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July 19, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-19

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Sixty-Seventh Year

to the editor

n Waummor Ate tre
utb Wti lPiewair

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


AY JULY 19. 1957


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The University Lecture Course:
An Autograph Party for Grownups

' .ABOUT this time the University is com-
pleting arrangements for its 1957-58 Lec-
Course - at least we suppose from the
edules of past years that this is true, for
other secrets are so highly guarded at the
versity than the prospects for the coming
ture Courses and Drama Seasons.
ndeed, the official announcement of these
grams usually follows the posting of al-
dy-printed placards and the mailing of 11-
rated pamphlets with cut-out mail order
n the meantime, a closely-guarded commit-
makes the considerations and choices for
Lecture Course, fearing any discovery or
licity of their own questionable choices
ore they have completed the final, irrevo-
le contracts.
'he committee's say, whatever it decides it
11 be, is final. One small group decides what
whole community shall be exposed to in
Lecture Course program.
S A RESULT, the University in recent years
has been treated to a sophisticated auto-
ph party where would-be socialites of Ann
or journey to Hill Auditorium for an even-
's converse with friends and the opportunity.
sit, and gawk, or sleep, at some national
brity who has condescended for a slight
of course -- to come and "chat" for an
Vhen the ordeal is over, the celebrity, 'his
ket fuller, leaves with Ea sense of having
ieved - some valuable publicity, and the
dience," having acquired some "culture,"
s home to tell its friends what a perfectly
rvellous talk it was.
3it it wasn't a marvellous talk. It was the
al insipid, annoying lecture on a broad -
important - topic needing insight and in-
pretation and receiving only a glossing over
apable of being informative or stimulating
the most ignorant of University freshmen.
t was a talk that never touched the heart
the problems inferred in the title. It was
tak that by its very nature insulted the

intelligence of the students, faculty and friends
of the University.
THIS IS the University's Lecture Course.
There have, admittedly, been exceptions:
Journalist Marquis Childs presented the col-
umnist's viewpoint of the national elections
last October with insight and understanding,
and Senators Alexander Wiley and Wayne
Morse two years ago presented an interesting
review of Administration foreign policy in a
scheduled "debate."
Then, too, the purely entertainment pro-
grams, few as they are, have their place in
the Lecture Course and are occasionally well
But the majority of the talks have been
"canned" (Ivy Baker Priest, Barbara Ward),
publicity (Norman Vincint Peale), or anecdotal
(Clement Attlee, Ralph Bunche) lectures of
little value.
Even more important is the fact that the
policy of having lecturers with little or nothing
to say is showing traces of being carried over
to the University lectures series and has even
infiltrated the Summer Session's Asian Cul-
tures program.
IT SEEMS that the committee presently in
charge of selecting the attractions for the
LectureCourse, whether it likes it or not, could
stand some advisory matter from the Univer-
sity community.
Whether some sort of poll or referendum
should be turned over to the University, or
whether requests for suggestions should be
made, remains to be seen. Those, at least, are
two possibilities for consideration.
In any case, we shall be eagerly awaiting the
coming announcement of the 1957-58 Lecture
Course and hoping there will be no more talks
like the most recent one, "The World Scene: A.
Timely Topic." If this sort of thing appears on
next year's calendar, we will expect some in-
novation in the selection of Lecture Course

