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July 18, 1957 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1957-07-18

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U[I$trigatt Dail
Sixty-Seventh Year

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Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers or
the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

URSDAY, JULY 18, 1957


Atomic Weapons 'Policy'
Losing American Prestige

'HE ADMINISTRATION'S atomic weapons
policy - if it can be said to have such a
ling - must be harder for another nation
understand than even the political maneuv-
ing and skullduggery between political par-
es over the budget.
President Eisenhower has said several times
at he favors a friendly exchange of atomic
.formation. His "atoms for peace" propa-
.nda has had wide political publication and
otten him a good deal of publicity.
In another corner of the Administration's
ulti-sided policy, representatives are meet-
.g with other nations in hopes of reaching an
id to testing of atomic weapons and the dis-
ming, to some extent, of the "peaceful" na-
ons of the world.
Meanwhile, back at home, the armed forces
re continuing the testing of atomic weapons,
most as if there were no other concern over
ie matter.
At the same time, the scientists - who, in-
dentally, seem to agree that the fallout from
hese weapons is harmful-are working steadily
ward cleansing the after effects of the atom
nd hydrogen weapon explosions.
DHERE JUST isn't any uniform, understand-
able, sincere policy in the atomic weapons
eld on the part of the Administration.

The United States, which is trying very hard
to retain its dropping status as world leader,
is having to pit its reputation against the con-
flicting policies of its leaders in the ever-criti-
cal eyes of other world powers.
These natons find it impossible to under-
stand the claims of the American government
for cessation of atoms testing and commence-
ment of peacetime atoms uses when this gov-
ernment continues the hazardous testing of
weapons, even at this very time.
Just as puzzling to another nation is the
lack of agreement even among the members
of the Administration itself on these atomic
weapons policies.
As a result, the United States is finding it
still harder to retain prestige as a world leader.
And the Soviet power is gaining on this coun-
try steadily.
Actually, the atoms policies are just a part
l of and a reflection of the entire American for-
eign policy - which is undesciibable. A great
deal more could be accomplished if the present,
Administration would set forth its policies -
as debatable as they may be - and take a
good many firmer stands in world affairs.

Women in the Unwersity?

(Editor's Note: The following article,
"Keep Women out of the University", by
Willie E. Abraham of the University Col-
lege of Ghana, is reprinted from the June
issue of THE STUDENT, a publication
of the International Student Conference,
with which the National Student Associa-
tion is affiliated.)
University College of Ghana
r AM CONVINCED that a good dinner is the
noblest work of man, and a beautiful woman
the noblest work of God. Whereas I have in
my time been acquainted with many a bad
dinner, womanhood has at all times proved
to be of the essence of the good, the true, and
the beautiful. I have even known some athe-
ists converted at sight of a beautiful woman.
It always struck them with apocalyptic force
that there must be a benevolent First Cause to
account for such a profusion of good looks in
one person.
Being born already in love, and having spent
my minority in a fruitless search for the ob-
ject of that devotion, I have come in my ma-
jority to develop a radar-like sense of discern-
ment in all things feminine. The possession
of this is part of my qualification to express
the following arguments about the place of
women. And this is anywhere but in the uni-
versity or the exchequer.
THE VIEW that women should be educated
in the universities has often been based on
certain statements, often advanced as argu-
ments, concerning a mysterious equality of'
men and women. A fallacy exists in calling
these statements arguments. Questions of
truth and falsity, even of right and wrong
morality, differ from questions of argument
and validity, and it is not an argument for
equality to make certain statements alleged
to be true.
When you insist men and women are equal,
what is it that you insist upon? That men and
women should be given equal work, or equal
pay f r equal work? The former absurdity, the
latter wisdom! It is true that a donkey should
le entitled to equal rewards for equal work;
but whether donkeys as well as Smith and
Jones should be admitted to the diplomatic
service is the essential question thht is left
t It is nothing to the point 'to know that some
university. professors are women. No man
doubts that a woman's head contains brains,
though women sometimes hide the fact. But
just as the truth of a statement is no reason
why it should be made (doctors don't go about
telling patients they are dying), so the fact
that some women can succeed in the univer-
sities is no reason why they should be sent
there. Universities were not created because
people could succeed there. No man has yet
suggested that because a woman can be pug-
nacious she should therefore be drafted into the
regular army.
AS A SEX, women are distinguished by the
possession of all that hinders a successful
university education; I mean the possession of
Editorial Staff
JOHN ILLYER..,......................Sports Editor
RENE GNAM.............................Night Editor
1b,4I;C effl

