4r mtirliitd tttiy
Sixty-Seventh Year
o intoni a"r rw
wth Will vem
Ti oday
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
TUR DAY, JULY 20, 1957
New Developments Add
To Considerable Budget Mess
IE ANNOUNCEMENT that the Adminis-
~ tration balanced the budget last year --
Id made a little surplus -- comes merely as
iother complication in the growing confu-
on in Washington over the Federal govern-
.ent's spending.
At the same time, Charlie Wilson's an-
ouncement of a voluntary cut in defense ap-
opriations has worsened the turmoil in the
isy House of Representatives - now working
adjust its budget figures with those already
proved in the Senate.
In fact, not only were committeemen con-
tsed and shaken with Wilson's latest state-
ents, but even the President was caught
iort, asking for greater aid from the House
id warning against additional cuts, when ai
ie same time Wilson was adjusting his own
idget to the recently-announced manpower
And, through all the announcements and un-
erminings, it was apparent this week that
e Republicans would make every attempt to
aim for themselves any money saved in the
anipulation with the Federal budget.
PPARENTLY, the Republicans have little
in thp way of a code of ethics; obviously
ley do not hesitate to put the party ahead
the government.
Throughout all the serious and important
earings that have been continuing for sev-
al weeks, Administration representatives
ave been blandly giving congressmen one
story while, at the same time, they have been
working behind the scenes with possibilities
and certainties for lowering sizes of necessary
appropriations - all this without an indica-
tion or word for the working congressmen.
Moreover, some of the Republican depart-
ment heads haven't even seen to notifying
their own party members of these possibilities
and probabilities in budget cuts.
Obviously, the amount of skulduggery and
throat-cutting in Washington is nearing an
all-time high. When members of the same par-
ty are not cooperating, the end must be near.
PERHAPS. the solution would be to earmark
certain departments of the legislative and
executive for non-political consideration, as
the civil service operates non-politically in the
lower echelons of the government's red tape,
getting the actual work completed without the
bi-partisan conflict.
The danger in such an undertaking is ap-
parent, of course. It is a danger that is quite
contradictory to basic American principles
calling for free debate and the like.
But it seems that tht line could be drawn to
a certain point, and that within it there could
be non-partisan consideration of important
but basic governmental operations. That line
should be drawn around the budget's depart-
Glimpses of Asia
'A painless way of absorbing the cultures and
traditions of various Asian countries has been
organized fof the Summer Session.
And it is generally agreed by the growing
list of both old and new-found Asian enthu-
siasts that a more delightful means of famil-
iarizing oneself with the world's largest con-
tinent cannot be had, except by following the
advice of a popular song from a few years back
and "taking a slow boat to China" or nearby
We refer to the "Glimpses of Asia" series,
which has become a regular Tuesday evening
habit for many, persons in the community..
The purpose of the' program, which is im-
plied by the name, is to provide brief insights
into the traditions and cultures of Asian na-
tions. Through the cooperation of all concerned
-primarily the International Center and its
affiliated student organization - its intent
has been effectively realized.
Thus far five countriesrhailand, China, In-
dia, Japan, and Burma have been represented
and definite overall trends have been noticed.
MOST ENJOYABLE of these, and the main
reason that the programs have been so en-
tertaining, is the keen sense of humor that
these students bring from their homelands. It
is of the "folksy" nature, lending intimacy be-
tween the performers and the audience. This
humor is beautifully augmented by the plenti-
ful amount of American slang that has found
its way into international students' speech.
The qualities of charm are rather abstract
and difficult to pinpoint, but we can all tell
when it is present and when it is not. This
seems to be one of their most outstanding
characteristics. And of course these qualities
found in the students are additional reflections
on their native lands.
The format of each program has generally
been the same: dancing, music, brief disserta-
tions on the country including photos and re-
freshments, but the examples from each place
have been decidedly different.
THE ONLY problem with the "Glimpses of
Asia," andone that needs to be remedied
.immediately, is the lack of seating facilities.
They have been disappointing, especially for
those who arrive just before eight o'clock.