Burma's Neutrality

(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, in good taste, and
not more than 300 words in length.
The Daily reserves the right to edit
or withhold letters from publication.)
A Warning.. .
To the Editor:
young friends of ours, mar-
ried students with a new baby,
were "taken to the cleaners" by a
fast-talking encyclopedia sales-
man. He gained entry with a line
about leaving a set of his encyclo-
pedia for their examination be-
cause he was making a survey and
needed representative opinions of
intelligent modern young people!
This morning, over the phone, I
was treated to a very similar lne
of sales talk!
Of course my caller of this
morning may be a different man
representing a different encyclo-
pedia. He may be perfectly hon-
orable-but if so, he will not be
injured by my warning to parents
whom he may approach: Before
you accept any "good deal" he of-
fers, just step to the phone and
call NOrmandy 2-5671, our Cham-
ber of Commerce (under "C" in
the Phone Book). Describe the
proposed deal, and ask what the
National Better Business Bureau
has learned from other people's
experiences with deals similar to
the one you are describing Don't
let a salesman rush you into even
a minor decision-you don't know
what he may be ieading up to!
-Mrs. W. W. Kuhns, Jr.
On Reviewing . .
To the Editor:
view of "Sweet Smell of Suc-
cess," like Miss Hanson who sev-
eral months ago produced a
caption to a photo referring to a
Bohemian, makes the same kind
of mistake-analysis from ignor-
ance and/or at a distance.
Miss Willoughby commits a
common error. When she describes
the characters as portraying the
different facets of the personality
of New York City. As one who was
born, raised, and who has lived
most of his life in New York City
I can safely say that nothing
could be further from the truth.
New York City is more than
just show business and its sordid
aspects. Eight million people live
and work there and hence one
can find good as well as evil just
as anywhere else. As for kowtow,
scandal, barroom brawls, and dirty
rumors-none of these is indigen-
ous to New York City. They are
found in Washington, Detroit,
Tombstone, Ann Arbor, and all
points North, East, West and
South of these communities.
The readers of the film "J.J."
and the real life W.W., H.H.,
L.P., E.S., L.M. and J.L. and the
rest of their ilk are found every-
where as are the readers of scan-
dal magazines. From the country
lane and the smallest town to the
largest city there are gossip and
scandal mongers, hiders from in-
tegrity andatruth,and breathers
of corrupt atmosphere.
Such an oversimplified view and
irrelevant discussion is character-
istic of a lack of analysis, stereo-
typy, and just plain ignorance
and bias. Reporting requires more
than blithe words and facile
phrases. It requires knowledge,
understanding, and a little hu-
-Sol Schwartz

Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT Eisenhower almost
got caught in deep water with-
out a paddle Wednesday when he
tried to explain the difficulty of
defending democracy against Com-
munist Marshal Zhukov.
Everybody who has ever tried
to argue with a sincere Communist
or other fanatic can understand
what the President meant. It's
just like an argument between two
people who haven't the slightest
knowledge of each other's langu-
The President admits publicly
that "our position" is hard to de-
fend he lays himself open to mis-r
Eisenhower was backing away
from any effort to sell Zhukov
through personal contact, although
admitting that such contacts, per-
haps between Zhukov and Secre-
tary Wilson, might produce a
modicum of better understanding.
The President indicated his
main difficulty was when Zhukov
said "You tell a person he can



"Now How Do I Keep The Goose That Lays The Golden
Eggs From Killing Me?"
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'Peter Pan' Charming Musical
Adams announced t th eue

TN A RECENT campus speech, Ambassador
U Win of Purma reaffirmed his country's
disappointing policy of neutrality.
Win represented this course as one hoping
to further the cause of world peace. It is a
commendable notion but is oblivious of reali-
Burma is not an island nation, like the
SEATO-member Philippine Republic. It is not
separated from hostile frontiers by comfortable
stretches of real estate, as in un-neutral Spain's
good fortune. It is essentially a peninsula like
Korea, with Red China at one vulnerable end
and Malaya's strategic wealth at the other.
It cannot bask in the protection of. a strong
friend close at hand, for India is in'the same
neutraljeague. It has not the maturity, and is
too much 'a focus of conflicting interests to
win the world's respect for its neutrality. It
cannot hope to be a Switzerland of the East.
And if nothing else serves as a warning to

Burmna, Indonesia's spasms with Communist
infiltration should signal that unwaning threat.
BURMA cannot afford the luxury of neutral-
ity. It has neither natural defenses, armed
forces, nor any effective committments against
invasion. A rice-surplus region, it is a supreme
enticement to a Red China faced with a criti-
cal land squeeze. It is Red China's corridor to
India, to Thailand's exposed Burma frontier,
to Singapore and Indonesia. Neutrality; is an
This vacuum should be a matter of concern
not only to Burma but to all her neighbors. It
could be overwhelmed in a matter of days, or
be crumbled from within by "agrarian reform-
ers" in the span of a few crop failures.
The United States stands, willing and ready
to give help. Burma should stop thinking wish-
fully and take it. That would be a step in coun-
tering threats to the world which even Burma
cannot deny exist.

