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July 25, 1958 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1958-07-25

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Sixty-Eighth Year
ruth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. Phone NO 2-3241
iitorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

i,~. -


'Me and Juliet'
Lots of Fun
BY FAR the most-used plot line in the theatre, the story of show
business and show people seldom inspires the most outstanding
musical comedies; yet show business musicals often feature the most
thoroughly enjoyable tunes, coupled with highly comic moments.
One show is "Me and Juliet," this week's Music Circle Theatre
production under the tent in Farmington, just outside Detroit.
For once, composers Rodgers and Hammerstein have set aside their
usual formula. with its overtones of religious and ethical morality, to
return to the comic lyrical style in which Rodgers and Lorenz Hart
collaborated so successfully from 1936 to 1942. (Rodgers and Hart used
the show business theme many times, most notably in "Babes in Arms,"

Y, JULY 25, 1958


U.S. Marines. in Lebanon.
Produce Significant Results

SPITE of the moralistic screams of some
.'abs, both leaders and would-be leaders
e, in spite of the agonizing of sensitive
ericans, in spite of the carefully delayed
of a Khrushchev, in landing troops in
anon the United States has taken the most
.seworthy step since the Truman adminis-
rom the perspective of 12 days, it is easier
ee the advantages of such a move. Gone is
fear that intervention would lead to a
d world war, or the fear that United States
ps would be embroiled in fighting Lebanese
has, instead, provided a much-needed sta-
ing force in the area. Only a much longer
pective will be able to judge the extent to
ch the presence of our troops brought some
dlity to the troubled Middle East, but there
uld be very little doubt that it has brought
e stability.
has done three things to increase stability.
has perhaps pointed out to the Arabs that
'e are other interests in the world beside
b nationalism. The Arabs may be beginning
'ealize that if nationalism is to be encour-
I by the United States, it must be willing
it in with our other world concerns - pri-
fly the preservation of 'peace. People have
rested it might be necessary for the United
tes to help the Arabs attain their goals; we
ild suggest that the Arabs also help us at-
has weakened the notion that the United
tes is the only country in the world that
accept enough responsibility to avoid war.
s has meant, in the past, that the United

States was always the one that avoided re-
sponding militarily to the other side's military
moves. But, lo and behold, the Russians have
done little but bluster in the present crisis,
which illustrates that they are also capable
of not acting rashly.
ANDS DESPITE any protestations to the con-
trary, it has made the United States a con-
crete power to be reckoned with in the Middle
East. Russian troops, and Russian proximity
have seemed to be a more real power to Arab
leaders than the superior nuclear capability of
America. Perhaps more importantly, it has
done much to get the United States out of the
Patsy class as a nation, whose rapid and inef-
fectual meanderings could be safely ignored.
A healthy respect for the United States in
the minds, of Arab leaders will be more ef-
fectual, it seems, than any transitory expres-
sions of friendship.
BUT ALTHOUGH a big problem has been
faced, successfully, the United States must
constantly face new ones. For example, United
States handling of the summit question has
been open to some doubt. If the United States
has no intention of agreeing to a summit con-
ference ,for three or four weeks, fine. Then, in
all probability the situation will have quieted
enough for the Marines to be withdrawn by
unilateral action of the United States.
But any conference which would give the
Impression that United States troops were be-
ing withdrawn after "pressure' by "wiser" n4-
tions - including Russia and Egypt -- should
be avoided.



' "'"'


O'Pr*T~- AS W4r'Aj OS' G

Spain Requires Centralization.