hard common sense, a practical down-to-earth
outlook, a facility in subjecting reason to pas-
sion, an instructive discernment of the truth
which short-cuts all reasoned and systematic
inquiry. Virtues all of them no doubt, but
hardly suitable for a successful university ca-
All women wish to argue. Few trouble tQ
make sure that they are presenting arguments
rather than making appeals. Fewer still trouble
to ascertain what precisely it is that they show
so much anxiety to defend. Others with a
strange kind of ,modesty content themselves
with merely repeating the little they have to
say as though to. take their position it is only
necessary to understand one or two statements.
All fail to make it clear to themselves whether
they wish to prove a fact or make a recom-
A UNIVERSITY education does positive harm
to women. It utfits them for the work
which is theirs! in after-school life. A uni-
versity education diminishes their femininity.
It unsexes them, unfitting them for married
life, a state to which their most important con-
tribution is their femininity. A university wo-
man is a cross between the sexes, like an angel,
bust entirely divested of an angel's virtues. Too
clever, too scholarly, too free-minded, too
opinionated, she spends, at great expense,her
girlhood acquiring something she calls a liber-
al mind, carefully cultivating in the process
all those elegant and expensive habits, smoking
and beer-drinking included, which break the
heart of every bread-winner.
She substitutes everything studied and af-
fected for everything natural and ingrained,
and begins at the twilight of her youth to lay
snares for ecitable young men on the strength
of her dilapidated charms. She brings home
all the ills of delayed motherhood. She has
robbed the family coffers, never to replenish
them, and has been a continual source of
distraction and mental agony to serious male
students. And now that she has ended up as
a wife, she must still exercise that fund of
coquetry which the superfluity of men in the
university community has helped her to create.
As a wife, she is too free with other men, and
calls this eccentricity the mark of a liberal
D0 NOT TELL ME that her university edu-
cation has enabled her man to hold con-
verse with her. A university education is a
most extravagant qualification for housewifery,
and if so much of other people's money is
spent on a woman only to enable her to chat-
ter in a high-falutin' strain with her husband,
then to give a university education to a woman
becomes a crime. It is not even true that a
man befriends his wife. No man converses' with
his wife if he can help it. A man would rather
spend his 'leisure reading thanuspend it
listening to opinions which he thinks he can-
not treat with any seriousness.
It is even false that a university education
enables one to converse, delightfully. The best
scholars have not always been best at con-
versation, and in fact a university education
tends to ruin a man's ability, to converse. It
disposes him to a love of exactitude and de-
tail which are contrary to the rules of polite
conversation, where a fastidiousness, over ex-'
actitude and detail is always uncultured.
A UNIVERSITY education for women con-
stitutes a hindrance to the welfare of so-
ciety, sabotaging many of those important
items which all men cherish. It has been said
that it is a woman's privilege to change her
mind. I hope that some of the considerations

Future 1
Associated Press Foreign News Analyst
'THE LOGIC of Soviet political
af fairssuggests that Defense
Minister Georgi Zhukov may well
be slated for an important promo-
tion in the Soviet government
Possibly he will be named a first
deputy premier. In the longer run
-perhaps after a supreme Soviet
meeting-there's a chance he may
be considered for the post of pre-
Nikita Khrushchev last week
fired four first deputy premiers-
V. M. Molotov, Lazar Kagano'vich,
M. Z. Saburov and M. G. Pervuk-
Only two first deputy premiers
remain in office-Anastase Miko-
yan and Joseph Kuzmin, chief of
the state planning commission.
THE FIRST deputy premiers
and the premier form a body
known as the Presidium of the
Council of Ministers - a group
empowered to take action for the
entire Soviet Cabinet.
In the last two years there have
been five or six first deputy pre-
miers. All except Kuzmin were
full members of the Presidium of
the Central Committee of the
Communist Party.
Thus there are several vacan-
cies in the ranks of first depu-
ties. Zhukov as a full member of
the party Presidium and head of
the most important ministry in
the country is an obvious candi-
In further perspective the posi-
tion of Premier Nikolai Bulganin
seems shaky. There have been in-
dications from Moscow that Bul-
ganin in the recent Kremlin show-
down may have been somewhat
less than stalwart in his support
of Khrushchev, who put him in
that job.
IF KHRUSHCHEV decides the
time has come for Bulganin to
step down, Marshal Zhukov would
be a highly eligible candidate.
Since Zhukov is no figurehead
or front man like Bulganin such
a promotion would give him great
One of the questions is whether
Khrushchev would be willing to
share his authority in the Soviet
leadership with Zhukov. But there
are good indications that in fact
he already does.
Detailed and repeated reports
of the Kremlin showdown stress
that Zhukov saved Khrushchev
from his enemies, Molotov, Mal-
enkov and Kaganovich.
Zhukov reportedly voiced Soviet
army support for Khrushchev and
this fact carried immense weight
in the ultimate outcome.
Thus it seems likely that
Khrushchev owes, Zhukov an im-
mense politicaldebt.
So far in every major political
crisis of the post-Stalin period,
the party leadership has called
on Zhukov for army support and
received it. In each case Zhukov
subsequently received an impor-
tant promotion.
The Daily Official Bulletin 1s an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michi-
gan Daily assume no editorial re-

sponsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN' form to Room
3519 Administration Building, be-
fore 2 p.m. the day preceding
publication.. Notices for Sunday
Daily due at 2:00 p.m. Friday.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fri., Sept. 20. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than Sept. 11.
The University Summer Session pre-
sents "Bhaskar and Sasha," the well
known Indian dance team in andance
recital of authentic Indian dances at
Hill auditorium at 8:00 p.m. on Fri.,
July 19. All seats are reserved. Tickets
are available at the Hill Box Office.
Applications for Engineering Re-
search Institute Fellowships to be
awarded for the fall semester, 1957-
1958, are now being accepted in the
office of the Graduate School. The sti-
pend is $1,125 per semester. Application
forms are available from the Graduate
School. Only applicants who have been
employed by the Institute for at least
one year on at least a half-time basis
are eligible. Applications and support-
ing material are due in the office of
the Graduate Schol not later than
4:00 p.m., Mon., Aug. 19, 1957.
Speech Research Laboratory Open
House: Thurs., July 18, from 7:30 to
10:00 p.m. Open House in the Speech
Research Laboratory, 2006 Angell Hall,
with Dr. Peterson and his staff show-
ing speech films and demonstrating
equipment used in the analysis and
study of Speech.
Glauco Cambon, visiting Italian crit-
ic, will lecture on, "Fight with Proteus:
Yeats, Joyce, Mann, and Wolfe" at
4:10 p.m., Thurs., July 18. in Aud. C,

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"Ah, Well, It's An Ill Wind-"

WASHINGTON - One of the
most skillful jobs of Senate
maneuvering in years has been
done by Sen. Dick Russell of
Georgia and Southern leaders in
the civil rights debate.
Even before this week's vote to
take up the bill, they had come
close to arranging private deals
by which they should win about
90 per cent of their points.
Southern leaders still have two
opponents: Vice-President Nixon'
on one side, and an embattled
group of Northern Liberals led by
Sen. Paul Douglas of Illlnois on
the other.
Nixon, who sees the huge bloc
of Negro votes almost within Re-
publican grasp; is determined that
there be no throw-away on civil
rights. As a result he has aroused
the undying enmity of Southern
They say privately that they
can get along with Nixon's fellow
Californian, Bill Knowland. Only
last January Knowland voted with
them on the ending of filibusters,
and they exp'ect him to compro-
mise now.
But Nixon is tougher. The bit-
terness against him is intense,
Irony is that the Liberal Demo
crats, including Douglas, McNa-
mara of Michigan, Clark of Penn-
sylvania, Pastore of Rhode Island,
Neuberger of Oregon, now find
themselves led by a man 'they
have always opposed, Senator
Or if he compromises, thenthey
may have to go over to Nixon, a
man they have opposed even more.
For years they fought for civil
rights when the going was really:
tough. Now "they find the play
taken away from them by GOP



