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July 19, 1957 - Image 1

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Sixty-Six Years of Editorial Freedom







Judge Rules ut
Acquittal Plea
Defense in Clinton Trial Presents
Emotional Request in Courtroom
KNOXVILLE, Tenn. A)-United States District Judge Robert L.
Taylor yesterday rejected an emotion-charged plea for a directed
verdict of acquittal based on a, defense contention that if the Clinton
segregation trial went to the jury it would become a "cause, celebre."
United States District Attorney John C. Crawford Jr. argued that'
the evidence shows the remaining 10 Clinton defendants met again
and again with New Jersey-born segregation leader John Kasper, 27,
and conspired with him to violate a federal anti-violence injunction.
"No formal agreement is necessary to constitute a conspiracy if,
it is shown that the defendants acted in concert," Crawford said. The
defense motion was based on contentions the government had failed

-Daily-Richard Bloss
.. . capture confusion

Saudi Arabia
Aqaba Gulf
CAIRO (A)-The newspaper Al
Kahira reported from Jidda yes-
terday that Saudi Arabia has be-
gun fortifying the entrance to the
Gulf of Aqaba.
The gulf is Israel's only means
of access from the Red Sea to
its growing port of Eilate.
Egyptian gun positions at the
entrance were silenced by the
Israelis in their invasion of Sinai
last fall and the old gun sites have
been under observation of the
United Nations Emergency Force.
Israeli shipping recently has
used the gulf without being
Ala Kahira Is the Cairo news-
paper considered to have access to
the most reliable sources in the
Saudi government.
Its Jidda report said thet Saudis
are placing guns at the gulf
entrance "since Israel has not
stopped its acts of provocation in
those waters" despite seven Saudi
protests to the UN.
"The Saudi government found
these complaints produced no ef-
fective results," Al Kahira said,
"and the American government
continued to speak of Israeli rights
of navigation in the gulf. Secre-
tary of State Dulles has referred
to presenting the issue to the
world Court, but did not specify
whether this. would be a quick con-
sultation or would take the shape
of a dispute after Israel aggres-
sion had actually taken place in
Arab territorial waters."
If true the reports point up
again the fact that the Saudis
have taken over from the Egyp-
tians the burden of the Aqaba
Gulf issue.
Although the Saudis nominally
claim Tiran and Sinafar islands
at the entrance to the gulf as their
territory, they had not previously
fortified the region.
Since the Israeli attack last fall,
'the :Egyptians have done little to
resume the blockade, while the
Saudis have become increasingly

in its efforts to link the numerous
defendants in a common conspir-
In a lengthy ruling, Taylor said
he had already overruled the de-
fense on points of law, submitted
in pretrial briefs, and now the
"questions of fact" must be con-
sidered by the jury.
He said in his 25-minute sum-
mation he felt the government
had presented evidence that the
accused had violated his injunc-
tion against interference with
court-ordered integration of Clin-
ton High School.
The defendants are charged
with criminal contempt.
Before the day's session began,
defense lawyer Grover S. McLeod
of Birmingham, Ala., told news-
men he had brought his family to
Knoxville and rented a house "for
the duration." He predicted that
if Taylor denied the motion for a
verdict of acquittal, the trial would
last an additional six weeks.
The defense is reported to'have
more than 80 witnesses under sub-
poena but there is considerable
doubt whether the full list will be
In addition, it wa's doubtful that
any of the defendants will be
called to testify. Kasper told news-
men he does not expect. to take+
the witness stand.

Writer Says
Note Reality
Modern writers must learn to
observe the common events, the
routine of everyday life, and re-
cord them in their writings.
We live in an age torn by tra-
dition and new ideas which must
be combined by the modern auth-
or. '1
Yukio Mishima, Japanese novel-
ist, essayist, playwright, yesterday
said Japan is a world of hopeless
confusion influenced by the' East
and the West.
This confusion, the youthful
author said, should be combined
with aspects of everyday life for
successful writings.
Sixth lecturer in the University
summer session series "Asian Cul-
tures and the Modern American,"
Mishima said writers of today en-
joy circulation-readership possi-
bilities far exceeding those of
past authors.
He cited works of several popu-
lar, current Japanese authors and
compared them with European ef-
forts and American works.

