post Hart is Vacating.
Lorie Republican candidates for major state offices were unop-
posed, producing this lineup for the Nov. 4 general election ballot:
Gov. Williams vs. Paul D. Bagwell of East Lansing, Michigan State
University professor on leave. Bagwell was the unsuccessful GOP
nominee for state treasurer inl


Fire DestrOys
ca , Factory
A half million dollar fire de-
stroyed the Peerless *'Industries
Inc. plant about 10 miles north-
east of Ann Arbor tonight.
No one was injured in the five-
hour blaze that demolished the
one-story cement and frame
building. The company, which em-
ploys 40 workers, makes plumb-
ing supplies.
Owners R. P. Hoffman and Jack
Rosenthal said the fire was be-
lieved to have started from sparks
from a buffing machine which ig-
nited empty boxes at the back of
the plant.
Fire equipment from three
townships fought the blaze.

lead over former Gov. William C.
Marland for the Democratic sena-
torial nomination for the' two'
years remaining of the term of the
late Sen. M. M. Neely.
The winner will meet Sen. John
D. Hoblitzell Jr., who was unop-
posed for the Republican nomina-
tion, in November..:-
Missouri Democrats were swing-
ing toward a second term nod for
Sen.. Stuart Symington, a former
secretary of the Air Force and
possible 1960 presidential cantli-
Kansas and West Virginia
joined in the four-state voting,'
which involved a total of four
Senate and 41 House seats and
two governorships.
Symington had only token op-
position in a three-way Missouri

1956,losing by 32,000 votes.
Fall Lineup
Hart vs. United States Sen.
Charles E. Potter of Cheboygan,
seeking a second full six - year
term. Sen. Swanson vs. State Rep.
freshman legislator and former
Donald A. Brown of Royal Oak,
Assistant Oakland County prose-
The latest unofficial returns:
With 3,396 of 5,166 precincts re-
porting, Williams 225,319, John-
son 39,896; 3397 precincts, Hart
173,590, Martin 45,218; 13,397 pre-
cincts, Sen. Swainson 153,250, Mo-
hardt 45,384.
Unsuccessful Candidates
The unsuccessful challengers
were William L. Johnson, Iron-
wood broadcaster; Homer Martin
of Detroit, a former United Auto
Workers official, and Michael T.
Mohardt, Detroit real estate man.
In the Republican balloting,
Bagwell had 179,882 votes with 3,-
373 precincts in, Sen. Potter 182;-
739 votes from 3,362 precincts and
Brown 165,670 votes from 3,362
As the count continued, interest
in the dull primary centered on
whether Gov. Williams would win
by the 10 to 1 margin predicted
last week -
Even if he didn't, groundwork
for an explanation was laid before-
hand by Neil Staebler, Democratic
state chairman, who foresaw a
possible 20 per cent vote for John-
son if many Republicans entered
the Democratic primary.

tice Department intends
cute the steel industry
trust chargest if it can
dence of a conspiracy

Victor R. Hansen, assistant at-
torney 'general in charge of the,
antitrust division, reported this'
yesterday to the Senate Antitrust
and Monopoly subcommittee.-+.
Members of the stbcommittee,
opening an investigation into the
general increases in steel prices
announced last week, raised the
possibility of more drastic action,
including price controls.
The latest increases of around
$4.50 a ton, were about 3 per cent.
Producers said they were needed
to meet wage increases and other
benefits given steelworkers July 1.
"Nobody . likes price and wage
controls," Sen. Estes Kefauver,
(D-Tenn.) remarked. "But with
this thing going along as it is at
the present time the -people are
becoming alarmed.'
Sen. Alexander Wiley (R-Wis.),
joined in: "We're letting some-
body else control the price. Why
can't the American people control
the price?"