While 150 free tickets are distributed for each
"Glimpse," only 125 chairs are available.
It is impossible to understand why officials
have not made arrangements for the larger
crowds that have been in attendance the past
three weeks. It is obvious that the reason that
more have come is because of the sessions' ear-
ly successes. But this success certainly can't
be continued in a too-small room where part
of the audience has to remain standing and
others are turned away.
Ike's Press Talks
Unique in World
N OTHING IS more revealing of President
Eisenhower, his attitudes and his stands,
than the weekly press conferences he holds
with Washington newsmen.
Scheduled every Wednesday, the Confer-
ences often provide important stories for the
next day's newspapers as well as offer clari-
fication and expression of Administration feel-
ings and policies in many areas of national
and international concern.
At the same time, they give the nation a
look at Eisenhower - the man and the poli-
tician. Inevitably, newsmen see happenings in
a different light than the President does; what
they often assume to be an off-hand matter
of little importance is regarded by the Presi-
dent as a highly important issue. And the
opposite is just as often true.
Every week, as a result, sees the President
dodging and side-stepping questions thrown
at him from one direction and walking furth-
er into other questions than newsmen expected.
Eisenhower's (and Truman's and other pres-
idents before him) press conferences are often
revealing - and they are the only conferences
in the world in which a chief of state sits down
with newspapermen to answer unrehearsed
questions while the rest of the nation, and, in-
deed, the world, listens with eagerness and ex-
NOW THAT civil rights legisla-
tion is before the Senate, the
crucial question is whether the
leaders from the Southern states
are willing to let a bill pass which
is directed solely to securing and
protecting the right of Negroes to
There lave been some indica-
tions that Sen. Russell may be
willing, after the Southern minor-
ity have argued their case, to let
the majority of the Senate pass
such a bill. There is, also, some
reason to think that Sen. Lyndon
Johnson is feeling his way towards
a compromise based on limiting
the substance of the bill to the
single issue of suffrage in the
Southern states.
By such a compromise the
Southerners would be making a
very big concession. But they
would avoid, or at least postpone
for some consideable time. to
come, what would amount to a
decisive defeat on the whole range
of civil rights issues.
If they resorted to a filibuster
to destroy a bill amended to deal
only with federal voting, there is a
very good chance, as Mr. Rowland
Evans, Jr., reported in the New
York Herald Tribune the other
day, that they will provoke a
movement to amend the rules of
the Senate in order to abolish the
right to filibuster.
If ever the rules are amended,
the Southerners will be faced with
a majority in the Senate which is
prepared to use the Federal power
to enforce all the civil rights laws,
including thatsagainst segregation
in the public schools.
The South, therefore, has much
to lose by being intransigent, and
it has much to gain by a conces-
sion on the right to vote.
THE WORD "comp-romise"
needs to be defined. A genuine
compromise would be an under-
standing that the bill should be
amended by cutting out Part III,
which deals with integration in
the schools and other civil rights.
Such an amendment would
mean that the special feature of
this bill - the use of injunction-
would be limited to the cases
where there is a denial by local
election officials of the right to
vote. The injunction procedure
would not apply- to the school
problem, or to The other civil
rights problems.
It would not ne a true compro-
mise, on the other hand, to cut
out Part III, and then also to
amend Part IV to require trials by
jury in all election cases.
That would amount to the
emasculation of the bill, and
would mean that Congress was
passing a bill that was not meant
to be enforced. Either the Federal
Government is to have power to
secure and protect the right to
vote or it is not to have that pow-
That power can be, and should
be, strictly defined. But there is
no half-way station between
granting and not granting the
* * * '
THERE MAY be in the making
something bigger than a compro-
\ mise on the bill which is now be-
fore the Senate.
We may venture to hope that
for the first time there exists an
opportunity for something like a
national settlement and under-
standing based on the inherent
principle and implied policyof an
amended bill.
The principle of the amended
bill would be that the paramount
civil right of an American citizen
is the right to vote. If he can qua-
lify under rules that are the same
for all, the right to vote is his
guarantee that he will be heard
and listened to and counted.