Attacks Ike
On Rights
ard Neuberger (D-Ore.) accused
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
yesterday of showing "a lack of
knowledge and a lack of enthu-
siasm" for the civil rights bill now
being fought over in the Senate.
If the legislation "is frittered
away in compromises and weaken-
ing amendments," Sen. Neuberger
declared, the President would be
to blame.
Sen. William Knowland of Cal-
ifornia, Republican leader, de-
fepded the President, saying noth-
ing was to be gained by "partisan
It was the second day in a row
that Northern Democrats support-
ing the bill have criticized Eisen-
hower's attitude.
The criticism came as senti-
ment appeared to be mounting in
the Senate to limit the terms of
the bill to the protection of voting
rights. This could reduce to some
extent the hard core of Southern
Democratic opposition.
Knowland, a leader in the fight
for civil rights legislation, already
is sponsoring one, change in the
pending bill. Without going into
details, he told newsmen yester-
day that undoubtedly other "clar-
ifying" amendments would be of-
Sen. Neuberger told the Senate
that President Eisenhower "has
made infinitely more difficult the
task of those who have hoped,
earnestly and sincerely, that at
last we were to see meaningful
and effective civil right legisla-
tion enacted."
The bill, as it now stands, would
permit theaattorney general to
take the initiative in seeking fed-
eral court injunctions to prevent;
violations of civil rights.
In the case of school integra-
tion at least President Eisenhow-
er indicated he would favor' ac-
tion by the attorney' general only
upon "request from local authori-




Meets With
Offer Made'



Survey To
Of Visitors

Be Made
to China



-Daily-Richard Bloss
DIAG AUDIENCE-Summer Session Band gives concert at end of annual conductors' conference.
U Summer Sso Band Concert
Gets Perfect Weather Good Audience

Children's. Counselor
DrownsIn Huron River

Joseph T. Stevens, 24 yrs. old,
a Michigan Children's Institute
counsellor, drowned last evening
in the Huron River below the
bridge on Highway 23.
He lived at 3285 Ludington,
Washtenaw County Sheriff's of-
fice reported the body was not re-
covered after three hours' drag-
ging and an hour of work by two
skin divers.
Work was stopped at 10:20 p.m.
because of darkness and lack of
air for the skin divers.
Stevens and Gene E. Berbaum,
15104 Cicotte, Allen Park, anoth-
er Institute counsellor, had taken
several boys from the home swim-
ming in the river.
Stevens struck out from the
shore for a small island and ap-
parently was overcome either by
weeds or by the current.
Berbaum swam out to help him,
after one of the boys yelled that-
he was introuble. Berbaum
caught Stevens by the foot, but
Stevens struggled free, apparent-
ly in a state of panic.
Berbaum swam and dove for
"around 20 minutes," he said, be-

Sen. Knowland said he expected
the Senate to start voting Monday
on the highly controversial Sec-
tion 3 of the bill, which would
empower the attorney general to
seek injunctions for the protection
of a broad field of civil rights.
Plotters Held
CAIRO (A')-The Egyptian Mid-
dle East news agency said last*
night 14 men led by former For-
eign Minister Salah el Din have
been arrested and charged with
plotting to kill President Gamal
Abdel Nasser and his Cabinet.
The announcement amounted
to official confirmation of a story
known for several weeks and pub-.
lished abroad recently but given
no public mention here until last
A military court has- been set
up to try the defendants.
The men were rounded up in
April just before they were re-
ported ready to spring an armed
invasion of Nasser's government
offices during a Cabinet session,
assassinatethe entire group and
take over the government.
.Nine former officers and five
civilians are in the accused group.