M err.-


INCREDIBLE as it may seem, the
Little Theater people have trans-
pierced the veil of Percy and
Denham's cloying play-surrogate
"Ladies in Retirement" and ar-
rived at a generally apt and occa-
sionally spellbinding performance.
Indeed, they have transmogri-
fled this Gothic potpourri (accent
on pot) into generally effective
drama of uncommon interest.
"Ladies in Retirement" has all
the trappings of traditional con-
temporary British horror play:
balmy old women, tawdry servant
girls, dishonest youths, faded act-
resses, and what have you. With-
out undue elaboration, the crucial
events in this tragicomic invention
are the following:
Ellen Creed, a quiet but willful
old spinster, brings her two balmy
sisters, Louisa and Emily, to stay
at the country home of rich re-
tired actressLeonora Fiske. When
Leonora tires of the two old
ghouls, Ellen does her in, rather
than see her two relatives sent
off to Bedlam.
Albert Feather, nephew and
wastrel, arrives on the set to hide
out from the police and make out
with Lucy, a tawdry servant girl
who would listen to soap opera in
the privacy of her wretched cubi-
cle 'if she dared. Albert deduces
the crime, and verifies his suspi-
cions by confronting Ellen with
Lucy dressed in Leonora Fiske's
shawl and bonnet. Ellen faints
uponseeing this spectre. Albert
now has a prima facie case, and
intends blackmail.
* * *
Fiske, and Robin Hall as Ellen
Creed make much of their roles,
especially in a scene from Act I,
when they quarrel over the two
sisters. This is well managed. Mer-
cer is in good form in a serious
role, while Robin emerges as an

effective protagonist in Acts II
and III.
Bette DeMain and Gertrude
Slack are realistically balmy, al-
though they seem occasionally
uncertain of who is Emily and
who is Louisa. Russ Aiuto plays
the cockney Albert Feather with
a quasi-Southern accent which be-
comes acceptable with time.
Helga Hover plays a curiously
Germanic Lucy Gilham. Sister
Theresa, whom I forgot to men-,

tion in the protactic paragraph,
is played by Janice Bruckner,
competently. Maitland's set is
It is the overall high quality of
acting displayed which recom-
mends this production. The leading.
characters all give performances
well worth seeing, especially the
tristigmatose Ellen of Robin Hall
and the trachyphonic Leonora of
Marian Mercer.
-David Kessel

India's Hollywood



AWARA" (The Vagabond), In-
dia's contribution to the
Cannes Film Festival, is essen-
tially sentimental propaganda for
slum clearance. The theme -
criminals are not born, they're
Environment's triumph over
heredity - is an old issue to most
Americans who have been clearing
their slum areas for at least a
couple of years. Old or not I sus-
pect it's a pretty vital issue in In-
dia right now.
The story is about a boy named
Raj who grows up in the slums
of India. He tries to shun tne
pressing temrptations of his envir-
onment.. but he can't. After years
of prison and crime, lie winds up
on trial for the attempted murder
of a judge. Raj is defended by the
judge's ward, Rita. She is a lady
lawyer and in love with Raj, of
course. The film is therefore
mostly one long flashback, as we
watch Raj fight off his environ-

propaganda, the
plishments are in

is sentimental
film's accom-
its form. First,

America A.ll Tied Up

the cutting between sequences is
abrupt. No one goes from one
place to another. Instead he is
just there.
The action is complex and
eventful. Director Kapoor cut
from the heart of one action scene
to the heart of the next scene. No
walking from place to place, no
shaking hands; no getting in and
out of cars. (American newsreels
could take a tip from this).
Second, there is an unusual in-
tegration of a lavish dream se-
quence, strictly out of a musical,
right in the middle of this serious
drama. Actually, the dream chore-
ographically shtws the young
lovers Raj and Rita on trial before
their gods, one of whom repre-
sents mercy and sublimity and
the other Dantean hell.
After much dancing through
oceans of thick cloud effects and
flashpots of fire, the lovers are
apparently about to be judged be-
fore the god over the whole busi-
ness when Raj wakes up. As far
as I know American films have
not attempted to integrate music
in a serious drama without giving
the audience plenty of advance
warning. This was a pleasant sur-
Third, there were two or three
Indian equivalents to Rock and
Roll songs. In other words the In-
dian music which is traditionally
rhythmic was generously melodic
too. The lovers sang a romantic
duet, loosely entitled "Oh Gentle
Moon, Don't Hide From Me."
It wouldn't be nuch of a song
if it were only melodic or only
rhythmic, but the combination is
* * *
THE FILM is generally about 20
years old by Hollywood standards.
, The shading definition is abrupt
and the production is jerky. The
Indian company has adopted sev-
eral of Hollywood's worst habits.
For instance, the basic appeal
tends toward sensual stereotypes.
Rita is Nargis, India's First Lady
of the Screen. She is very beauti-
ful. Raj is very handsome, so is
the judge for that matter. The
judge is a millionaire. He owns a
Maharajah-type palace; but in-
stead of being entirely Indian in
design, it is cluttered up with all
sorts of European statuary and
Rococo frills.
And music was often used as a
substitute for dialogue to express
The freshest contribution any
country can make to the motion
picture art is to produce a story
indigenous of its people and in a