The corollary of this principle
that the right to vote is the para-
mount civil right is that the oth-
er civil rights are not to be en-
forced by the executive power of
the Federal government. They are
to be brought into being by per-
suasion, experiment, negotiation,
and by judicial process.
It would be a bright day for
the country if there could be a
general national understanding
based on such a view of the scope
and nature of Federal interven-
tion in the problem of civil rights.
There are great reputations to
be made by those, be they in Con-
gress or in the Administration,
who seize the opportunity which
is open, and make themselves the
architects of such an understand-
1957 New York Herald Tribune
British Score again
"I Thought You Said You Finished Him This Tiie"
s f
- Q
I m m - ar4.
Ron nid
WASHINGTON - Diplomatio
circles are buzzing over a dra-
matic move contemplated by Am-
bassador De Moya and Dictator
Trujillo of the Dominican Repub-
They are negotiating with two
top New York lawyers plus a
prominent public relations expert
to have them make a tough, thor-
ough investigation ofsthe alleged
murder of Prof. Jesus Galindez,
who disappeared while a teacher
at Columbia University, and is re-
ported to have been spirited back
to Trujijlo City.
The proposal is that if these two
lawyers find Trujillo is guilty or
in any way connected with the
crime, they are to say so. But if
the attorneys find Tujillo is not
guilty thsy shall so report.
They are to have a free hand to
hire detectives, investigators or
anyone else to probe the matter
s * * *
THE TWO proposed attorneys
are Morris Ernst, counsel for the
Civil Liberties Union; and retired
N.Y. Supreme Court Justice Wil-
liam H. Munson.
The public relations expert ap-
proached by the Dominican Em-
bassy is Sydney Baron of New
York, who in turn picked the
toughest attorney he could find.
Because of the incorruptible
crusading caliber of the men in-
volved, diplomats here are flab-
bergasted at the daring of the Do
minican, government in putting
the reputation of the most pub-
licizeddictator inthe western
hemisphere in the hands of three
Judge Munson, a lifelong Re-
publican, a former district attor-
ney in Buffalo, is the man who put
labor racketeer Joe Fay in jail. He
was also called upon to judge the
legality of Mayor Impellitteria
race in New York City.
Ernst, a Democrat, was a close
adviser to FDR, has written many
books on civil liberties.
If they find Trujillo not in-
volved in the Galindez murder
and other charges, it will be diffi-
cult for anyone successfully to re-
fute them. It will be interesting to
see what happens.
* * *
SENATOR McClellan of Arkan-
sas has been subpoenaing prosti-
tutes from all over the United
States to testify against labor
leaders. He might well delve Into
the structure of certain unions,
particularly the Teamsters, to
show how difficult it is for union
members to have any power..
The other day A. E. Collins, a
member of Teamsters Local 81 in
Portland, telegraphed honest John
English, secretary-treasurer of the
Teamsters and an anti-Beck lead-
er, asking for a hearing before the
executive board of the Teamsters
to show why the officers of Local
81 should not be removed and a
new election held.
Real fact is that Portland Local
81 has never been allowed to elect
its own officers since it was formed
two years ago.
It has been headed by a "trus-
teeship" appointed by Beck. The
trustee is Clyde Crosby, who in
turn appoints all the local's offi-
These must be paid $8,800 each
by the local. Under present rules,
these Beck-sponsored officers will
represent local 81 at the Teamsters
international convention later this
That was why Collins wired
Honest John English.
(Copyright 1957 by Bel Syndicate Inc.)
"THE SHIP That Died of
Shame," now playing at the
Campus, again proves that the
British are past masters at the
art of making small, well knit
movies. This black and white,
small screen film presents an in-
teresting theme and story with
the emphasis on good acting,
rather than spectacular effects.
The idea on which the story
pivots is that it is possible for a
boat to have a conscience. This
seem pretty far fetched to us land-
to the editor
,. .
(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, in good taste, and
not more than 300 words in length.
The Daily reserves the right to edit
or withhold letters from publication.)