The Folly of Neutralism

ONG WITH the rapid rise of nationalism
around the world in the past few years, a
er nebulous -middle-of-the-road political
rine has sprung into prominence.
goes under the name of "positive neutral-
' Where the label came from is difficult to
line, for positive neutralism as practiced by
wo greatest proponents is neither positive
dia's Prime Minister Jawaharial Nehru,
f of the positive neutralists, is probably the
tnegative of all the world's politicians. He
pposed to everything that doesn't directly
fit his own country.
)R IS NEHRU truly neutral. A true neutral
minds his own business and lets the rest
he world go as it will. Nehru, on the con-
y, has something to say about most every-
cause of the strategic importance of India
oth sides in the cola war, the rewards of
utralism have far outweighed the penal-
Nehru has, at one time or another, gained
animosity of both East and West; but at
same time, he has been able to draw aid
he United States has poured more than a
on dollars into India since it gained inde-
fence; partly, perhaps, simply to aid
a's economic and social growth. But the
e important reason is probably simple ex-
ence: fear that Russia will move in to fill
void and ultimately win over the Indian
le and their government.
id though Nehru is probably no more pro-
munist than he is pro-American, Russia is
ently building a 125-million-dollar steel
t for India's second five-year plan and
ning the donation of a similar amount for
hase of industrial equipment, out of a
esponding fear of Western penetration.
)th sides realize that there is little hope of.
ru ever taking sides, especially while fence-
:ing remains so profitable, but Nehru must

eventually be succeeded, and India will then
perhaps be ready for harvest.
THE OTHER outstanding so-called positive
neutralist, President Gamal Abdel Nasser
of the United Arab Republic, is more positive
but less neutral than Nehru.
Nor are Nasser's goals so unselfish or patri-
otic as Nehru's. Nasser makes a great deal of
noise about Arab solidarity, Arab independence,
and Arab welfare, but most of it is simply a thin
disguise for his personal lust for power.
Nasser is not the sharp politician that Nehru
is, but smart enough to use any and all means at
hand to accomplish his ends. He more frankly
plays the two great powers against each other
as it suits his purpose.
It is just as unlikely that Nasser will willing-
ly join the Communist bloc as it is he will join
any Western alliance, in spite of his apparent
Soviet leanings. To link himself with either
side would be to accept the domination, or at
least influence of a foreign power, something
quite incompatible with his ambition..
Nasser's present ravings are aimed primarily
at America and the West because, until he came
to power, most foreign influence in the Arab
bloc came from the West. To break that influ-
ence and win Arab "independence," he must
arouse the people against it.
ONE POINT that most positive neutralists
fail to see or choose. to ignore is that in
event of World War III (something Nasser
seems bent on provoking) the vacillating "neu-
trals" will meet early destruction. If a neutral
holds the potential balance of power, and isn't
trusted by either side, one or the other will
surely move to erase the potential threat.
Hence, any delusions the neutrals may enter-
tain that the two great antagonists will oblig-
ingly wipe each other out and leave the remains.
of the world to the neutirals are sheer folly.
The winner (or survivor) of such a war will
rule the world. There won't be any neutrals.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Daily; City
Editor John Weicher is touring
Europe this summer. The following
is the third of a series relating his
Special to The Daily
BARCELONA--Spain is frankly
a military dictatorship - too
frankly so for the American taste.
Generalissimo Franco's green-
uniformed soldiers are very much
in 'evidence. At the border, one
runs into them in groups of a
dozen or more-farther into Spain,
they appear in almost every ham-
let by two and threes, stopping
traffic occasionally, spot-checking
residents for smuggled goods. One
wonders what use the Generalis-
simo can make of so many armed
men--his regime is certainly not
so universally hated as the num-
ber of soldiers would seem to sug-
gest. Perhaps the answer is that
Spain, with universal military
service and no colonies, has no
place to send its soldiers and thus
employs its conscripts in defend-
ing the border areas with a ven-
geance. But the presence of so
many soldiers is almost ridiculous.
* * *
DESPITE THIS, however, Spain
has much to recommend itself.
One gets the impression that
Spain's problems are more basi-
cally economic than France's.
People appear to be doing more
actual working than do those
across the Pyrenees, even though
Spain is far hotter at present, and
the siesta extremely welcome in
the afternoon heat. Fewer farmers
lean on their hoes to watch every