E Some 500 adults, babies, squir-
rels, robins and students gathered
on the diag on a perfect evening
yesterday to hear the Summer
Sessions Band's first concert.
The presentation capped the
ninth annual National Band Con-
ductors' Conference completed to-
Seven guest conductors drawn
from the conference paced the
band through a variety ranging
from Bach to Broadway pop.
Robert Arthur from University
of Pittsburgh led off with the
spirited "Band Boosters March."
Little-known works lent zest
to the program.
"Symphonic Scenario" directed
by Ronald Gregory of Indiana
University has not yet been pub-
lished. "Toccata" by Frank Erick-
son was fresh and modern in out-
"On the Boulevard" from the
score of "Cinerama Holiday"

t e c h n i cal effects sprinkled
throughout the number.
Colonel Harold Bachman, direc-
tor of bands at University of Flo-
rida who formed "Bachman's
Million Dollar Band" conducted
"The Invocation of Alberich" by
Richard Wagner.
Prof, William D. Revelli, band
director, gave "Melancolique" by
the Russian composer Alexander
Scriabin and a fugue by Bach.
Well received was a medley from
Broadway composer Kurt Weill's
Prof. James Salmon of the mu-

sic school highlighted the pro-I
gram with a tympani solo in three
Size of the audience plainly
called for more band appearances.
Prof. Revelli expressed hope that
a bandshell will be erected in the
near future, probably on North
campus, for a prospect of weekly
Prof. Revelli, who regularly con-
ducts the Michigan Marching
Band, drilled summer session stu-
dents in preparation for the con-

brought out the band's

WASHINGTON ') -- Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles of-
fered yesterday to ease a govern-
ment ban on travel to Red China
to allow "a limited number" of
newsmen to go there for'a six-
month trial period.
Dulles' offer, however.' clearly
failed to satisfy five news execu-
tives who discussed the problem
with him for 95 minutes.
They insisted that Dulles should
not seek to limit the number of
reporters who visit Red China to
report first-hand to the Ameri-
can people.
Main Result
The main result of the meeting
was a State Department decision
to check with American newspa-
pers, news services, magazines,
and radio-television organizations
to find out how many want to
send reporters to Red China.
This survey was decided upon
after a disagreement developed in
the meeting over the number. of
reporters who would want to go
behind the Bamboo Curtain.
Dulles was quoted as believing
"everybody will be trooping over
there." William Dwight, president
of the American Newspape' Pub-
lishers Association, who attended
the meeting, said the news execu=
tives disagreed with this Dulles
'Automatic Cheek'
"Economics will be an automat-
ic check," Dwight said.
Dulles made his offer "in prin-
ciple" to allow some newsmen to
travel to Red China.
Andrew Berding, assistant sec-
retary of state for public affairs,
who reported the Dulles offer aft-
erward, stressed that no specific
plan was presented but that Dulles
discussed "various suggestions."
Dulles has been the brunt of at-
tack by newspaper publishera~
throughout the country since the
initiation of the news ban.
He has been considering a re-
vision for several weeks.


ill with

Critic Cambon Traces
Proteus Myth in Writing
Visiting Italian Critic Glauco Cambon yesterday told how writers
William Butler Yeats and James Joyce came to cope with the myth of
the Greek god Proteus in their writings.
"Yeats," he explained, "is obviously being fascinated by an Irish
equivalent of the Greek myth of Proteus"-'the god of the Sea, the
changing god of the storm and calm, a very elusive god.
The Proteus myth, Cambon told an audience of more than one
hundred in his English department-sponsored lecture, is "dramatically
realized" in Yeats' poetry.

Hoffa Trial

U' Student
Fined for Try
At Exam Theft
Hao-Hang Ho, 20-year-old Uni-
versity summer student who was
caught Wednesday night breaking
into a professor's office, paid a
fine of $15 and costs of $4.30 in
Municipal Court yesterday.
Ho, rooming for the summer at
336 Wilmont St., pleaded guilty
to breaking and entering in the
Enight. -
He is a pre-medical student at
Eastern Michigan College.
When first picked up, he told
officers he was hunting for some-
thing in Prof. F. E. Smith's office
in the Natural Science Building.
Ann Arbor Police reported that
the officers handling the case
thought the story he told so "fan-
tastic" they took him to the sta-
tion for questioning.
At the station he confessed he
had entered the building early in
the everting and waited in a wash-
room until faculty members had
vacated the building.
Then he set about hunting for
! the papers of Prof. Stewart, teach-
P of . nf erimnY.+va .'.-,..