Keeping Posted -
To the Editor:
THANK you so much for keep-
ing us posted. Thursday's pa-
per, center, page one, "List of
eight conductors thatwill direct
tomorrow evening's concert reads
like a Who's Who . .
Friday's paper, right center,
page two,,"Last night the Univer-
sity Summer Session Band pre-
sent ed a concert on the Diag.."
Was it in the "Daily Official
Bulletin"? Of course not! We sel-
dom find the front page of our
.Daily contradicting its Bulletin.
Congratulations on the fine
shot of the crowd. Wonder what
a shot would look like of those
who, depending on your an-
nouncement, stayed away in
-Daniel Livones
rather whimsical concept may
Nicholas Monsarrat, who auth-
ored the original story, was a
member of the Royal Navy during
World War II and obviously
should know about such matters.
At any rate, he takes a not very
skeptical view of the possibility
of a boat haxing not oniv more
conscience than a man but also
the voition- and capacity to rebel
against its own use for th.l our-
poses of crime.
* * *
BRIEFLY, the story concerns
itself with the fate of a young PT
boat skipper after World War II.
Bill (George Baker), the skipper,
meets one of his old crew mem-
bcrs (Richard Attenborough).
This fellow induces Bill to help
him run a smuggling operation
between France and England: The
boat that they use is their old
war time craft, and when the op-
erations take a rather nasty turn,
the boat develops mechanical
troubles, e v e n t u a 11 y breaking
down compl1 e t e l.y and going
George Baker maintains a cer-
tain dignity while going through
the melodramatic business of
smuggling. Richai'd Attenborough,
as his partner in crime, is, quite
convincing with his brisk handling
of the business details of crime.
As Bill's wife, whose death be-
gan his drift into crime, Virginia
McKenna handles herself well.
The character of Fordyce becomes
a thoroughly slimy "operator"
through the expert acting of Ro-
land Culver, and, as the loyal
crew memebr, Bill Owen turns in
a good performance. The various
other parts are handled well.
* * *
THE BLACK and white photog-
raphy is in keeping with the rath-
er somber note of the story and is
quite effective in showing the
Channel under various nighttime
conditions. The Royal Philhar-
monic provides the excellent back-
ground music.
In fact, the whole handling of
the nostalgicand poignant impli-
cations gives the picture a touch-
ing quality. So this picture with
its interesting central idea, nice
strain of sentiment and mild ex-
citement provides some good sum-
mer viewing.
-Phillip Burgess
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assumes no editorial re-
sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication. Notices for Sinday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m Friday.
General Notices
Applications for Engineering Re-
search Institute Fellowships to be
awarded for the fall semester, 1957-
1958, are now being accepted in the
office of the Graduate School. The sti-
pend is $1,125 per semester. Application
forms are available from the Graduate
School. Only applicants who have been
employed by the Institute for at least
one year on at least a half-time basis
are eligible. Applications and support-
ing material are due in the office of
the Graduate. Schol not later than
4:00 p.m., Mon., Aug. 19, 1957.
Music Educaton Lecture, auspices of
of the School of Music. "Using Televi-
sion in Music Education." Edward Sta-
sheff, associate professor of speech.
3:00 p.m., Mon., July 22, Aud. A, An-
(Continued on Page 4)
" -1
'House of the Angel' Rewarding, Satisfying
Zhuiov won't Be Coming
Associated Press News Analyst
WHEN PRESIDENT Eisenhower suggested
that any conference in this country by
Gen. Georgi Zhukov might better be with De-
fense Secretary Wilson than himself he put
the whole thing on the back burner.
Nonetheless, the very idea has stirred up con-
siderable comiment both inside and outside of
Rep. Bentley, Michigan Republican, put his
finger on one of the most serious considerations
Editorial Staff
JOHN HILLYER.............. . Sports Editor
RENE GNAM.............................Night Editor
Business Staff
--if the matter is to have any serious consider-
ation at all - when he pointed out that Zhu-
kov is a prime defendant in a case now pend-
ing before the United Nations.
