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August 01, 1958 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1958-08-01

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estival Offers Good Music in Picturesque Setting


The 1958 Berkshire Festival at
Tanglewood, near Lenox, Massa-
3husetts, is nearly finished hav-
ing provided audiences with many
evenings of musical entertainment
of the highest order.
The Tanglewood setting is ideal:
the huge music shed filled with
thousands of csanvas-back seats is
in the midst of a well-kept estate
in the Berkshire mountains. The
orchestra, together with any ne-
cessary choral groups, plays from
the elevated stage of this shed, a
pie-shaped affair put together
with immense steel beams and
covered with redwood planks.'
Behind the last seats, there 'ex-
tends a'great expanse of lawn for
the sitting peasants who eat pic-
nic lunches or listen to portable
radios, or strai nto hear the music
which occasionally drifts from the
Shed, as the wind currents
Audience Arrives
The grounds at Tanglewood fill
slowly in the afternoon, with visi-
tors- from all directions driving
into the ample parking areas,
then entering through the main
gate, with exhibits, refreshments,
and a music store nearby.
Box seat holders have their own
parking lot, adjoining the Shed,
but these robber barons, who can
pay $110 for a six-seat box every
weekend are not to be discussed
There is a semi-indoor refresh-
ment section, with not unreason-
ably preposterou's prices, where
friends may gather before con-
certs, or during intermission, or
whenever the music fails to
charm, which is seldom.
Records Available
The music store offers a vast
collection of miniature scores, re-
cordings (of the Boston Sym-
phony, of course) and miscella-
neous busts of great composers,
along with souvenir postcards,
and, one presumes, ear plugs for
the uncivilized.
Anyone who wanders about
Tnglewood at any length will
eventually come across one of a
number of small outsized out-
houses containing not what one
might expect, but instead a care-
fully tuned piano, and several
chairs with music stands.
This should tell an astute ob-
server that a music school is op-
erated here, and so it is; the Berk-
shire Music Center, a summer
school 'maintaned by the Bos-
ton Symphony Orchestra, located
at Tanglewood, is now in its six-
teenth year. Conductors, singers,
composers, and orchestral players
come from the United States and
abroad to study..
Anxious Audience
One might expect audiences at
at Tanglewood to represent the
highest order of musical intelli-
gence, but this appears to be not
necessarily true.
At a recent concert, conductor

(Continued from Page 4)

p m.


8:30-11:00 a.m. and 1:30-3:30

TANGLEWOOD'S FRONT DOOR-Under the careful eye of music-loving policeman, visitors from forty-nine states and the United Nations pass through this entrance
into the Tanglewood estate. At left, the front office; to far right, the lunch area. Informal attire of concert-goers is evident from this view.

Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch will be con-
sulting psychiatrist at the staff clinic
at The U. of M. Fresh Air Camp on Fri.
Aug. 1, 1958. 8:00 p.m.
Astronomy Department Visitors Night
Fri., Aug. 1, 8:30 p.m., Rm., 2003 Angell
Hall. Dr. Kenneth M. Yoss. Louisiana
State Univ., will speak on "Our Milky
Way." After the lecture the Student
Observatory on the fifth floor of An-I
gell Hall will be open for inspection'
and for telescopic observations of Sat-
urn, Double star, and cluster. Children
welcomed, but must be accompanied by
Public Lecture lin Survey Research
Techniques: Nathan Keyfitz DominionI
Bureau of Statistics, Canada, on "In-
corporating Experiments Within Sur-
veys," Mon., Aug. 4, 4:15 p.m., Rackhiarn
Student Recital: Raymond Lynch, a
student of oboe with Florian Mueller,
will present a recital on Fri., Aug. 1,
8:30 p.m. in Aud. A, Angell Hall. He
will be assisted by Wesley True at the
piano; virginia Stumm, violin; Nancy
Farrand, viola; Robert Ritsema, cello..
Included on the program will be works
by Marcello, Ravel, Jolivet, Head, Evans
and Stamitz. The program will be open
to the public.
Student Recital: Jana Woodrum,
piano student of Benning Dexter, will
present a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Music on Sat., Aug. 2, 8:30
p.m. Her recital which will be held in
Aud, A, Angell Hall, will include an
English Suite by Bach, Sonatas by
Schubert and Berg, and compositions
by Debussy and Schumann. Open to the
general public Without charge.
The University Summer Session Choir
will be presented in a concert at Hill
And. on Sun., Aug. 3, 8:30 p.m. The
choir, under the direction of Robert
Fountain. will perform groups of mad-
rigals, motets, and romantic and con-
temporary works. Charles Schaefer will
be at the organ console, and soloists for
Mozart's "Missa Brevis in F Major" will
be Janet Ast. soprano Mimi Barndt.
soprano, Dan Pressley, tneor. and Wil-
lis Patterson, bass. Open to the general
public without charge.
Collegium Musicum, which was an-
nounced for Sun., Aug. 3 has been can-
Faculty Recital: Mar11 y n Mason
Brown will present an organ recital in
Hill Aud. in conjunction with the Uni-
versity Summer Session program "Re-
ligion in Contemporary Society." Her
recital, to be held on Mon., Aug. 4, 8:30
p.m. will include "The Musical Clocks"
by Haydn; "Concerto del Signor Torel-
It" by Walther; Bach's "Prelude and'
Fugue in D Major; "Deux Danses" by
Jehan Alain; a composition by Jean
Langlais, and a Suite for Organ, com-
posed by Paul Creston, which was com-
missioned by Miss Mason and dedicated
to her. Open to the general public.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Paul Albert
Weidner, Political Science; thesis:
"Justices Field and Miller: A Compara-
tive Study in Judicial Attitudes and
Values," Fri., Aug. 1, 4607 Haven Hall,
2:00 p.m. Chairman, J. E. Kallenbach.
Law School Admission Test: Candi-

