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July 29, 1958 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1958-07-29

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candidates Discuss Education, Taxes


research would cut down the num-
ber of patients in the hospitals."
Commenting on their chances,
both Law and Mrs. Milford ex-
pressed confidence, while Sen.
Christman said, "it doesn't make
any difference to me which way
it goes.
"If they don't want me," he de-
clared, "it's up to them."
Mrs. Milford denied comments
that she was handicapped by be-
ing a woman and coming from
Ypsilanti. "Two years ago, I came
within 600 votes of defeating Rep.
Warner," she explained, "and the
so-called old, conservative farm-
ers said they would support me
again." She said she received a.
"tremendous reception" in Ann

Stage 'n'

Lydia Mendelssohn-"The Phila-
delphia Story" presented by the
speech department, at 8 p.m., to-
morrow through Friday.
Northland Playhouse, Det'oit--
"Kind Sir" with Ann.Sheridan, to-
day through Sunday.
Music Circle Playhouse, Detroit
-"Happy Hunting." with Joyce
Randolph, today through Sunday.
The State - Michael Todd's,
"Around the World in 80 Days"
with David Niven, Cantinflas, to-
day through Aug. 9.
The Michigan -- "A Time to
Love" with Jean Gavin and Lilo
Pulver, today through Aug. 5
The Campus-"Rififi" tomorrow
through Saturday; "Wee Geordie"
Sunday through Aug. 5.
Rackham Lecture Hall-Concert
by the Stanley Quartet, 8:30 p.m.
And. A, Angell Hall-Student
recital by Raymond Lynch, oboe,
8:30 p.m. Friday.
And A, Angell Hall-Student
recital by Jana Woodrum, piano,
8:30 p.m. Saturday.
Hill Auditorium -Concert by the
University Summer Session Choir,
Prof. Robert Fountain, conductor,
at 8:30 p.m. Sunday.
Hill Auditorium - Concert by
Marilyn Mason, organist; the third
in the School of Music-Summer
Session series on 'Music and the
Present-Day Church," at 8:30 p.m.

(Continued from Page 2)
Angeles. on "The Place of Distribution-
free Statistics in the Health Sciences."
Tues., July 29. 3:30 p.m., School of
Public Health Auditorium.
Panel Discussion: "Music and the
Present-Day Church" is the topic of a
panel discussion to be held in Aud. A,
Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m., Tues., July 29.
Members of the panel will be Father
Gerard S. Brennan, Prof. of Sacred Mu-
sic. Sacred Heart Academy; Father An-
drew Missiras, St. Nicholas Greek Or-
thodox Church, of Ann Arbor; Rabbi
Julius Weinberg, Beth Israel Center,
Ann Arbor; and Marilyn Mason, Asst.
prof. of Organ. Moderator for the panel
discussion will be Harold Haugh, Prof.
of voice. Open to the general public.
Public Lecture in Survey Research
Techniques: Daniel Katz, Prof. of Oo-
ciology, on "Relationships between Lo-
cal and NatIonal Studies of Political
Behavior." Tues., July 29, 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Linguistics Forum Lecture: Prof. Mary
Haas, Univ. of Calif., (Berkeley), on
"Some Genetic Affiliations of Algan-
kian." Tues., July 29, 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Lecture in Public Health Statistics,
Dr. Coln White, Yale Univ., on "The
Relationship Between Blood Groups
and Disease." Wed.. July 30, 3:30 p.m.
School of Public HealthAuditorium.
La Sociedad Hispanica of the Dept.
of Romance Languages will hold its
sixth summer meeting on Wed., July
30, 7:30 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge,
Rm. 3050, Frieze Bldg. The speaker will
be Mr. Charles Michalski, former coun-
selor on the Study of English to the
Ministry of Education of Peru, now on
the summer staff of the English Lan-
guage Institute. His topic will be: "Los
Tres Mundos del Peru." Illustrated with
slides. Open to the public.
Public Lecture, Foreign Language
Program: "Fles, fljhs, flshs: Phoenix
or Flash in the Pan?" Dr. Clarence
Wachner, Direptor of Language Educa-
tion, Detroit Board of Education.
Thurs., July s1, 4:15 p.m., Im. 3050
Frieze Bldg.
Stanley Quartet: The last of the
Summer Series by the Stanley Quartet;
Gilbert Ross, first violin; Gustave Ros-
seels, second violin, Robert Courte, vi-
ola and Robert Swenson, cello, will be
presented Tues. July 29, 8:30 p.m. Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Included on the pro-
gram are Mozart's "Quartet in C major,"
Ravel's "Quartet in F major," the Halff-
ter Quartet which was commissioned by
the University of Michigan and dedi-
cated to the Stanley Quartet, in addi-
tion to the first performance of "Five
Pieces for String Quartet" by Leslie
Bassett. Open to the general public
without charge.
Academic Notices
Geometry Seminar: Will be held Tues,
July 29, 3:00 in Rm. 3010, Angell Hall,
Prof. Rainich will talk on "A CalculuE
of Inversion."