Cou.rt Action
May Confront
Steel Idustry

The Jus-
to prose-
on anti-
find evi-
to raise

Rae, While Gillespie edged out
Morris E. Popkins.
With only six precincts still not
reported early this morning,
Petersen had a total of 5,744 votes,
Lillie 4,566, and Hogan third with
Oltersdorf rolled up 1,647 votes,
Fitzgerald ran second with m,1715
and Williams and Willoughby had
676 and 247 votes, respectively.
Ager's total was 7,486, topping
Rae's 3,384, Gillespie rolled up 1,-
835, with Popkins gaining 1,503
Former Deputy
Petersen, who was captain of
the Sheriff's Department Uniform
Division, resigned under fire in
April, the day after he announced
he was running in the primary.
He had held that position for over
three years.
With the Department for 17
years, Petersen worked as a fee
deputy, a regular deputy and a
sergeant with the' uniform'divi-
Lillie has held the Sheriff's po-
sition since last February, when
he wa appointed following the
death of Sheriff Erwin L. Mager.'
Oltersdorf will be making his
fifth attempt for election in No-
vember. Four times previously he
has won the Democratic nomina-
tion but has lost 'the election.
Oltersdorf's experience includes
work with the Michigan National'
Guard, including holiday road pa-,
trol work with the State Police.
Forty-two years old, he is cur-
rently an automobile salesman in
Ypsilanti. ,
Lost in '52
Ager, currently first assistant
Prosecuting Attorney, lost the Re-
publican primary in 1952. He has
been a member of the prosecuting
staff since 1955, when he joined
as second assistant.
Rae held the post of prosecut-
ing attorney from 1944-46, then
lost the Republican primary in
1952. In addition, he is Ann Arbor
representative to the County
Board of Supervisors, and has
previously been assistant prose-
cuting attorney, and a member of
the Ann Arbor Planning Commis-
sion. He is a graduate of the Uni-
versity law school.
In uncontested Democratic elec-
tions, the totals were: County
Clerk, Ethel Brown, 2,406; County
Treasurer; Garvin J. Brasseur,
2,633; Register of Deeds, Alice
Hayes, 2,536; Drain Commission-
e, Edward L. Jonas, 2585; and
Surveyor, William G. Lanterman,
On the, Republican side in the
same races, George C. Fink, with
5,939 won the contest for Coron-
er over, Frank W. Steff an, who
tallied 5,854. In other uncontest-
ed races: County Clerk, Luella
Smith, 8,986; County Treasurer,
William F. Verner, 7,408; Register
of Deeds, Patricia Hardy, 8,249;
Drain Commissioner, John Flook,
8049, and Surveyor, Robert S.
Ike Advocates
Education Bill
WASHINGTON (W) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower called on
Congress yesterday to pass a fed-
eral college scholarship and school

G. Mennen Williams (D) 225,3
William L. Johnson (D) 39,896
Paul D. Bagwell (R) 179,882
John B Swainson (D) 153,250
Michael T. Mohardt (D) 45,38
Donald L. Brown (R) 165,670
Charles Potter (R) 182,739
Philip A. Hart (D) 173,590
Homer T. Martin (D) 45,218
George Meader (R) 9,617
Robert G. Hall (D) 3,003
Lewis G. Christman (R) 5,969
Beth W. Milford (R) 4,926
0. Thomas Law (D) 2,994
(1st District)
George W. Sallade (R) 4,649
Annette C. Hodesh (D) 1,249
(2nd District)
James F. Warner (R) 4,782
William E. Bowling (R) 1,043
Maurice J. Hoffman (D) 1,701
Robert E. A. Lillie (R) 4,566
George A. Petersen (R) 5,744
Harry B. Hogan (R) 1,507
Lawrence P. Oltersdorf (D) 1,
Richard Williams (D) 676
Thomas A. Fitzgerald (D) 1,1
Leon E. Will 'hby (D) 247
William Ager (R) 7,486
John W. Rae (R) 3,384
Morris E. Popkins (D) 1,503
'Robert M. Gillespie (D) 1,835
U.S., Shehab
To Cooperat<
BEIRUT, Lebanon (A) -
United States promised fri
cooperation yesterday with:
dent-elect Fuad Shehab, wh
asked for the withdrawal of A
ican forces from Lebanon.
The promise came from R
Murphy, President Dwigh
Eisenhower's special envoy,
has been in the Middle Ea;
nearly three weeks as a p
Murphy told a news confe
Ijust before leaving for Cairo


*.. surprise winner
Late Totals


____ .


'La Traviata'

To Conclude 'U' Summer Playbill
Guiseppe Verdi's opera, "La Traviata," will be presented by the
speech department and the School of Music at 8 p.m. today through
Saturday at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The opera, which is the final presentation of the Summer Playbill,
will be directed by Prof. Jack E. Bender of the speech department.
Prof. Josef Blatt of the School of Music is serving as musical
director, and has translated the libretto .into English. Costumes for the
production were designed by Phyllis Pletcher Rogers with scenery by
Ralph W. Duckwall, Jr., of the speech department.
Wrote Adaptation
Verdi completed "La Traviata" in only four weeks while working
on "Il Trovatore," which took his usual composing time of four months.
"La Traviata" is an adaptation of the story "Camille" in which
a tragic romance engulfs the heroine, Violetta Valery, played by Sandra
Lovell, Grad. Although in ill health, Violetta insists upon carrying on
her hectic social life, and at one of her parties meets Alfredo Germont,
played by Millard Cates, Grad.
Alfredo's father, Gordon Ohlsson, Grad., persuades Violetta to
give him up and Alfredo, believing she is in love with another man


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