dates taking the Law School Admission
Tast On Aug. 2 are requiested to report
To Rin 130"Bus. Admin. Bldg., 8:45 a.m.
Doctoral Examination for Raymond
Parn Mayer, Chemistry: thesis: "Re-
arrmngement of Aliphatic Piuacols and
Ketones: A Mechanism Study," Sat.
Aug. 2. 3003 Chem. Bldg., 10:00 a.nx.
Chairman, R. M. Stiles.
Doctoral Examination for Patrick
James Conklin, Political Science; the-
sis: "A Hard Look at the Training
Ground Thesis: A Study of County and
Township Experience in the Back-
grounds of Legislators, Selected Execu-
tive Officers, and Supreme Court Jus-
tices in Five States,' Mon., Aug. 4, 4609
Haven Hall, 10:00 a.m. Chairman, D. 8.
Doctoral Examination for Keki Hor-
musji Gharda, Chemical Engineering;
thesis: "Stability and Activity of Cop-
per Catalysts in the Hydrogenation of
Nitrobenzene to Aniline," Mon.. Aug.
4, 3201 E. Engrg. Bldg.. 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, C. M. Sliepcevich.
Doctoral Examination for Sidney Ir-
win Perloe, Social Psychology; thesis:
"An Experimental Test of Two Theories
of Perceptual Defense," Mon., Aug. 4,
7611 Haven Hall, 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
G. S. Blums
1Placement ANotice~s

Continental Can Company, New York,
N.Y. will be interviewing at the Bureau
of Appointments. 3528 Admrn. Bldg..
Aug. 5. The position open is for a sales
trainee. Degree in Liberal Arts, Business
Administration, or Engrg. is desired.
Prior selling experience desirable but
not required. Age 21-30, single or mar-
ried. 18 month training program.
For r terviewpappointment contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
nire.. Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Personnel Requests:
'Midland County Girl Scouts, Inc.
Midland, Mich. has a vacancy for a Gir
Scout Executive. Requires a BA degree
withsa major of at least twenty-four
hours in the social sciences. Previous
work exp. in group work.
State of California announces exam.
inations for Junior and Senior Psychi-
atric Social Workers. Junior Social
Worker must have completed a two-
year graduate curriculum in social
work. For Senior Social Worker, 2 yrs.
of full-time paid exp. in social work
and completion of a 2-yr. graduate cur-
riculum in social work, or 1 year n
exp, in the California State service as
a Junior Psychiatric Social worker.
Forfurther information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 3371.
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies with the Bureau of
Appointments for the 1958-59 school
year. They will not be here to inter-
view at this time.
Barrington, Ill. -- Girls' Counselor
(H.S.); 1st grade.
Cass City, Mich. «- HS English.
Delton, Mich. (Deleon Kellogg School)
Fowlervile, Mich. - English (social
Studies minor).
Grosse Pointe, Mich. - HS English.
Hartford, Mich. - JHS English.
Milwaukee, Wisc. - German/Mathe-
North Tonawanda, N. F. -- Kinder-
garten; Guidance Counselor .(Man).
Norway ,Mich. - English; English/
Girls Physical Education.
Oak Park, Mich. -- JHS Art; English;
Industrial Arts: Mentally Handicapped.
,'nsted, Mich. -- HS French.
Sturgeon Bay, Wisc. - English/Spani-
ish: Art.
For any additional information con-
tact the Buretu of Appointments, 3528
. Admin. Bldg.. NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.

LOOKING TOWARD THE MUSIC SHED-Music-lovers hurry for comfortable seats on the lawn
outside, while reserved seat ticket holders liesurely drink orangeade. and' stroll over the grounds A
few in the know have set up lawn chairs, while still others prepare picnic lunches and tune in the
ball game on portable radios. Large structure in background is rear of the music shed.