tion for the M.A. in history are posted
in Rm. 3602, Haven Hall,.
La sociedad Hispanica of the Dept. of1
Romance Languages will have its week-i
ly Tertulia, for practicing the use of1
the Spanish language, today, Tues.,I
July 29. 3:00 p.m. in the FacultyI
Lounge, Rm. 3050, Frieze Bldg. The spe-
cial attraction will be the showing of
Latin American slides by Lieut. van
Thomas Edsall, U.S. Navy .Refresh-
ments will be served. Students and
members of the faculty ihterested are
Doctoral Examination for Nancie Lou-
don Solien, Anthropology; thesis: "The
Consanguineal Household Among the
Black Carib of Central America," Tues.,
July 29, 1406 Mason Hall, 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, R. K. Beardsley.
Doctoral Examination for Donald
Frederick MacKenzie Brown, Botany;
thesis: "A Monographic Study of the
Fern Genus Woodsia," Tues., July 29,
1139 Nat. Sci. Bldg., 1:00 p.m. Chairman,
W. H. Wagner.
Doctoral Examination for Stephen
Conger Hathaway, Jr., Speech; thesis:
"'A History and Description of Collegiate
Carrier-Current Broadcasting," Wed.,
July 30, 2520 Frieze Bldg., 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, E. E. Willis.
Placement Notices
Overseas Teaching Positions - The
International Cooperation Administra-
tion will have a representative on cam-
pus Tues., July 29 to interview candi-
dates in the field of Administration and
Teacher Training for overseas schools.
For additional information and ap-
pointments call Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511,
Ext. 489.
Continental Can Company, Inc., New
York, N.Y., will be interviewing at the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Aug. 5, 1958. The position open
is for a Sales Trainee. Degree in Lib-
eral Arts, Business Administration or
Engrg. desired. Prior selling experience
desirable but not required. Age 21-30,
single or married. 18 month training
For interview appointment contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., ext. 3371.
Personnel Requests:
Elmer R. Davis & Associates, Manage-
ment Consultants, N.Y. City, has an
opening for a Regional Sales Manager
for a manufacturer of quality food
products. Must have at least five yrs.

successful exp. sellin gthrough food
brokers. Must know food broker distri-
bution channels in N.Y. or Chicago or
Cleveland or Detroit areas. Must be ef-
fective in training and stimulating
brokers' salesmen and be willing and
able to travel. College graduate desir-
The Carborundum Company, Niagara
Falls, N.Y., is interested in people who
have degrees in Engineering and Law
who are interested in positions as Pat-
ent Attorneys.
Jones & Laughlin Steel Corporation,
Pittsburgh, Pa. has an opening for a
specialist in the testing of physical and
mechanical properties of materials. B.S.
level. The person hired will be in re-
sponsible charge of the mechanical
testing activity.
Deaconness Hospital, Buffalo, N.Y.
has position open for a Clinical In-
structor at the School of Nursing. Exp.
in O.R. Nursing, baccalaureate degree,
exp. in teaching desirable, R.N. in New
York State.
Oregon State Civil Service Commis-
sion announces examinations for the
following: Drivers License Examiner,
no degree necessary, age of 25-55. Public
Welfare Program Supervisor, 2 yrs.
graduate training in social work and
have 1 year experience.
State of Connecticut Civil Service an-
nounces job opportunities for the fol-
lowing: Director of vital Statistics,
Planning Engineer, Senior Institution
Dentist, Supervisor of Staff Develop-
ment (Welfare), Calculating Machine
Operator, Industrial Training Officer
(Tailor), and Industrial Training Offi-
cer Electrician
For further information on job va-
cancies contact the Bureau of Appoint
ments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., Ext. 3371.
Month-End Sale
20% Off
on entire stock
India Art Shop
330 Maynard Street

Daily Classifieds
Bring Quick Results

The results of the language examina-




July End-O-Month
Tuesday Wednesday
More than 500 Dresses of no-iron Pima cotton-silk-orlon
and Dacron blends - Silk Shantung Linens, Rayons and
Knits can be found in Day Dresses and After-5 fashions.
Also Bridesmaids and wedding dresses.
orig. were 19.95 to 49.95


Timely Savings on Summer
Suit Crop in light weight
fabrics, summer and spring


colors and

navy. Sizesx7-

All duster
All pastel
dresses to

and car coats.
summer cotton
10.95, many to

10.00 & 14.98
orig. were 19.95 to 35.00
$1.98 & $2.98
Bras, hats, blouses, (nylon,
rayon and better cottons).
Handbags, plastic - straw
ters, sweaters, hats and
and leather. Shorts, hal-
costume jewelry of all

\ 1 _,

Headbands and pony-tail
clips, nylon hose, hats,
gloves, costume jewelry,
rings and belts.
49c - Costume jewelry,
pins, necklaces, bracelets,
earrings, flowers, belts.
Deposit now,
balance Iater!

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