passing car (or truck, bus, motor
scooter, bicycle, horsedrawn car-
riage or oxcart-the roads carry
every conceivable sort of convey-
ance.) Fewer people have their
hands out, and the police crack
down on those few. Barcelona is a
more gracious city than Paris. One
can sit down on the Ramblas with-
out being charged 20 pesetas for a
However, Spain has less to start
with. In the Pyrenees, where the
sheep eke out a precarious living
on the slopes, the occasional vil-
lages look older than the moun-
tains themselves, and very much a
part of them. The land is poor;
one finds Ministry of Agriculture
experimental fields at regular in-
tervals, testing new crops and
fertilizers. The regular fields are
pitifully small, by American stan-
dards. A kinder climate and soil,
or better adaptation to what is
provided, appears to be one of
Spain's great needs.
. * * *
THE COUNTRY has been mis-
represented in one particular. The
extremes of wealth and poverty
often remarked on by visitors do
not contrast, at least in the Cata-
lan country. There is plenty of
poverty, particularly in the moun-
tains, but Barcelona has next to
nothing in the way of ostentatious
luxury. The whole region seems to
be poor (or at best, middle class).
Paved streets are a sometime
thing, even in the suburbs of
Barcelona. Farther out, they be-
come a rarity, excluding the few
main highways. Sidewalks are

virtually non-existent, and the
buildings often in the last ex-
tremity on the outside-but always
clean and at least presentable on
on the inside. Except for a re-
markable number of flies and an
aversion to the intricacies of pas-
teurization, the small-town Span-
ish restaurant stacks up well
against its American counterpart,
in regard to food and service, if not
Given a nation of extreme indi-
vidualists, such as the Spaniards
are, some form of strongly cen-
tralized government becomes al-
most a necessity, or Spain's 30
million one-man political "parties
would tear the country to pieces.
One questions whether Franca is
the answer to Spain's problems.
"In Spain," said a Frenchman, "it
must be Franco, or the king, or
the Communists."' Franco has al-
ready paved the way for the king
to assume power at his death, but
whether that will lead to another
disastrous civil war is unknown.
* * *
IF IT DOES, Spain will be hors
de combat for a long time after-
it is already far behind the rest of
Western Europe economically, and
has little to rely on to catch up.
Another war would make it useless
to the winner or to anyone else. A
smooth transition to the king
would seem to be imperative. Per-
haps Franco realizes this; perhaps
it is the ultimate reason for the
great number of soldiers he main-
tains. Whether they would trans-
fer any loyalty they have to Franco
to his successor remains to be seen.