-D~aily-Eric Arnold
..couldn't find body r

Set for 'Jury
month-old bribery-conspiracy tria
of Teamsters Union leader James
R. Hoffa will go to a federal court
jury today.
As lawyers summed up their ar-
guments yesterday, they asked the
jury to decide whether Hoffa was
a victim of some plotting by the
Senate Rackets Committee or had
schemed himself to spy on that!
United States District Judge
Burnita S. Matthews said she
would spend about an hour in-
structing the jury today before
giving it the case.


'Resorts to Trick'
Joyce, according to Cambon, used the myth differently.
the author has almost resorted to some intellectual trick to
batte,"he aidHepointed tot

"You feel1
avoid the

fore calling the Sheriff at 6:40
On arrival at the scene, Sher-
iff's officers called members of the
Ann Arbor Skin Divers Club. The
divers worked for nearly an hour,
at which time their air supplies
gave out.

Speech Research Laboratory Holds Open House'

Milling crowds, and strange sounds were in evidence at last
night's Speech Research Laboratory. open house.
Special films and demonstrating equipment were used in the
analysis and study of speech.
The strangesounds came from nine demonstrations set up
under the direction of Prof. Gordon E. Peterson of the Department
of Speech.
Three rooms were devoted to the demonstrations, beginning
with a view of the human vocal cords seen by the use of a laryngeal
An interesting display was the delayed auditory feedback.
A machine momentarily stopped the sound of the speaker's
voice in his own ear, then fed it back to him after a moment's delay.
Because a human being proceeds to talk only when he has heard
the last sound he utters, such a delay results in humorously slow

Joyce's "Ulysses," claiming it is
"already on the verge of chaos"
attributed to the character of Pro-
Cambon also drew Thomas
Mann and Thomas Wolfe into the
discussion as novelists who were
also aware of the Proteus prob-
lem but who did not go as far with
it as Yeats or Joyce.
"The Proteus theme in Thomas
Mann. is an implied 'criticism of
his society," the Italian critic said,
holding up Mann's last book,
"Felix Krull, The Confidence Man"
as the best representative of this.
No Battle
Wolfe did not battle the Proteus
theme as Joyce did, according to
Cambon, but he did face it, and
the outcome was "valid."
The noted critic, who is familiar
with the literature of five coun-
tries (England, France, Germany,
Italy and the United States), also
noted yesterday that, "in itself, a
poem is a mystery, like a human
Discoursing on education, he
told the English department audi-
ence it is "a process of self-educa-
Plane Crashes
T . AT -T 1


_ Roundup
By The Associated Press
HICAGO-The Chicago Sun-
Times reported last night that
Nathan Leopold, 1924 "thrill slay-
er" of Bobby Franks, will soon be
paroled, but in Springfield, Gov.
William G. Stratton said he has
not made up his mind.
"I haven't given any considera-
tion to the "case and I won't until I
receive the pardon and parole
board's report," Gov. Stratton
LONDON--Israel's Prime Min-
ister David Ben-Gourion said in a
recorded TV interviewlast night
that he may ask the Western pow-
ers for weapons to ".balance" the
submarines Egypt got from Russia.
WASHINGTON - House and
Senate committees both approved
multimillion-dollar pay raise bills
for federal workers yesterday de-
spite an administration protest
that this would feed inflation.
WASHINGTON-The secretary
treasurer of the United Textile
Workers, accused of using union
funds to finance a swank home,
promised Senate rackets probers
yesterday to back a clean-up cam-
paign in the union.
Lloyd Klenert, UHW secretary-
treasurer since 1944, testified he'
would work for elimination of the
practice of lending union funds.
. BOSTON-An Air France trans-

-Daily-Richard BIlos
. . literature lecturer
Pay Incfeased;
Walkout Ends
NEW YORK (M) -- An 88-day
Teamsters strike against the Rail-
way Expre s Agency in seven ma-
jor cities; vas settled yesterday.
T a +cp-+l or,,fr- aca anail


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