SIR JAMES M. Barrie's enchant-
ing story about Peter Pan and
the Lost Boys of Never - Never -
Land and their search for a mother
,has opened at the Music Circle
Theater in northwest Detroit for
a one-week run.
This show is what has come to
be known as the Mary Martin ver-
sion of theaplay-a musical version
of the children's classic in which
Miss Martin starred on Broadway
and, later, in a memorable TV
All the magic of the show has
been kept intact under the direc-
tion of Milton Lyon, who has suc-
cessfully adapted the fast-paced
make-believe adventure to a thea-
ter-in-the-round presentation.
The illusions created by pirates
and Indians, crocodiles and nurse-
dogs, were constantly sustained
and were applauded throughout
the evening by children and adults
The most exciting illusion of the
show, of course, is the spectacle of
Peter flying about to the delight
of the Darling children, Wendy,
Michael and John, and teaching
the three in turn the secret of
soaring. When the children took
to the air, crying and shouting
with delight, the audience took off
with them in spirit and broke into
spontaneous hand - clapping ac-
claim at the sight.
These aerial wonders were the
doing of Briton. Peter Foy who
performed the same service in
Mary Martin's "Peter Pan." Foy's
"backstage" contribution to the
show was as great as any other
single one in achieving the nos-
talgic Barry mood.
* * * '
played a pixyish Peter to perfec-
tion. Roy Irving, a talented and
pleasant fellow in any guise, was
the lovable old scoundrel and
would-be pirate, Captain Hook.
And lovely Betty McNamara,
whom we shall hate to see shift
up to Flint for two weeks, was the
wig e-eyed, adorable Wendy who
became the mother to the Lost
Boys (little chaps who fell out of
their carriages when the nurses
were carelessly looking the other

The balance of the young cast,
which portrayed assorted pirates,
Indians, animals, whimsical par-
ents and Lost Boys, seemed to live
within their parts - so charming
was the total effect of the show.
EVEN THOUGH the neighboring
Northland Playhouse had suspend-
ed operations for a week (follow-
ing an unfortunate attempt to play
Red Buttons in "Petticost Fever"),
the opening night crowd at "Peter
Pan" was disappointingly thinned
Music Circle producer Robert K.

'Adams announced to the reduced
crowd just before curtain time that
if Detroit did not enthusiastically
support Music Circle, it would find
itself without a musical theater-
With "Anything Goes," "The Boy
Friend," "Brigadoon," "Naughty
Marietta," "Damn Yankees," and
"South Pacific" all still remaining
on the summer bill of a group
which has progressed so brilliantly
toward the mid-point of its season,
such a loss would seem catas-
-Donald A. Yates