"On Your Toes," and "Pal Joey.")
The result, for "Me and Juliet," is
a production of simple plot with
fine mysteries and lyrics-a show
that, like "Kiss Me Kate" or "An-
nie Get Your Gun," depends en-
tirely on the quality of the local
production for its success.
* s r
AS USUAL, the Music Circle cast
never lets its audience down. With
careful attention to the musical
numbers and the comic roles, with
fine casting all around, and with
a well-costumed and lively group
of singers and dancers, "Me and
Juliet"-in spite of its inherent
weaknesses-is a fine evening's en-
Joan Fagan and James Tushar
stand out once again this season
as the romantic leads. Their de-
lightful voices do credit to the
music even though their plight as
backstage lovers is not unusual nor
particularly interesting.
The third member of the roman-
tic triangle, Winn Roberts handles
his two songs well while working
to keep the melodrama out of his
role as a crazed lover and stage-
Phyllis Lear and Joe Ross were
the standouts, however, as an ac-
tress in the part of a seductress
and an assistant stage manager..
* * *
IN THE play-within-a-play, Pat
McMahon was a charming "Me"
and Ruth Shepard an unnecessar-
ily timid "Juliet." Robert Mes-
robian was hilariously funny as
Dario, the "musical conductor" of
the play-within-the-play.
Much of the credit, however,
must go to Choreographer Larry
Stevens and the singers and dan-
cers who really accounted for the
success of the evening: Kip An-
drews, Peggy Gratsch, Henrietta
Hermeline, But Jonansen, Dorothy
McDonough, Luis de'Ybarrondo,
and Reid McRae-the latter being
the new stage name for Ann Ar-
borite John Reid Klein, who stands
out in an outstanding group.
Singers, dancers, costumes and
setting combine with some of the
better. Rodgers and Hammerstein
numbers, "Keep It Gay," "Mar-
riage Type Love," and "We De-
serve Each Other," with a result
that Director Jay 4,arnick can well
be proud. "Me and Juliet" is lots
of musical fun at Music Circle.
-Vernon Nahrgang
'Little Hut'
"THE LITTLE HUT" at North-
land Playhouse is a situation
comedy with only one situation
and little genuine comedy. Even
the superior talents of Walter
Slezak fail to rescue the show.
The evening's best laughs come
early in the production while there
is still some freshness to the plot.
Hut involves two shipwrecked men
who share an island, a pair of
shoes and a woman.
The cast is good but no cast can
rise above the quality of the ma-
terial with which it must work.
Consequently The Little Hut is a
tedious affair.
Walter Slezak is completely
charming and his stage manner-
isms provide the only bright spots
in the show.sp
* C *
SLEZAK is cast as Philip who
learns that his best friend is his
wife's lover. Joel Thomas plays
Henry, the other man. The plot
calls for the two to reach an amic-
able arrangement for taking turns
with wife Susan, played by Dor-
othy Stinnette.
Philip gets over his initial tre-

pedations and happily declares
that polygamy, like pay television,
is the coming thing.
Technical competency, rarely an
attribute of summer theater,
strangely enough is evident in this
show. The settings and properties
display considerable ingenuity.
The show is advertised as "out-
rageously funny." Don't believe it.
The only thing outrageous about
the show is its repetition. The
Little Hut is not recommended for
children-or adults for that mat-
--Fred Steingold