In that case, the Russian regime and the
Red Army which Zhukov heads are accused of
butchery and aggression in (Hungary.
He is a high muckety-muck in Russian polit-
ical councils in addition to being defense mins-
He may one day turn out to be the most
important force in those circles. If he had op-
posed the Hungarian action his voice would
have been heard, perhaps decisively.
Despite the President's mention of possibili-
ties, there is no more reason to believe that
Wilson could convince Zhukov that the Ameri-
can military posture is for defense only than
Eisenhower could convince him of the superi-
ority of democracy over communism.
The principal upshot of such a visit would
be to convince some people that the United
States is willing to do business with murderers,
nn3t en m a ra igtrn cn s to th
Beatriz Guido. New York: Mc-
Graw, Hill, 1957.
IT IS a lamentable fact that
Latin American literature is
largely ignored n this country
and receives little or no attention
from our publishers.
Such a state of affairs is cer-
tainly not due to a lack of tal-
ented and original writers on the
Southern continent, for there are
many of them, but seems to stem
from the average American's
mythical conception of Latin
America as simply a distant never-
never land of exotic tourist de-
lights, frequent "revolutions" and
vast resources for semi-colonial
exploitation, and from the smug
belief held by most of our intel-
lectuals that great literature is
the exclusive monopoly of Europe
and the United States.,
The few Latin American works
published here have often been
poorly selected and sometimes
doned as soon as the war-time
emergency passed.
* .4 *
IT IS quite possible that "The
House of the Angel," by the young
Argentine novelist Beatriz Guido,
has been brought out in English
with some eye towards cashing in
on the current craze for sophisti-
cated exposes of adolescent sex in
the manner of Francoise Sagan.
But such an implied comparison
is unfair, for Miss Guido's novel
is a seriously and sensitively writ-
ten work, closely related in theme
and tone to some of the most dis-
tinguished fiction by Latin Ameri-
can women writers.
However, it is unfortunate that
this book of only moderate value
and rather derivative character
should have been chosen for pub-
lication in preference to so many
first-rate Latin American novels
and short story collections, as yet
unknown in this country.
The protagonist and narrator of
"La casa del angel" (first pub-
lished in Argentina in 1955) is
Ana Castro. daughter of a rich
fantasies, and her growing aware-
ness of the outer world of adult
life, represented almost invariably
in terms of an ominous sexual
*I * *
way to the obscurely motivated
climax of the novel, in which Ana'
fails in her attempt to project here
fantasy upon outer reality and
abruptly leaves behind her child-
hood, becoming thereafter the
captive of an irrevocable past, "an
inhabitant of the wasteland," the
passive witness of a world now
seen to be impervious to subjective
transformation, hostile, unreal
and devoid of meaning.
In an interview with Miss Guido
published in Argentina last year,
admiration for Proust and Faulk-
the author expressed her great
Their imprint is readily ap-
parent in this her first novel:
Proust's subtle evocation of the
twilight boundaries of childhood
and adolescence, and Faulkner's
characteristic synthesis of a uni-
verse in chaos in terms of a nar-
THE THEME which here un-
derlies this process - that of wo-
man's circumscribed existence and
subordination to man in Hispanic
society - is captured in many of
its aspects, but not with the emo-
tional intensity of Maria Luisa
Bombal, the Chilean writer who
has made this sense of woman's
frustration the central element of
a number of uniquely poetic sto-
ries and novelettes.
In general, the scope of experi-
ence contained in "The House of
the Angel;" presented in terms of
a select aristocratic minority, is
very limited: one gains the im-
pression that this neatly outlined
little cosmos of good and evil, fact
and fantasy, is too much the pro-
duct of a sheltered atmosphere of
idle affluence, the atmosphere of
the moribund Argentine oligarchy
with its borrowed culture and
Europeanized sensibility, the at-
mosphere which vitiates so much
of the otherwise sincere and pro-
vocative writing of Miss Guido's
older compatriots, Escuardo Mal-
lea and Carmen Gandara.
However, by virtue of its techni-