WASHINGTON - It probably
isn't known io most of their
Senate colleagues, but the Senate
liberals are in a heck of a mess.
After crusading for years for
civil rights and being consistently
defeated by the Dixiecrat-Repub-
lican coalition, they now find
themselves divided among tem-
selves and led by the Republican
leader of that one-time dixiecrat
How deep the disagreement is
came out in a secret meeting of
Democratic civil rights champions
called by Sen. Paul -Douglas of
Present were Senators Anderson
of New Mexico, Carroll of Colo-
rado, Murray of Montana, Green
and Pastore of Rhode Island,
Kennedy of Massachusetts, SyM-
ington of Missouri, Neuberger of
Oregon, and McNamara of Mchi-
gan-all Democrats.
At the start of the meeting.Neu-
berger observed the absence of an-
other stalwart liberal, Wayne
Morse of Oregon.
"I am sorry my colleague is not
present," he remarked. "I would
prefer to be fighting side by side
with him. It is difficult for me to
enter into any agreements here
with Wayne absent because, un-
fortunately, the newspapers in
Oregon have been trying to give
the impression that there is a split
between us. Of course there IS
nothing of the kind."
"* ,
"IT IS QUITE, evident why
Wayne is not here," replied Doug
las, who was presiding. "He voted
against Rule 14 the other day."
"In that case, I had, better ex-
cuse myself," interposed Sen. Clin-
ton Anderson of New Mexico, "be-
cause I did too. Before I do, how-.
ever, let me give you some advice.
"There are five men sitting up
in the front row of the Democratic
side. I want to name them inthe
order of their seats. Kerr (Okla.),
Frear (Del.), Anderson (N. Mex.,
Magnuson (Wash.), Mansfield
(Mont.). They all voted against
Rule 14, and you're going to need
their help. You haven't got it now.
"Then," continued Anderson,
"on the second row back from the
end seat is this fellow Morse. And
let me tip you off, you're going to
regret the day that you sent this
bill to the calendar without going
through the judiciary committee,
because you are going to have to
admit in the end that Morse was
This referred to the battle
which first split the liberal Demo-
crats -'namely when Morse of
Oregon argued that the ciyil rights
bill, passed in the House of Repre-
sentatives, should not be put on
the Senate calendar immediately,
but should go to the Senate Judi-
ciary Committee.
Other liberals argued that if
sent to the Judiciary Committee,
it would be blocked by Chairman
Eastland of Mississippi for weeks,
just as it has been blocked by him
ever since January.
* * *
"I ALSO want to make it very
clear," contiued Anderson, "that
I have no intentiOk of following
the leadership of Knowland of
California through the Senator
of Illinois (Douglas).
"Furthermore, I want to make
it clear that I'll have no part of
the 3 to 1 ratio," said Anderson,
referring to the arrangemnt
whereby three Republicans-Dirk-
sen of Illinois, Case of New Jersey,
and Knowland on one side-met
with only one Democrat, Douglas,
on the other side to discuss civil
rights strategy.
"Some of us tried to get civil
rights passed last winter by chang-
ing cloture," reminded Anderson,
"but we didn't get much help from

Mr. Knowland.
"If he wanted civil rights he
could have started to work for it
then. A good many Republicans
would have joined us in changing
cloture if Knowland had helped.
But he didn't help. So I object to
marching under his banner now.
"I remember," concluded An-
when we did try to do something
on civil rights, Bob Taft would go
over and whisper with Dick Rus-
sell (Georgia) and we would be
"So let's follow our own leader,
not these recent Republican con-
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate Inc.)


Concert Excellent



LAST night the University Sum-
mer Session Band presented a
concert on the Diag which would
have been a treat to almost any'
music lover. The band, although
weak in the reed section, gave a
pleasing performance.
Taking turns on the podium,
guest conductors from seven
states directed the band in an all-
round good performance. Robert
Arthur, Ronald Gregory, Charles
Minelli, and Riehard Berg all did
competent jobs, considering that
they were not used to the band
they were directing.
Special standouts in the list of
guest conductors were David Mat-
tern and Harold Bachman. Mat-
tern directed the concert march,
"Proud Heritage." More than com-
petently handled, the band re-
sponded to him as they did to
none of the others with the ex-
ception of William Revelli and
George Cavender, regular Director
and Assistant Director respective-
Colonel Bachman was adept at
handling his numbers; he also di-
rected "Tympendium," a tympani
solo in three movements with
band accompaniment, featuring
James Salmon of the music school
in one of the truly exceptional
parts of the evening's program.
Superb sticking technique was
exhibited by Salmon, a percus-
sion instructor. His pulsating

strokes seeped through the band
and into the captured audience;
he brought a set of tympani to
life. This was the highlight of the
evening and a joy to listen to.
* * *
GEORGE 'Cavender conducted
the band in "Sarabande and
Bouree' and as will be remembered
from previous Diag concerts he
has complete control of the group.
The volume he elicited from
them gave the band the fullest
sound of the evening and the band
played for him as they did for
no other conductor last night.
"Uncle Henry," also conducted by
Cavender, showed the band to the
best possible advantage, as does
anything he presents.
William' D. Revelli conducted
two Scriabin Etudes, "Prelude and
Chorale," by Bach, "Highlights
from Kurt Weill" and "Golden Ju-
bilee." Under Revelli's direction
the band responded technically as
well as possible, but the feeling
brought forth by Cavender's baton
seemed lacking when the band
was directed by Revelli.
The two Scriabin Etudes were
excellent; the dynamics perfect.
Generally. however, the Revelli
touch just wasn't evident.
Our band concerts are some-
thing of which we can be justly
proud, as a rule. Last night was no
-Le-Anne Toy