FISH BOWL-Tourists wander through this exhibition of musical
odds and ends after parking outside, while waiting for the concert
to begin. Piano at left is tuned to exactly 256.04591 cycles per
second, but has no other claim to fame. This exhibition adjoins
the box office, and the parking lot may be seen through its

Pierre Monteux was amazed to
hear applause somewhere near the
end of Brahm's Academic Festival
Overture, which not. everyone
knows yet, it seems.
Some impatient box seat hold-
ers, anxious to get to their park-
ing lot, had mistaken some penul-
timate chord for "the end," and
got a minor revolution almost
And so there is something at
Tanglewood for everyone, even ap-
plause starters. The music is prob-
ably the best to be found any-
where in this country, the scenery
is among the most spectacular, the
audience is fairly congeinal, the
ticket-takers are fairly polite, and
the weather is usually fine.

Rogers Sculpture Shown
In Historical Collections


An exhibition, "Randolph Rog-
rs-Sculptor, 1825-1892," is cur-
ently on display in The University
[istorical Collections.-
The exhibition includes photo-
raphs of some of Rogers' out-
banding work, letters relating to
rices he received for his statues
nd a valuation of the collection
f casts which the sculptor, whose
outh was spent in Ann Arbor,
ave the University Art Museum.
University Has.'Nydia'
Rogers' famous statue of Nydia
om Bulwer Lytton's "The Last
lays of Pompeii," modeled in
ome in 1851 and destined to be-
ome his most popular piece, is
art of the University museum's
ermanent collection.
Prof. Yntema
'o Moderate
Law Congress
Prof. Hessel E. Yntema of the
university law school will serve as
residing officer at the Fifth In-
rnational Congress of Compara-
ve Law in Brussels, Belgium, Aug.
The Congress is sponsored by
ie International Academy of
omparative Law, of which he Is
Prof. Yntema will also deliver
ctures in two programs estab-
shed by the International Faculty
Law at the Centre International
Etudes Universitaires in Luxem-
arg, Aug. 10-22. While there he
ill also serve as president of the
'uncil of the Faculty of Law.

The exhibition also includes
notebook sketches Rogers did from
Thomas Hariot's book, "New Land
of Virginia," and other sketches
showing the range of his interests.
An account book with entries from.
1866 to 1891 shows various statues
ordered from Rogers with the
amount paid.
Raised in Ann Arbor
Rogers was born in Waterloo,
N.Y., in 1825. About 1833, his fam-
ily moved to Ann Arbor, where he
grew up. In 1835, he worked in the
local bakery of Calvin and' Bliss,
where, as the story goes, he
modeled figures in dough and
Between 1846 and 1848 he made
woodcuts for the Ann Arbor news-
paper, "The Michigan Argus," and
was paid $10 for a wood engraving
of a log cabin and flags. This later
became the emblem for William
Henry Harrison's political cam-
paign in 1840.
Studied Abroad
In 1848, when he was 23 years
old, Rogers went to New York,
where he worked in the dry-goods
store of Edgerton and Stewart.
Whilie in New York, he modeled
the children- of his employerand
also did a bust of Lord Byron.
His employer was so impressed
with his work that he offered to
provide the means for study
abroad, so between 1848 and 1851
he studied at the art academy in
Towards the end of his study
there he did a bust entitled "Night"
and the statue of "Ruth Gleaning."
Proceeds from the sale of these
pieces enabled him to repay his
former employers in New York.

TANGLEWOOD MUSIC STORE-In this three-sided structure, the Berkshire Festival Authority sells pocket scores for following
concerts, recordings of the Boston Symphony and Pops, busts of famous composers, and souvenir postcards. Business is usually not
particularly brisk, but scores of the upcoming programs are on hand for the curious to scan; also recent recordings not available
elsewhere. Young lady at left was busily studying the "Brahms German Requiem" score just before the performance Saturday night.

Go Abroad
Five members of the University
School of Public Health and Medi-
cal Center are going overseas to
attend international medical con-
ferences in the next two months.
Dr. W. Wilbur Ackerman, Fred
M. Davenport and Pearl L. Ken-
drick of the Epidemiology depart-
ment will participate in the
Seventh International Congress for
Microbiology in Stockholm, Swe-
den, Aug. 4-9. Dr. Ackerman and
Dr. Davenport have been invited
to present special papers on polio
and influenza.
Dr. Phillip Gerhardt, associate
professor of bacteriology in the
medical school, will also attend
the Stockholm meeting.
f n{ Parka,.rd d ,,.J ,ad dt




0 0


IT'S A REAL RED LETTER DAY! We're making a clean sweep of all your
favorite summer fashions with prices so low you'll have to rub your eyes to
believe them ! Hurry in and scoop them up for all the fun-filled days still
ahead !

SALE PRICED your every desire in a
at luxurious blend of 75% fine
wool and 25 % pure Camel's


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