MEANWHILE, here are the
shrewd moves made by Southern
leaders to strip the civil rights bill
down to a skeleton even before the
real debate got started.
1. Jury trial - Sen. Lyndon
Johnson of Texas has a jury-tr'ial
amendment just about tied up 'in
blue ribbons. A good many Repub
licans and several Northern Demo-
crats are secretly ready to wipe
out trial-by-judge in case a judge's
injunction is violated, and substi-
tute trial-by-jury-in many cases
2. Other civil rights - This i
Section 3 of the bill which em-
braces all civil rights, not merely
voting rights, and would include
the enforcement of school deseg-
President Eisenhower and Geor-
gia's Dick Russell have now cut a
lot of support from this part of
the bill.
After Dick told the Senate this
would permit the Federal govern-
ment to force segregation on the
south with bayonets, the Presidenti
announced that he didn't "parti-
cipate in drawing up the exact
language of the proposals" and
that his only objective was "to
prevent anybody illegally from in-
terfering with any individual's
right to vote."
EISENHOWER obviously wasn't
familiar with his own power as
President; nor hadn't read the
civil rights 'bill which has been
under consideration in congress foar
two years and under active debate
f or nine months.
He didn't know, among other
things, that as President he has
always the right to send troops
into any part of the United States,
and that in this half century other
Presidents have sent them into
portions of the south.
Ike's confusioi about the "exact
language" of the bill has bolstered
Russell's charge that the.bill is
"an example of cunning draughts-
manship," and has helped another
proposed compromise.
Many northern leaders now
agree that the bill should ziot pass
unless it makes clear that military
power will not be used to enforce
civil rights.
All this happened before the
civil rights bill itself came up for
(Copyright 1957 by Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
to the editor
(Editor's Note: Letters to the Edi-
tor must be signed, in good taste, and
not more than 300 words in length.
The Daily reserves the right to edit
or withhold letters from publication.)
Taste Questioned..
To the Editor:
MAY I QUESTION the taste of
your paper in allowing the ad-
vertising copy from radio station
WHRV to appear in its present
,form? If one of two persons run-




Associated Press News Analyst
UNLIKE the centipede, which
seems to have no trouble in
making use of its legs, the United
States is always getting its many
arms and legs mixed up.
For many years now the Army
has been reorganizing to use fewer
men in smaller divisions with,
atomic arms. Cuts in personnel
have taken place, and another has
just been announced.
Such reorganization is not merely
a military measure. It has domes-
tic political connections, involving
government expense.
It has diplomatic connections,
with regard to the American posi-
tion on disarmament and the de-
ployment of forces around the
world as a deterrent to war.
As a diplomatic measure, the
government recently decided to
abandon Japan as a combat base
and withdraw American troops.
As a military measure, it was
decided that one of the divisions
from Japan should replace an-
other which 'has been deployed
along the armistice line in Korea.

deterrent. Two pentomic divisions
in Korea are formal notice that if
the Reds resume the war there,
it will be atomic war, even though
"massive retaliation" might be
In the propaganda war, how-
ever, the Reds are claiming, de-
spite their record of perfidy, that
it is the Allies who have abro-
gated the armistice by denouncing
the clause which sought to freeze
the size, of forces and types of
weapons to those in use at the
end of shooting.
ARRIVAL of atomic arms in
South Korea gives them something
more to cry about. So authorities
are wondering whether troubled
waters should be further stirred
at such a time.
It's small complications of this
type which the United States faces
constantly. They are due to a pos-
ture which has been forced upon
her by Communist expansionism.
She is constantly trying to pro-
mote pecae. Her military deploy-
ment is designed to deter war.
Always in the background, how-
eri, s tht -ceantit1 +hat+if war,

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