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Build-
ing, before 2 p.m., the day preced-
ing publication.
FRIDAY. JULY 25, 1958
General Notices
The Office of Veterans' Afairs, 555
divisions: Guidance systems Agtneers
12:0Om.and 1:00 p.m. rm Fr., July 25
through Fri., -Aug. 29.
Dr. Ralph D. Rabinovitch will be con-
sulting psychiatrist at the staff clinic
Fri., July 25. at the. U. of Ad. Fresh Air
camp. 8:00 p.m.
Collitz Lecture: Prof. Paul "Thieme
Yale Univ., on "The Indo-European Poet
and His Art." Fri., July 25, 8:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Astronomy Department Visitors'
Night. Fri., July 25. 8:30 pm, Rm. 2003
Angell Hall. Mr. Robert C. Bles will
speak on "The Moon." After the lecture
the Student Observatory on the fifth
floor of Angell Hal will be open for
inspection and for telescopic observa-
tions of the Moon, Saturn and Jupiter.
Children welcomed, but must be ac-
companied by adults.
Conference Series for English Teach-
ers: "Motivating the Composition Stu-
dent: ~A Demonstration Class." A. K.
Stevens Assoc. Prof. of English. C. D.
Thorpe, Chairman. Mon., July 28. 4:00
p.m., Aud, C, Angell Hall,
student Recital: Richard David Har-
rison, Who studies clarinet with Wil-
jsam Stubbins, Will present a recital
on Sun., July 27, 4:30 pm. Ad. A
Angell Hall. He will be assisted byuCaryl
Miller at the piano and Gerald' O'Con-
nor on the bassoon. His recital is pre.
sented in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Master
of Music. Included on the program will
be works by Karol Kurpinski, Hinde-
mith, roveiz, Caplet and Glinka. Open
to the public.
Student Recital: John Zel, baritone,
who studies voice with Chase Barome)*
will be presented in a recital on sun.,
July 27. 8:30 p.m. Aud. A, Angell Hall.
Mr, Zei will be assisted by Joyce Noh.
pianist, and an ensemble consisting of
Philip Mason, violin, Carolyn Lentz,
violin, Nancy Farrand, viola, and Earle
Boa rdman, cello, Hs. recital, which is
being presented in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master" of Music, will Inlude clmol.
tions by Mozart, Brahms, verd, Ma-
senet, Duparc, vidal and Barber. Opea
to the general public.
Music and the Present-Day Church:
The University Summer 'session Choir
under the direction of Robert Foun
tam, Harold augh, lecturer, and Mar%
lyn Mason Brown, organist will present
q program in connection with the
summer session program "Religionnee
Contemporary society." This concert
program will be held in Hill Aud., Mon.,
July 28, 8:30 p.m. Open to the general
Academic Notices
Admission Test for Graduate Study
in Business: Candidates taking the Ad-
mission Test for Graduate Study in
Business on July 26 are requested to
report to Room 130 Bus. Admin. Bldg.,
8:45 a.m., Sat.
Doctoral Examination for Irene Fast,
Psychology; thesis: "The Realistic Re
sponse to Frustration," Fri., July 25,
7611 Haven Hall, 1:30 pm. Chairman,
D. R. Miller.
Doctoral Examination, for( Ernest
Bethlehem Smith, Education; thesis:
"Survey of secondary (White) School
Programs of Health and Physical Edu-
cation for Boys in the State of Georgia,"
Fri., July 25, W. Council Am., Rackhani
Bldg. ,9:00 a.m. Chairman, E. D. Mt-
Doctoral Examination for Eugene
Willard Troth, Music;' thesis: "The
Teacher Training Program in Music at
Chautauqua Institution, 1905-1930,"
Mon., July 28, 708 Burton Mem. Tower,
4:00 p.m. Chairman A.P. Britton
Doctoral Examination for Nancie
LoudonSolien, Anthropology; thesis:
"The Consanguineal Household Among
the Black Carib of. Central America,"
Tues., July 29, 1406 Maon Hall, 3:00
p.m. Chairman, R. K. Beardsley.
Placement Notices
Personnel Requests:
A company in Ann Arbor is looking
for a Technical Illustrator. Exp. pre-
ferred. A degree is not necessary. Job
involves 60 per cent illustrating and
40 per cent drafting. This company is
also looking for a supervisory Ac-

countant. Requires 2-3 years exp. in
government cost estimating. Salary
Apposition is available in Ypsilanti
for a Secretary. Must have typing and
shorthand. Would prefer a woman with
some exp. and someone who is good
on detail. 5? day week. Must have
someone by late Aug. or early Sept.
No degree specified.
Atlantic Refining Co,. Philadelphia,
Pa., has twvo positions available for
Economists with a Ph.D. degree. Desire
both inexperienced and experienced ap-
plicants with good academic records.
Prefe'r exp. in the oil or chemical In-
Republic Aviation Corporation, has
the following vacancies in the major.
divisions: Guidance Systems Engineres,
Reconnaissance System Engineer, Oper-
ational Analysts, Stability and Control
Engineers. Dynamics System Engineers,
Theoretical Fluid Dynamics Engineers,
Development Engineer -Aerodynamics,
Aerolasticity Engineer, Air Load Design
Requirements Engineers, Propulsion
System Engineers, Heat Transfer Engi-
neers, Engine Air-Inlet and Exhaust
Engineer, Air-Conditioning and Aux-
iliary Equipment Engineer. The above
positions are in Farmingdale, Long Is-
land. The following positions are lo-
cated in Long Island, California, and
Florida: Program Engineers, Project En-
gineers. Instrumentation Engineers,
and Data-Analvsis Engineers. The next