It's the Smoke That Counts

HE TOBACCO producers are beginning to
beat the bushes, now that some of the more
unappetizing facets of public health surveys are
being made known.
One can appreciate that these industries are
concerned about reports relating inhalation of
tobacco fumes to the etiology of numberous
respiratory and cardial ailments.
Also a variety of self-styled protectors of
public interests are quick to sieze upon this
opportunity for promoting their anti-tobacco
propaganda. Actually, one begins to suspect
many of the loudest tobaccophobes of more
deep-seated motives than the protection of the
THIS ANTI-TOBACCO philosophy has per-
vaded many legislative bodies. Note how
quickly the tobacco and liquor consumers are
thought of when new taxes seem necessary.
The liquor tax can almost be justified, since
raw untaxed alcohol is so cheap (about sixty
cents a gallon), that people could drink them-
selves into the morgue, if they felt such a need,
for less than a dollar. The high price of alcohol
may really be a life-saver.
Editorial Staff
JOHN HILLYER..........................Sports Editor
RENE GNAM..............................Night Editor

But surely the cigarette tax has at least a
mild punitive aspect. There is no such similar
tax on, for instance, chewing gum, which is said
to fulfill something of the same need.
Unquestionably, the true facts of this situa-
tion are somewhat obscured by the deluge of
propaganda and counter-propaganda coming
from the cancer research organizations, the
tobacco industry, sensationalists on both sides,
and public relations men with assorted com-
IT IS NOT yet known whether the carcinogenic
components of tobacco smoke can be removed
by some treatment or filter without otherwise
impairing tre finer-tasting and cooler-smoking
qualities of this effluvium.
The threshold of tobacco danger is also un-
certain, although the degree of uncertainty is
decreasing as more information is made known
and evaluated. Apparently, light smokers have
little to fear from tars, oils, and other noxious
fumes which accompany pyrolysis of the
chopped leaves of the tobacco plant.
The manufacturers have done very little to
allay our fears, though. Until recently, most
company sponsored research has concerned
such matters of monumental insignificance as
the effects of mentholated smoke upon rabbit
The much publicized filter tips seem to be
accompanied by a noticeable decline in tobacco
quality, with the filter designed to strain out,
along with some minor percentage of the tars,
occasional bits of extraneous matter like stems
oA .nnt. n fa mtna n

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'Fire Down Below Burns Brightly

WHATEVER gods benevolently
oversaw "Fire Down Below"
deserve a vote of thanks. This lat-
est showing at the Michigan has
all the potential for presenting the
worst of the Hollywood cliches.
The names of Jack Lemmon,
Robert Mitchum and Rita Hay-
worth and a tropical setting vir-
tually assure this picture's suce-
cess. So Hollywood could <have
been indifferent to any dramatic
coherency. That the picture con-
veys the tang of high adventure
showers credit on all concerned.
This film could hardly be called
"sensitive." Yet the story doesn't
fly in the teeth of a fairly recent
trend on the part of Hollywood
to nrsent something other than

carrying all sorts of cargo. Some
of this cargo isn't too legal. When
Felix (Robert Mitchum) and Tony
(Jack Lemmon), the two sailors,
decide to ship a new kind of ille-
gal cargo in the form of Irena
(Rita Hayworth), the sparks begin
to fly.
Felix and Irena manage to stir
up a good lusty hate, causing a
rift between Tony and Felix. Tony
falls in love with Irena and wants
to marry her, even though she has
a dubious past.
When Tony goes for one last il-
legal run with the boat, Felix tips
off the Coast Guard. Tony makes
a getaway and is returning on a,
Greek freighter, when the freight-
er rams another ship. In the col-

consistently high level. Rita Hay-
worth returns to the screen after
about three years with all of her
usual allure. Her dancing is some-
thing to behold and her charac-
terization of a world-weary Euro-
pean is nicely turned out.
Robert Mitchum plays a role
similar to the good, tough guy in
"Mr. Allison."
He manages to be rough, like-
able and interesting with a fi-
nesse that is a joy to watch.
In one scene, for instance, he
is tough, coming off a drunk, and
listening to Mozart with the ease
of a professional juggler.
Especially in the second half of
the movie, Jack Lemon manages
to display considerable dramatic


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