Tito Seeks Communi st Independence

West Needs Time,

Associated Press News Analyst
E WESTERN ALLIES will be conducting
feverish search during the next few days
iome means of retrieving at least a part
he initiative stolen by Soviet Premier
ishchev in Middle East negotiations.
th a top-level conference seemingly as-
1, despite the French holdback, the Allies
the prospect of entering it on the defen-
itain and the United States are claiming
Editorial Staff
Co-Editor Co-Editor
RT JUNKER ..................'Night Editor
LRD GERULDSEN...., ... Night Editor
N HOLTZER ..,,...................Night Editor
VANDERSLICE ............... Night Editor
ARD MINTZ ................... Sports Editor
SHIPPEY ................Chief Photographer
RI.-wor fn

their actions in the Middle East were taken
to forestall the danger of war. The Soviet
Union charges the actions have created a state
of war which must be ended.
Khrushchev will seek to make this the prime
topic of debate, rather than any speciffc settle
ments which he does not want and the Allies
do not expect.
MOUNT a counteroffensive, however, the
Allies will be required to offer proposals
and put Khrushchev in the position of rejee*-
ing them.
That's one reason, in addition to the impend-
ing Baghdad Pact and NATO meetings, why
they must play for time. In both his original
proposal and his acceptance of the counterpro-
posal for a United Nations meeting, Khrush-
chev has tried to create an atmosphere of
breathless urgency to eliminate this time.
He knows that Middle Eastern problems, like
many others in the world, are insoluble at
this time, and that he can help keep them so.
That makes it a very tricky task to formulate
nrnnalh twhich have even the anearnne of

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second of a. series appraising a na-
tional leader who is attempting to
steer his country in a neutral
course between the West and the
East. Tomorrow's profile will de-
scribe Nasser.)
BELGRADE (M)-President Tito
recently celebrated his 66th
birthday amid growing signs that
his balancing act between East
and West has once again put him
in hot water with the Kremlin.
Just as he did 10 years ago, Tito
appears on the world stage as a
defender of his country's inde-
pendence against Kremlin dom-
ination, a role imposed upon him
by Moscow.
His present struggle is in line
with his character and past rec-
After World War II, old Com-
munist Tito wanted badly to co-
operate with the Soviet Union. For
a while Yugoslavia appeared to be
a Soviet satellite. Then disap-
pointment set in.

Tito's ideas on communism were
based on cooperation among equal
and independent Communist na-
tions. Stalin wanted subordination
and he got it from others who had
the Red Army to thank for their
TITO was different. He had
fought with his partisans. He had
an organized army, police and po-
litical apparatus of his own which
liberated the country. He was a
leader in his own right.
This was the secret which made
it possible for Tito to stand suc-
cessfully against Stalin. This was
why Soviet challenge could not re-
move him.
After being expelled from the
Communist world, Tito got West-
ern aid and that aid, without poli-
tical strings, helped him survive
the Soviet ec o n o mi c blockade
which brought Yugoslavia to the
edge of bankruptcy.
But Tito remained a Communist
and has never denied. it.
After Stalin died, the new So-
viet boss, Nikita Khrushchev,
came to Tito to apologize for the
break. It was a triumph for the
Yugoslav leader that the world's
strongest C o m m u n i s t country
should come to him for reconcilia-
The new Kremlin leaders ad-
mitted Stalin's blunders and asked
for Tito's friendship. They asked
Tito's support in crushing the
Rcalini.. crr n+a2ee-anA

AS SOON AS Khrushchev was
safely in full power, he launched
the present anti-Tito campaign --
a small cold war every bit as frigid
as Stalin's.
The fact that the Kremlin has
decided to snub him will not drive
Tito into the Western camp.
His position between East and
West is much different than those
of two other notable fence-strad-
dlers, Nasser and Nehru. Tito is a
Communist. They are not.
While the Kremlin would toler-
ate Western ties by Nasser and
Nehru, it could not permit Tito to
seek the same alliances.
The fact that Tito could permit
himself the hazardous luxury of
coming to grips with the Soviet
indicates that he feels secure in
his job. It appears he has reason.
In a country where independ-
ence is a magic word, he has the
almost undivided support of his
people - Communists and non-
Communists -- when he is defend-
ing the prime issue:



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